I mentioned the other day that Brady and I were anticipating a YouTube video coming out. We keep tabs on this sweet, Christian couple who struggled with infertility for three years before conceiving their son. They announced a couple of days ago that, despite her PCOS, they were blessed with a surprise pregnancy!! It was a beautiful video. It wasn’t a staged pregnancy announcement video that they had poured over. It was raw and exciting and wonderful! Today, they posted a video of their first doctors appointment and their doctor telling them to do bloodwork, but that he was fully expecting a miscarriage. It was dreadful. I cried. So this evening, we decided to go run some errands and get some solid time in with the kids. No, not just because of the video, but that couple was making a big point to stay strong, enjoy the pregnancy as long as they have it, and to hug their little son a little bit tighter.
When the kids woke up from their naps, we got them all dressed and ready for the city. We stopped first to pick up Bradys new glasses, and a few groceries at Costco. Brady just did that chunk on his own and I waited with the kids. We were going to run a few more errands before supper, but Dekker was hungry and it showed, so we hit the Wendys/Tims. Behold, the worlds most beautiful family:

The kids ate well and were completely adorable. After we ate, we headed back to the van for some errands. We broke my parents spading fork digging up carrots today (Thats one way to tell you, hey? Sorry mom and dad. We’re working on it!) so we were going to hit Rona first and see what we could see. But we had a few little things at Walmart too. I suggested we break up to save time. And for the first time in ages, I took Dekker. Into Walmart. Just me and him. If I’m being totally honest, I was scared. His meltdowns are really big, as is he, and I don’t have quite enough physical strength to carry him while he thrashes. BUT he’s come a super long way since he’s had his break from crowds, so I happily took him with me. Hand in hand, we walked through the doors and past the large mob of people right inside them. And then, he was pulling on me. “Run! Please! Hop!” He began speed-skipping down the aisle, just reefing on me to keep up. I laughed uncontrollably as he dragged me through Walmart. We probably looked ridiculous but that was my last concern. We had a blast. We wandered through the kids clothes and found him a fall/spring jacket. The one he is wearing currently is size 2T, and he is wearing 3-4T. Since he hates change, I got him virtually the same jacket, just a size up. Then, we went to the makeup to get me a new clear coat nail polish. As soon as we got to the right section, Dekker grabbed a big eye shadow palette off of the shelf. Those things break so easily, I kind of quickly took it, put it back, and just said “Just look with your eyes, ok?” He didn’t whine or make a sounds, but proceeded to tell me about each and every single product that he liked, which was each and every single product that was there. He looked at and touched almost everything, but didn’t lift another thing. He waited patiently while I picked one out, and then we lined up. Like our last Walmart visit, we lined up in the express check out, and as soon as he was surrounded by people, he got nervous. “Go please” he kept saying, and I just explained each time and we needed to wait our turn to pay for our stuff, and then we would go. It was finally our turn, and as the cashier put our stuff in bags, and I paid, she asked him “And how are you?” He didn’t answer, but he didn’t cower at all. He just looked at her as if she hadn’t spoken, but he wasn’t afraid. When she put the receipt in the bag, he reached over for the bag handles and said to her “I’ll take care that” and started off towards the door with the bag. Unbelievable. He just blew me away!!

We were ready to go, but Brady and Laela hadn’t had any luck at Rona and had crossed the street to Canadian Tire. So Dekker waited sooo patiently, and we watched out the window until they arrived. He did sooo well, I couldn’t believe it! I told Brady about it, and apparently Laela had been quite the adorable little peach on their date as well, so it was all around a really nice evening.
We’re home now, and the kids are tucked in and not sleeping. Brady and I, however, have tons to do! Dishes, wash all the carrots we pulled out of the garden today, fold a load of laundry, and bake a dessert. Sooo a decent amount. But there is always the promise of a soak and a snack later, which helps.