Patting Myself On The Back

I’m not sure everyone will agree that I deserve an attaboy but I’m taking one!

When I went to get the kids up this morning, I noticed that Dekker’s hands were sticky. Oily, maybe. I pointed it out to him and asked what it was. “Dekker not member.” That tends to be his answer when he figures he’s in trouble. He wasn’t at all, but this was new. I knew he had gotten into some kind of product. In their change table, there is a cupboard that holds all kinds of bum creams, medications, and random products. It may sound unsafe, but not only is everything important sealed off with a childproof lid, but Dekker is not a mischievous kid and I’ve never had to worry about him messing around with stuff like that. Upon checking the cupboard, I found a pump bottle of lotion. We’ve been using it on Laela’s tummy and neck recently, since her poor skin has really been suffering from the winter dryness. Dekker always wants to help, so I figured he had helped himself to a pump. I noticed some grease spots on his shirt, and even some on Laela’s shirt, so it all added up. Not a big deal at all. The lotion was usually up a little higher, but Dekker probably cleaned it up after its last use and we didn’t notice it go into the cupboard. At least it was just lotion, right?

I changed Laela’s diaper and set her free while I got Dekker lined up for his. I was chatting with Dekker when I heard Laela splashing. In a puddle. On their floor. There was a solid puddle of something that was not lotion on their floor. As I scanned the rest of the floor, I saw greasy little footprints all over the floor. I’m sure they’re in the carpet as well. I asked Dekker if he knew what was on the floor. “Oh, water” he replied. I looked up at his water cup, but it was definitely out of his reach. I asked where the water came from, and he told me “The bottle.” Huh. So I asked if he could show me which bottle, and he immediately “didn’t remember” which I didn’t buy for a second.

Here’s my attaboy. Or I guess my attagirl? As you guys know, Dekker has tried my patience and my general ability to exist in a home with him the last few weeks. We have more bad days than good right now, and this was not a smooth start. However, I urged him calmly to show me the bottle that had the mysterious water in it. He finally went into the cupboard and pulled out an ancient bottle that once contained a vitamin D liquid that is meant for newborns to take while they are nursing. As many of you know, I nursed Dekker for a very short period of time and didn’t nurse Laela, so that bottle was a solid three years old. Why its still in our home, I have no idea. But it was almost empty, and was covered in a sticky substance. In that second, I decided not to freak on him. I do that so much these days, and really, it is my job as his parent to keep him out of arms reach of things like medications, or just things I really don’t want him to have! So I gave him a big hug for answering my question and telling me where he had gotten the water, I moved it up higher, and finished up diapers. Not ONCE did I show any of the frustration that was boiling up, or the fatigue I was already feeling towards the situation.

After getting the kids settled with their breakfasts, I went back to their room and soaked up as much of the mess as I could. Then I sprayed the crap out of the floor with vinegar, and wiped and wiped. I can safely say it looks quite a bit better, but its still sticky under my feet. Not much, but a bit. However, I assessed the situation and decided that the longer I spent on it, the more angry I would potentially become, so I have left it for the time being. I’ll likely do another round of vinegar, or maybe blue dawn and hot water when they wake up, but for now, I was finished in there. Next, I threw every product/medication into a box, and scoured the house for every other baby product I could find. The worst they could do now in there is spread out the diapers. Be my guest, guys.

After breakfast, I brought the box downstairs with me and sorted through it. I actually found it interesting to look through everything! Kind of like the time I dug through my recycling stuff, it took me back and reminded me of where we’d been in the last couple of years. I found an amazing amount of diaper creams that we had bought and tried for the YEAR that Dekker suffered from a rash. I found a handful of half-used bottles of saline for the many colds the kids had before we discovered the nose sucker thing. I found unopened boxes of medications that will last us for quite some time, I think! I found whats left from Dekkers last box of patches. I think I need to keep a couple to go in his baby book, but I’m hoping to give the rest to friends of ours who still have kids in patches. Our time may come again, but for now, I want them out of my house and into the hands/onto the faces of those who can use them. Patches are surprisingly expensive, if you didn’t know. A box of 50 is about $45 if you want the ones that don’t tear your kids skin straight off of their face, and we used two every day. It adds up fast. Anyway, we found that box, as well as the tiny little eye dropper and ointment tube of the antibiotics we had to put in Dekkers eyes after his surgery. That choked me up a bit. Yet I couldn’t throw them out. We’re at about ten months post-op and still looking good, from what I can see. We’ve come a long way.

I enjoyed the task of digging through all the kids stuff, actually. I liked seeing back, and also purging a bit. I chucked out all the diaper creams that we tried/started, since Dekker’s yeast was so bad and if I ever double dipped my finger, there could be remnants in there. But I have a couple of unopened ones if anyones in need! And I also feel good being able to look back at my morning and see that I do, in fact, have the ability to not completely lose it. Instead, I’ll do the more loving parental thing and instead remove the possibility that this could happen again. A good move, I’d say.

Ok, no more bragging myself up. Time to put my feet up and eat a Christmas orange or two. If you haven’t jumped on that bandwagon yet, Costco is the place to be! Haven’t had a sour one yet, two boxes in!

When I Should Be Productive But Am Not Instead

I woke up feeling like I really should be productive today, but for the first time in a while, both kids were happy and in great spirits, and I wanted to be around that more than I wanted to leave it to do work. So we had breakfast together and chatted about the weekend and all the time spent with Grandma and Grandpa. Then we made our way downstairs and played basketball and cars. Laela has learned in the last day or two how to climb onto the couch, which is both exciting and a bit nerve wracking. I saw her climb up and celebrated her accomplishment. It was even better than she climbed off of the couch the correct way without any falls so far. It got to the nerve wracking part when I found her sitting on the side table. Its definitely not a sturdy table, and its taller than the armrest of the couch. No good. But still exciting that she’s learning to climb 🙂

Now that the kids are in bed for their nap, I’m trying to get a bit more Christmas stuff organized and planned. I’ve checked on the many things I’ve ordered and nothing has arrived or made any visible progress today, so I continue to sit and wait impatiently. I don’t want to whine, especially because I am thrilled to have the busyness that is my kids, but it makes it so hard to go out and get a bunch of stuff done! I have everything written out and organized, and what my list basically consists of going to maybe 10-15 places, each for one thing. So even if I packed the kids up and we came into the city for a big day of shopping, I doubt I’d even get half of the list done, since I’d spend more time dragging the kids in and out of the van and stores than I would in each place, and I can only do so much of that. However, I have many things to schedule in the next few weeks, so likely I’ll just hit one or two places each time. Sometime before Christmas, I still have to get Laela her shots, get my bloodwork and glucose test done, get my legs waxed, and I HAVE to go to chiro soon! I have a prenatal appointment and Brady’s career fair thing to think about as well. We were also hoping to book one of those fun 3D ultrasounds before Christmas, since we’ve done one for the other two kids around 28 weeks (I’m 26 weeks as of yesterday) and we were also hoping to go out for a “company Christmas party” this year 🙂 Basically, a date night that we can write off, haha! But thats a lot of things to fit into the next three weeks! Luckily, I know I I have lots of people who are eager to help. I just have to actually book things and get organized. Seems ominous though, doesn’t it? Maybe its just me.

Weirdly, writing it all out like a rant made me feel a bit better. Now I will lay around a bit and rest my achy right leg that refuses to quit!

Back Under Our Roof

Those of you who talk to me regularly know how ready I feel to move on from this house, but there is something that is still very comforting about being under our own, familiar roof. Staying the night at my parents was very warm and comfortable as well, and if this wasn’t home, that is a close second. But its good to be back, out of the van and off the icy highway. Its good to be home.

My mom and I lead music this morning at church, and from what I hear, people really enjoyed it. I find that the one handicap of being at the piano. Its hard to see out into the crowd. But thats probably good for the ego too, so I’m not complaining! After church, we had a really delicious lunch with my parents before hitting the road. Brady and I took the kids into the city really quickly just for a couple of things. Brady is having issue with a knee so he hit up Walmart for a brace. Dekker can NOT be kept in the van and out of Walmart so they went together. Laela napped in the van with me. Our next stop was London Drugs, where I picked up a nice full length mirror for myself, and one for my bestie, Jessica. Not sure when I’ll see her next, but she knows whats coming to her! I have to say, the staff at London Drugs right now is unbelievably good!! Someone sought me out and asked what I was looking for, went into the back, and actually brought me the boxes on a cart with a guy to help me bring them to my vehicle. It was efficient and I didn’t have to wander and get frustrated first! Win! Two salted caramel mochas later, we were on the road.

I was totally blessed this evening when Brady fed the kids and played with them until bedtime, while I sat in bed and got some SOLID online Christmas shopping done. I really don’t have many chances to shop in person left this season, and while I still need to find some of that, I got a nice chunk of my shopping taken care of this evening, and that lightens the load a lot!! Its all en route to my parents house. Just a handful of things left to find time to pick up. But I’m feeling incredibly successful!

Also, I feel hungry. Time to find supper, and it has to be one that can be eaten in the bathtub. Is that strange? Ya, it probably is, but I’m over that. I’m hungry!!

Is everyone else done Christmas shopping? Am I the only one behind?!?!?!

Venturing Out

Brady, the kids, and I braved the crazy weather this morning and went to my parents for the day. The boys worked their butts off to chop a HUGE pile of wood up and transfer it from my parents yard into their wood shed. Mom and I played with the babies, made the food, and practiced the music we’re going to lead in church tomorrow. It was a really nice, relaxed afternoon, for us anyway. The boys worked hard and earned their delicious supper of mashed potatoes, sausage, and cooked carrots. It was so yummy to eat more of our garden harvest today!!

As weather will have it, we are officially stranded here for the evening. Good thing we planned ahead and packed some emergency stuff! Also a good thing, Dekker is thrilled to be having a sleepover at grandmas house. We’re all settling in for the evening, so this will be a short post, as we’ll be spending some time with the rents. It should be really nice, since I feel like we haven’t spent quality time with them forever!

G’night, all!


Socks Game Rules

Price: $1-$5
Ages: 6 months +
Average Time: 1-15 minutes
Players: 2+

Objective: To win the game of Socks, one team must outlast the other by holding interest longer. The only additional way to end a game of Socks is to misplace the props, therefore making the game impossible to play.

Contents: The game should include as many previously enjoyed socks as possible. (See additional versions)

Instructions: There are at least two teams. The Prisoners, and the Free Agents. Similarly to the game of “Catch,” players must throw and return socks amongst themselves as loudly as possible. Be sure to keep socks in places where they can be retrieved to continue aforementioned throwing and returning. Socks is a fairly structure-free game, however. Turns are not necessarily taken. Best played first thing in the morning.

True Objective: The teams true goal is to watch their mommy struggle to find the socks in all the hard-to-reach spots underneath Team Prisoner.

**Other available customer approved versions include Blankets, and Pants.

Wendys and Costco Save the Day!

Today was another fairly rocky one that I’ve decided not to go into. When I was about at the point of no return, Brady discovered that he could be done his work today as early as 2pm! I was completely thrilled, and we agreed that I’d come to the city, we’d run a few errands, and go out for supper. Tantrums and haters or not, it felt like the day needed breaking up, and if nothing else, I needed to get out of the house. Unfortunately, that last stretch of work is always a bit unpredictable, and dragged out a couple of extra hours. So instead of leaving before nap time and having the kids sleep in the van, I put them down for a fairly unsuccessful shorty nap and got them up around 3:30.

Dekker was happy to get all dressed and go in the van. He’s entered a truly fun stage (in my opinion) of “Whats that?” and “What was that sound?” So we drove down the highway and identified every single thing we saw. We drove across the city and waited in the van for Brady to finish up with his chiro appointment, and then went to supper. It turned out that my parents were going to be in the same general area as us around supper time, so we hit up a nearby Wendys and ate supper together. Grandma and Grandpa are always a big hit, and the fries and unlimited supply of ketchup sure never hurts either. We had a delicious meal together before going our separate ways – theirs to go look at some new technology, and ours to Costco.

Surprisingly, Dekker was pretty excited about Costco. My favorite thing about shopping at Costco is that the carts have space for two kids to sit. Walmart carts only have room for one kid, and while I’ve seen that picture online of the kids crying because they have to share a leg hole, Dekker has so far loved sharing a leg hole with Laela. They make up the worlds CUTEST cart!


See?! Love these kids.

We did a pretty sizeable shop at Costco, and the kids were great sports! Going through the till is always the part we dread, since the kids don’t appreciate new people, as I’ve expressed in the past a thousand times. Somehow, Costco wasn’t super busy today so we were only waiting behind one cart in our line. Of course, a family lined up behind us and immediately made eyes at Dekker. Instead of screaming and pitching a fit, he leaned against Laela and sort of cuddled his face into her face. He was trying to hide and be shy, but really, he just looked totally cuddly and adorable. The family behind us was very adoring, and said it was very good that he was shy. “Don’t talk to strangers!” they said to him. He smiled at them hesitantly. I walked through the cart part with them, and as soon as the cashier caught a glimpse of them, she grabbed a pad of paper and drew some happy faces for them. One for each. Dekker shied away a bit, but the cashier wouldn’t give them to me to pass on. She was very gentle, and eventually, Dekker took his, even with a “thank you.” Laela happily took hers too, and I talked to the kids about how the new lady was sooo nice that she drew pictures of them! Once we were done at the till, we headed for the exit where the guy with the marker stands to check your receipt. He saw their pictures and joined the fun by drawing yet another, funnier face on his receipt. Dekker gave up his car to hold two pictures! It was a definite highlight.

On the drive home, Dekker told me that he had a lot of fun at Costco. I asked him what part was fun and he said “papers!”

The kids are now in bed, and Brady was putting some of the groceries away when I heard a sound and a sigh from the kitchen.

What happened?
*Sigh* I dropped an egg. Under the stove.
Um, ok. Do you want some help?

I had to laugh a little bit 🙂 Its been quite a day actually, and it would have to end with something slimy and sticky breaking on the floor. But all is well! We’re one egg down, but many groceries up, with two sleeping babes and a bath on its way. Positivity, folks!!!

Time for an Attitude Adjustment

I ADORE planning for the Christmas season and getting set up for it. Yet this year, I’m struggling to find a balance between being super excited and totally overwhelmed with all that still needs to be done. Not even all Christmas stuff, but just things that need to happen before the years end. Everything from shopping to getting my legs waxed to setting up the tree to who knows what else.

I had a pretty big breakdown about it all last night. Poor Brady. We were up until a solid 1:30am all because of me. Therefore, I woke up feeling pretty spaced out, and the kids touchy moods today haven’t helped. Brady got to work and had to share the house with a number of different trades this morning, so his day wasn’t off to an awesome start either. Yes. We’re all big whiners.

So I’m in planning mode! Not in a huge way, but in a good way. I’ve written out a list of people who we need to buy gifts for still, as well as a few ideas of what would be thoughtful gifts. I’ve also made a list of important dates to remember, and things we still have to schedule. Hopefully this list will make me/us feel considerably more organized so that we can return to the point of loving the chaos that is November and December.

Thats all I’ve got to say about today. I’ll stop being negative and go do some more research and listing.

I know I’ve said it before, but I will wholeheartedly say it again. I LOVE that we did weekly savings this year. I LOVE that Christmas is pretty much paid for already!!! What a HUGE, WONDERFUL thing it is not to worry about being able to afford our gifts and decor this year 🙂 I seriously recommend this method to all! Next year of blogging, I may put out a reminder every Friday to put your weekly money aside. Its so worth it!

Brady and I woke up completely out of sync with each other this morning. Promise me its not just us that this happens to occasionally :/ We seemed to scrap about everything. The kids were great, cute, eating breakfast happily, and we were just making it work.

We needed to decide on how to run our day, that was the biggest thing. Brady has had yesterday and today off, and after that, he is working every day until Christmas. So, today could hold a number of difference scenarios.

1. We could Christmas shop.

2. We could finish as many things on my list of stuff to do around the house as possible.

3. We could go to the city and run a bunch of errands.

I figured we shouldn’t Christmas shop, since we were already grouchy, and I wanted that to be fun. Same with errands, as our kids have been a bit touch-and-go to say the least, and an errand day could be a bit much. So that left the house list. We completed one task and fought the entire time. It was then that I decided we wouldn’t do much if anything today. We would do our best to enjoy the day as our last quiet day.

So thats what we did. We played downstairs and watched a bit of tv in our jammies. Dekker got a Playskool basketball hoop for his birthday and its always been used upstairs. Knowing that it will soon be in the way of a Christmas tree, we opted to move it downstairs. That went over very well with Dekker, as he has even more room to run at it and throw harder. The kids went down for their nap amazingly well, with almost no fussing at all!!! That was a HUGE win!

Once they were down, Brady drove to a small nearby town to pick up a new-to-us Keurig!! Our machine is just about shot, and doesn’t brew half the time. I’ve been really tossing up the idea of getting either a new regular Keurig, or potentially a Rivo, which brews all the yummy milky drinks. But we hadn’t weighed the options and prices yet! Luckily, someone about five minutes away was selling almost exactly the machine we’re used to for $50. So we jumped at it, leaving room to potentially get the Rivo down the line.

When Brady arrived home, we watched a YouTube video while eating a snack he picked up for me, and then we got to “work” Christmasifying our home. Not to the max, but we started. We took down some old decor and put up our nativity scene, some candles, and a few decorative, sparkly things. We finished up just in time for the kids to wake up.

Pigs in a blanket for supper was a BIG hit, and we played downstairs and watched the Duggars until it was time to tidy up and go to bed. Dekker didn’t even whine once about cleaning up the toys, and get this. Laela put toys away!!! Yes, she promptly pulled them back out, but she knew where certain things went even! So funny how we didn’t start enforcing the tidying until Dekker was three, and now at one, Laela knows the rules. So cool 🙂

Ok, off to have a Duggar date with Brady, haha! The new episode is on and for some reason, I want to keep up with this season! So we’re off. Sleep well, all!

** And screw you, WordPress, for no longer auto-saving drafts, and making me write this post out twice. Much appreciated.

Comfort Food

Last night, I craved appetizers in a big way. We ended up having mozza sticks, but I could have eaten a large platter of all kinds of deep fried things. We have the ability to order some of that from a nearby restaurant but why are those kinds of things always so expensive?! Sigh. Shouldn’t complain I guess.

I’m not sure if I can blame winter weather, my pregnancy, or just general poor self discipline, but I am so hungry for hot, delicious comfort food these days. Do you know what I mean? Like, a few moments ago, Brady asked when I wanted for lunch (we often eat lunch after the kids go down for their nap) and all I could really verbalize was something really flavorful and delicious. I’m not a picky eater at all. I’ll really eat anything anyone serves me. But right now, I only really want to eat something really saucy, or cheesy, or salty. So, without judgement please, Brady and I are having white cheddar macaroni for lunch, probably with pickles, and we’re actually making a baked chicken spaghetti for supper. Both are saucy and flavorful and delicious. If you hadn’t noticed (you probably have) they are both pasta dishes. I know, thats sooo bad! But it was also pointed out to me by my husband who wants me to be happy, that we never do that. We NEVER have noodled twice in a day. So we’re going for it because it sounds delicious and I can’t think of anything else. Maybe tonight we’ll add some garlic bread to the mix. Yum.

Anyway, it would appear thats kind of it for my post today. We haven’t accomplished much, since apparently a Sasktel repair guy is coming over at some unknown point of the day. He’s supposed to call first, but who knows. So we’re going to settle in for lunch and watch a bit of The Office, but afterwards, we’ll hopefully start tidying/reorganizing the pantry if he’s not here.

But first!, noodles. And then!, more noodles…

Weird Day. Definitely the Right Day to Skip Church!

So it turns out it was a really good decision to skip church today. I certainly don’t mean to sound like a whiner at all, but these are just the legitimate events of last night and today.

Laela woke up shortly after midnight last night, crying and crying. After a few minutes, we decided she wasn’t going to calm down on her own, and we went to get her. Over the next two hours, she screamed herself hoarse. She would scream for a few minutes without any break, and then we’d get thirty seconds or so of what appeared to be relief, until she ripped right back into her screams. Two. Hours. We gave her milk and it would calm her momentarily, but then, in the middle of drinking, she would kind of spit/cough, and start bawling out of nowhere. It was sooo confusing! We’ve seen a similar scene maaaybe twice in the last two years that we figure was the result of severe gas pain. Having two super-barf babies, I feel like I know most of the tricks out there for a gassy tummy, but I’ve never had this experience with a toddler! I mean, who has to burp a one year old?! And when a person finds themselves in such a situation, how does one communicate to the screaming child that the air they are taking in whilst screaming is only going to make their tummy hurt more?? It was a good two hours of passing her back and forth with Brady, burping her, patting her, walking her, cuddling her, etc. until I finally pulled out the laptop. She rested on Brady and we watched a YouTube video. For about twelve minutes, we didn’t mess with her. After a good belch or two, she was calm. We sat still for a little while longer, in fear of that sound than would mean she was revving up for another go round of screaming, but it never came. She was scared when Brady lay her down to get her all cuddled in her blankets, but she actually recovered really well and went to bed well afterwards. But my gosh, that felt looooong.

We had a good day for food and playing for the kids. Dekker seemed to be in a good place mood-wise for the most part, and we almost kicked ourselves for not getting up and going to church, or the parade, or somewhere! But then Brady mentioned his back and neck were bugging him, and unfortunately, they didn’t seem to let up. Also, I think we changed six poopy diapers? It was kind of a gnarly day that way. I wish all poops stayed contained in their diapers. But that wasn’t a huge deal. Only one load of laundry needed.

While the kids napped, we didn’t get moving and do jobs like I have hoped 🙁 As I mentioned before, there is still a lot to do on my long list, and it bugs me the longer it sits there. So, when the show we were trying to stream kept getting stuck (our internet connection blows) Brady and I browsed around online and ordered a few more Christmas presents for the kids. I wonder if we actually won’t get out to shop this year! We’ve accomplished almost everything from the comfort of our own home so far. We still need something fun for Laela. I’ve had a hard time knowing what kind of toy specifically to get her. With Dekker, he got a couple of things we know he’ll find fun, and then some clothes and a couple of books. We’re sort of going a bit more practical this time around, it would seem. Laela has some clothes and accessories purchased for her already too, and a couple of books, but no toys yet. I’m still wracking my brain over that. On top of those things, I’m keeping my eyes open for a bed for Dekker, and potentially some kids chairs. Walmart used to have these cute imitation leather armchairs for kids, but it seems they’ve stopped selling those and are focusing on things filled with foam or beans, which are not at all what I’m looking for. So, those things would be great to find in time for the holidays, but not necessities at all. Either way, we did a bit more ordering so hopefully that counts as at least a small accomplishment.

When the kids woke up, we had pumpkin pancakes, which the kids devoured. We went to play downstairs after that and had a really low key evening. It was 7:00 before we knew it, and thats kind of when our “downstairs bedtime routine” begins. We told Dekker that, in a few minutes, Laela would have her bottle. We got her that around 7:10. While she drank her bottle, we changed their diapers and did their lotion. Thats not always part of the routine but they’re both super dry with the weather and Laela actually has a rash because of it, so we’re trying to be diligent. After diapers is usually when we tell Dekker that, in another few minutes, we’re going to start cleaning up the toys. And then usually, there is screaming until around 7:30. But today, once Dekker was changed, he stood up and in perfect english, asked “Can I have help cleaning up the toys please?” Brady and I were completely thrilled and jumped right in. Dekker didn’t whine ONCE about tidying up! I’m usually kind of a pest when I help him tidy, and ask him where each toy goes. He’ll take it from me and put it away in his special place for it. If you know Dekker, he has an order to his things. So he did a super duper job tidying up and only got sad when it was time to go upstairs, because it was pretty quick after the toys were tidied. He chucked himself down, and then picked himself back up and ran to me for a hug. I carried him upstairs and we “raced” daddy and Laela. Obviously, we won, and there was much celebrating. Both kids went down happily and are now playing in their beds, not being loud, or sleeping.

On that note, today has been a weird day for me where I fed children all day but hardly myself. I had some breakfast, which was actually really good, but I think I peeled three oranges in one sitting and didn’t get one bite. I missed lunch, and had some snacks while the kids napped. And then I ate a bit at supper but the kids really truly destroyed the pancakes. Who doesn’t love cake for supper?? So I think its time that I treat the littlest baby in our house to some dinner. Poor Jim. I’m sure he’ll be using his voice to get attention soon enough!