Ok! Photos plus captions for our week at the lake! Get ready for the speed round of the first couple of days!
The day began with rainbow looms. More bracelets and anklets and chokers than any of us knew what to do with. It was fun and relaxing for all.

Wavy went up to the Dahlsjos camper to “help” Stacy prep some food. And by “prep” I do mean “eat.”

We dropped the kids off at camp in the early afternoon! 💜💜💜💙💙💙

Sunday held an unplanned and much loved visit by our dearest Cherice!!

We enjoyed the sunset, as well as the entertainment. Wavy donned two tubes and Dekker chased her around with a pool noodle, whacking her tubes while she squealed with delight. It was adorable. They are a beautiful pair.

Back at our site, we dragged our feel just a little bit longer before it was time to tuck in the little ones, and then ourselves.

We spent the morning by the fire and moved to the beach for the afternoon! Some of us, at least. Cher, Stacy, and I, plus the few kids left with us. Brady has renovation goals this week.

I know, it just looks like he’s pooping. He isn’t. It’s a bathroom reno.
Wavy played in the water on her own a couple of times, and I was blown away by how bold and brave she was!!! In the heavy wind, with lots of waves, she headed out there in her life jacket AND floaty tube to bob in the water 💜

The skies were bonkers today. Just a gorgeous day to hit the beach. We waited all day for a storm that never came.

Which worked out, since the beach was too fun to leave.

Eventually the time did come to head back up, and wouldn’t you know there was ice cream to be had??

The afternoon was beautiful. No doubt about that, low point being Cher leaving for home 💜It ended too quickly, after only four hours at the beach. But it was time to eat. And that did not disappoint.

We ate like royalty, with ridiculously yummy leftovers from the day before, plus some appies we had in the freezer leftover from my birthday. Then we meandered through the campground a bit, daydreaming of what the future holds. Meanwhile a few of our kids wrestled and played together. They don’t look deranged at ALL!

And it wrapped up with Waverly laughing until she farted, in this exact position 🤣 it was absolutely HYSTERICAL.

Who could possibly ask for anything more?? 💜
Thank you, Lord.