Family Appreciation Barbecue 2023

When covid was new and trendy, all the school events were cancelled. I’ll admit that part of me was a little bit relieved to have fewer events on my calendar. But it didn’t take long for me to really feel weird and disconnected from the kids things. With that, I have a very real, newfound appreciation for school events! And I LOVE the meals at school! They tend to be chaotic, and LOUD, all while being totally low key. Yet, on the flip side, the entire school staff is on site, working hard and FAST, all with genuine smiles and love to pour out on the families! I am SO grateful for the school our children attend, and the staff that care for them.

Yesterday, the school put on their annual family appreciation BBQ. Its part of the year end wrap up, and I really do enjoy it. Its good to see the kids teachers, both current and past, and have some banter with other families while we all juggle our kids, as well as hot dogs, iced tea, and freezies. Anyone elses kids inherently bad at holding freezies without dumping out the juice? 🙋🏼‍♀️ Just ours? Cool cool cool cool cool…

Anyway. It went well. Kids ate lots. They were happy and hyper.

Dekker was at a friends house after school, and by the time they joined us at the school, we were done eating! So Dekker ate with them and then wandered off to hang with friends. No pictures, but he was also there, lol!

With the BBQ also comes a book swap. So each of our kids brought a book to swap out, and you know we have readers. So some of the activities had to combine so certain kids could read their new books as soon as humanly possible.

Captain Underpants waits for no one.

When it was time to leave the school, Laela opted to walk home. We had taken the minivan because we were short one kid, and while we can all fit in the minivan, its really tight and usually ends up in some squishy scrapping. So in an effort to avoid that, she decided to walk, and I walked with her.

It was really nice. I love one on one walks with the kids when I can get them. Its nice to see whats on their hearts when its just the two of us 🙂 On this walk, Laela told me a decent handful of stories about some kids at school who tease her about being short, and of all things, weak. WEAK. My girl! She told me about a kid who grabbed her by the hair yesterday and just yanked and yanked and yanked until a teacher stopped him. We talked about how, yes, people have hard scenes and sometimes they do mean things, and we can still love and respect them! But with that, they don’t have to be people we hang out with a lot either. That line between loving our neighbour and having self respect is a fine one. I didn’t make a whole thing out of it, I just made sure she knew she didn’t HAVE to entertain close friendships with people who have bad behaviour.

We got home and learned that our choice to walk caused almost everyone else to have a full breakdown in the van. Sooooo sorry about that, Brady 😬

Another BBQ done and done 💜 A great success.

Wavy’s Playschool Grad

Today was a big day. A milestone for Waverly, as well as for our family! Our LAST preschool graduation.

Feels Dream High GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

She was really excited about it 💜 Laela helped her choose her outfit and everything, which was VERY cute. She rocked a wide striped dress, a neon coral cardigan, floral leggings, a snap bracelet on her ankle, a prized necklace out of a garage sale free bin, and she eventually upgraded the look with a hair flower.

Brady took an early lunch to make it to the grad, which was SO sweet 💜 We are incredibly grateful that he still has that flexibility.

Meanwhile, we were joined by the rest of our local family!! My mom, Cher, and Rae joined the group for the morning ceremony.

I can’t show you pictures of the actual event, because, other kids. But you’ll have to take my word for it that Wavy was smack dab in the middle of the group, and she was either being a total goose, or completely silent. She didn’t sing a word or do an action. She told the crowd that she wanted to be a baby when she grew up, so there’s that. Very “Wavy” of her.

Regardless of her level of involvement, we are overwhelmingly proud of her!

As were auntie and the grandmas 💜💜💜

We ate treats and took pictures, and had a grand ole time 💜 I think our little group was pretty stinking cute!

Well, Miss Waverly Violet, onward you move. Upward you grow. Better you become, as if anyone thought that was possible. Preschool will miss you, but kindergarten is ready!!!

I am completely enamoured with you. Your hilarious fashion sense. Your innocent shrug when you are hella guilty. Your giant eyes and lips. You, dear girl, are stunning in every sense of yourself, and it is a true honour and joy to know you. I am confident all of the people in your life would agree.

You are a delight through and through 💜 I praise the Lord for you, Wave.

Our First Good Storm

It was the BEST night last night. Not because I slept well, because I definitely slept choppy, but because every time I woke up, it was to storm sounds! Rain, wind, and thunder. And a teeny bit of hail, but only for a minute or two. Just a little 🤏

I went to bed with rain sounds, lulled through the night to rain sounds, and woke up to rain sounds. I lay in bed in the dark, and the lightening lit up my room through the tiny window in my bathroom. The BEST kind of weather I could have asked for!!

The single downfall – I drove the kids to school. I WANT them to walk in the rain. But ideally, not in the lightening, if I could help it. Zero judgement to those who let your kids walk!! 💜 I just felt unsure this morning so I took them. It POURED. It was just awesome.

The grass is so green in the front yard, and it makes my heart happy. The backyard, however, does not bring the same amount of joy, haha! Its weedy and messy and dry and dirty and it just needs some help. Just another thing on the list!!

Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful downpour! Please keep it coming!! I’d take one of those good storms where the power flickers a couple of times. I’m sure they’d love that up north as well 💜

Dekker’s Kayak: The Inaugural Paddle

After over an entire year of collecting bottles and cans, and of grandma going back and forth to Sarcan with him, organizing and separating, Dekker bought, paid for, and transported his kayak to the lake. And this weekend, he had his first real ride on the lake.

But before he got it out on the water, Dekker unwrapped his kayak in our campsite, and got familiar with all of its features.

Once he was acclimated, he invited me in for a tour.

I thought that was very sweet 💜

It wasn’t long after my “tour” that I was casually invited to help him carry it down to the water, haha! I happily obliged. He was SO excited. He had been invited to join some of his friends on an evening paddle, and we got to the water first. Its possible he was eager…

When it came time to finally get into it, our resident safety officer helped load his kayak into the water.

The group kayaked for about a half hour before they called it for the evening. Dekker was on cloud nine. I helped him pack up his kayak and get it set up and out of the way before we headed back up to our site. He was very happy. In one of the videos I got, he gushed that the kayak was SO worth the work 💜

The next day happened to be warm enough to spend on the beach, and he connected the two kayaks to take Wavy on some rides 💜 It was beautiful.

I anticipate so many more jaunts out on the lake throughout the season. Its been such a pleasure watching Dekker grow and mature and get more independent each year. And he’s still just a kid! Its moving quickly. Too quickly. But perfectly quickly. He is such fun. I am so grateful 💜

Home Again in the Rain

As I sit in my living room, the van unloaded, kids bathed and tucked in for the night, I am overwhelmed with gratefulness. Its raining out, which I have been anticipating for a good while now. Had you all heard that I LOVE the rain? Its so nice to hear it, and smell it, and know all the good its bringing. Thank you Lord! It felt like a welcome home after our weekend away 💜

We closed our camp weekend off on the beach with our friends. The BEACH. Guys, it was warm enough to be at the beach! And some of the craziest children figured it was nice enough to SWIM!! They’re bananas.

Beach Swimming GIF by Chiquita - Find & Share on GIPHY

Yes. That kind.

But for real…

I can’t share pictures of everyone here, because Dekker’s need to come on a different day. Guys, SO MUCH happened this weekend, it was just so awesome 💜

Rowan was the one who was IN the water the moment he got down to the beach. He was all over it, cold and all. And yes. We do feed him. He is crazy active. Promise.

Laela is very dainty, rocking her neon bathing suit like the star she is!

And then she’s also less dainty, and even cooler!

Solly did not hit the water, but he hit the sand HARD. This was his face all weekend. This kid gets SO dirty, its just bonkers. As Cher said, you can smell this picture of him.

And Miss Wavy, who played in the water and on the sand alike, getting into everyone elses stuff and conversations.

It was a really nice way to wrap up the weekend. Vastly more successful than the last one, thats for sure. And to come home to the low rumble of thunder is just incredible. I am so grateful 💜

Thank you Lord for everything you have given us. You are in everything.

Ringing in the New Season

It’s been a good day. A cold day. But a good day. 

Rowan invited me to join him for a walk, so we did that after breakfast, just the two of us. 

We crashed the Dahlsjo’s site because they weren’t there yet 😁 

We came back, and Brady was reconnecting the water heater. 

Then we took our first family golf cart ride and toured the loops to see how was around! It was nice! And cold 🥶 

Dekker has freckles. Summer JUST started. And Dekker has freckles 😍 

We spent the afternoon watching people put the docks in. 

Good thing the safety officer came!

We shared supper with friends 💜 which really rung it in as the new season!

I am so overwhelmingly grateful for our spot and our people and all we’ve been given. Praise God! 

We Got Grass!!!

Two-ish weeks ago, Brady raked up our front yard dirt and laid grass seed. Ya. I’m not even kidding. HE did it. Disabled my butt. He did it all one morning earlier this month, and set our sprinklers on a timer to maintain it all. And then we waited. 

Within a couple of days, someone lovingly did a three point turn onto our front yard and put a biiiiig ole hole in it. So Brady went out and begrudgingly put stakes and rope around our yard. Accidents happen, of course, but ideally, someone could drive on our lawn once it was established. So, for now, a yellow fence is in place. 

I left it alone and mostly forgot about it for at least a week. Who cares, right? Its been dirt for years now. At least its less weeds. I didn’t really think about looking for change. But then, as it took a bit longer, I started to check. And there was one morning where there were no grass to be seen, and by the end of the day, it was there! Crazy!!!!! 

Now, we’re here. 

Its not perfect. Its patchy. It has weeds. All that we are very aware of. But look how greeeeen it is!!! 😍 Doesn’t it look soft and pretty?? Flowers are courtesy of our dear Rae 💜

As soon as we’re allowed, we’re going to put more seed down and try to get things even better, but its fun to see it so different and hopeful! Progress always feels good to see.

Now to someday get the backyard going!! 😅 Whew!

Lake Friday

After last weekends one BAD lake day, I figured I’d kick off this lake weekend with a counselling appointment!! 🥳 Lol! I’m kidding. Not about the counselling appointment, that definitely happened, but it wasn’t because of last weekend. It was just a routine one. But it was a gooder. I really like my counsellor. I’ll be sad when she’s through her residency shortly, but I am very grateful to have seen her all this time.

When I left my appointment, I actually ducked my head into the gift shop for a second, which I never do. But a travel mug was calling my name 😍 Did you guys know I have a thing for mugs?

I can’t decide if its leopard print or flowers, but I think thats the point. I LOVE it. However, I do NOT love it $70 worth!!! 🤮 Sooooo forward we go!

I drove back towards home, but stopped off in Warman to switch vehicles with Brady. It was also popcorn day, so, I did that, too. I parked the minivan in his reserved spot and went to bring the bus home so I could pack it for camp. But lo and behold, someone took a shed in our van!!! 💩 Lol! Poop joke.

But also, there’s a shed in our van.

Sooooo yup. Last weekend, we brought a kayak. This weekend, we’re bringing a shed. And a wheelchair and batec, in case we can’t get the golf cart working. Whew!!

Its home now, and I have to see if I can actually pack the van around this monstrosity, with the wheelchair and batec in mind still. I may just have to wait for Brady on this one 😅 Otherwise, everything is ready. Packed up. Cooler items on a list. Everything is organized to a tee. We’re ready for the long weekend!!!

*checks “blogging” off the list*

Dekkers Run

Dekker participated in the high school track meet and managed to advance to districts in the 400m run. So today, he took the bus to a sporting complex in the city and spent the day there with a small group of grade six kids to made it.

You may remember, but Dekker doesn’t care much for track. Its not his jam. He was very surprised when he advanced, and he seemed to feel pretty important, being one of the young ones! Only ten kids from elementary school got to go. He was looking forward to going.

After a full morning, Wavy and I drove to Saskatoon and navigated our way through the place until we found Dekker and a spot to sit. We visited with another spectator while we waited the half hour or so for Dekkers race.

Dekker was pretty over it even before it started. He was a good sport, don’t get me wrong! But he was good to wrap it up after a day wandering around new environment, weathering both winter and summer temperatures. When it was time to race, he was less than invested, lol! He ran it all, and came in last, as the youngest, smallest guy in the heat. And that was SO fine with me. I approached him as he heaved and gasped, and finally spat out “Can I go home now??” The teacher who was in charge of everyone in attendance was right nearby and confirmed that I could indeed take Dekker home. So we did.

He was a much happier guy once we got to the van. I could tell him I was so unbelievably proud of him for doing something hard even though he wasn’t excited about it. He was receptive and warm and relaxed.

All in all, I am very very proud of my Dekker and how the day wound up. I love that he worked hard and saw it through.

And I’m glad to be home so I can do other things now! Because there is simply no shortage!

Emergency Preparedness and Breakfast for Supper

Haha! Can you tell that naming blogs is the hardest part of blogging? 😅 Especially after almost eleven years. And when I’m talking about two vastly unrelated things in one post. Lol! Aaaaanyway. You guys aren’t here for the titles, so we’ll carry on.

Wavy had a really busy day yesterday. She went to a friends house first thing in the morning because I needed to take Solly to his appointment right when she needed to be at preschool. So I dropped her off, and she was shuttled off to a local farm for a field trip! Apparently she really didn’t want to get lost in the mix, because she dressed like a… construction worker? Safety officer? Highway patrol? Beats me. But she was a highlighter, which is just a further indicator that she is indeed my child 😆

When she was back from her field trip, she had lunch and then shipped off to a birthday party for another couple of hours! She was originally planning to switch to a dress for the party, but in the end, she opted to stick with the neon tshirt. She clearly knew she looked fly 😎

So, since the pictures from Waverly’s day yesterday were filled with other children, I can’t show you any. So I’ll show you supper lol! Breakfast sandwiches a la me!! Breakfast sandwiches used to be Brady’s thing, and his are likely much better, but they take more work. So I made them like this.

Bacon cooked and crumbled. Eggs cooked in bacon pan with bacon chunks. Looks ugly. Tastes delicious.

English muffins on a pan. Cheese on half of them. Broiled just a little bit past melted. Butter the non-cheesed halves.

Scoop some eggs in there and squish them good.

These went over SO WELL. Absolutely everyone ate at least one. Even Waverly finished a whole one without a struggle. Dekker had three. They were squishy and indulgent in all the right ways, and just a little crispy on the edges. No sog. They were absolutely delicious, and they will reappear. Maybe I’ll throw some shredded hashbrowns in there, if I’m feeling like adding a step. Maybe in a wrap. Sometimes simpler is better.

The end! Thats all I’ve got, folks! A highlighter child, and some breakfast for supper!! Hopefully there are more cohesive posts to come!