The MESS of the Backyard

Our backyard has been an absolute disaster for a while now. Once the front yard was getting established, it felt like we had finally jumped a big hurdle. Unfortunately, the backyard was a MUCH bigger hurdle, and with everything on the go over here, that sucker has been neglected! Not to mention, the kids have been playing at the park more often these days anyway, because of the spray park. So the backyard hasn’t been missed. But WOW its bad. BAD.

A few days ago, I noted that some of the weeds had positively exploded and were as tall as the fence! We absolutely canNOT have that! So we did some brainstorming, thought about hiring it out, and finally settled on me getting frustrated and just going out there and starting to pull them all out.

For a fairly small yard, there were a LOT of weeds. My first attempt was feeble at best. Dekker came out to help me without any prompting, and he grabbed us both some gloves and brought me the empty rain barrel to load up with weeds. We worked for a while until our cute neighbour poked her head up over the fence and offered to bring her trimmer over! I told her I was worried the big weeds might take her trimmer down, but she insisted she come and try. So she ate supper, and showed up with her whipper and her safety glasses, game for anything!

We worked for a solid two hours. Me and her, Dekker and Laela. And got the entire thing mowed down!!!! I am SO relieved! It still needs help. 100% it needs help. But we could actually be back there now! And we can actually think about trenching for sprinklers at some point, eventually resulting in grass! Though I believe that has to wait for fall now. Right? Help…

It was a lot of work, but it was cute 💜

Dekker and Laela kept gushing about how much fun they were having, and they were working. It was such a pleasant time. I love when we can be super productive while also being happy. Thank you Lord for the gifts you give!

Appointments and Busyness

As I put the July calendar together yesterday, I was relieved to see we have more breathing room than we did earlier in the year. It’s actually really funny. February holds a lot for our family, but I found January to be more of a strain on us than February, and was much busier for the brain and heart. February was heavy, but it was also the kick off of our foster care venture! Which made March, April and May CRAZY busy! Plus, you know, all the other things in our life. Our people. School. Work. Church. Life. It has really been bonkers.

June was quieter for us in terms of foster stuff, as our worker was on a holiday trip, and in the meantime, her supervisors were reading through a HUGE document she had written about our family. It was more the “waiting for approval” time. We were finally approved on Friday, June 9th, and had a beautiful new family member arrive in our home on Monday, June 12th. Two weeks after that, school wrapped up, and I wasn’t even there for it! Ack! Our life is insane these days!

But July feels like a breath of fresh air 💜 There are still a lot of things to do. For sure over the next two weeks, we have multiple appointments – eye doctor, family doctor, and a few others I won’t go into detail on. Oh and another MRI. One of the big ones with the entire spine and the brain. There are a lot of things on our plate, but I’m grateful we can all breathe a little easier these days. Staying in bed a bit longer is nice. The timelines around school being off is nice. Everyone feels a bit more free. Some things are slowing down.

But some things are still nuts. I want to sort out school supplies stuff NOW so I don’t have to panic at the end of August. And I need to fix the backyard. And prep for camp. And everything else.

Never a shortage! And I wouldn’t trade it 💜

Wavy Weekend in a Nutshell

We only spent one night at the lake this weekend, but we went at the exact right time!! We enjoyed spending time with our Dahlsjos at the lake, over supper, and into the evening.

It was a really nice few hours 💜 Waverly even did me a solid and grew a brand new dot 😍

Do you see it there on her collarbone? Isn’t it beautiful???

We parted ways and separately witnessed the storm move in.

At one point, a few of us motored down to the beach to rescue our paddle boat that we were suspicious had been left in the water. We were correct! But I don’t have proof, because bringing my phone out there would’ve been DUMB. Lol! It POURED! Thunder and lightening were 👌 on point! And wind was crazy! It was just an awesome storm!

We woke up to a chilly day that felt more like fall camping already! But it was Wavy’s birthday, and we made it fun 💜

It wasn’t a bonkers level birthday, but we were happy to be together for the time we could be! We drove home and picked up McDonalds pancakes along the way, as per the birthday girls request. And then stopped and saved our butts when we discovered all four tires had loose lug nuts 😵 Loved that…

Now, we’re working away, cleaning up after the huge stretch of busyness our family just came off of. I barely made it home before we got ready for the lake! Ack! Lots of work to do around here, but many hands make light work!

Happy stat, guys!! The first real week of summer holidays begins tomorrow! And there is certainly a LOT to do this coming week!!! Good luck, everyone!! 💜

Waverly Turns Five

Our dear little girl – Waverly Violet – turns FIVE today.

While I remember her birth so vividly that it feels like it happened yesterday, it’s also been a full five years of having her in our family, and I’d never trade it! She is a bright light! 

Wavy continues to come into her own. She loves to sing, and she makes up her own songs as she plays. She loves to run and be outside. She loves to tease. She loves to draw people and write her name. She loves her friends and she cannot wait for school! She is positively FULL of life and fun! 

Waverly is beautiful in all the ways. She is a smiley girl who loves to laugh and be sweet. She is pretty and strong. She wants to help and contribute to her family. She wants to care for our newest family member, even if there are tears or struggle involved. 

She is not afraid of much. And even when she is scared or sad, she is still very brave! 

I’ll be honest. I could watch her play and be comfortable and at ease all day long. 

She is a total light in our home, and I believe she radiates that in many other homes as well. With auntie. With grandma. With Tom and Rae. With the Dahlsjos. She spreads love and joy in all directions. I am so grateful for Waverly. I know I’m not the only one. To know this girl is to love her. 

Thank you, auntie, for taking the beautiful pictures, yet again 😘

Thank you for joining us, Miss Wave. I hope you feel so loved and happy on your birthday today 💜💖☀️🌺🌸

Here’s to FIVE!!! 


*waves arms in the air*

I could not for the life of me get the blog to work last night! I tried and tried! Please forgive me, enjoy YESTERDAYS blog now, and keep an eye out for a much more special blog later TODAY!!!


It has been a truly beautiful day. We were able to get ourselves out the door to the lake this morning. It’s the long weekend, as you likely know, so we had plans to make it the longest weekend possible. But with some added challenges on our plate lately, we decided to go a bit later and just start with one night. See how it goes! 

We arrived late morning, unloaded, and joined our Dahlsjos at the beach. It was HOT out today!! Very hot. Hot enough to send all of us back to our respective campers to get out of the heat finally. Thankfully, I had taken some time over the last day or two to organize the school supplies and gather up some art supplies to bring to camp for days just like this one. It was worth it. 

We lurked in the AC for a while until it was supper time. Our Dahlsjos had invited us to join them for supper, so we headed their way and feasted on a big burger and hot dog feed, with cheesy bacon potatoes and watermelon. It was crazy delicious! 

Once the day wound down, we split off for the night. It was too hot to be outside anymore. Brady and I took the golf cart and rounded up the kids who had migrated to the park. Then we drove the loops to see who was all here this weekend. Finally, we called it a night and went back to the camper to tuck in. 

And out of absolutely nowhere, the storm started! We heard wind. LOUD wind. And then the power cut. That was that. The thunder and lightening. Rain and more rain. It sounded like it was hailing, but when I went out in the deck, it was more like branches and pinecones falling. A quick golf cart rip down to get the paddle boat out of the water proved a beautiful stormy scene. I haven’t seen waves crash like that in a long time. It was gorgeous. And freezing. And WET. It was wild. I loved it so much! 

The power is still out, and I’m not mad at it. Temperature is good. White noise works on a fully charged phone for the one who needs it. The other kids are chatting away and enjoying the storm sounds. 

I am SO happy it’s raining and storming like this!! Thank you Lord for a beautiful storm!! 


Apparently the storm was a little too good and internet signal was nowhere to be found. With trees coming down around the campground, I was in no position to venture out to search for one. So. Here you have it. Yesterdays blog, late, thanks to the beautiful storm last night. No regrets!!

The Summer Buzzkill Mom

All the fun families are going out to do summer activities today! Pools, ice cream, etc. At least thats the vibe I get. But my kids got put to work today, hahaha! But there was good reason for it!

Our life has been pretty chaotic for the last week or so, and the house is kind of a mess because of it, haha! No big issues there, just some upkeep needed.

And then the kids brought home ALL their school stuff. Which, I’ll admit, it a bit of a nightmare I was quite determined to deal with as fast as possible rather than letting it linger all summer in a giant pile in my room.

Also, we want to go camping. So thats another thing to be busy with.

So today the jobs began! The kids got to sleep in and move slowly to get breakfast going, but after that, they got it with the full understanding of the goals we were working towards!

Rowan went through all the school markers to pitch all the dried up ones. Solly sharpened all the pencils and pencil crayons.

Once those things were done, they loaded them into a nice little shelf I got to bring to camp! Its nice to finally have a plan for ALL that extra craft stuff!

Dekker and Laela got into dishes, and then packing, and a few other jobs they had.

Wavy put away the kids laundry that my mom did this week 💜 Such an amazing gift you gave us, mom. Thank you!

Beyond these things, they all started packing. Taking apart old duotangs to reuse next year. Buzzing heads. Baths. Its not over yet, but we took a good bite out of the job list!

I hope you all have a beautiful long weekend 💜

The LAST Day

So much wraps up today. School is out. Dekker is done at elementary school. Wavy is done not being in school. Laela is done being second in command in the group who walks to school. Solly is done being the baby of the group. So. Much. Change.

This morning as I prepared the kids for their last day, I told them I would come walk to pick them up from school so I could help carry things home. We’ve been sending reusable bags with each kid each day, and the teachers have been awesome at sending things home gradually. But we had some sickies so I knew there would still be more to bring. When I presented this idea, every kid piped up and asked if I would walk them to school, also! I loved this, and happily went along.

I managed to get there for pickup as well. It was beautiful and hot out, and it was fun to see everyone so happy, heading home for the summer. It really felt like summer. And now we can really just coast in it. Sleep in. Take it easy. In between all the appointments, lake stuff, foster stuff, etc. No shortage, friends. Not ONE! But I wouldn’t trade it 💜

Happy summer, friends! If your kid is in my kids grade, which class are they in??

I Missed Something Important

I think its not a terribly big secret that I’ve been a bit busy the last week or so. Its true. I haven’t been home, but it was for good reason, and we are praising the Lord that I am officially home today!!! 💜 Woohoo! Its been a long week! I sure missed my people.

With that, as I sat on my own toilet this evening, and took a minute to actually scroll my phone, I saw on my Facebook memories that yesterday marked the yearly anniversary of my blog! I MISSED IT!!! Hahahahaha! That should show you how busy I’ve been!! Because yesterday officially marked eleven years!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Eleven years have been full of things to share – trips, milestones, babies, friends, crisis, loss, grief, cancer, surgeries, learning and growing. And now, let’s add a new career and foster care to that list! The last year has been yet another large one! But one I am endlessly grateful for.

I love where we are in our life right now. It is not perfect. Its not all popular. But we love the directions we’ve chosen to run (or roll) in.

Thank you to those who have stuck it out with us 💜 And to those who have followed this silly blog project! Its been a riot! Every blog anniversary, I toy with the idea of wrapping it up. But I missed this anniversary altogether, so I guess we’ll revisit that next year, haha!

Why stop now??

Eleven years 🥂

Sick Day for A Few

Brady’s been feeling a tad under the weather for a couple of days, but last night he knew he wasn’t going to make it to work. And conveniently, some of the kids felt about the same 😬

Well, first, I guess you can know the weirdos that did make it to school.

Aaaaand then the sickos.

Once the big kids were off, Brady settled in for a movie with the kids 💜 Storks. If you haven’t watched it, do it. Its SO cute, and underrated.

Look at those eyes! Ack! Brady rolled out the morning (ha!) and then the kids both went down for naps. He had a soak and a boost in an effort to feel better. I don’t think it worked 😬

Post-naps, Wavy had a pretty decent fever and was feeling pretty floppy and icky.

But Laela came home bearing presents from her teacher, who was giving away from of her supplies in lieu of her retirement. She brought home a gift for each sickie 💜

She is terribly thoughtful 💜

In the midst of the sickness, my mom did a whole Costco shop for us! Thank you, mom! 💜

Here’s hoping for a smoother day tomorrow!! 💪