Celebration Weekend 2024

It’s been a really lovely day out here at the lake. We couldn’t go Friday, but we got up at balls o’clock and made it to camp by 9! The fun of celebration weekend began right away, and the party kept on going until after 10pm. Unfortunately, the power didn’t want to join us, and we have been without electricity for way too long. I really hope our fridge food survives 😬🤞 

The day was a huge success 🥰 the kids played all day. We ate great food provided by the camp. And the blanket I made for the auction sold for so much more than I anticipated. It’s been lovely 💜 

While I really wish we had electricity, I’m doing my best to look past that and enjoy what I DO have. And it’s a whole lot of beautiful things. I’m so fortunate. Thank you Lord 💜