Our new hire, Productive Hailey, is still floating around on a part-time basis, checking things off the list of to-dos. She took the trees down from above the cabinets, even though they usually stay up all winter. Productive Hailey is a go-getter, apparently.

After that, she also finally took down the paper chains from Brady’s chemo party last year, and the Happy Birthday sign from Jaxon’s birthday in November. I want it cleaned up in here. And conveniently, Productive Hailey takes coffee for payment! My counselling appointment for this afternoon was rescheduled, so that leaves even more time for some healthy balance between rest and readiness.
Readiness for….. 🤷🏼♀️ Who the heck knows.
I tend to hire Productive Hailey on and off, but only part time. Honestly, she’s more of a casual worker. She’s a temp. There it is. A temp. I hire her usually in January. I hire her when my anxiety is high, or I’m more worried than usual. I hire her when there are big changes, such as with Brady’s health, or maybe the house.
This time around, Productive Hailey is mostly on the clock because of the impending month ahead, and I don’t want to struggle harder than necessary. Regarding the food prep, anyway. I also have a LOT of house stuff on my mind. Ask anyone who is close to me. If moving starts to actually feel possible, or close, or even this year, I want to be purging and cleaning and ready to sell this house at a moments notice! So I think the tidying and purging comes from that. Aaaaand all the underlying weight we carry off of the blog.
Today holds actually packing up the trees that came down, as well as chopping up a bunch of veggies for the week, making pizza buns, and doing laundry. And someday soon, I need to gut my big freezer. So. Many. Empty. Boxes. Its such a mess. Aaaaanyway.
Good thing we have Productive Hailey on payroll.
And her cute sidekick, Ready for Whatever Wavy!

Though, let’s be real. While I’ve been blogging, Productive Hailey doesn’t done a single thing. Slacker.