The CUTEST Sleepwalking Story Ever

Rowan is my sleepwalker, as many of you know. He sleepwalks a lot less than he used to, thankfully, but every once in a while, he surprises us. And last night one was one those nights. And it was the best episode of sleepwalking he has ever presented! I loved it. He could sleepwalk like that every night and I would be one happy mama.

Brady and I hadn’t had the lights off for long before our bedroom door opened, and a kids silhouette appeared in the doorway. As soon as he spoke, we knew it was Rowan, sleepwalking. His voice is higher and lighter when he’s asleep. Usually, he’s a little distressed, crying a little, and he rarely knows why. He needs to be hugged, and sometimes tucked back in, and then all is well. Its always a pretty easy solve. So thats what we expect.

When he came in yesterday, he came right to my side, and hugged me. Half asleep myself, I held him, and asked what was wrong. He was SO calm. He didn’t answer me right away, but when he did, I woke right up.

“I just love you guys SO much,” Rowan said, “and I haven’t been this happy in a LONG time.”

😭 I’m not kidding. That was what he said.

And then he nuzzled around with his fishy lips until he found mine for a smooch, and off he went back to bed.

He had zero memory of this in the morning, but my heart is SO full. Because I feel like he is very honest and uninhibited when he’s sleepwalking. No need to hold back. And he was SO happy and lovely. It was very good for my heart to witness him this way 💜

My dear Rowan.

Two Year, Holmes

Or, rather, two years home.

Brady came home from his stay at City Hospital two years ago. What a wild day that was. Not that it was especially busy or chaotic, but it was a LOT for the heart.

I think I can safely say that we feel more ourselves than we even did before he left. It has helped immensely to have our corner positively loaded down with supportive people 💜

Brady’s first day home was spent taking pictures, sipping coffee, visiting, driving kids around in a wheelchair, and reading cards.

Two years later, we are home, with Brady fighting off some nasty sickness. I blame Wavy. But I also thank Wavy, because it allowed Brady to be home from work today.

Its a significant day. Two years ago, Brady left the hospital. Five years ago, Cher’s brother left this earth. Life and loss are both interesting things. Both of those scenarios have left their mark on the people involved. We can celebrate and mourn in both cases. God has remained GOOD through both brutally difficult situations, and we are grateful to Him for being consistently GOOD to us.

So, we sip iced capps for Scott, and we watch a movie with a late, easy supper with Brady.

It’s a good day. Happy Friday 💜

Two Doctor Days

Yesterday, I took Waverly to the doctor. She was just doing SO badly. Maybe you saw on Instagram. Her sickness escalated pretty good in the afternoon. So, to the doctor. Laela came with me, because, big sister rights.

I won’t lie. It was a pretty bummer appointment. Walk-in clinics are just hit or miss, I suppose, and we really missed :/ We got some minimal information but zero help or efforts towards Wavy’s comfort. I felt very belittled and unimportant. It didn’t feel like she wanted to help Waverly.

This morning, she was still pretty bad off, despite everyones best efforts to cheer her up, so we texted Dr. Guselle and updated her, as per her request the day before, and she said Wavy should be seen. She couldn’t see her directly, but there were doctors in her clinic today who were available. So we took one! I got her into fresh clothes with brushed hair, and some warm honey water in a water bottle.

Brady came home from work to join us for the appointment, as he is feeling just as sick as Waverly, and was really interested in what the doctor might have to say on the subject.

We didn’t have to wait too terribly long before we were put in an exam room, where we waited to see a very lovely young doctor who was just finishing out her residency.

When the doctor did come in, she just fawned over Wavy 💜 And Wavy LOVES that kind of attention. She was still very quiet and sick, but she was SO cooperative and friendly.

We left this appointment with vastly more information than the first one, with actual compassion from the doctor. She cared about the fact that Wavy is so young and SO miserable. She cannot speak, laugh, cry, breath, eat, or play without pain. It was not your standard “Its viral, it’ll go away” thing. She agreed that her breathing is not ok, and took time to speak with her and evaluate everything a couple of times.

We were really grateful for her time and knowledge. She’s been swabbed, and we’ll know where she’s at in a few days. Meanwhile, Brady is home from work for the rest of the day. He is just too stinking sick :/ So if Wavy gets a result, we’ll probably know where Brady is at, too.

While we wait for further instruction, the humidifier will pump, and the advil will flow. And for now, thats ok.

Wavy Feels Sick

We’ve had a few sore throats around here for a couple of days, and Wavy’s progressed in a way where she had to miss VBS today :/ It was sad, but she was very understanding and happy to be home. When she feels really bad, she loves a bath. Thats really the only way to comfort her when she’s miserable, so she’s been having a handful of them! I wish I could share all the pictures, but you’ll just have the trust me that its been a really cute part of the sickness.

She even found a luxurious way to use the shower chair!

She’s been coasting in the tub, and we even had a family-wide six-person tea party today.

I’m so sad she is sick. But when I’m on top of her meds and not asking her to speak, she is still incredibly peaceful and calm.

Anyway. Keep this little cute thing in your prayers, if you’re the praying type. I want her well, so she can have FUN and play!!

A Breakdown of a Break Day

The morning began over coffee with Brady before he headed out for the workday.

Then, I lay in bed a little longer. Because this week is off of school.

I went into the kids rooms and snuggled everyone for a couple of minutes, letting them know it was time to get up. About half of them had sore throats.

Kids ate breakfast and we talked plans for the day.

Kids left for VBS, and Cher and I had a short coffee.

Cher studied downstairs, and I crocheted in my room while I watched my smuggler show.

Cher and I ate a snacky lunch.

Four of the kids came home for lunch. Dekker went to the school to work on Frozen Jr sets.

Kids ate, and the two youngest went down for naps.

Laela and Rowan folded origami and sipped tea together, like the sophisticated children they aren’t.

Cher brought me a coffee upstairs 💜

Laela bailed on origami, and Rowan struggled, so Cher ducked over and helped him fold a spider. A very loving auntie.

Dekker and Laela were both invited out with friends.

Solly played lego.

Wavy had a bath.

Cher went back to studying, and I’m hanging out in the living room with the two littles. Rowan is having some sibling-free playtime downstairs.

It is peaceful here at the moment. I really hope it stays that way 🤞

Solly is Extra Cute

I don’t know if you remember, but Solly got his glasses and lost his two front teeth in the same week. He was SO CUTE!!!

This has been my lock screen since mid-February, haha! Man. He is basically a cartoon character.

It didn’t take long at all before his teeth started growing back, and I’ll admit, I had some mixed feelings, lol! I LOVE that gappy face, and the lisp that came with it. He was just hilarious. But in the last week or two, those teeth are really coming down, and he has that same air of confidence in his smile! Somehow, Solly just keeps getting better and better!

Oh! He also colours better now that he can see, haha! And he reads better. Works harder on things. Understands more. Gets overwhelmed less. Its pretty cool how well he’s doing. The smile speaks for itself 😁

And it rubs off on others.

He’s a happy dude, and I’m loving how much it shows recently.

Keister Sunday 2023

Happy Keister Easter, everyone!!

Season 3 Netflix GIF by Gilmore Girls  - Find & Share on GIPHY

We’re having a really nice day together here at home 💜 My mom and Cher have joined us, so we are a group o’ nine. Cher is spending much of her time studying (Keister Easter is smack dab in the middle of finals!) and the rest of us are spending a slow, restful day together. We watched church this morning. Cards have been played. Forts have been built. Paper is being coloured. And yummy food is cooking. We didn’t have as many potatoes as we thought, but its gonna work out.

The carrots are prepped, courtesy of the lovely Miss Laela.

Mom and I prepped the turkey earlier this morning, and its been smelling good all afternoon!

Unfortunately, a handful of us aren’t in perfect health, but we are still enjoying our time together, taking it super easy 💜 celebrating Keister Easter.

We praise God for coming, dying, and rising. More than ever, He is evident in our lives, and we are excitedly anticipating what He has planned for us!

Happy Keister Easter, friends! 💜 I hope you’ve enjoyed the weekend!

Christ is risen!

Pattern Tester: Homecoming

In March, I began to test a pattern for a designer I came across online. I met her because I was impatient, hahaha!

That story goes like this:

I found a really beautiful baby blanket pattern, and while I don’t have a baby, I thought it would make a beautiful gift, so I bought it and made it.

Awesome, right?? The link is available here 🙂 I really really liked this pattern, and I ended up making a couple of these to have on hand for gifting. But, I messaged the designer to beg for the rest of her alphabet. Lettering in mosaic crochet is a little bit tricky, because its not as simple as just graphing out a letter and crocheting it. Its hard to explain, but the counts are specific and its just not that easy. So I contacted her a couple of different ways, and we got to talking. She was super sweet, and we had good easy banter. Very quickly, we decided I would test her next pattern!

It was released earlier this month, and I want to show you guys!

Bethany Moore created “Homecoming” and released it on April 1st!

Homecoming is a really nice, smaller throw blanket. Its a manageable size but it still covers the toes!

If you are a crocheter yourself, I can vouch for this pattern! It has the charts, as well as step by step written instructions. If you are unfamiliar with the “special” stitches that are slanted/diagonal, this is a great blanket to learn them on, because you learn to predict what is to come, and they will become more natural as you go!

Anywho. I know I have a vested interest in this pattern because it was my first tester, but I also just really really liked making it! Its not complicated, and it creates a really nice piece! I say again, it also is a nice size. I like how not huge it is. It doesn’t stretch or get in the way. Its compact and cozy.

So, I’ve linked both patterns above, but Homecoming was the blanket I had the pleasure of testing 💜 I have another one I’ve tested for Bethany that isn’t released yet, and I’m on the books for her next one that should be in hand this weekend! Eek!

I’m having SO much fun, and part of me feels like I’m paying my dues to someday maybe need my own testers 💜

Thanks again, Bethany, for letting me join the fun and be part of your tester group! My hook is burning for the next one!!!

Facebook Memories that Don’t Disappoint

I had an entirely different post in mind for today, but when I looked at my Facebook memories this morning, there were just too many gooders to pass them by. They need to be shared, starting back at the beginning!

Eleven years ago today, we were in Winnipeg, visiting my sister and brother-in-law, and we fed Dekker mashed peas, mostly for our own entertainment.

The next year, we have another one of Dekker, looking super fly in his car seat and shades.

Then, there were two breakfast pictures from eight years ago. Laela is still jazzed when she gets corn pops, and Dekker is still a messy eater, hahaha!

Same year, same day, Rowan made an appearance on Facebook. He had some tummy time, which Dekker closely supervised, apparently.

Again, the same year, I changed my profile picture to this: Laela, at my moms house, wearing Brady’s glasses.

The year after, seven years ago, we were renting a little place by Lawson while our house was being built. I was largely pregnant, and my little Rowan wanted a bite of my pop tarts pronto! Poor dude had to wait, haha!

Oof. Solly took a nap on me on April 7th six years ago. Could he be any softer?? Oof. That belly.

Five years ago, I made a side by side comparison of Laela and Rowan. Or, as we often call them, the twins.

And friends, ONE YEAR AGO, we walked on mostly clear streets, with somewhat clear yards through the town, and celebrated the slushy chilly mess that is the start of spring!!

Hopefully today holds some good as well. Our day off all together. Some productive work. Some outside time. Some rest. Some music. Some coffee. Lots to do, but time to do it 💜

A Bit More Change for Rowan

Many of you may remember that Rowan has been treated for ADHD for the past several months. It’s been going really well, but we’re learning that things will need to be tweaked here and there to learn the ideal setup for Rowan. Recently, we went forward with some change, and its been a beautiful shift. For him, and for all of us.

Rowan is expressing himself in SUCH clear language. About his “engine.” About his “sparks.” About the bell in his brain! I will have to talk more about these things in detail soon, because they are SO cool and come SO unprompted! But for now, I just want to share some cute things that make me happy that pertain to Rowan 💜

Yesterday, Ro came home from school happy and energized! He had made a craft at school – a little paper bunny – and he was insistent that I make one with him. He wanted to teach me. So, we got to it!

Colouring next to a leftie, tho! *click click click*

The result was pretty cute. This is Rowan and the one he brought home from school.

I loved that he had it in him to do his reading and a craft after school! He did beautifully!! And then before bed, he asked to read part of our devotional. Leave it to him to get stuck with the one that is teaching us Spanish! 😆

He rolled with it and giggled and struggled and didn’t get upset. It was funny, and he didn’t get flustered! We could all just enjoy it.

Yesterday ended peacefully, with everyone happy and friendly. The kids slept well and were in good spirits in the morning! I, however, had another wakeful night! Ack! I’m so ready for bed 😅 And to sleep IN!! Because Brady has the stat off!!! Thank you, Lord!! 💜