We have waited for today for the last week, and it finally came! We got our call yesterday evening that Dekkers new glasses arrived! However, the call came in shortly before closing, so we couldn’t exactly race into the city to pick them up. However, we had plans to come in today anyway, so it worked out.
Rowan had his newborn hearing test at 3:00, and without mincing words, that whole experience was a bit of an ego hit. I brought our entire family to the wrong hospital. I brought Rowan in on my own, because you’re not supposed to bring other kids, and thank the good Lord we only made it as far as admitting before we figured it out. Of course, they called their audiology department and they laughed at me and told me they’d call the right audiology people at the right hospital. They also did me the favor of giving the right people my cell number so they could promptly call me back and laugh at me some more. But it was ok. I rolled with it. Such is life, right? The receptionist gave me directions for how to get to their offices, and told me that my being late wouldn’t cause any problems. A relief, right? So Brady and the kids picked me up and took Rowan and I to the right hospital. Where I got us lost almost instantly. I knew the directions in my head, but I went down to the ground level too soon, and my goodness, that is most definitely not the right way. I asked numerous people (in scrubs and white coats!) where to find audiology and NO ONE KNEW!! They all kind of kept pointing me in the direction I was already going, and said things like “It makes more sense for it to be that way than going back.” Helpful, right? Helpful until I found myself in the ICU. I think it was at that point that I officially looked just as lost as I felt, and someone came to my rescue. I told her where I was trying to go, and she began saying “Ok, go all the way back.” I think I wilted a little bit right on the spot, and she just gave me a really sympathetic smile and said “Why I don’t I walk you there?” I didn’t backpedal, or worry about her inconvenience like I normally would. I just responded “Yes please!” and off we went. She took me just about all the way, and pointed me down the right hallway. What a relief! And wow!, had I been in the wrong place! I went to register Rowan and the receptionist brushed off my apologies for being late and awkward and weird and having a bad sense of direction. She said it was incredibly common and not to worry about it. We didn’t wait too long before we were taken into a room about the size of my closet for the hearing test. I LOVED the girl that ran the tests! She left Rowan quietly sleeping in his car seat while she checked him all out, and we had a good laugh about my adventure getting there, as well as the joys of having kids and how things change from one to the next. It was really comfortable, and nice to sit for a few minutes! When we were done, she walked me to the end of the hall and directed me how to get out. And guess what. I didn’t get lost. It was stupidly, embarrassingly easy. So like I said in the beginning of this post, my pride definitely took a hit today, but I think thats good for us once in a while anyway, so I laughed about it and called it my exercise for the day.
When we got back to the van, Dekker asked immediately where we were going next. The twinkle in his eye was unmistakable. He knew.
“We’re going to get your brand new Lightening McQueen glasses, Dekker” I said. He burst out laughing.
“Thats pretty silly, mommy!!!”
I don’t even need to really say how that pick up went…

I tried to take a nice, outside picture of him but clearly, it was MUCH too sunny 🙂

He was SO thrilled! He wore them beautifully throughout the evening, and by his attitude, you could tell he felt like a million bucks!
We wanted to celebrate the excitement and go out for supper as a family, but it was around 4:15, so a bit too early. We had very few things we needed to get from the city at all, but needing to stall, we decided to get all four of the things off of our grocery list from Superstore. Judge if you must, but the free cookie makes everything better, and our kids appetites don’t appear to be spoiled by it, so we just go for it. Never at home, but Superstore is an exception. So we grabbed our few items, plus a couple of makeup things for me, and then headed over to the bakery for the kids cookies.

Happy kids 🙂 Cookie kids.
And the cookie kids cute little feet!
We finally headed to supper, at the Broadway Cafe. Fast food is sooo much easier, and I never have to worry about the kids being kind of noisy in a Wendys, but Broadway Cafe is yummy and also kid friendly, but nicer. And they actually did awesome! We all had really yummy food, and besides Laela’s really loud, high pitched, happy screams, we stayed relatively under the radar and were just a normal family, eating supper.

Dekker had so many questions about the pictures on the walls and what the cars were named.

This was Laela’s first time eating supper just sitting on a chair instead of in a high chair. She did awesome! And yes, she still has chocolate all over her face from the cookie.

Aaand thats the extent of what Rowan did through supper. He didn’t make a sound. He sat in his bucket beside me, and fell asleep. No soother used, no rocking of his seat even. Just slept.
It was a TOTALLY successful day! I’m very happy with Rowan and the positive results on his hearing test. I’m excited to see Laela understanding more and more every day, and starting to pretend. And I’m thrilled with Dekker’s new glasses, and how much he likes to wear them. He looks awesome and he knows it, as he should.