Out of Order

Lol! The title suddenly looks like an error message, which is not what I anticipated 😅 But I’m not mad at it. Todays post was going to be a structured blog around Bradys beer advent calendar, but alas, the man is a couple of days behind and rather than slugging the last couple in the afternoon here, it’ll just have to happen on another day. Hence, the blogs are out of the order I expected. The blog itself is not out of order. Follow? I hope so.

It has already been a rip roaring day of activity, though it has felt calmer than yesterday somehow. There was a Christmas treasure hunt early in the morning for my dear mom, courtesy of sweet Cherice 💜 Then I ran into the city with my mom to drop a baby off for a Christmas visit. Back we came, where kids opened more gifts from Auntie Cher while babies napped. An unexpected Christmas gift walked through the door, and there is promise of another to come! 💜 The day took a restful turn at that point, and big kids played quietly with their fun new games, Brady and I ate lunch, and my mom went home.

I have been on my phone, trying to build photo collages for upcoming blogs, and prewriting the posts I didn’t get to earlier as I had planned. The house is at rest and buzzing at the same time. I took a little break in my room to be able to actually focus on my phone, which feels like a dick move out in the living room, and to get pictures and posts organized. I won’t get it all in place, thats for sure, but I’ll hopefully take a bite out of it anyway!

Tonight, we indulge in appies with Rae and Tom and their family! A day full of beautiful things 💜 I am so grateful!

Our Family Christmas

Today was our Christmas 💜 We had to do things a little earlier than usual to ensure we’d all be together at the right time, so rather than waiting until later in the holiday, we opted for early, which was more fun anyway!

We ate delicious food, opened a mountain of gifts, ate more good food, broke for naps, and then opened the rest of the gifts into the evening. Homemade pizza closed the evening off, and everyone went to bed nice and tired.

Many events and fun things still to come in the next few days, but today was beautiful and comfy and peaceful. I am overwhelmed with gratefulness. What fun was had by all 💜

Back in Touch

We had the pleasure of spending the evening with some family that we haven’t spent time with in absolute ages. With some, it had been more than a decade, I believe.

There were eighteen of us altogether, and it felt very much like how I want my house to feel. Bustling with people who are eating, chatting, laughing, and building a closeness. From room to room, the conversation could be anything from politics to fostering to childhood memories to “pick a number between one and one hundred.”

The kids talked boisterously amongst themselves, and spent a good chunk of time playing downstairs. The babies were a total highlight, and were both welcoming, and well received. The Morsel was tucked up on someones hip, eating chocolate by the end of the evening. The Lemon Drop was jumping and flapping all over the place, rocking only a pair of jeans with a soft little belly hanging out after eating taco salad and a cookie.

We ended the evening with an impromptu gift exchange, and then some sweet goodbyes between everyone, many of us who really were connecting for the first time in a long time, or ever 💜 We waved goodbye at the window, as we always do. The Morsel actually waved as the car drove away, rather than just watching, and then waving. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that kid THAT proud of themselves.

At warp speed, Laela and I unloaded the dishwasher and loaded it back up to run. I am all for paper dishes for ease, but I was the one who insisted on using real dishes tonight, so there were many to wash! But the dishes were locked and loaded in probably fifteen minutes flat, and everyone tidied up, got ready, and packed it in.

It was a beautiful evening. Truly, I loved it. I am BEAT. But it was worth it 💜 So thank you, dear family, for making your way out and being with us for the evening to celebrate Christmas. Let us not wait another decade to do the same.

Prepping Blogs

As I’m writing some of the longer blogs to post over Christmas, I’m scrolling through a lot of photos on my phone. Like, every photo from the last year, and let me tell you – there are a LOT. This one is a super unimportant picture, but I need to share it, lol! There are a few factors worth noting.

So. Its just a coffee. A double double, to be exact. Which usually says DD on the top. I can’t decipher how this marking refers to the contents, but it does look like it says “boo.”

*gasp* A GHOST!


I would’ve posted this based only on that one dumb fact, but I had a little secondary giggle moments after I saw this picture again. Behind my cup, in the cupholder of the van, is a sheet of cough candies. Man was it ever another summer of sickness! Or at least a good handful of weeks! And then that little ziploc bag behind the cup? Ya that sucker held a chemo dose 😅 Because the name of the game this summer was cancer treatment!

Except it totally wasn’t. Cancer didn’t steal our summer. It was just a detail of that time of our lives. Its interesting to see those little moments in our memories, and I thought it was worth sharing. Not dwelling, just sharing.

The most important part of this blog is still the ghost…

That Brain Dump from Before

I made a HUGE list the other day and its been laying out for everyone to read here at the house. The idea is that anyone can see how full my brain is and they can even look at it and see if there is an opportunity to help. And they have! When Rowan has felt idle, I see him go scan it, and he’ll sometimes follow up and confirm if something on there is actually done or if its something he can help with.

This morning, he came and sat down beside me in the living room. While I was typing an email, he took the brain dump sheet and asked about a few things. He giggled at me that I still have things to do. Lol! Twerp.

Much of what still needs doing is some pre-blogging I always try to do before Christmas so I have a few days with good posts that I don’t have to write in the moment. I always pre-write a blog for Christmas day and New Years Eve. We’ll see if I get there this year. I really do need to do one last errand run. Maybe today after school. I need to write a couple of Christmas cards that ideally would’ve been delivered this week but 🤷🏼‍♀️ And there are a few things that simply wont get done. I will admit that I feel a little defeated this morning, but likely I’m just short on sleep, and will rally soon enough.

Some deliveries will wait until the break. Thats ok. Some cookie icing will wait. Thats ok. Christmas cards will be handed out during the break rather than before. Thats ok. The mailed ones will be late anyway. Thats ok.

Everything that needs to come together will 💜 It always does.

Christmas Concerts 2024

Today was terribly cute. I was able to go to the elementary school in the afternoon for the Christmas play. Brady came along, as did my mom and Rae. Cher lovingly took the hit of being at the house with the babies so the rest of us could truly be present 💜 What a gift that was.

Here is your quick overview, unfortunately without pictures, because, other peoples kids.

The play this year was centred around the original Grinch story, and Laela secured the role she tried out for. She played the Mayor of Whoville. And she positively crushed it. She did a beautiful job, got her lines effortlessly, and got some laughs from the audience. It was a total success.

Waverly sang a couple of songs with her class, most notably Jingle Bell Rock. She had every move down. All the words. All the actions. She improv danced with a friend beside her, and they rocked their imaginary saxophones until the absolute last second, where the song ended in a back to back pose. It was SO cute. She performed like a boss.

Solly has previously stood up at the front during his songs, arms crossed, or just very very neutral, seemingly watching the audience. And this time around, he sang all the words, did all the actions, and then asked me follow up questions after the fact. He was super proud of his songs and he knew he had done well. He was much more “present” this time around.

And while Laela was our actor this time, Rowan was a star in his role. Like just about everyone else, his job was to sing with his classmates. Last year, he really really struggled to even get out on the stage. His teacher was amazing, and confirmed with me which performance I was coming to so she could encouraged him to at least be on stage in the ONE show. He doesn’t really care for the performance scene at all. Thats where he was at then. And this time – today – he sang every word of every song. He sang confidently. He did every action. He danced, and participated, and when everyone “sang” a song that no one was confident in, he giggled a little as he stumbled over the words. He was so much more comfortable being in that setting. As the songs wrapped up and the entire student body shouted “Merry Christmas!” Brady noted Rowan looked super overwhelmed. We know the face. He was trapped by kids. He couldn’t leave. He had to wait. It was loud and pushy and overwhelming for probably any of us. And we watched him go from clenched teeth to waiting patiently to being completely relaxed. Man. He has come SO FAR this year.

They all have. Watching these Christmas plays always leaves me so grateful for my family, as well as the school my children attend. You don’t find many a school who will still sing songs about Jesus’ birth, and I am so thankful our school still knows the truth.

It was a really well done, really cute play 💜 Amazing work, kids, both mine and everyone elses. And to the staff – you are all rockstars, and this could NOT have gone off so smoothly without you!

Merry Christmas play day, everyone! 🎄

Would You Rather…

My kids play Would You Rather over breakfast sometimes. It seems fitting to share my latest favorite one with you today on a day where I felt quite finished already a couple of hours ago. Here you have it.

Would you rather… be a Walmart manager, or broccoli?

Most of the kids laughed, and immediately answered “A manager! Because…” before launching into all the responsible reasons.

And then Rowan asked to repeat the question.

Would you rather be a Walmart manager, or broccoli?

Wide eyed, he heaved a big sigh and promptly answered “Broccoli!!”

I’m with you, bud. Today, I just want to be broccoli. Let someone else be manager.

That Whole Trendy “Sushi Bowl” Thing

Have you seen people on the internet making sushi bowls recently? They look really good but I don’t have most of what they need, and I’m pretty white, and I’ve hardly ever even had sushi. But, in true Hailey spirit, I got the idea into my head and bought some of the ingredients a while back, “just in case” I make them. Thankfully, those were nothing crazy.

Unlike the old standby Hailey, I actually decided to make these things the other day. I bought a couple more things – nothing crazy – and prepped to make one for lunch the other day.

I pulled up Pinterest and searched for easy sushi bowls, and there were more differences between them than I remembered. I got discouraged that I still didn’t have all the things, or just that I’d have to modify recipes. Remember, I’m not especially confident in the kitchen.

Except! Sometimes, I kinda am, now! Go figure!

So I improvised. And if we’re being honest, at home, I call this a white girl sushi bowl. And just because its not authentic asian food doesn’t mean it isn’t yummy!


Ok. This is how I make it. Over explained, as per usual.

White rice. I don’t know what sushi rice is.

I drizzle rice vinegar over it. I always think thats going to ruin it, but it doesn’t.

I had to buy those snack packs of seaweed. I crumble 2-3 of them overtop of the rice. They’re cheap and easy to have in my pantry, so I don’t mind. And apparently they’re a sort of substitute for furikake, which is an asian seasoning that I haven’t been able to find. So. Seaweed sheets. Crumbled on top.

Imitation crab. Take it or leave it. I love that I have an excuse to have this stuff in my house, haha! Its yummy and inexpensive, and the only ingredient a person would have to actively repurchase on purpose, in my opinion. I hack up a few chunks. Don’t overthink it.

Same for cucumber. Cut a chunk of and hack it up. Doesn’t have to be pretty.

Ok. Spicy mayo. Sriracha mayo. I don’t opt for this kind of topping ever, but its really, really good. I don’t know what kewpie mayo is. I don’t have it, I know that much. And while I could use regular mayo and sriracha separately, it wouldn’t be as pretty. So drizzle that sucker. And then add more the next time.

And then you’re supposed to sprinkle black sesame seeds on top. Again, I don’t have those. So I went with everything bagel seasoning, lol! And, to me, that makes it. It gives it little salty pops and its SO yummy.

Anyway. I’ve made these a handful of times now for my lunches. Everyone in my home has tasted it, and while not everyone would choose to eat a bowlful, no one disliked it. The babies devoured it, spicy mayo and all!

Guys. You should really give it a go. Its so much more delicious than you’d think.

Mmmmm. Now I’m all hungry.

Brain Dump

My mind has been swirling to say the least for a good while now. I had a cry yesterday out of total overwhelm, and today over breakfast, I printed out a brain dump page and loaded her right up!

I’d show you, but of course, I can’t, because thats the rules. But I’ll give you the gist.

A list of things for Brady to pick up from work.

A list of errands for Dekker to run on his way home after youth drop-in.

Arrange the pick up of a gift from Rowan for Laela.

Don’t forget to get the last items that are at Dollarama.

Hang the hay rack.

Dekker needs to wrap a gift.

Kids need to clean off their bedrooms floors for vacuuming.

Where are Wavys boots?


Prep for New Years blog.

Prep for present report blog.

Update the foster book!


Bake muffins x2

Arrange teacher/leader/doctor gifts

Wrap last presents

Pack gift boxes that are shipping

Get gifts prepared that are being delivered.

More formula from Nordon to last through Christmas.

Chase tracking to final parcels.

Finish peppernuts out of freezer.

Bake banana bread?

Sugar cookie dough

Chairs into van

Confirm visits for the week

As for commitments of time, today held:

An appt in Saskatoon
Laela read through
Dekker drop in
Parent meeting
Grocery delivery

The last things further down the list are making a grocery list for the meals I’m hosting/helping with, and getting all the old leftovers out of the fridge.

I’m tired just typing that out 😅

Bedtime. For some of the kids, anyway. There is still much to do.


Has anyone seen Wavy’s boots? 🤔

Performances Gone Wild

The last three days have held plenty of excitement in our household. Specifically for Laela! Friday was Laela and Waverly’s ballet recital, which they have worked VERY hard for. Saturday held Laela and Solomons piano recital, which was an even bigger deal being that it is their first year playing piano! And then today, Laela was Mary in the church’s kids Christmas play! Wavy was in it too, but let’s be real. Her part was “grandkid” which meant she sat on the stage and listened to the story. So. It counts but it doesn’t, lol! No burn, Wave! Tomorrow Laela has another fun thing up – her first read-through for the spring musical!!! Have I mentioned that she got a role?? We may have to talk about that sometime soon on here. For now, I’m going to keep it locked 😎 Just for kicks.

This week also holds school Christmas plays, which Laela (surprise!) has a part in. Its also the final week of parkour and piano. Dekker has Christmas stuff at youth, as well as the high school Christmas banquet. I need to get teacher gifts organized and delivered. All three babies have visits this week. The list goes on and on.

As chaotic as things look when listed out, I truly love our life, and feel incredibly blessed to live it 💜