One of those Floppy Days

The morning was pretty much a flop 😅 Don’t worry, I’m not mad about it. But its worth noting that it was a pretty solid mess, one event after the other, with a few miniature wins thrown in there. #miniwins

When I woke up, my plan for the day was two appointments at JPCH, one after the other. While the kids were eating breakfast, I received a call saying the second of those appointments was cancelled due to a therapist calling in sick. I was a bit disappointed, because I was kind of anticipating that appointment, but it was out of my control. We rebooked for a couple of weeks down the road and I kept the day going as expected.

The time started to get away from me, and I rushed like a maniac to get babies ready and packed into the van in time. It got a little hairy, with construction causing detours right before the bridge, and then parkade entries being blocked off. However, as I was about to go waaay down and do some loops, a nice close spot opened up for me! I raced into it, got babies into a stroller, and literally ran across the parking lot.

I made it to the appointment with two minutes to spare, no joke.

Two minutes, and a month.


Sooooo after all that, we actually had NO appointments that morning. I didn’t need to go in at all. But, aiming to be positive, I decided to make a quick run over to Carters. The internet keeps showing me a sleeper that just emulates Spoonfuls mom, so I’ve been meaning to get there and buy it.

Upon arrival, I realized I didn’t have my wallet. Because that would’ve been too easy.


Ended up finding an emergency $20 in the van!

The sleeper did not exist.


I opened my van window and drove home with good music going and completely peaceful babies in the back. But goodness what an ordeal! Not my best morning, but I’m thankful that the weather was unseasonably warm, and that I hadn’t missed anything else important in the place of these non-appointments.

At least tomorrow, I know where I belong and when 😅 Or do I? 🤔

Just the Boys

Today was a day off of school, and to make it even a bit more out of the ordinary, at home was just me and the boys!

It was oddly peaceful for being boy heavy. However, after a quick jaunt to the city, we invited grandma over to play/work/eat with us. She lovingly loaded ALL of our linens into our linen closets, which is a job I’ve had a hard time getting into since we got here. And yes, I did say closetsssss. We have two, which is kind of amazing. I use one for towels and one for sheets. And now they even have those things inside of them! Heyooo!

Meanwhile, I was pretty motivated after a friend came over yesterday evening and helped get some heavy things moved around and slung some boxes. So I got back into that today and got some of the main area looking better. Now that our storage room is a bit more organized, I feel better about putting some things in there, even if its just temporary, so I can make sense of what we all have and what we need to put in what room. Even just that is helpful! So the stack of boxes that has been living just off our dining room now is dispersed into places that make more sense. There is still a table that is holding jobs that still need doing. New light fixtures. Some kitchen pullouts. Some keypads. Some cameras. You get it. Otherwise, the upstairs makes more sense now, for sure.

After a day of working, two trips to the city, and times where I was down to only one kid, its felt like theres been enough variety that it hasn’t really felt too worky at all. Its been a pretty nice day! And while I feel restful, I also feel accomplished. And SO tired. Whew!

I bathed a baby after the younger kids went to bed and that may have officially done me in. I’m good for bed now!

Juuuust have to wait for Dekker to get home 😅

Literally Unbelievable

No, I mean that, satirically at least.

There are things people do that make me wonder how they got their Idea, how they attained the confidence to do it, and furthermore, how they got the self assurance to take photograph evidence and post it on the internet. 

First, is this deer. Let’s call this one: “Oh Deer” 

But you still can’t get me to drive the same speed. I will always slow down! Even if it’s butt is full of snow. 

Second, You’ve probably seen this, but I will never stop laughing. Can you imagine being the person who happens to have balloons and see this dead trash panda? And tie the strings down… to… something?  

I will call this one “Party Animal” 

And Finally, this one sorta makes me mad, but it also shows what we all know and don’t say: How lazy people are! 

#3. Titled: “That’s Not My Job” 


Where Have the Jammies Gone?

So as tends to happen in moves, I have been on a pretty active hunt for some of our things. Strangely, we are missing a bunch of clothing. Specifically, for our Spoonful. So many of those clothes *poof* gone! Go figure! I even (mostly) caught up on laundry, but these items were nowhere to be found!! I realized at one point that there was probably laundry at the house when we left, and it got me wondering if the huge hamper that lived under our laundry chute actually made it over here. So a couple of nights ago, I made my way over to the other house. Our dream home, once upon a time. Our custom built lovely bi-level with the tall basement windows, the french door pantry, and everything to our liking. Man. Going back there was kind of wild. It echoed. It is littered with some little trash. Dust bunnies. Some cleaning products and a few things still on the walls. It is a beautiful home. But its not our home anymore. Indisputably. 

I checked for the clothing downstairs. No dice. I walked through every room to see if they happened to be in a box of something in some unexpected place. Nothing. I didn’t find anything that needed to come home in that moment, though there are still things to move. And things to clean. We are definitely not quite done over there, lol! But it’ll come. 

I came back home empty handed, and since then, have found a couple of black garbage bags of dirty laundry tucked amidst the many things we still have to unpack. So there may or may not be more. Some of the things have been located. Others are still missing. 

So the hunt continues. Where have all the jammies gone?

Picking Your Nose: A Fancy Poem Generated by AI

Picking your nose is a habit that some people do
They dig and they probe and they search for some goo
They think it’s a secret and no one can see
But they are wrong, oh yes, they are wrong indeed

Picking your nose is not a good thing to do
It can cause infections and irritations too
It can make your nose bleed and your fingers smell
It can make you look gross and unwell

Picking your nose is not a polite thing to do
It can offend others and make them say “ew”
It can ruin your image and your reputation
It can make you lose friends and invitations

Picking your nose is not a smart thing to do
It can waste your time and your energy too
It can distract you from your work and your goals
It can lower your performance and your scores

Picking your nose is not a fun thing to do
It can make you bored and unhappy too
It can limit your creativity and your imagination
It can prevent you from having fun and relaxation

So, stop picking your nose and find something else to do
Something that is good and polite and smart and fun too
Something that will make you healthy and happy and wise
Something that will make you proud and nice

You’re welcome, 

The Best Hundred Dollars

I spent the absolute BEST $100 yesterday and I’m excited to show yooooou!!

Ya. Only $100. No joke!

I got this crib for $65. The lovely grandpa held it for me since I spoke for it on Wednesday. What I love about it is that it is very similar to our other crib that we absolutely love, but its a different color. Our little spoonful is quickly coming more of a tablespoon size, and the minicrib isn’t quite cutting it anymore. Time for a bigger bed!

Then, PBR had bananas for an absolute steal!! Of course I’m now feeling like a dick because the friend who posted about this deal was hoping to get a bot picked up on her behalf and I should’ve gotten her one 🤦🏼‍♀️ Shooooot!! Anyway, we’ll pretend I didn’t totally mess that up, and keep moving. Two 40 lb boxes for $5 each!!! CRAZY deals for a person who bakes a ton now, whose children depend on muffins and things of that nature every day! So I am THRILLED to have a mountain of bananas to freeze and bake with!

🚨 I know about the banandemic. Don’t come for me. I checked in and out of every bunch, and I feel confident.

Lastly, as a total afterthought, I grabbed a 50 lb bag of potatoes for $25. In celebration of having a cold room now, I’m going to put something in there. Potatoes. Or, in our house, they’re called poaty-toes. But goodness. Come pumpkin season, I’m going to go craaaaazy!

So, to break it down.

Crib = $65
Bananas = $10
Poaty-Toes = + $25

Now THAT is the kind of money I feel good about spending.

Oh oh! And if you can’t interpret it from the post already, we got our freeeeeeezers!!! 😍 Just you wait for a kitchen update post!!!

Dekker Went Skiing

Dekker went on his first ever ski trip with his class at school! It was a pretty cool thing, actually. A few notable things.

Not a single one of his closer friends went. Not one. But he still went, happily. I was very proud of him. Not everyone likes to do things when their friends don’t join. But he went anyway.

Because his friends didn’t go, he spent most of that day on his own. He said he occasionally took the lift up with a teacher, but otherwise, he just skied by himself. And he was totally content with it.

He was the last kid on the bus on the way home, and ended up sitting with another student that he does not connect with, and in fact, has a pretty rocky relationship with. They don’t get along very well. But he was game and when asked if it went ok, he shrugged pretty contentedly and said “Ya, I’d say so!” Once again. SO proud of him.

He went to school very early and got home after suppertime. I drove to go pick him up, assuming he’d be completely wiped out. As I drove him home, he informed me he hadn’t eaten yet. I reassured him supper was still on the table because we figured he’d welcome a hot meal. He told me they had stopped at McDonalds on the way home, and I instantly felt awful because I had missed the fact that they were going to, and I hadn’t sent any money for him to buy supper. Before I could say anything, he told me he had brought an emergency $20, and yet again, I felt SO proud of him! He just keeps growing up! He told me he wanted to save as much as possible, however, so he just got “a couple of things to hold him over.” So so smart. Way to go, Dekker! So I casually asked about it.

What did you get?

Oh, just a McFlurry and a couple apple pies.

I DIED laughing!! 🤣 In the midst of all of these beautiful qualities and SUCH depth of responsibility, he is still my little boy, taking a trip to McDonalds without his mom telling him to order a real supper. I absolutely howled with laughter until my eyes welled up. I told him I would have done the EXACT same thing as him, and he really liked that, lol!

My goofy boy 💜 I am SO proud of him. He’s finding his way, and I am positively LOVING the person he is growing into!

That Costco Puzzle

A good while ago, someone gave me Costcos hilarious puzzle of (wait for it) Costo. You know that one? Its SO funny, and I was so eager to try my hand at it. Well, I will admit that I have had it on hand for a couple of years now, undone. Now that we’re here, we have more space, and I demanded asked nicely for a puzzle table. And I got one! Its a pretty cute scene.

This is one of my favorite setups to puzzle in 😍 I’m sure you understand why. Originally I had a different table but it was too small so it moved to the one you see in the above picture. I BARELY fit the Costco puzzle on the other table and it was only 500 pieces. Still. We made it work and then Dekker assembled the silver one for me 💜 He’s nice.

Anyway, ta-da!

It was early in the game where I realized how funny this puzzle was going to be to do. Probably when I found the puzzle puzzle piece…

I really enjoyed the humour involved in this puzzle, but it was after it was done that I really got to appreciate all the quirks. I’m here to show you my favorites.

The first one shows a person reading a book on yoga, and someone near her doing the poses. Because who doesn’t do that in Costco?

Maybe you noticed, but just above them, Santa makes his debut. To be clear, this was not a Christmas puzzle.

This one not only shows a woman being pushed in an office chair, but also, a man reading and getting kicked in the head by a child on a swing set.

Clearly, this is a VERY busy Costco.

And then my FAVORITE part of the puzzle was the cafeteria. Because ALL the food was absolutely ginormous 🤣

I’ll leave you with that last one to giggle at. It was SUCH a funny puzzle and gave me some nice moments of relaxation in the midst of all the work and busyness over here.

Laela in the Morning

My Laela is usually bright and chipper in the morning. She likes school, so weekdays are an easy sell, and she just has a zest for life that is unmatchable.

In winter, the days are shorter, and mornings are darker. Therefore, more often than not, she is still fast asleep when I go to get her in the mornings. She is still friendly and happy, but a bit more zonky.

Add a bit of a cold to it, and she is just downright hilarious.

This morning, at the breakfast table, she told me, and I qote:

“I woke up again tonight in the morning…”

Yup. You heard it here first! She woke up again tonight in the morning. In case you were unsure of when she woke up… As soon as she said it and saw my expression, she put her head in her hands and laughed at herself. It was very funny and VERY cute.


Communication Barriers

Today felt like a bit of a discouraging day. Part of it, I know, has to do with the fact that I picked up a light cold from some of my children, and my face feels so stuffed up. Not only does that add a bit of challenge to the day, but it also feels like I’ve been crying all day. I have not been, but it definitely feels like it.

Today, I let some people down, and felt fairly let down myself.

The kids struggled after school, and there was lots of arguing.

I tried actively to get in touch with multiple different people, and did not get replies.

As I list it, it seems like there were just some roadblocks in terms of communication today, and those are hard days 💜 But we’ve all had harder days than today, and I really can’t complain.

I’m currently tucked into bed in my new house, warm, with a baby on either side of the room. Brady is doing one last helpful thing in the garage before we call it a night. Dekker even set up a puzzle table for me. I am VERY fortunate. So tomorrow can worry about itself. Thank you Lord for today.

Gotta squeeze in a round of Six Cookies before bed still!