This sounds like my disappointment is decked out in some cute way, but it’s not.
Todays blog won’t exactly thrill anyone’s soul, but its on my mind, so I’m putting it on here.
Our beautiful campground had the amazing idea of setting up something of a drive-thru Christmas light tour. Us as the lease holders would have the opportunity to decorate and light our sites, and then the roads would be cleared, and people could come drive through and enjoy the beauty and excitement of Christmas out in the bush. We were SO excited about this possibility, as were some of our friends who also have spots.
Unfortunately, the campground had this beautiful idea WAY too late in the season. They sent out an email to their people and gave them about a week to respond, indicating whether or not they’d be interested. I don’t know about everyone else, but their emails always go to my spam folder. I cannot teach gmail that I WANT those emails in my inbox! Anyway. Maybe thats just me. So we contacted a few more of our friends from camp, and none of them had seen the email or knew anything about it.
Unsurprisingly, the camp emailed back out and said there was not enough interest :/ Maybe next year.
This was only in our minds since last weekend, to be fair, but man. Our crew would have LOVED that. The kids said so many times towards the end of lake season how much they want to see our spot in winter. How they desired to see it all snowy and whited out. How maaaaaybe the maintenance manager could clear the roads, just for us?? Lol! And this would’ve been SUCH an opportunity! We would’ve timed it out with our Dahlsjos, so we would come decorate at the same time. Have winter fires and hot drinks. Get excited and festive together. And then actually get to see everyone’s site all lit and beautiful, because you know we’d have made that trip. But its all off. Before it started, I know. Still. I’m so disappointed.

I really hope this goes forward next year 💜 Winter is hard for me. Having the opportunity to be back at camp twice in the season would be such bright lights to look forward to.