Neither Brady or I have seen Dr. Mike since around Christmas, and we both really really needed to. Brady went first and cracked like crazy. He said he felt amazing immediately afterwards, and still does. I told him how much worse my leg has been, and that I’m at a total loss with it. He did my treatment, paying special attention to that blasted leg, and then we talked about more that I can do to help myself out. Yes, I do still plan to seek out a physiotherapist, but in the meantime, I’m so thankful he had exercises and advice for me! I have to say, I’m not exactly looking enormously pregnant yet. Definitely some, but nothing too crazy. However, my centre of gravity is waaay off already!!! I wants me to do squats, and he made me do them until I got them perfect. Let me tell you, not only am I mildly self conscious squatting directly beside a man who is there to critique me, but also, I’m wildly out of shape, and squatting ten times before getting it right took the wind out of me!! But he assured me that squats are one good way to strengthen some muscles that “need some fixing up,” as he so politely put it. Basically, I’m out of shape. I’m allowed to be, but its doing me in. I hope they work for me. He also mentioned that I need to “sit actively.” I understand this, definitely, but its like someone saying I should never ever relax. Ever. I don’t love the idea of actively sitting for the next 20 weeks, but I guess thats what I’ve got! I’ll do whatever needs to be done if it means I can still be walking at the end of the day. All in all, I had a super informative appointment, and am pretty sore now. Serves me right for waiting so long in between appointments. Especially when we moved and I was quite so bad off! My bad, my bad.
Once we were done at Dr. Mikes, we headed to Montana’s for supper. Kids eat free on Tuesdays! We ate SO MUCH! It was so delicious! We usually just eat get our meal, but we treated ourselves to a started of fried pickles, which were unbelievable, as always. Brady got his burger, I got my pasta, Deks and Laela got their grilled cheese and fries, and Rowan got the baby plate of mashed potatoes and broccoli, which he loved. It was delicious and successful and really, really nice. It was a good day to celebrate 😀
The big ones were a little bit sad when they had to go to bed, but we made it fun and they recovered and did fine. Rowan is SO ready for bed, but he’s actually taking his milk really well right now, mostly because he’s practically sleeping through it, so we’re feeding him as much as possible!! And then to the hot tub!! To rest our achy selves, and just to relax. Because its nice.
And tomorrow will be nice too 🙂