We finally surfaced today!! We made a plan earlier in the day, and left it nice and flexible, since plans don’t hold a lot of water around here these days. The kids slept in really nicely, and we had a normal morning. Dekker didn’t sleep at all during nap time, but opted to wake his sister after less than an hour of sleep, which was a pretty unpopular decision, but happened nonetheless. Brady and I left the kids in their room for a bit in hopes that they’d sleep a bit more. They didn’t, but at least had some quietish time while we had our quietish time too. We got them up and dressed around 4:00 and fed them something we knew would go over well – fries. We were correct. The kids ate their supper, but not tons and tons, since we had lunch early, and this was also a pretty early supper. But its not like we can take them out for supper in the city at 6:30 and then do our plans afterwards. Not how it works with our kids anyway. We would if they could. But they can’t.

After they ate, we all got into the van and drove to the city for dessert. For the last several days, I’ve been saying Jerrys, but I will blame my pregnancy brain and say that I’ve been talking about Fuddruckers the entire time. I’ve been picturing Fudds and anticipated it, but saying Jerrys. Either way, we stopped in at Walmart first to try and pick up a tv that is on sale for boxing week. The website said it existed at a particular location, but I was informed that the website is a teller of lies and they were sold out days ago. They said every other location was as well, but refused to call on my behalf. We checked the next closest location to us and, lo and behold, found a stack of about thirty of them! So we happily bought a new tv today!! Its nothing massive or impressive at all. Its the same size as our current tv, actually. But ours is on the fritz, starting to have mini blackout flashes, occasionally turning itself off, and probably weighs in at several hundred pounds. Time for a new one. After tv shopping was dessert.
Fudds was packed and for the first time ever, we had to order, give our names to someone, and wait for a seat to become available. So we bought some cookies and ordered a milkshake to have made once we got a spot. We didn’t have to wait too long at all before a table freed up. The kids destroyed the desserts and Laela sugar crashed pretty much right away. It was actually hilarious and adorable and I’m frustrated that my pictures won’t load onto my laptop. I suppose this calls for a photo post in a few days, because it was so cute to see my daughter resting her chin on the table, fairly unmoving. But at least its solid proof that dessert was delicious and enjoyed by all.
After Fudds, we hit up Tims, and Brady and I each got a coffee. I kicked off my boots, removed my coat, and settled in for the Christmas lights tour. I’m incredibly pleased to report that Dekker LOVED the light tour!!! He said over and over again that he loved all Christmas lights. Ok, well, he says Griffmas lights, but it was pretty much adorable, and close enough. We even found a house with John Deere tractors on the yard all lit up. He loved that, since he got some tractors for Christmas. He liked the reindeer and snowmen, and stars. Once or twice, he reached across the way just to hold Laela’s hand. It was clearly magical. We drove past an inflatable Santa, and Dekker said “Santa makes a funny face at my eyes.” I liked that 🙂 Very well said, dude.
Laela slept the entire drive home, while Dekker talked the entire drive home. When we stopped to fill up, Dekker just rested his head to one side of his car seat and stared at Laela. “I love Laela” he told me. I said that was so special, and that she loved him too. I then asked him why he loved her, and he just responded “She’s really little.” She certainly is.
We gave Laela some milk while we got their diapers changed, and got them dressed in jammies. While she was having her bottle, I lay down next to her to get my cuddles in, and Dekker came to share her for a minute. He snuggled all up to her like I was, but on her other side, and nuzzled her cheek. Then he said “I love you, Laela. Sleep well.” My heart is so warm to know that he loves her, and that he’s obviously heard Brady and I talking about our love for them. Big win!!
Since getting home, we’ve put the kids down, and Brady is just finished nerding out and setting the tv up. Its pretty much exactly what I was expecting. Not the highest of quality, but just what we need. When we hypothetically move in the near future, we’ll want something bigger and better, but this will be a great secondary tv for a guest room or even our room. Its perfect for right now. A definite step up!
This evening was a complete success in my opinion, and I think Brady would agree. The kids had lots of fun, the treats were yummy, it was pretty meltdown free, and the tv is great! All good. And because that isn’t enough, tomorrow is our 3D ultrasound and in a PERFECT twist of fate, Jerilee is coming!!! It’ll be so fun to share such a crazy experience with one of my very best friends! Happy days are here again. Maybe they never left.