Rowan’s Close Call

We got a good scare yesterday at the beach. Our first ever, and we praise God that it ended as well as it did. But goodness. I did not care for it. Not one bit.

We were at the beach for an evening swim with our friends. It was a last minute decision to go for a short stretch at the beach. The water isn’t especially deep up to the dock, so life jackets weren’t a priority in this case. They only wear them when they’re going out past the docks, which none of our kids planned on doing.

Everyone was having a good time together when a small floaty toy got away from the kids. Rowan came and asked if he could retrieve it in a kayak. It was past the docks, but it was just beside the boats, so it was mere feet past our usual cutoff. So I okayed it.

And I shouldn’t have.

Rowan misjudged how close he needed to be. He leaned far out of his kayak to reach the toy, and over he went. Brady saw it the moment it happened. He alerted me that Rowan had flipped his kayak. And sure enough, there he was, clinging to his upside down kayak for dear life, screaming for help.

And then he went under.

I was already running. Now, I cannot swim. Not well, at least. Definitely not well enough to save someone who was drowning. But what else was I going to do??

As I ran, Rowan sprung out of the water, having jumped off the bottom of the lake. He caught a breath and immediately went right back under. Not a single sound. He definitely could NOT touch.

I kept running, pushing myself through the water as fast as I could. Avery was beside me, in her life jacket, swimming like crazy toward Rowan. I’m sure he was only under for seconds at a time but it felt like an eternity. He wasn’t coming up as often as he should’ve been.

I finally reached him and praise God, I could touch, and I grabbed him up out of the water without putting us both in harms way. He got his head above water, was dead silent for a couple seconds before he started howling and spitting and just crying and crying. It was like a newborn baby’s first cry.

He koala beared me, and we walked slowly back to the beach. He was terrified and so was I. I was trying to drag the kayak back alongside us, but Avery quietly said “leave the boat, I have it” and I did. I don’t even know if I thanked her. Thank you, Avery. You were brave.

So was Rowan. We clung hard to each other for a good while once we were out of the water. Brady wrapped us in towels and we just reassured Rowan and thanked the Lord for his safety. At one point, he mourned the loss of his sunglasses that had fallen off his hat. Well you had better believe those kids all got together and sent out a search party, eventually recovering both Rowans sunglasses, and a sheet of cough candies that escaped my pocket.

Rowan was so frightened. He stayed VERY close to me for the rest of the evening, and this morning, he opted out of playing in the water. I don’t blame him. But he’ll be back 💜

Thank you, dear Lord, for protecting sweet Rowan at the lake. I don’t know what we would do without that boy in our family.

I am so relieved and grateful for Your mercy.

The Last Day

It has been yet another beautiful day 💜 

There was sun and cloud and fun and rest and food and peace and laughs

I am overwhelmed with gratefulness for this place 💜 

We go home tomorrow after a long stay here. I love camp. I love time. Praise God for an oasis no matter which direction we move in. 


Our Boat Ride

We had a really beautiful day recently and I haven’t been able to blog about it! So out of total fear of it being completely lost, I’m posting about it today 💜

It began on the beach. Some struggly attitudes turned into snuggly attitudes and it felt like a very real win. Lots and lots of close time with my kids! Specifically the boys that day. 

We enjoyed some lunch at the campsite, and noticed the chestnuts are starting to show up. They’re so pokey to peel still! 

We didn’t last at the site long before we were all just eager to get back to the beach. 

Upon arriving at the beach, our family was swept away for a much anticipated boat ride! A friend of ours out here promised a while ago to take us for a ride, but conditions and timing have worked against us and it just hasn’t happened yet. But on this day, it did 💜 It was the perfect day to be out in the water. So so beautiful. 

A pretty perfect group of passengers too, if I do say so myself! 

We soaked up our ride and toured all over the lake, the hidden bays, the island, etc. It was sad to come back. Except then it totally wasn’t because we had some BEAUTIFUL people floating around our site, waiting for our arrival! 

You guys were what was missing this day!

We LOVE our people 💜 and we are SO grateful for our experiences here. Thank you Lord!  

Full, Fun, Food, Friends

I want to tell you all about picking the kids up from camp, but it’s been such a full day of fun, I’m pooped and have very little gumption to write anything long. 

Rather, I’ll tell you that together with our dear friends, we had a wiener roast to close up the evening. 

Distorted but still good! 👌

A LOT of beautiful faces were present 💜 I love this group so so much. 

We ate a good supper of hot dogs and cheese balls. Some of the kids were jazzed. Some were half asleep. There was a solid mix. 

But no one lasted especially long, and we said goodnight knowing we’d see one another tomorrow. I’m so grateful. 

It was a beautiful, full, fun day 💜 Thank you Lord!

A Day of Sky

The sky was all over the place today. 

Yes. I said it. Sky. All over the place. As usual. But what I clearly meant to say was that the sky CHANGED multiple times today! 

This morning, it was light and clouded over. It was still bright out and very very still. It was terribly pleasant. 

In the early afternoon, it was beautifully blue with wispy white clouds. 

This evening, there was a storm warning. I went down to the water to take pictures off the dock, as I do most days, and the sky was absolutely breathtaking. I LOVE a good storm, so the clouds rolling in were so beautiful to me. 

And then just over an hour later, it was blowing and dark. Foreboding is a good word. 

Now, the rain is coming down, and we are safely tucked away for the night. What a perfect way to close off the day!

Party of Seven

It was a VERY cute day 💜 With most of the kids at camp, and Cher coming to spend the day, our group of seven had a very relaxed time together! 

We had a fire after breakfast, and then hit the beach. It was a little windy and chilly but we still had fun! We picnicked our lunch at the beach but made our way up shortly thereafter. Sadie played with Wavy for the bulk of the day while Dekker built a car that Stacy had brought for him to work on. The kids were happily occupied all day, and the rest of us spent lots of time visiting. 

There was a break in the day when the Dahlsjo’s asked to take Dekker and Wavy out for ice cream! They had fun and so did we! 

The day wrapped up around a fire, and with the kids excitedly packing up for a sleepover at the Dahlsjo’s camper 💜 They are THRILLED, and I’m not mad at it either 😆 Thank you, Stacy, for being so gung ho to have them. 

It was a really enjoyable day. I am so grateful. 

And Then There Were Four

It has been a truly believe day 💜 It began with rain, muffins, and friends. 

The morning was wished away while the kids anticipated 3:00pm – camp registration! They jumped around and played like maniacs for a couple of hours until it was finally time to start gathering up the odds and ends for camp. 

We got to registration only a few minutes early and got to confirm that the kids were in fact paired up as we had requested! The girls were together, and all three boys even got together!! Win!! They all eagerly lined up, signed up, and hauled out! The setup is a little bit trickier so unfortunately Brady isn’t able to tuck anyone in, but he was still present and gracious and excited along with everyone! 

Everyone was safely settled at camp, and we got out of there just as the festivities were about to begin! The rest of us and the Dahlsjo’s totalled to six, so we spent the evening together! Brady and Sadie cooked. Dekker and Wavy crafted and watched Scooby Do. Stacy and I visited and kept the fire alive. And we all really enjoyed each other’s company. 

Here is to a few days with way fewer kids and a totally different dynamic! 

All the Festivities

I had a really lovely birthday a couple of days ago. I’ve been meaning to respond to all the messages on Facebook but I haven’t gotten there yet 😬 Please forgive me. I’m terrible at correspondence at the lake. Which I think is “right.” So I’m going with it. But hear me say I am so grateful I had such a beautiful birthday. 

Meanwhile, at home, I have been blessed with celebration as well 💜 

Had you heard that Im so cool??😎

I’m terrible at removing decorations when the time comes, so these will live on longer than necessary 😆 I did have to undo the bathtub balloons tho. Not immediately…

She also provided cake and pizza pre-birthday, which I will never ever turn down! 

The decor was pre-birthday, courtesy of Cher 💜 And a birthday date with Brady is still on its way, as it had to be rescheduled thanks to the endless sickness in our family. Booooo! But I’ll tell you more about that day when we’re home and it’s happened! I’m SO excited!! 

I felt loved and celebrated over the last couple of days. And still today, not at all about a birthday, but just about good love 💜 

I’m very grateful for my people and all they put into me 💜💜💜 thank you, all. I see you. 

A Bit More Birthday

My birthday supper was probably the best detail of the day 🤤 Brady bought a huge salmon filet and grilled it up slowly on our camp chef. To the side, we rocked some roasted broccoli. That was ALL we needed! Brady, Cher, and I ate like royalty! 

My night could have been better but it also could absolutely have been worse! The three of us enjoyed the campfire and coffee before getting the kids up and getting on with the day. It because clear early on in the day that it needed to be a beachy one. Not because it was hot. Because it was grey. 

Cher and the kids sculpted animals in the sand 🐙🐢 

Some of the kids, that is. Others were overtired and opted to lay low 😆

I took a load off and continued to covet the boats on the dock. 

We headed back to the site for some lunch and rest time. At that point, I was feeling quite fed up with my lack of voice (thanks for nothing, month long cold) and decided it would be nice to sneak another food treat once most kids were tucked away. So we picked up Asian at the local restaurant! 

Ok, Brady got a burger. But Cher and I both chose shrimp chow mein. Because we know what a good thing is.

We ate, and took our time chatting and letting our food settled. It wasn’t long after lunch that Cher bid us adieu and headed home 💜 It was SO good to have her here! We miss you already, Cher! 

We tried to head back to the beach for a little, but we got rained out and the kids were not fans. So it didn’t last, unfortunately. But it was beautiful while it lasted. 

Now, the fire is going, the sun is out, and the kids are biking the loops and enjoying themselves. Everyone is content, so I am also. 

I hope the same for you all 💜

Another Year

Today is my birthday. I’m 34 today. While I’m not as crazy about aging as I wish I was, I’m grateful for today 💜 

I’m grateful to be at camp. 

I’m grateful for the rain overnight and on and off throughout the day, making it smell fresh and feel comfortable and cool. 

I’m grateful Cher made it up to join us 💜 

I’m grateful for coffee, and rum and Coke. 

I’m grateful for thoughtful gifts from everyone around me. 

I’m grateful for lots of rest time around the fire. 

I’m grateful for firewood to chop and burn. 

Im grateful that the word ”burn” looks like ”bum.”

I’m grateful for yummy appies and supper chosen specifically for me. 

I’m grateful to be surrounded by loved ones, with the promise of seeing more people I love in the coming days and weeks. 

I’m grateful to have had another year of life. I am truly happier in my life than I have ever been, and Brady says exactly the same 💜

God is good. ALL the time.