Brady completed his fourth cycle of chemotherapy yesterday! Thats one third of the way done! Woop woop!
Yes. One third. Originally we were told it would be 6-12 cycles, but when I mentioned that to my doctor, she lovingly sent us a letter from a good while back now from Brady’s systemic oncologist, indicating she very much intends to do the full years worth. While I wish we had been informed of her decision when she made it, at least we know now, and onward we go. At least we know what we’re looking at now.
At this point, we’ve noticed a few side effects from the chemotherapy. While Brady is hardly taken down by things you’d expect (ie: nausea, severe fatigue) he has noted a change in his throat. We knew it was a possibility, and its small so far, but there is a change.
Food gets stuck in Brady’s throat now. Not all foods. But, I guess you could call them sticky foods? So far, the most noticeable culprit is macaroni and cheese. Yes yes, I know, KD is bad for you anyway, we’re aware. But it happens sometimes that its what we eat, and when we do, Brady has to take a drink every two bites or so, otherwise it all builds up and he has a full feeling in his chest.
This is small. But the possibility that it could grow in the next eight months is there. We’ve been informed that some people go through chemotherapy and spend the rest of their lives eating a semi-solid diet. That is not Brady’s ideal, obviously. So we pray God’s protection and keep pressing on!

That is truly the only change we’ve noticed. Brady is completely himself, whether on or off chemo. God knows what we need. He hasn’t left us yet, and I don’t imagine He will. So we roll…