Unlimited Funds

Thats the dream, right? For Wavy it is, at least!

Waverly’s latest love is planning all the things that will bankrupt her in the future 😆 Anything cool that she sees – pretty cars, quads, animals, motorcycles, skid steers, you name it – she’s going to buy one when she grows up. Its endless, and its become a bit of a running joke around here.

The other day, I challenged her on it.

Where are you getting all your money, Wavy?
Ummm… my store.
What store are you working at?
Oh! And they’re paying you that much?
So you’re going to just have unlimited funds, hey?

I’m glad to hear that Zak’s will still be thriving in Waverly’s adult life!

Its frustrating how much it costs to be a grown up. Especially nowadays. We are still actively in search of a second vehicle for Brady to take to work so I’m not completely stranded.

We are looking for a minivan with dual sliding doors and stow and go seats, so Brady is able to keep his chair fully assembled, and get it out of the van from right behind him, saving him from walking on the ice in winter.

At the same time, we are still actively hunting for the next possibility of a home that suits our life better. It helps a TON that the kids are aging and can do more around here, but we know this home is temporary, and the longer we wait, the harder moving will be. But God knows that even better than we do 💜

We are looking for a lot that is a little larger than any of the new ones currently developed on our side of town. Yet, we don’t want to leave our neighbourhood if we could at all help it 💜 If we did have to, our ideal would be moving just slightly out of town, where we could build a large bungalow without worrying about tight property restrictions. So if you know of anyone thinking about subdividing small parcels of land, please be in touch with me!

God knows what we need. He knows we do not have unlimited funds like Waverly 😉 He knows where we will land. And for now, we have everything we need. And for that, we are incredibly grateful. Thank you, Lord.

Welcome Back Breakfast 2022

The Welcome Back Pancake Breakfast has been resurrected at school, and I am SO happy!! I really, really missed it through those crappy covid stretches, and now its baaaaack!!

Brady was able to go into work a little late today so we could all go together as a family 💜

We were among the first families to arrive, which is ideal for the sake of seating. It is waaay easier to get the end of a table for the sake of Brady’s chair, and we got it!

The kids ate pancakes and ham and drank their school tang until they were all grossly overfull…

…and then we took a lap of the school to snoop into each kids classroom! It was actually clearly stated that families were encouraged to go see their kids classrooms, which seems small, but feels monumental after not being allowed in the school previously. So we took full advantage!

Dekker’s class has tables rather than desks, and their tables were being used in the gym for the breakfast, hahaha! So his classroom made less sense, but we all knew why, lol!

He had no “spot” to show us like the other kids, but he did have a locker.

So that got a little silly. He’s frustratingly stoic some times, but he’s definitely still a weirdo.

We eventually made our way out of the school and dropped the kids at their playgrounds before we made our way home, grabbed Brady’s backpack and coffee, and drove him to work!

Becaaaaause its lake day!! Heyooo! Wavy and I dropped Brady off and took the van back home so we could tie up all the loose ends and load up the van for the weekend!! 😅 It is a BUSY life these days but I’m very very grateful 💜

The Busiest Morning of the Week

I’m not afraid to admit that I have not struck a beautiful balance between school and work and the lake. Lol! Not. At. All.

During the summer, I had a system where I knew what needed doing every day to get us back to the lake the following weekend. I have lost that completely. Though, to be fair, we go for much shorter stretches now, so packing and preparing is a quicker, shorter process. So I’ve made it work.

Add to all of those things I’m already juggling a handful of sick kids at home! Ack! It has not been our smoothest week! Thankfully, whatever strain of cold we caught this time was a nice quick one! That never happens!! 😅 So, today, all the full-timers are back in action, and I’m back to hanging with this little weirdo.

She rolls between playing Star Wars lego and dancing around the island to the Encanto soundtrack.

Aaaaand sipping her “sickness tea” like a lady.

(Today’s “sickness tea” is brought to you by Nestle iced tea mix in hot tap water)

The moment the big kids were out the door, Wavy settled into her aforementioned activities and I got to lake stuff! I picked and folded clothes for the kids, planned meals and made a food list. I made a list of things the kids are in charge of picking out. Stuffed toys. Books. Hats. Stuff like that flexes from week to week, so thats on them.

I still need to put clothes actually into hampers and suitcases. I have to pack my own clothing. Food I’ll pack tomorrow once I have it all on hand.

Now, I’m blogging. Big duh. And hopefully I’ll have a bit of time still this morning to crochet because oh my goodness its possible I’m crocheting the most beautiful thing I’ve ever made 😳 Sooooo be ready for that! Turns out, if there is a market for luxury crochet, I want to tap it! Ack!

Ok. Back to it! I’ve got to get as much done this morning as possible so I can actually see my Cherice this afternoon for a shorty little window of time! Life gets busy but we’re making it work!! See you soup, Cher!

The Benefits of Sick Days

There are very few good aspects of kids being sick. They tend to be grumpy and uncooperative, which is justified and understandable. But its not fun to be around.

My children are fairly mild mannered when they’re sick, which means we have these nice quiet days of (you guessed it) music, lego, and crocheting. Also reading…

Meanwhile, I’m across the living room, blowing my own runny nose, stifling my own coughs, and crocheting beautiful things. I am so close to showing you what I’m up to, and I’m really really excited about it! I feel this woman’s vibe SO strong.

Just. Stay there. So I can do this.

I tease. Sort of. Everyone is content here, and doing what they want to be doing, with kleenex and water within reach. This might be our last sick day with this stretch!! 🤞

Down to Two

Dekker was well enough to hit up school this morning, so that was a relief! The kiddos at home are down to two. Waverly – who is a little bit sick but barely, and Solomon – who seems a little bit better overall but says his body is achy. I don’t know how sick he actually is, but I know he would’ve been miserable at school today.

So the two of them are home today.

Listening to Hamilton.

Playing lego.

Eating muffins that auntie baked.

Naps are next, for all three of us. I don’t feel very well this morning either, so the downtime is much anticipated! I hope I overcome this illness as fast as the older kids seem to have!

I guess I’ll just spend the afternoon crocheting. There could be worse fates.

Oh, and also preparing to hit the lake again this weekend. It might be our last. I’m not sure yet. Lots to put together still this week…

Of All Ridiculous Things

I cannot believe we have another cold in our house. But we do. We have some coughers. Because we didn’t cough all summer. I knew we’d all catch something in September, as we do when school starts, but it feels like we just got over the last thing. Ugh.


I have extra kids at home today. Dekker and Solomon have joined Waverly and I for the day, just until we see some upswing in the coughing.

I am very grateful, however, that we had the most peaceful of mornings. All three kids played lego unceasingly all morning. We had music going in the background. I crocheted. That is all we accomplished this morning and I am not at all mad about it.

Solly built Kinasao’s dock area all on his own.

Wavy built some boats for him.

Dekker built a crazy lego shooter with a new piece a friend from school gave him.

I worked on a labour intensive blanket border that I will absolutely abandon if I don’t finish it in the next couple of days.

Nap time was a great success, also, and now, the house is bustling again and about to get much louder when the other kids make it home! My head already hurts, so perhaps some preemptive tylenol is in order…

The Weekend in a Nutshell

I really can’t wrap up the weekend so simply, but I can tell you we had an absolutely beautiful time out in the boonies with Tom, Rae, and their people 💜 It is a true pleasure to be part of that family.

I didn’t take a ton of pictures at all. I rarely thought of it, and I think thats pretty ok 🙂 We just enjoyed the quiet and the downtime and being together! I don’t have photographic evidence that everyone was even there, but I have a few pics of a few people. Here’s what I’ve got.

Fruit face. Cherries, specifically.

Very matchy-matchy styles.

Quad ride after quad ride after quad ride after quad ride after quad ride…..

Eating garden carrots that grew in the potato patch. With a helmet on, because safety first.

And one last quad ride for the grownups. That was a pretty excellent ride. The best ten minute date I’ve had. Five stars.

Followed by a very serious drive home.

I can attest to the fact that everyone is absolutely exhausted, but that everyone had a complete and utter blast with all the room to run and ride and get dirty and eat outside and breathe in the crisp morning air. Our kids are almost never outnumbered by adults, and this weekend, they were! It was a fun dynamic 💜 I am so grateful for people who rain love down on our children who don’t have an obligation to.

Thank you for hosting us again 💜 We are honoured to be included in your lives.

Out in the Boonies

We’ve been up camping with Tom and Rae and their people for the weekend, and I can confidently say we have had such a beautiful time. Nothing is difficult here. It’s all very easy going, without expectations or deadlines. The kids have been granted quad and razor rides galore, and Brady and I have even enjoyed a ride or two! My ride in the razor wins above all else, as usual. We bushwhacked for what felt like forever. I loved it! Thank you, John. That is always such a breath of fresh air for me. 

We had a nice supper together, with a mix of meatloaf, potatoes, and hot dogs. And even some grilled asparagus! 🤤 Sooooo good. After a blazing campfire, Solly was nodding off in his lawn chair, so we decided to call it a night. 

Dekker and Laela are tucked into Tom and Rae’s camper. Wavy and Solly are sharing a bed in the next room to us. Rowan has his own room just next to them. And the furnace is whirring away, working to keep everyone toasty warm. 

We are so grateful to be welcomed here and loved by our people. And then by default, their people 💜It is truly special to be part of this group of humans. 

Tomorrow is already home day. It feels early. But, as life goes, we need to get everyone washed up and ready for the new week of work and school! 

And music and puzzles and Lego and crocheting and toasted tomato sandwiches…..

Yesterday: Lots of Little Things

Yesterday was a bit of a cute day. But also a very long day. A tiring day. I’ll tell you all about it.

Wavy invited me on a walk, so we did that first thing. It was very cute.

She wanted to bring a dandelion to grandma’s, so we left one by her gate, lol! And then went home for lunch!

While she napped, I crocheted a cute coffee sleeve with pumpkins on it. Thanks, Cher, for the WAY nicer picture than the one I snapped in my house!

I thought it turned out cute 🙂

Brady finished his workday a little early and went into Saskatoon to test drive a minivan. It was a total bust :/ PLEASE keep your eyes open for something for him! Minivan. Dual sliding doors. Stow and go seats. Dodge or Chrysler, usually. Please and thank you.

Once that was done, he took on the massive chore of doing a HUGE family grocery shop. The first big one since probably June. ALL on his own. I would love to do these shops with Waverly in the week, but the aspect of only having one vehicle makes it extra tricky. So yesterday, he took that hit, and did a gigantic Costco shop for us 💜

Thankfully, a couple of loving people have filled our fridge with fresh fruit and veggies, so that was one less section to hit, haha!

Brady also hit Walmart and got some of that off-white “parchment” yarn we chatted about in the comments a couple of blogs back. I’m SO excited for that next blanket! Ack!

While Brady shopped like crazy, our day wore on like usual. Kids got fed. Did homework. Played. Fought. Read. Etc. Bedtime came on time, and everyone went down pretty nicely. Until I heard a door crack open from where I was sitting in the living room. I looked up and could see which door it wasn’t, meaning it was Wavy’s door. And it is very unlike her to get up when she’s tucked in.

She stepped out into view, and her chin was quivering. She was trying to keep her composure but finally burst into tears, saying her curtain was falling down. So I went to her and we went to check on her curtain.

Sure enough, one side of the curtain rod had popped off the wall. It was totally fine. I could easily put it back up there. But she was spooked. I turned around to reassure her, and she was surrounded.

The big kids had tucked her back into her bed and had joined her, being close and comfy and trying to reassure her and cheer her up. She wasn’t having it…

But she did stop crying, lol!

Once she was tucked back in and settled, Brady drove up, and the mad unpacking of groceries began. It was a gigantic haul. There is really no reasonable excuse for anyone eating that much food ever in their lifetime. But hey. Now we shouldn’t have to shop for a while again! Hopefully we have a second vehicle by then, lol!

Yesterday was big. Today is big too, but in a more fun way 💜 Thank you Lord for constantly blessing us!

Myles Sanderson and Rowan

If you live around here, you’ve probably heard all about the huge stabbing spree a little further up north. Honestly, you probably don’t have to live around here to have heard about it. It was an unbelievable time of crime and loss. Yesterday, after a four day manhunt, Myles Sanderson was apprehended, and everyone could finally breathe out again.

The kids had heard about the situation for a few days, as it began not very far from us at the lake, and then became a topic of conversation at school. So when I found out the state of emergency was lifted, the kids were SO stoked. Relieved. As was their mom.

It wasn’t long after that when I heard Sanderson had passed away while in custody. So I knew this. But I hadn’t told the kids.

As the day came to a close, the kids got ready for bed and we all gathered in the living room to pray together. Rowan went first.

“Dear Jesus. Thank you for this day. Thank you that the bad guy was caught. Please let him learn his lesson, and try harder next time. Amen.”

And guys, I don’t know what to tell you, but thats still sitting with me today. While I can’t explain it in specific detail, I feel like that prayer was a window into Rowan’s heart. His understanding. His desires. His clarity. His character. I loved it 💜 So I wanted to share it.