Since Brady worked on Saturday, he had today off. We aimed for rest and relaxation, but as usual, it didn’t take. It rarely does 😅 Over coffee this morning, we decided there were three things to accomplish. Only three!!
We needed to get the winter tires out of the shed.
I needed to make muffins.
And we needed to dig out outerwear for everyone.
So while the morsel slept, I defrosted pumpkin and crocheted a bit. Brady and Wavy went outside and got the tires loaded into the van to bring in for a balance. Do you guys all balance your tires before changing them over? I thought we put them on rims so we could avoid hitting up a tire shop altogether, but it seems I’m mistaken!
I got the pumpkin defrosted and put together a big batch of muffins. After I put the first load into the oven, I decided I had the time and pumpkin to make another batch, so I went for it. And 149 muffins later, we were done.

Whew! Behold! Breakfasts for two weeks!!
Then, in the last hour or so before kids came home from school, we tackled outerwear. Have you heard there is a winter storm brewing? Well. I have. And I’m not stoked. The naive side of me wanted to avoid digging out all the winter stuff until we moved, but if we even get to move, it’s still a ways off. Of course we need it sooner than later. So we dug through all of the storage in the furnace room, as well as the garage, and made some final cuts on what to keep and what not to.

‘Twas an exhausting job, but goodness we are getting rid of SO much. Things we used to love and don’t anymore, or that we’ve simply worn out. We chucked some, and have lots to donate. Thankfully, we found LOTS that is relevant to the season and also fits!! The only holes left to fill are boots for Laela and Rowan, and toques for Rowan and Solly. And maybe neckwarmers. I should do those, too. But, we’re on our way. No one is lacking anything to get the season started.
It has been a HUGELY productive day, and tomorrow will be very relaxing and fun! You’ll hear about that then, though.
Rest well tonight, friends 💜 Dream warm dreams.