While We Wait

So yesterday was FUN, telling everyone about the house going on the market. All the shares across social media meant a lot to us 💜 Thank you, friends. The more that ad gets passed around, the higher the likelihood this place will actually sell! I have fears that it won’t, and everything will fall through. But fear gets us nowhere, so I’m working actively to lay that fear down where it belongs and walk away from it.

Please don’t stop sharing it, though 💜

So if it was unclear, the house hasn’t sold yet 😅 Lame, I know.

While we wait, we will listen to music, play lego, bake, visit, work, and whatever else passes time well without making a gigantic mess that can’t be cleaned up in 20 minutes or less, just in case.

Today feels like a baking day…


Ready, Set… GO!!!! 

Did you notice the shiny new thing in our front yard?? 🤩 

Our house is officially ON THE MARKET!!!! After spending the last couple of weeks positively crushing everything that needs to be crushed, it is ready to be viewed by any and all the people. 

My goodness. The house will never look like this again, hahaha! 

Ideally, the people who see this listing might want to buy it 😂 Or know someone who might 🤷🏼‍♀️ But if not, you’re still invited to take a peek, and maaaaaybe even share the listing far and wide! 

In fact, please do 💜 We are eager to sell. We have an offer accepted on another home, contingent on the sale of our current home. There is a time limit on it and everything, and while we LOVE this beautiful home we had built for us seven years ago, we would very much like to live at this other home that will suit us MUCH better. A big bungalow with a finished yard, concrete driveway, and a functioning wood shop in the basement 😳 It was undeniably made for us! In terms of paraplegia, family size, and foster care, the house we have offered on will work so beautifully. 

Please share the link if you feel so inclined. Or pray. Or tell your friends. Or all of the above. This house has served us SO well. It is a BEAUTIFUL home, and we will be sad to see it go.

But, onto new adventures 💜 God knows. 



Quieter Mornings

The mornings are entirely different without Dekker and Laela. Every child has their own room this way, and they all sleep longer. Most days, I wake at least one of them up from a dead sleep. Sometimes all three of them.

Everyone breakfasts at the island these days, because 🤷🏼‍♀️ there’s room. Getting everyone ready is quicker and easier. I LOVE the big kids, and I am really excited to have them back, but this dynamic is fun, too.

The three of them headed off to school today, and I headed out with the morsel this afternoon for an appointment. A pumpkin appointment…

…and then a real appointment. Thank you, Jocelyn, for sharing a pumpkin with us!! I’m SO jazzed to puree another one and get some more in my freezer! The last batch of pumpkin muffins I made went over beautifully!

We made it home in time to walk the kids from school and show them the shiny new thing in the front yard! 😍 We can talk about that tomorrow…

Eyeballs and Gnomes

This afternoon held a check-up at the optometrist for Mr. Rowan!

He was really excited to bail on the afternoon of school and head out with me and Wavy!

His eye appointment was really awesome, actually! Wavy sat really quietly while Rowan went through the motions with reading the lines of letters smaller and smaller and smaller. It felt victorious when his eye doctor noted yet further improvement in his vision! She showed us the row he used to guess at, and he read it with ease today, guessing the next row down in size. Marked improvement! With that comes a new trial pair of contacts that should come in the next two weeks. We’ll see how those go, and continue patching in the meantime. Its working!!!

The appointment was done, and it wasn’t worth it to go back to school, so we perused Canadian Tire for a little bit. I bought a couple of things I needed, as well as a thing or two I did not need 😬

I’ve been scoping these gnomes ALL year. Finally bit the bullet before they disappeared into the fall abyss. I think they’ll sit amidst my Christmas decor this year. At their patio set. Maybe they were at the nativity scene. We have options.

Since then, we’ve hit the playground for a bit, and retrieved Solomon from school. The kids are playing downstairs, and I’m looking forward to an easy suppertime.

Its a good day. Tomorrow might be eeeeeven better 💜

Wavy Takes Ballet

As if she wasn’t already the sweetest little thing, Waverly started ballet yesterday 💜

Technically it started last week, but she was sick so I kept her home. Laela got her first day in last week. Now this week, we’re short Laela at ballet, but Wavy got her chance!

I am SO happy ballet came to town! SO many cute little kids! Ack!

*forgets to title blog*

We’re down a couple of kids this week. Every child had their own room last night! Except the morsel, but thats different.

Solomon was still fast asleep when I went to his room.

Wavy was the same – fast asleep.

Rowan was awake, but way less with it than when I usually go to him.

Kids sat at the island for breakfast, because, there was room. Then they got ready, and the two boys headed off to school on their bikes together. Today isn’t a school day for Wavy, so she’s stuck with me.

Cher came for a shorty coffee before she got into her day, which was a nice light, relaxed spot of the day!

This morning, the two kids at home got baths. Lots of playing. I worked on a handful of things – laundry, tidying, lots of running up and down the stairs. You know those days where you do WAY more stairs than others?? Whew!

We will leave shortly for an appointment, and maybe accomplish a small handful of things while in Saskatoon. But we have to be back in time for school to be out, as well as to take Wavy to ballet!! 💜 Did you guys know she’s in ballet?! Anyway, its not a long class so I should collect the boys and hang at the park or something while she’s in, and then we could all go home together. Should’ve set that up this morning… huh. I’ll have to work that out still, haha!

*pauses the blog to message teachers*

After school means more work! Hopefully Brady getting home at a good time. We’re trying to clean up a bunch of things over here and its taking more hands than we have! And with the biggest helpers gone, we have to make every minute of time count!!

*forgets to finish blog and leaves for Saskatoon*

Off to get the laundry out of the dryer before we head to pickup and ballet!!! 😅

Fall Camping

There isn’t much that is more beautiful than camping in the fall.

I bet you can smell this picture. The fire and the fresh air. You can feel the crispy breeze, and hear the rustling. The armrests on the chair are cold, but the coffee is hot. This spot leaves nothing to be desired.

This weekend was spent visiting with loved ones…


and burning as much wood out of our garage as possible.

The campground isn’t out of wood, we just wanted to get rid of some scraps that were sitting unused for long enough.

We are almost done with this beautiful season of laking. The docks are in.

There are two weekends left, and we will only be there for one of them. We are missing the next week, but will be present and excited for the last one! I LOVE lake season, but I also love home season. And things have been going at an absolutely wild pace, so I imagine the lack of back and forth will have to slow things down, at least in some aspects. But while we have it, we will enjoy it.

There just is really almost nothing better than fall camping 🍂

How it Went: Waverlys First Day of Kindergarten

Wavys first day of school was a very cute success 💜 She played dress up, ate next to nothing, and played HARD at recess. She had no hang ups with her first day. Not even one. 

She did have a fairly rough evening, which adds up perfectly with her newly full, likely overstimulating day at school. No one faulted her for that. She hasn’t missed a beat on the subject and is ready for more. 

Kindergarten takes forever to start, which I do understand with the home visits (which I LOVE) as well as the staggered start for each class. But Wavys first day came at the very end of that staggered start, meaning she will be attending on a full schedule already this week!! And honestly, good thing, because the crazy never stops, and it might be easier with one less kidlet in tow. I might even rest during quiet time in the day!! 



Who am I kidding? Ain’t no one got time for that 😅

Pancakes and Terry Fox

Today, the elementary school welcomed back the families with a breakfast of pancakes and ham, served by the teachers. It’s one of my favorite school events. It wasn’t always, but I really felt oddly griefy when Covid took it away. I am so grateful to have it back! It’s always a bit chaotic. And sticky. And loud.  But it’s so nice to see everyone and make connections again, or for the first time. 

After the breakfast, we went home, but the students went on to do the Terry Fox walk event. It definitely means more to me more than it used to. 

Life experience does that, hey? 💜 

Upon coming home, I worked my pancake butt OFF! (Ha! Works on two levels) It’s been one of the busiest days of the year for me but I’m really happy with how much work I did 💪 

And now 🙌 to camp. Because it NEVER gets old 🥰

Waverly’s First Day of Kindergarten

😳 Remember when Wavy was born?

This was yesterday, right?

Well. Today she started school. BIG school. Real school.

She was SO eager, and even though it was cold out this morning, she would not be stopped or slowed down! I’m positive every kid asked for help carrying their heavy backpacks on their first day. Not her.

She was just SO ready and excited!

We sent the kids off to play once we reached the school, but took Wavy in to her classroom to get her situated. And let me tell you. This girl did NOT need anyones help. She was into it! Literally…

She was playing and occupied almost instantly, so I had to flag her down to give me a hug goodbye. And then home we went! As though we hadn’t just dropped off our little Waverly Violet at the big kid school 💜

She was so ready, and I am SO happy for her 💜