Remember how Dekker tirelessly saved up for a kayak for this summer? He brought his beloved kayak home in March, but the sucker didn’t have a paddle with it! Which we should’ve known, really, because they don’t. But it was in the picture, so no one really thought about it. An oversight. Ah well. He continued to save, and yesterday, we went to pick it up from Zaks!

‘Twas a family affair, lol!

Dekker opted to save for the black paddle over the yellow one, even though it was a couple bucks more.
He brought his own cash, and chatted with the cashier about the price he was paying. She complimented his math skills. And then it was his! His guitar, to be more specific…

And then it was his comfort item, hahaha!

He was such a happy boy 💜 And very eager to hack into it the moment we got home.

Dekker is not finished saving up, however! He has one more item he plans to save up for to make his kayak adventures even better, and that is a personal music player! It will play solely off of our Spotify account, so it doesn’t require a phone or speaker with it. Its basically an iPod shuffle, but for Spotify. Anyway. If you’d like to donate your bottles or cans to his kayak cause, he would greatly appreciate it! He would even come to you locally to pick them up!
Thank you to those who have put into his thus far, especially my mom, taking him for Sarcan runs and searches for more. We couldn’t have done this without you 💜