Last Thursday held a special event for my Miss Laela. She got included in further track, similar to Dekker, in Saskatoon. She competed against other younger kids from other schools for the day. It was HOT, but she was so happy to be there 💜

Wavy and I got there in the morning for high jump. Laela was by far the shortest kid in the group, but she managed to clear a couple of the higher jumps. We would woop from our spot waaaaay off to the side, and she would smile and run back to her group.
I won’t lie – it was a total mess from there on out. She was not confident in what events she was supposed to be participating in, so we sat through the 60m sprint because she insisted she was running it. In fact she wasn’t, lol! She apologized, and said she got the sprints wrong, and that she would be in the 100m rather at 1:00pm. This wasn’t ideal, as I had a phone appointment with my doctor around noon and needed to grocery shop for camping in that time as well. Originally, I would have a three hour window in there, but we lost time in the morning, and needed more time in the afternoon. *sigh*
So Wavy and I took off and got lunch just before Dr. Guselle called. We chatted through our appointment, got everything covered, and when it was done, there wasn’t time for shopping. So back to track we went, juuuust in time to make it to the second race that Laela didn’t run! 😅 And I had somehow missed an event she insisted she wasn’t doing! ACK! This was just not our day for scheduling! Wavy and I lurked, and chatted.

It was nice to actually see Laela a little.

She is SUCH a good sister!

As Laelas event got closer, Wavy mentioned to me that she was hot and thirsty. Of course I had forgotten her water bottle, but I reassured her that we would get a drink really soon. It wasn’t two minutes later when a loving friend asked me if they could take her to get a lemonade. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times – It truly touches my heart when people want to love my children and choose to love them when they don’t have to. I used to resist those moves and feel guilty, but I’m working to change that. Waverly was SO happy for her treat, and I was truly touched. Thank you, friend.

Laela’s last event finally came along, and she rocked running long jump like a boss!

Again, we were so far away. It was disappointing not being able to be close to the events, but when track is back in town later this month, we can be ALL up in everyones business! But until then, you’ll just have to take my word for it. She did SO well. Ran like the wind, had great form, and jumped far! She did great!

At the end of the day, she mentioned that she was a bit disappointed with how the day ended.
“I didn’t get any ribbons. For anything.”
Now, guys, I don’t know how to do healthy competition. I have WAY too much guilt to feel competitive, lol! So this is not my strength. And before I could even attempt to discuss with her how she was feeling, she saved it.
“I still had a LOT of fun. I’m not worried about it. Just. Wish I got a ribbon.”
And she moved on!

Ugh. I’m so proud of her. She is a total rockstar. I’m happy she got a chance to compete in the city, and feel special in that way. Go, Laela, go!!!