We had a bit of a rocky night of it with Rowan, and I woke up for the day feeling quite tired. Also, I must’ve slept funny, because my shoulder would likely have felt better being detached from my body. It was a pretty crumby-looking morning, but it was up to me to let it stay crappy. My choice would affect my entire household. So, we turned it around.
The kids were wonderfully helpful today. We did all of the laundry in the morning and early afternoon, and it was today that we learned that Dekker can reach the top of the washer. He likes to help with laundry but I had really just started, so his usual job of unloading the dryer wasn’t ready for him yet. He asked to load the washer, and I told him thank you, but that he wasn’t quite tall enough. He insisted that he just wanted to try, and he was tall enough! So he loaded a whole hamper full of the kids’ clothes into the machine for me, piece by piece. He even hauled full hampers out for me when the time came. It was awesome. He and Laela barely scrapped, and honestly, Rowan slept almost all day. I sure hope he gives us a bit tonight! But it was a really good morning. Lots of coffee and cuddles and laughing. We watched the Duggars on TLC and I watched Laela carry around her dollies, laying them on the playmat, in the bouncy chair, and I even saw her lay one on the ground and bring a diaper over to lay on top of it. She’s certainly nurturing!
I spoke to Brady over lunch and he suggested that we go out for supper. Even though he gets out of the house way more than I do, its almost always for work, so he gets cabin fever sometimes like I do, just not as often. I agreed that an outing would be lovely. Plus, I had tried on some super cute capris at Walmart the other day but they didn’t have my size, so I figured maybe we could all go hit Walmart and do a little shop. Supper and Walmart. Our classic family outing 🙂
Thankfully, all three kids slept awesome through nap time and were refreshed and ready to go. Brady even made it home by a decent time to shower and help get everyone ready and out the door.

This would have been Laela’s easter dress had we made it to church that weekend. And Dekker wouldn’t allow me to take his picture, but he was sporting his awesome new shorts. Too bad!
It gave me some time to find some summer clothes that fit, since today was sooo warm! And I even had a few minutes to add some color to my makeup.

Too bad I couldn’t get a more accurate picture of the color, but I rocked yellow eye shadow today, which was a lot of fun!
We ate at Montanas today for the first time in a very long time, and it went over well! Laela was pretty sad for part of it, we don’t know why, but I blame the family at the table next to us. While it was plain to everyone within hearing distance, their kids were giving their parents a run for their money, but I have never heard a mother yell and berate her children so viciously in public. It broke my heart to listen to it the whole time. They were at their table when we arrived and were still there, fighting, when we left. Luckily, the food was good and our kids were entertaining enough that we didn’t have to focus on them too much. But it was sad. I felt for everyone at their table.

We left the restaurant on a good note when the kids each got their cookies. Once out in the van, Dekker asked where we were going next, and I told him Walmart. He was immediately happy and anticipating the stop. He climbed right up onto the back of the cart and laughed the whole way in.
We didn’t do a whole lot in there. I did find some cute capris for a great price, which spiralled into my finding shorts, and probably the worlds most comfortable jeans as well. For $17 a pair, how can you go wrong?? Brady also got a new pair of work shoes, and Laela got some flats. And that was it! Which was great, since we arrived at Walmart at 8:00pm, already past the kids bedtime. We hit Tim’s on the way out for coffees, and drove home quietly. Good thing we didn’t hit the guy walking on the shoulder of the highway in black clothes. C’mon, people.
The big kids are sooo tired and ready for bed, but Rowans in his cradle with a serious case of the hiccups. Normally, hiccups are cured with a nice drink of milk, but he is full and not interested. So hopefully he goes down soon. But if not, it was still a great day. Hopefully tomorrow is great too.
It will be. Its my choice.