The First Boxes

I’ve been away from home for a couple of days.

I brought a beach ball home. Get it? #iykyk

While I was gone, Brady dove into ALL kinds of work with the kids! He did a TON of work in the garage, which is probably the biggest source of my anxiety in this house with the impending move. He went through EVERYTHING, disassembling the big stuff, and getting every hand tool in some kind of box or compartment. It will all move out easily now! Well, the table saw won’t be easy. Yikes that thing is heavy.

Also, the kids began packing their first boxes!

Now that I’m home, Brady has gone back to work at Zaks, and we are back to work at home! Its hectic, but its also very cute 💜

I cannot confirm that everyone is packing their things well, but I’ve come to terms with it. I really tried to pep talk the kids about going through their things and being sure that the things they bring to the next place are actually things they really really want, and I’m quite confident thats not whats happening. They are, unfortunately, moving messes. But they are all aware of what they’re doing, and they know their new closets at the house will not be for things anymore. Just clothes. So rather than doing the work for that here, they’re going to have to do it there. Which is a bummer, but frankly, I did all I could, and the rest is on them 🙂 Those things are future problems, haha! I’m just glad they’re packing up what they don’t need themselves before school is back in session so I don’t have to. Win!

I’m making some executive decisions over here, and things are starting to move forward. I’m a bit nervous about some unknowns in regards to moving day, but I’m also very excited. Papers are being signed soon. Deliveries are being scheduled. Things are feeling more and more real.

Thank you Lord for this super exciting time in our life! What a bizarre new year!! Your timing is bonkers but we trust You above all else!! 💜

Stuff Swap

I had hoped all along that we would be able to have some amazing garage sale before we moved, but as is our system, our timing is poor for that. If you can remember a ways back, we moved out of Radisson between Christmas and New Years. And we moved into this house when Solomon was four days old. So we don’t have an awesome track record or appropriately timed moves. Whatever. Its not our timing, haha! So on we go! 

With a garage sale in mind, however, we have stuff we don’t want to move with us that we’d really like to get rid of. Not worried about values, really just looking to see if anyone wants these things. Before I post it to the folks on the local “buy nothing” page, I thought I’d let you guys know. 

Right off the hop, we have three twin bed frames. One is old and heavy with drawers underneath. One is old and metal and was actually the one I grew up using. And one is from Ikea and has drawers under it. That one is decently nice, but the front layer on one of the drawers is coming off. All work great for what they’re intended for. 

Our coffee bar also has to go. Its solid wood and holds a lot of things! Its a great piece, honestly. Super sturdy and practical. But the top is terribly water damaged, thanks to use using it for beverages. Nothing a table runner cant hide, or a refinish wouldn’t make beautiful again! 

We have one of those big ancient chest freezers in our garage that we also don’t want to take with us. It came to us in our Radisson house, and it was already old there. I have NO idea how long it’ll live, but possibly its one of those elephant appliances that lives forever. 

And our basement fridge is last. It is a great drink fridge! I will be the first to admit it is hard to get it set up where the freezer and the fridge work well in tandem. Vegetables cannot live in this fridge. At least not easily. Unless you decide not to use the freezer at all. Then vegetables would probably be ok. Anyway. Its a bit finicky with the temperature being one dial that controls both areas, but if you’re looking for a beer fridge, you’ve got one!

So to fishtail off of the subject of stuff we don’t want, I’m in the market for a couple of things that I believe people tend to buy, use for a time, and then change out or pass along. Most specifically, I’m looking for a couple of those units of clear plastic drawers. Varying sizes are fine. Nothing special or uniform required. Just, some plastic dressers for papers, crafts, collections, etc. Also, I think I need a beanbag chair?? Hahahaha! Ok, not need. No one needs one of those, but in trying to get the kids rooms in a way that feels homey and cozy and special, I think there is a particular area in one room that could really use a beanbag chair. Or some other cushy equivalent. There are other things we need to lock down for the house in terms of tangible items, but I imagine they’ll need to be new, and thats ok. We do almost everything we can second hand, so hopefully a nice new recliner to replace our 12 year old brown monstrosity and some light fixtures won’t break us, haha! I’m scouring marketplace every day for a couple of appliances, as well as a roll top/secretarys desk/something like it for right by the front entrance to be a bit of a dumping ground for keys, mail, etc. Maybe something smaller. I’m not sure yet. But my eyes are open! 

Its fun to plan these things for REAL now that things are actually going in the right direction and we are (ready?) on the move! The kids picked out their curtains the other day, as well as some Christmas lights to have in their rooms. Its all REAL, and I’m so so excited 💜 We all are! 

But guys, I don’t want to haul this furniture to the next place sooooo please come take it!

A Letter to Hailey

An unexpected, deeply welcomed post from my mom 💜 Please enjoy.


Dear Hailey.  

With love, mama jeanne  

Note: I’m sending you this nonfiction short story, in hopes, that someday you may want to use  this as one of your posts in your blog. We know that this is about you and I, but it is also  bigger than that.  

Not long ago, the old north wind was blustering up a dark storm in my soul. “You are  worthless, without value, invisible and lack any beauty”, screamed the wind as it tried to flatten  me. Yes, I knew these dark clouds and murmurings were lies. I knew God had planned for me before the world began, that He loved me dearly, and that because of Christ, I was complete  and a masterpiece. But that day, the recent words and actions of someone who I knew, were fighting hard to reopen old wounds. The battle was on and I seemed to be losing ground. The  pain and anger at the injustice just intensified instead of calming.  

I wasn’t dying and I knew peace would show up again in the morning and that God was good  and faithful. But, even so, that day I was feeling lonely and was longing for a hug of understanding and encouragement. I really wanted someone who knew the real me, to tell me that I was precious and valuable and beautiful. And so I called my neighbour a few blocks  away; I call you, my daughter. You’ve known me every day of your life. Hailey, you picked up even though you were at an appointment on your own. The kids and Brady were at home and  it was soon supper time. After your appointment, instead of racing home, you came racing to  me. Brady was all in and happy to feed the kids. You came into my place and you sat quietly  and let me splash all my pain and sorrow and anger out all over you. You heard me and you  saw me and you defended me, out loud, to me. And then you spoke words of comfort and  truth back into my wounded heart.  

After a squishy warm hug, you headed home to your family who also needed love and  attention.  

When you left, I was exhausted from the strong winds of the battle. I was bruised from being tossed in the waves. Time would heal that. Hailey, I knew the the truth about myself before you came over, but that day I just wanted there to be someone who told me they agreed with me and that they loved me. You left me that evening, comforted, at peace, and feeling loved. Love is the greatest gift of all.  

I see you, my beautiful daughter and dear friend …….. your gracious and tender spirit …. your  wisdom beyond your years….. you are a special blessing and gift to me from God! Thank you  so much. I love you, sweetheart!  

If this gets into Hailey’s blog I want to challenge us…..  

Let’s try, even today, to listen to someone without interrupting them, and wait till they are  totally finished talking. It’s ok to have moments of silence in between words. I think it would  make a huge difference , literally, in this world, if we sat down and dropped everything, (even  for just a few minutes) when someone wanted to talk to us. Sit down, and watch, and listen.


I am blessed beyond belief. Thank you, Lord, for my mom 💜 Words cannot express.

How Were Bringing In the New Year

Last night, Cher, Brady and I ate our body weight in appies and started a movie. We didn’t make it to the halfway point before a couple of choice babies woke up to join us, and they were much more entertaining than the movie. We all lasted until maybe 11ish and that was it for the night for us! Hahaha! We are old people, and thats ok. While we had a really nice together, we really missed my mom 💔 She couldn’t join our new years festivities this year. We were all so disappointed. Its not a full party without Jeanne. We made do, however, and come hell or high water, she WILL be at the next one! 💜

So while MANY of our people made it to midnight, we did not, lol! We were asleep very shortly after Cher headed out and the babies went down.

Upon waking up for the day, we faced the reality that our plans over the next few days were cancelled. Sad stuff when things like that change over the holidays. Everyone was discouraged, but our kids rallied better than neither Brady nor I expected, and we actually *gasp* took 👏 down 👏 Christmas! 😳 I know. Who even are we?!?! We NEVER take Christmas down this early! But we have big things this month and lots to do before those big things actually take shape! So Christmas came down. The house was vacuumed. Some kids tidied in their rooms and closets. And then we lunched ourselves with party mix and Christmas oranges. It has been a lovely, productive day 💜

And it doesn’t end there! After this blog, I’m going to start actually picking away at PACKING! Isn’t that nuts?! Where does a person even start?? I’m probably going to have a lot of questions in the coming stretch, but I’ll do my best to know my own answers, haha! I have some furniture to get rid of, and I’m on the hunt for some items to help the kids rooms make sense for them. But that’ll probably be another blog.

All of this to say, HAPPY NEW YEAR. It sure seems that 2024 is going to hold some big things, at least for our family! I hope it holds nothing but the best for you and yours 💜

2023 Wrap Up

There you have it, folks! Another huge year going down in the book of Borns! 😅 Speaking for myself, I think I feel more purposeful than I ever have, and like our family has answered a call that was deeply meant to be fall to us. Praise the Lord!! Let’s recap 🙂

January was fairly uneventful, in a nice way. We spent time recovering from Christmas, and Solly was super brave and let me buzz his hair for the first time! Its carried on since then! A big thing to note was that Brady and I were counting down to when we could finally reapply to do foster care! We were excitedly anticipating that next adventure together!

February is always large! Brady and I celebrated our 14th anniversary, and I believe the next day was the day I reached out to Sask Foster Family Association and training began again! Brady rounded the two year mark for his surgery, which brings lots of emotions and weird trauma responses. Fun stuff, lol! Three more of our kids got prescriptions and glasses!! Dekker and Laela both got roles in their schools production of Frozen Jr! And we closed the month with Rowan’s birthday! He turned 8!

March felt like we could finally start living! I can’t explain it, but this month felt like the month we finally hit our stride again. It had been a while 💜 Dekker cashed in his long time earnings for his long awaited kayak! Brady got moved around in work to his own office, which felt pretty official! Laela had further eye testing and it came to light that she, along with Rowan the month back, needed to patch a bad eye. Behind the scenes, Brady and I were crushing evenings and weekends of foster training, having meetings with social workers, and getting things prepared for the future possibilities!

April was the first month I was a tester for some crochet blankets! It felt really exciting to me. Like I’m somehow paying dues for something that will still come someday 🙂 April was also a month of sickness, and our first ever experience with strep! Poor Wavy! My mom, Cher, and I fit in a sleepover this month as well, and Rae retired!

May was fun!! It brought us back to caaaaamp!! We all had summer on the brain! Well. Not right away. First, we wrapped Frozen. What an awesome time!! 😍 Wavy graduated out of playschool, and Solly turned 7!

As soon as Frozen was done, June came, and Laela was ready for a haircut! She was so eager, and it was a total win! Track day was also a ton of fun. All my little athletes 💜 But once that was done, the big events were mostly over, and we got into summer life! We were officially approved to be a foster family, and our first placement came almost immediately. SO much love was shared. Dekker finished June off by graduating out of elementary school. Oof. I can’t believe he’s so grown up.

July!! Officially official summer! Wavy turned five right off the hop. We spent a ton of time at camp, catching up with our friends, swimming, eating crazy good food, and getting our tan on! Cher celebrated her birthday, turning 33, and about a week later, I turned 35. Lake birthday celebrations are the BEST celebrations!

August held lots more lake time, as usual. Dekker caught his first fish, though he was scared to touch it, lol! Laela and Avery made rainbow loom bracelets like there was no tomorrow. We enjoyed Christopher Lake days, and tons of outside time with loved ones! My mom celebrated a birthday, as did Dekker, turning 12. And as the month came to an end, fall peeked its head into camp.

You know what comes next. SCHOOL. September meant the start of lots of new things. Dekker started high school, and Wavy started kindergarten. The girls started taking ballet! 🩰 I also started baking 🤷🏼‍♀️ Wherever that came from! I started cooking and pureeing pumpkins for muffins. And we managed to enjoy fall camping still most every weekend! We officially offered on a house, and listed our own! The last day of September, Laela turned 10.

The first weekend in October was the last weekend at camp, and you’d better believe we were there! Working very hard to get things winterized, and ready for a special Christmas event the camp was hosting! Brady had a birthday in October, turning 35. I finally got my hair redone this month, which felt noteworthy since its a LOT harder to get there these days, hahaha! The kids enjoyed the first snow that felt like it was going to stay (clearly, it did not) and we rocked Halloween, as usual.

November was also a very full month! We received two additional foster placements, though one only stayed for a couple of days 💜 That was a very new experience, but we definitely loved being a family of ten for a minute there. I kept up with the baking, as well as preparing for my first ever Christmas market, put on at Kinasao! We spent one day at the camp, basking in the Christmas fun, food, and friends!!

December wraps the year up in a really significant, FUN way! The girls were part of the Nutcracker in their first ever ballet performance. What an exciting milestone!! We started acquiring some new furniture for the next house. Man we can fit a LOT in our bus!! We Christmassed, and we sold our house 💜 Finally. What a victorious way to end 2023, by reaching a goal we have aimed at for literal years now.

Its possible 2023 was one of the crazier years we’ve lived, but also possibly the most fulfilling. Far from perfect. Riddled with roadblocks. But FILLED with blessing beyond understanding. It is undeniable that God has not forgotten our little family 💜 Praise His name!

Thank you, Lord, for 2023! We VERY eagerly anticipate what is coming next!

A Quick Top Up

As we prepare for guests for a few days in January, I did a full check over my Christmas baking today and filled in a couple of gaps. As I dug around the freezer, I found I still have a nice haul of lemon oreos and iced sugar cookies. I have one big ziploc bag of peppernuts. I have a bit of jamjams, though not a lot, and I had five chocolate oreos 😂 Sooooo I went for a quick grocery run for a handful of things, including a bit of baking stuff. Time to top up the Christmas baking!

I got oreos baked up, and while they cooled, I made a batch of puppy chow. Then I filled the oreos. But I ran out of cream cheese so I settled on filling half of them with some pink buttercream I still had in the fridge from the big batch of sugar cookies I made earlier in the season.

Nooooo complaints! They all look so yummy, and I hope very much that they’ll please the masses.

Meanwhile, as I plan for tomorrows events, and the fun and company the next day, my mind is whirring with all things MOVING! We have a few days between possession and the big move, and I keep thinking of things we could have done at the new place before we officially move in. Perpetually listing, I call it.

Anyway. I just remembered another thing to add to my to-do list for tomorrow, so I’ll bow out here. Sleep well, all 💜 Talk again tomorrow, on the last day of the year!

Some Real Relief

After yesterdays post, I have real confidence that we CAN and WILL do our move with help from people around us. Which is INCREDIBLY humbling. I’m sure you’ve seen the tweets and jokes about how adults shouldn’t ask their friends to help them move. I tried for ten seconds to find a tweet like that to post here, and rather, I found articles about how only entitled people ask their friends to help them move. Sooooo at risk of seeming that way, I’m going to say that the offers of help we have received have blown me away, and I am overwhelmed with gratefulness! It will be a LOT of work, and to know there will be happy hearts in our corner that day, I feel some real peace. So praise God for good people with giving spirits!!

With that scary detail on its way to being worked out, we can get into some of the nitty gritty of planning! Brady spent some time on the phone today with our mortgage broker, who is working hard to light a fire under our lenders butt, considering its the holidays and our realtor put the wrong date on our official possession documents. Whooooops! 😬 He also did some legwork to get utilities transferred. We inquired about when keys will be released, and we’re in talks with the right people about the first big renovation we want to do when we get there. Beside all that, today we had a meeting with a social worker. I corresponded with a bio parent of one of my bonus kids. I called Saskabilities and ordered some feeding supplies. Wrapped a couple of presents. And Brady sorted out and moved things into the trailer. Landry helped us get a van seat out of storage and they installed it, making our twelve passenger van actually capable of holding twelve passengers. Dekker biked downtown and picked up the mail and some prescriptions. Biking on December 29th. What even is this season??

So its been a big day already, but a good one 💜 God provides just endlessly, and I am so incredibly grateful. Gifts on gifts and gifts. Thank you Lord!

Sharing Excitement

Guys, it was SO FUN to tell you all about the house selling yesterday. It filled my heart as I was reminded how many lovely people follow our life and have remained in our corner throughout the years. What a huge blessing to our family 💜

So. Unfortunately, I can’t put a whole bunch of the detailed moving information on here. Because, you know, public internet. What I can tell you is that the move is soon. VERY soon. Not during the break, but not long after it either. Originally, Brady and I discussed what we were willing to hire out. We considered having a sea can delivered to pack up, and having it moved to the next place. But Tom came to our rescue and has let us use a trailer of his for the last couple of months 💜 What a life saver that was! So with that cost covered, we figured we’d pay for movers. We’ve moved enough, and didn’t want to pester our friends to help us. Without putting too fine a point on it, it feels extra bad when Brady can’t even really help. He can, but not the same way. Not in the physical, running back and forth, managing all the heavy stuff, kind of way. So, we figured we’d hire it out.

And those estimates were THROUGH THE ROOF!! Like, thousands upon thousands of dollars. There was simply no way. So we decided we’d do all the stuff we could, and just hire out moving the furniture and the big, heavy stuff. Even just that is hovering around the 2K mark. Its SO much. That being said, we may still hire out that portion of the move. There are so many of us, so we have a ton of furniture by default. ALL the beds. Dressers. Cabinets. Bookshelves. Plus a piano. And a gigantic table saw.

Here are my hopes.

I HOPE that my efforts to purge the house before the showings paid off and that there won’t be mountains of junk to sort through when we pack. I HOPE packing is fun and not entirely stressful. I HOPE the kids are excited and do their part. I HOPE the weather holds up long enough that we don’t have to move in a blizzard.

But however all of those details look, I’m just so thrilled we’ll be getting there 💜 And soon!! What a beautiful change of scenery for our family. Thank you LORD!!!

Merry Christmas to Us

It may be a day or two late, but friends, it is finally officially official that our house iiiiiiiiiis…


Between (all of) you and me, it was actually locked down on the 22nd, but I’ve been waiting for the sign to make it public!

We are so unbelievably thrilled that the sale is finally official, and we can truly start making realistic plans for moving into our next (hopefully last) home! Our schedule is TIGHT come the new year, but Christmas comes first. Before the move, we still have festivities, company, and a surgery! But very shortly thereafter, its ON! Aaaaall the packing and hauling! Its going to be bonkers, and a total whirlwind, but we are here for it! 💪

Please, friends, celebrate with us!! We are SO excited and grateful to be on the other side of this whole mess. This house has treated us beautifully, but its not ours anymore. We are so excited to pack up our things and get this house into tip top shape for the new people who are going to love it 💜 Thank you Lord for always providing what we need, when we need it!

Brady’s Beerdvent Calendar 2023

If you know, you know! This years calendar hailed from Costco – Kirkland’s BeerAdvent Calendar, with 24 Canadian Craft Beer. Let’s get into it! 🍺

1. XhAle – See Ya Next Tuesday – Dry Hopped Aussie Style C-olsch- 4.6% beer – Hoo haw! This was a great beer to start the Christmas saison. See what I did there? 😉 This was a refreshing radler style sweet treat! Very fruity and a little bitter, it was a crisp delight! This shows potential for an excellent month! – 4.5/5
2. Village – Binge Watch – New Zealand Pale Ale – 4.5% Beer – A solid beer in a flashy can. I wanted to like it a little more than I did but I also wasn’t disappointed. I was adequately satisfied with this pale ale. – 3/5
3. Bow River Brewing – Belgian Wit – 5% – This was an odd one. I couldn’t quite pin down what it tasted like. It reminds me of some kind of dessert. But I couldn’t say what kind. It was made slightly less odd combined with some barbecue chips. This was a take it or leave it beer for me. – 2/5
4. Copper Bottom Brewing Company – Rabble Rouser Red – 5.4% Beer – a very flavourful amber beer. Rich and smooth, this a beer to enjoy with a fat greasy burger. Though it’s probably not a beer I’d buy a whole case of, I definitely enjoyed it. I WOULD drink it again if given the chance. – 3.5/5

5. Bow River Brewing – Highway Country Scottish Amber Ale – 5.2% Beer – This was a very flavourful amber ale with a hint of stoutiness. I very much enjoyed this beer even though I’m not the biggest fan of amber beers. I would recommend this to my beer drinking friends. – 4/5
6. Black Bridge Brewery – White Sage & Rye IPA – 7% Strong Beer – Wow! What a highlight! This beer had nicely crisp flavour. Tart, sweet, and an after zing that’ll make your cavities hurt. I loved this one and so did Hailey. I would highly recommend this one to IPA lovers everywhere. – 5/5
7. Common Crown Brewing Co – Crafted Lager – 4.8% Beer – This is a beer. Done and dusted. It’s not a bad beer. It’s not a great beer. It’s standard and beerish. Not much else to say. – 2.5/5
8. Medicine Hat Brewing Company – Pineapple Sour – 4.6% Beer – This was a winner for sure! On the outer edge of the beertherhood, this was more so an alcoholic fruit punch. Dont get me wrong, it was delicious and I would definitely drink it again. I think Hailey enjoyed it even more than I did. But it was a far cry from the beer of our forefathers. – 4/5

9. Fuggles – Destiny IPA – 6.0% Strong Beer – This was a great IPA! Exactly the flavour and punch that I love in an IPA. However, the can seemed to promise a much more exciting experience. That was a bit of a let down. If the can was little more chill I probably would’ve enjoyed it more. Haha. – 4/5
10. Spearhead Brewing Company – Queen of Wheat – 5.0% Wheat Beer – This was a pretty standard beer on first sip and I thought it was gonna end that way but then the finish had a twist. It tastes like flowers. And not in a pleasant, girly way. But rather in a soapy, slightly offensive way. I’d rather not come across this one again. – 2/5
11. New Level Brewing – Berserker Red – 5.5% Red Ale – This brewer spent too much time on the design of the can and nothing enough on the beer inside. It was a very average beer and being that I like amber ales but don’t love them, I was quite underwhelmed. The can was cool… – 2.5/5
12. Muddy York Brewing Co. – UNA MAS – Mexican style lager – 4.6% Beer – Welp. That was beer. Promises of a light, crisp, fresh beer definitely fell a little flat when I took my first couple sips. It’s beer. Like … coors light. Which I definitely don’t mind when I can buy a case on sale but not what I’d like in a specialty craft beer. Merp. Beer. – 2.5/5

13. Mariner Brewing – Ground Control – American Pale Ale – 4.8% Beer – This was a standard great beer! It’s not secret that I like pale ales. This was a pale ale that I liked. Done. – 4/5
14. Gahan – Sydney Street – Oatmeal Stout – 5.2% Beer – um. Yuck. I couldn’t even finish it. At one point while taking a sip I thought to myself ‘Why am I still drinking this?’ And I didn’t have a good answer. So I stopped. – 1/5
15. Village – Pet Peeve – Italian Pilsner – 5% Beer – Well it wasn’t bad. I normally don’t like pilsners. But this was ok. Um… yeah. It was ok. It had kind of a weird after taste but it subsides rather quickly. It was alright. – 2/5
16. Spearhead Brewing Company – Dollar Bills Premium Ale – 4.9% Beer – This was a pretty decent beer. It had a bit of an over powering, hoppy aftertaste but otherwise I wouldn’t shake my fist at it. Hailey said she wouldn’t drink a whole can, but I would. It was alright. – 3.5/5

17. Brewsters Brewing Company – River City Raspberry Ale – Blonde Ale – 5% Beer – much like our neighbour, Rae, this beer is delight! It’s light and crisp and pretty girly, but I would definitely drink this again. The raspberry flavour is definitely present but not overpowering, but also not underwhelming. It’s lovely! – 4/5
18. Little Brown Jug Brewing – Black Lager – 5% Beer – This dark beer was surprisingly light and refreshing. Not at all like dark beers Ive had in the past. While it wasn’t a home run for me, I still enjoyed every sip, right down to the dregs. I would drink this again if given the opportunity. – 3.5/5
19. Alley Kay Brewing Co – New Moon Hazy Pale Ale – 4.2% Beer – Um… yup! This is an excellent beer! I would 100% buy a whole case of this! A crispy, thick, oddly satisfying pale ale. I really enjoyed this one. I was lucky enough to pair it with some barbecue chips and…. Darn tootin! Good beer! – 5/5
20. Black Bridge Brewery – Milk Stout – 5.3% Beer – I’ve had this one in past years and I’d forgotten how pleasant it is for being a stout. I’m always pleasantly surprised by this one. Almost like a bitter sweet dessert. I really enjoyed this one tonight. – 4/5

21. Tool Shed Brewing Company – Red Rage – Red Ale – 5.6% Strong Beer – This was a pretty alright beer. The can seemed to want me to be more agitated by drinking it but I felt it was smooth and flavourful. With hints of chocolate to finish it off. I was quite happy with this one. Not rage inducing in the slightest. – 3.5/5
22. Cameron’s Brewing – Dry Hopped Lager – 5.2% Beer – A delightfully crisp and refreshing beer! Very heavy on the hops but twas delicious in my opinion. I like hoppy beers. I would drink a case of this if given the chance. Yum! – 4.5/5
23. Bridge Brewing Company – Bourbon Blood Orange Wheat Ale – 5.5% Beer – This was quite a delicious, citrusy beer. I quite enjoyed this one! Though, I probably wouldn’t choose it on a regular basis. Orange isn’t a flavour I want to associate with beer on a normal day. This one passed with moderately flying colours. – 3/5
24. Leduc Brewing Company – de la Crème Vanilla Cream Ale – 6.0% Strong Beer – What a sweet treat this was! The perfect combination of smooth and sweet. A desert beer to finish off the saison in a wonderful way! I think this would be a great one to share with friends at the end of meal. – 4/5

What an excellent beer advent calendar this year! Good choice my love! If I had to pick a favourite, I’d have to say the New Moon Hazy Pale Ale because I’m just a sucker for thick IPAs.

This one had a wide variety of beers and didn’t feel repetitive. But it also didn’t have any memorable failures. I really enjoyed this one! Highly recommended! If you get a chance to try this one next year or perhaps on sale in the new year, take it!! It’s worth it! I’d give it a 4.5/5 overall!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!