Rowan is my sleepwalker, as many of you know. He sleepwalks a lot less than he used to, thankfully, but every once in a while, he surprises us. And last night one was one those nights. And it was the best episode of sleepwalking he has ever presented! I loved it. He could sleepwalk like that every night and I would be one happy mama.
Brady and I hadn’t had the lights off for long before our bedroom door opened, and a kids silhouette appeared in the doorway. As soon as he spoke, we knew it was Rowan, sleepwalking. His voice is higher and lighter when he’s asleep. Usually, he’s a little distressed, crying a little, and he rarely knows why. He needs to be hugged, and sometimes tucked back in, and then all is well. Its always a pretty easy solve. So thats what we expect.
When he came in yesterday, he came right to my side, and hugged me. Half asleep myself, I held him, and asked what was wrong. He was SO calm. He didn’t answer me right away, but when he did, I woke right up.
“I just love you guys SO much,” Rowan said, “and I haven’t been this happy in a LONG time.”
😭 I’m not kidding. That was what he said.
And then he nuzzled around with his fishy lips until he found mine for a smooch, and off he went back to bed.
He had zero memory of this in the morning, but my heart is SO full. Because I feel like he is very honest and uninhibited when he’s sleepwalking. No need to hold back. And he was SO happy and lovely. It was very good for my heart to witness him this way 💜

My dear Rowan.