Holiday Sunday and Monday

Ok! Photos plus captions for our week at the lake! Get ready for the speed round of the first couple of days!

The day began with rainbow looms. More bracelets and anklets and chokers than any of us knew what to do with. It was fun and relaxing for all.

Wavy went up to the Dahlsjos camper to “help” Stacy prep some food. And by “prep” I do mean “eat.”

We dropped the kids off at camp in the early afternoon! 💜💜💜💙💙💙

Sunday held an unplanned and much loved visit by our dearest Cherice!!

We enjoyed the sunset, as well as the entertainment. Wavy donned two tubes and Dekker chased her around with a pool noodle, whacking her tubes while she squealed with delight. It was adorable. They are a beautiful pair.

Back at our site, we dragged our feel just a little bit longer before it was time to tuck in the little ones, and then ourselves.


We spent the morning by the fire and moved to the beach for the afternoon! Some of us, at least. Cher, Stacy, and I, plus the few kids left with us. Brady has renovation goals this week.

I know, it just looks like he’s pooping. He isn’t. It’s a bathroom reno.

Wavy played in the water on her own a couple of times, and I was blown away by how bold and brave she was!!! In the heavy wind, with lots of waves, she headed out there in her life jacket AND floaty tube to bob in the water 💜

The skies were bonkers today. Just a gorgeous day to hit the beach. We waited all day for a storm that never came.

Which worked out, since the beach was too fun to leave.

Eventually the time did come to head back up, and wouldn’t you know there was ice cream to be had??

The afternoon was beautiful. No doubt about that, low point being Cher leaving for home 💜It ended too quickly, after only four hours at the beach. But it was time to eat. And that did not disappoint.

We ate like royalty, with ridiculously yummy leftovers from the day before, plus some appies we had in the freezer leftover from my birthday. Then we meandered through the campground a bit, daydreaming of what the future holds. Meanwhile a few of our kids wrestled and played together. They don’t look deranged at ALL!

And it wrapped up with Waverly laughing until she farted, in this exact position 🤣 it was absolutely HYSTERICAL.

Who could possibly ask for anything more?? 💜

Thank you, Lord.


The day has been lovely. Beautiful weather. Invested friends. Excited kids who were so happy to be dropped off at camp for the week. Delicious food. Relaxing fires. The bright sunset closed it off perfectly. 

A little bit more fire and a roasted tomato sandwich, and I’m ready for bed 🥱 

Our Holiday Begins

The first full day of our holiday began with bakes oatmeal by the fire. What more could we even ask for?

We had completely forgotten that this weekend was Christopher Lake Days, so after breakfast. We meandered our way to town for the parade!

My favorite float threw toilet paper and candy canes. While others didn’t voice it, I think they liked the same one. 🧻

Then we hit up the petting zoo and the marketplace/trade show area for a little bit, but we opted to head home shortly after lunch time.

To the beach! It wasn’t hot or calm but it was good enough for the geese, so it was good for us!!

It REALLY looked like the storm was coming, but it just didn’t come. The clouds were fun to look at!

Even our swimmiest swimmer deemed it too cold out for swimming. But there is always rainbow loom to carry the torch.

While it was a little blustery, it was positively beautiful. I will never ever complain about a view like this.

Thank you, Lord.

Mom’s Birthday

My sweet mama celebrates her birthday today 💜 She is someone I aspire to be like in many facets of my life.

Of course I want to be a mom like she is. She exudes love and warmth and gentleness. She values all the little events and milestones that come along. She teaches all along the way, as I desire to do for my children. There is never too much love with my mom.

I also desire to be the mother in law that I see she is to my husband. She has a beautiful balance of contribution and love, all the while letting us make our own choices, and supporting them all along the way!

I want to be a friend like my mom. I want my friends to feel my love through my intentional actions. Just like hers do.

And I want to not go grey until my 60s, because how cool is that?!

I so very dearly love you, my sweet mama 💜 Thank you for teaching me all you have, and for continuing to do so. I don’t know how you found the perfect line between being my mom and my close friend, but you crushed it, and for that – for YOU, I praise the Lord.

The Giant Prep Day

We are gearing up for our holidays this coming week! That means a first weekend with all of us. A week with three of us at camp. And a second weekend with us plus guests. Aaaaahhh! Its SO doable, but a lot of thinking when it comes to amounts of food!

Another moving part of the week is the fact that I’m coming back home for a couple of days in the middle. So those days, Brady will have a couple of kids at camp on his own, and I’ll be home with the smallest morsel. Again, doable. Just lots of thinking and organizing in advance.

Oh! AND a birthday celebration on the second weekend. So, special food for that.

*pulls hair from head*

Thank goodness today is the day we get it ALL done! We have to drive both vehicles in, which is not ideal, but such is life. We need to fit about ten days worth of groceries, plus eight people, and a wheelchair along with us. So. If we don’t have a bus, we have to bring two vehicles!

This evening after Brady’s done work, we will hit a handful of stores, including a few on 8th St that we never hit anymore. But since I’m able to sneak in a leg wax this evening, we’ll be over in that end of the city. Win win! HOPEFULLY going to Superstore will mean we can dodge Costco this time around. But beyond that, we need only two things at Wholesale Club, and another couple of things at Coop. Plus a few more places.

Aaaaand this morning, I’m going in for an appointment, and one quick stop for a last minute gift for a birthday party Laela was invited to!

As Andy Samberg says, “Never stop never stopping!”

Hail Damage Repair for a Large Family

We learned last time we needed to get hail damage repaired that we need different insurance that accounts for a comparable vehicle. A few years ago, the seven of us were granted a minivan, which felt impossible at the time with everyone in carseats! And now with six children, its a no-go.

This time around, we legitimately booked our repair around when the autobody shop could arrange the rental of an eight seater vehicle for us. And that day was today!!!

Guys. We look like drug dealers now 😎

Its so much fancier than our bus. That goes without saying, I know. The running boards fold out when you open the door and close when you lock up. Its all leather. And the whole roof opens, so, there’s that.

The way it is similar to our bus is the size!! Its HUGE! You’d think that would be totally fine, except its a super weird change! Our bus has truck mirrors. There are NO blind spots in it! But in this expedition, there are plenty, and I have to remember to actually shoulder check again! Yikes!

How bizarre is it that I’ve become accustomed to driving our passenger van that I’d rather drive it than this fancy gigantic SUV?!

The kids absolutely love it, however, so thats a fun dynamic. Getting Wavy’s car seat in the back might be a challenge, but if thats the worst of it, we can hack it.

Especially since we’re on the hook for this thing for two weeks 😅 Don’t get me wrong, I’m incredibly grateful we have it! I don’t know what the eight of us would do with anything different at this point! Don’t judge me while I adjust to something new!

And if you see a dealer parked at my house, remember this post!

A Swirly Head and Limited Time

I have a short blog window today and a LOT swirling around in my head. I am incredibly relieved that my afternoon appointment cancelled at least, but still, time is limited before I’m going to need to be hands on doing other things! So I leave you with this positively corny meme that made me laugh embarrassingly hard. Because that is my apparent level of tired.

If you needed a laugh on fake Monday of the workweek, here you have it. Dongfish. Nutte sac. All the immature giggles. For you. From me. You’re welcome.

Happy fake Monday, guys!

All the Pictures You Missed

Not only was the weekend really full, and blogs came late, but the signal also sucked worse than usual, and getting any pictures on the blog was a feat. So you’re getting a bunch now 🙂 Get ready!

When we were about twenty minutes from camp, I got a text that Jaxon really wanted us all to gather up at his campsite for an evening s’more roast. So that was a really sweet (ha!)way to kick off the weekend!

These two girlies both brought their rainbow loom bracelet stuff this weekend, this was born the task of finding as many color combinations as was humanly possible. It started small. Please stand by.

We got a tube blown up but it only went out on the water once. Merp. But it was nice for a friendly tanning sesh or two!

This is the face of someone who ate a cinnamon sugar bagel on the beach on a windy day.

We have been welcomed into a warm tradition of the Dahlsjos cooking for our entire group for Saturday supper. Its been humbling and SO loving and also incredibly delicious. This weekend was no different! Garlic roasted potatoes. Corn on the cob. Tossed salad. And smoked brisket. My first brisket, and 100% not my last!

A rare photo of Solomon when he was not caked in dirt, looking quite grown up if you ask me!

Crocheting on the beach 😎 One of my happiest of places.

The three young girls out swimming together! Wavy in her lifejacket and tube went all the way out to the end of the dock and squealed for Avery to catch her. Very cute, and very brave.

Then there was candy, because children are irresistible…

And rainbow looms abounding!

This was a highlight! Dekker caught his first fish!!! 💜 And then he didn’t have the nerve to touch it! 😂 So this is Dekkers awesome friend holding the fish for him. It was SO cute to me! How proud of him does his buddy look?!

Speaking of Dekkers buddy, he and Jaxon are getting closer, and its really nice to see 💜 They harass each other like family should, but also have a lot of respect for each other.

A weekend that started chilly ended warm. All the days were beautiful, though.

Aaaaand I closed out the weekend by slamming my thumb with a sledgehammer. Still can’t feel part of it, but at least most of the searing pain has lifted. I’ll take what I can get!

This was a really beautiful weekend. One of our best, for SURE!! The week ahead is full and busy, but we have some really good stuff to prepare for, so I’m absolutely here for it!

But first, sleep!! Whew! Tomorrow starts with coffee and restfulness before we unpack, do ALL the laundry, and make two separate trips to Saskatoon! We have to work for the things we love!! 💜

Welcome back to the work week, everyone!

These Late Nights

It’s been a weekend of late nights for us all at the lake! But I am 110% here for it! Not because I’m awesome at late nights, but because the day has been full of beautiful things 💜 

Not only did we spend hours at the beach – not only did we have long campfires with people we love – not only did we eat good food – not only did we talk and not talk – but we enjoyed some lovely restful time where the guitar came out, the crocheting made its way onto my lap, and everyone was settled somewhere they found comfortable. 

We are so beyond fortunate to have this space. Thank you Lord, once again, for the gifts You have given us. We trust you.  

Chilly and Perfect

Don’t get me wrong. I want more hot summer days. But that being said, I’m not made at this chillier crispy weather 💜

Of course at this point none of my pictures will load so you’re just going to have to take my word for it.

The morning was cool and relaxed. Cinnamon buns and a hot fire.

We made our way to the beach for a chilly late morning jaunt, some lunch, and finally, the sun ☀️ It was lovely until Brady got stranded on the lake in the seadoo with a couple of kids towing behind. But. That’s another story. Don’t worry, everyone was fine. It upset me more than anyone else.

The evening meant supper with our Dahlsjos. Stacy cooked up brisket, potatoes, and corn on the cob. We ate like royalty – the kind of royalty who eats barbecue. After supper, some friends from a nearby site came by to pray with us, and then they basically cooked up s’mores for the neighbourhood! Post s’mores, Brady and I hit the lower playing field with the kids and lit some birthday sparklers in the dark. It was cute and fun and an adorable end of the day.

Tomorrow will be cute. Smorning. The word has spread so I imagine we’ll have some extras. And then hopefully more beach. More fires. More maybe some work on the seadoo. Hopefully some crocheting. But low low lowwwww pressure.

Happy long weekend, friends 💜