Fun fact: I wrote this blog a couple of weeks ago and forgot it existed. Its dated now, but its cute, and I still mean all that I say, so it feels worth sharing. Enjoy this “late to the game” post!
As I’ve been mentioning for probably way too long, there is a lot to prepare for this coming holiday, and yesterday was the day. After a bunch of shopping and stopping, we got home later in the evening than usual and tucked in the four younger kids. It was after 9pm. Thats late for us! We decided to keep Dekker up, however, to help Brady with some more of his work. There was a LOT to load into the minivan for a project Brady wants to work on at the camper. Laela was also at a birthday party that was going pretty late. So four were down, and four were up! And we were working!
Brady got the minivan positively loaded down, and I got a whole heap of things organized in terms of food, clothing, baby supplies, etc. Who would have ever thought that taking two vehicles to the lake would provide us somehow less space than our one big vehicle?!
Anyway. Lots is done. Lots is still to do. But look at these incredible humans right here 💜

I love that they’re old enough to stay up later when necessary, and be part of the team in a different, big kid kind of way 💜 I’m very proud of them.