I worked at a camp the summer after I graduated, and had the most epic experiences of my life. I found myself there, thank the Lord. I wasn’t me before that summer. But I remember a specific time there that I was really struggling, and people around me were reminding me to pray. It was the first time in my life that I was honest and just blurted that I couldn’t anymore!!! I was too weak. No one in my presence judged me or seemed taken aback at all. They just nodded and said “Well, we’re strong enough, so we’ll just do it for you.” I feel that way now. My problem isn’t gone, and I feel like I’ve fallen a bit, but I feel like I’m being held up by my God, and my loved ones and friends are helping me and holding me up. I thank you all, and please, don’t stop. I was discouraged yesterday, and sadly, I’m still quite discouraged today, but I’m trying so hard to power through and trust in God’s perfect will!
It has helped that I’ve been distracted in the best way possible today 😀 The kids and I spent the day at my parents with some of my siblings. Together, we put together a big birthday dinner for my parents, as my dad’s birthday was yesterday, and my moms birthday is tomorrow. Once Brady and dad got home from work, we got to actually putting the whole thing together, and it was delicious. It was a burger feast, complete with homemade crunchy onions, bacon, shrimp skewers, broccoli salad, chips, pop, and all of the fixings. I was in charge of dessert, which was a massive flop yesterday, so I made up this hilarious (in my opinion) “cake” made of popcorn, marshmallows, m&ms, pretzels, and chocolate chips. It’s a super long story actually, but its unimportant. I was pretty happy though, because I thought it was delicious!
Somehow, after supper and dishes were done, Dekker said “Let’s go.” It was a tiny bit sooner than we were planning on leaving, but it was PERFECT. When he says that, we jump, because then he’s ready! So goodbyes are loving, and filled with hugs and kisses instead of crying and whining. Dekker and Laela passed around their affection and got into the van willingly. We listened to good music on the way home and everyone seemed happy upon arrival. Its nice when even the kids know its time to wind down.
Now its time for bed for the kids, and we’ll do a few little things to prepare for my Jessica to come out tomorrow! I wish I was more prepared and planned out for the visit, but hopefully she still loves us 😉 Its been a big few weeks. GREAT, but big. Let the fun continue!!!