We were in Dalmeny by 9:30. We began our shopping from my parents house, and walked down a street or two with them. Dekker was struggling pretty hard going from place and seeing all the cool toys, but not being able to go home with each and every one. Plus, Laela was fading fast.

So my parents volunteered to entertain Dekker for a while while Laela napped and we finished the town.
Brady and I drove every single street in town, and I’m thrilled to say that we cleaned house. We did really, really well this year! I know not everyone was pleased with their findings, or lack there of, but we’ve had disappointing years in the past as well. This, however, was not one of them. And so begins the insane flow of photos of our purchases. One of these days I’ll just picstitch them all together so it goes quicker, but this is just whats happening today.
Free bike!! Definitely too old for Dekker, but a solid bike for a few years from now. Who can say no to a free bike anyway?!
Free school desk! Dekker is really embracing drawing and coloring right now. Our kitchen table is tiled, so the surface isn’t especially smooth. I try to put a book under his paper, but if I ever leave and come back, the book is at the other end of the table. I’m pretty sure he will LOVE this! I’m hoping to paint it 🙂
Last free thing – a transformer! I’m not going to lie. I know nothing about transformers. But it was in a free box and I dunno! We’ll see if he likes that kind of thing 🙂
This is the only legitimate toy we bought for Laela because someone *cough mom cough* bought every single cool one we came across!! $0.75
We were specifically searching for wagon, so this was a good find! However, Dekker wanted everything but the wagon, so he threw a pretty solid fit :/ Its ok. The rest of us were still excited about it. $20.
A life jacket for baby girl! We’re going to Fairmont in a few weeks so this will be great. $1.
Solidly good quality tools for Dekker. Many battery powered, and all working! $2.
I believe this box was labelled as $0.25 each. We got the whole box for $3! Lots of good quality old school metal Hot Wheels in here!
This is probably Bradys favorite thing of the day. This little ride on car is solid. Its metal, and heavy. The wheels turn exactly right with the steering wheel. Its in incredible shape. $40.
A second box of metal Hot Wheels cars for $3!!! At the same sale, we also purchased a wicked sweet track that Brady is currently trying to build. I’ll include a picture if he succeeds before I finish posting 🙂
$5. (Hahaha, nope! Didn’t get there. Missing some pieces 🙁 )
I know no one cares about this, but my measuring cups go up to 4 cups maximum, so this is something I’ve been wanting for a long time. And it was worth the wait! $1.
Bath seat!! I’m hoping that Laela will love being able to sit up in the tub, and the little thing that wraps around the side of the tub might entice Dekker to get in there and line toys up on the table top. Sounds lame, but its sooo Dekker. $10.
Ok, ready for my favorite sale?? I used self control. At first.
I have this funny obsession with little bowls. Who would ever need so many teeny tiny bowls?? I would. I love them. This little set cost me $2.
Also there, I found these shoes for Laela. They’re both Etnies. The pink ones ($1) will fit her now, and the blue ones ($5) will fit her next spring probably.
My FAAAAAVORITE part of the day! These Dr. Brown bottles are the best bottles available, and they are incredible for barfy/gassy babies. They cost between $8-$10 each, but I picked up 22 of them for $80!!! Plus extra unused nipples. You will NEVER find a deal like this ever, and I’m sooo excited! From right to left, there are six 4oz, twelve 8oz, and four 7oz. Laela doesn’t use the 4 oz so much anymore, and we’re working to get her drinking 6oz fewer times in a day, but there will one day be more babies, and then we will have some more little ones to work with. Yay!! I say again, $80 for a bundle that would cost $250-$300 new. Awesome.
Today was sooo loaded and we all felt completely exhausted by the end,
but in a good way.
My parents scored a ton of great baby toys, including a great quality jumparoo for Laela for only $15!! And we went home with a van full of toys and sad babies. They’re both fast asleep, and I’m ready for a soak in the tub.
What a great day 🙂 Anyone else have an awesome day? I keep hearing of birthday parties!!