Home Date with Kim

I spent this evening at Kim’s house, getting ready for her middle sons third birthday. Kim had done most of the more tedious snacky things, but I had offered to come help get some of the bigger last minute things done. Her husband chased after the kids while she and I went to the grocery store and bought some last minute treats to add to the party, and then got to work in the kitchen.

I won’t tell too terribly many details, just because I don’t want to spoil anything for her, but its all going to be so delicious and so uniform and SO his style!! Maddox is going to love his party!!! We made his cake, and blew up a bunch of balloons. We made plans about where all of the food will be laid out, and just generally got excited about it all 🙂 Hopefully we’ll get there a bit early and help put the final touches on everything. I love being part of the prep!

I overstayed, whoops, and left around 9:30pm, I think. When I came home, Brady and I recapped our evenings, and he ran a bath. Coffee and biscotti is waiting. Once the littlest goober goes to bed, anyway. Someone is surely fighting the power tonight!!

** In todays potty news, two accidents. Both poop. He’s got peeing right, but has no desire to poop in the potty. I can’t wait for him to figure that part out. But as it is, only two accidents. Three pairs of underwear. Go Dekker!

Energy *WHOOSH* Gone

So I was asleep last night at 10:00pm. No word of a lie. So. Tired. Good tired, but tired tired. I think the potty training paired with Dekker not napping anymore is just wiping me out. Its all good, but its different.

Also, today was honestly just abnormally busy! I felt dead on my feet very early in the afternoon. I know lots of people find that in motherhood, or just in life in general, but I don’t. This was new for me.

HOWEVER!!!, today was incredibly successful in the potty training department 🙂 We had only ONE accident!!! Two pairs of underwear only! Dekker probably peed on the potty literally 15-20 times, which feels a bit like maybe he’s just doing it for more treats, but I think he’s actually just learning about emptying his bladder. I’m certainly not going to ignore him when he says he has to pee!! It was SUCH a great day for peeing in the potty. We’ve just got to get him to poop on it. *sigh* Not my favourite part of the day, but we survive. I’ve touched poop many many times in the last four years, and likely will for may more still. I can handle his for another few days.

But with all of the success we’ve had over the day, it has completely finished me off. I’m sleepy. But there is an iced coffee for me in the fridge, too. Quandary.

Who Needs Sleep While Potty Training??

Last night was one of those weird ones. I woke up around 12:45am to Dekker wiiide awake, talking like crazy. My husband, who has the monitor on his end table, was dead to the world. So I got up and walked around the bed, and told Dekker through the intercom to be quiet and go back to sleep. Then I went back to bed. But literally, less than a minute later, he was talking even louder. I listened closely but couldn’t figure out what he was saying. So I went into his room and asked if he had to pee. He hesitated, so I took him to the bathroom, where he sat for a few minutes, but did nothing. So I put him back to bed, and he didn’t make another sound. I know this before I was awake for the next four hours. I used to have those nights all the time, and they’re few and far between nowadays, but when they do come around, I’m less accustomed to them, and they seem to hit me harder.

I got up with Dekker around 7:30am and he was quite wet. But he was dry the morning before so I figure that will come. I asked him to sit on the toilet before breakfast, but nothing came of that. He had a good breakfast, and as he ate, the rest of the house woke up. When he finished, the day actually began.

It was an incredibly successful day for potty training!!! Dekker had three accidents only, one of which I almost don’t want to count because there was just a small dot of wetness inside his underwear. But today, he really started to figure out the sensation of having to pee before he actually peed! He would suddenly get kind of loud and say things like “I’m really full!” He rush into the bathroom and get his underwear off. He can’t get himself up to the toilet yet because we still haven’t gotten our step stools out from the container, but he is really seeming to get the hang of it. Best of all, he’s so proud. Another thing he’s learning about is just going pee, even when he doesn’t feel the total urgency. I see him try so hard to actually pee, and I see his tummy muscles working for it, and suddenly, he’s still, and he watching himself pee!! Hahaha! I laugh, but its pretty awesome that he has some control already. I’m very, very proud of him. It was a big win of a day. Four pairs of underwear.

While our experience with potty training sounds easier than lots of other peoples experience (or harder than some) I have to say that its still tiring. I miss when Dekker napped. I think he still would, but this way I can keep tabs on him. Plus, he goes to sleep beautifully. When Dekker had his teeny tiny little accident this evening, he seemed SO discouraged. WAY more than any other accident. I sat in the bathroom while he sat on the toilet, and he cried and cried, with his head in his hands. I asked him if he was just feeling so tired, and he replied that he really was. So to bed they went. He seemed so comfy and relieved to be in bed. This whole thing is exhausting for all of us. Its good to be reminded of that. Its not just me who is dragging these days. Its all of us.

On that note, I’m not going to last too long this evening. Maybe even no soak in the tub!! Well, we’ll see. I’m not one to pass on a bath willingly. But today might be different. I could really use some sleep.

Finally!! An Outing!

I used to laugh when people would consider grocery shopping alone a luxury, but I was more than thrilled to get out of the house this evening, even if it was just for a quick trip to Walmart and a little visit with my mom.

I ventured out in the rain and enjoyed my break. Home has been a lot of work, and while good, its tiring. And I miss going out! So I did my Walmart, got my fast food, visited with my mom for longer than I planned to (as usual) and just got home recently 🙂

Underwear count for the day is 5. Fewer accidents, but less pottying in general. Yes, I’m loading him up with fluids as much as he’ll take in. Either way though, he’s not really put off by the toilet anymore, so we’re going to keep rolling with it!

Its pretty obvious that I’m tired, but this is all you’re getting tonight. SO sleepy. But first, you guessed it, a bath! And then to sleep. Rowan has given us two full nights in a row, so let’s keep those coming! With these big days of potty training, you’d better believe we all need lots of sleep!!

"I'll Just Get This Potty Started"

So I’m sorry to say that today’s post won’t be filled with lots (or any) endearing pictures of the kids and all of their cute antics. We had a very good but very full day. Therefore, you’re just getting the brief rundown of potty training day #2.

Dekker was soaked this morning. I got him up the moment he seemed to be awake for more than three seconds. I watched. I woke up early and made a point to stay awake for him. But I’m not too concerned. We’ll get there. He went right to the potty when I mentioned it without fighting. Laela woke up soon after Dekker finished his breakfast, and then Rowan soon after. It was a really busy day. I’ve never felt specifically like three kids has kept me on my toes, but this is a different angle for me! Having all of the kids doing different things and needing to be watched pretty closely, yet all needing me in different ways at different times with different levels of urgency. It was interesting, to say the least.

To boil it down further, Dekker used six pairs of underwear today, and the last one didn’t even get dirty 🙂 So thats half as many accidents as yesterday! On one hand, I don’t feel like that counts for much because he just generally peed less, but I also think he’s likely more aware of himself and doesn’t just pee every time it crosses his mind. I’d say thats an improvement.

I had a friend ask me today if I have expectations of this, and what they are. I hadn’t really figured out my main goal, honestly, but this is what I think. I would LOVE it if Dekker would train fast, but I’m not sure he will. Instead, I think my priority is that he is able to potty train without fear. If some things take him a bit longer because he is apprehensive, then they just do. I’m thankful that I’m able to be home and let him take his time. Truthfully, I’d love to go all military on his ass and just MAKE him do it, but thats not how my boy works, and I don’t want to be that mom either. Maybe in a few months, he’d be ready to be AWESOME at it overnight, but this is good too 🙂 I hesitate to say it, but I’m pretty sure we had some progress today, even if it was just him not being afraid to sit on the potty. I’ll take it!!

Poor kid will read back on this one day and resent me for putting all of this on the internet. Guaranteed.

Love you, Dekker <3

Milestones and Doing Too Many Things at Once

** Let’s all keep in mind that Hailey’s blog is 1000% a judgment-free zone 🙂 The Bambi rule is live as of right now, or always. Celebrate small victories with us!!

We used to have Rowan on a fabulous sleep schedule where he woke up once in the night. Since we’ve had so many gatherings this summer, that has disappeared completely. Rather, he would eat three times per night, and almost not at all in the day. NOT ideal. We’ve been trying a few different ideas over the last few days and last night, we managed to get an eight hour stretch!! With that behind us, Brady and I felt strong enough to officially begin the potty training process with Dekker. I know, I know, he’s four. Trust me, no one knows that better than I do, you don’t have to tell me. We’ve been gradually getting him used to the toilet for a little while now. Today, we simply added underwear. Well, and lots of other aspects. Special drinks, treats, change of scenery, etc. I won’t do a big post on all of the details unless anyone really wants it. Either way, we started the day off like this.

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Dekker got chocolate milk at breakfast to ensure that he would drink extra. It worked.

He sat on the potty A TON! Most visits were pretty short but when he seemed content, we tried to make it enjoyable.

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We spent lots of time out of the bathroom as well. The kids were very happy and agreeable for the most part. Even Rowan rocked out in his jumparoo more than usual. I colored. It was a good vibe.IMG_9799 IMG_9804 IMG_9809

All of the stats are in! Ten pairs of underwear later, we had SIX successful pees in the potty!!! I don’t know if thats good or bad, and I don’t really care. Its a HUGE accomplishment for us!! I’m a bit nervous for tomorrow being on my own. Not because I don’t think I can do it, but because its really nice to have some backup that he is super comfortable with, but we’ll be more than fine. It will be a bit different for me, but I’m thinking we will really hide out this week, and be super antisocial. His first outing will be on Saturday at a friends birthday party. I’m confident they’ll be super understanding 🙂 I’m so hopeful about this week. Dekker is amazing and I know he’s learning.

Another cool milestone happened this evening when I decided to try and feed Rowan some applesauce. Again, I know, I know, starting with fruit isn’t recommended. But honestly, I always do, and my kids are fine, well balanced eaters. I’m not worried. Fun surprise, he ate like he’s been eating from a spoon for years. He opened his mouth for his tastes and knew how to move the food around in his mouth. He didn’t gag once. Out of pure curiosity, I gave him a mum mum, to see if he was coordinated enough to eat it. For those who don’t know, a mum mum is a “cookie” that is basically styrofoam for eating, and it pretty much dissolves the second it gets wet, so its good for little ones to gum on. We call them surfboards. He wasn’t great at feeding himself, but when we would hold the surfboards to his mouth, he ate and ate and ate. He ate an entire cookie!!! We were pleasantly surprised 🙂


After supper, Laela accidentally poured milk all over her tummy and into her bellybutton.

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This was both hilarious and sticky. Didn’t matter. It was bath time.

Unless this goober pooped in the tub.


What in the world is a person supposed to do when Kid #1 and Kid #2 are clean, and are playing in the tub when you stick the baby in, and he poops a flaky icky poop into the water?? I took his little sudsy, proud self to the sink and rinsed his hair and body off while Brady rinsed out the tub, ran new water, and washed the older ones off again.

So today was messy, hahaha! But I’d call it successful!! I’m definitely nervous about the upcoming week but jumping in with both feet! Of course, those feet are wearing rubber boots…

A Beautiful Day In Every Way

We had breakfast at my parents house again this morning. We were served cinnamon buns and muffins and coffee and other delicious things. I love the special sweet breakfasts we get there sometimes. Soon after breakfast, Brady and my dad went to the backyard and tore down their old decrepit deck. I tried to video it so I could do a time lapse thing, but apparently my camera has a auto shut off “safety” feature that I didn’t know about, and it turned itself off. Merp. But it was still a good time. The kids sat in front of the patio doors almost the whole time, and watched the action, waiting eagerly for any moment that their daddy or grandpa would look up and wave at them. It was positively riveting.

Once the deck was down and loaded onto the trailer, we had a pizza lunch together, and then we headed home. We could have probably stayed longer and visited for a while, but I had made plans with Kim for the rest of the day. When we got home, I changed my clothes, kissed the kids, and drove back to the city to meet her at Michaels. We proceeded to do some shopping for both of our kids upcoming birthday parties. Laela’s bday party still doesn’t have an official date, but her middle sons party is this coming weekend! I think we got most of what we needed, so thats good.

We also made it a priority to just sit and have a little visit over coffee, rather than being on the go every moment of our time together. It was nice to just sit at Starbucks with our iced lattes and take a load off. After a while, we took a quick lap through the mall, bought one of two things, and headed out to our next destination across the city. We had less success there, but there was certainly no loss.

We were wracking our brains about what to do for supper afterwards, as we were both feeling super growly. We knew her bay boy wouldn’t sit especially well in a restaurant, but weren’t feeling especially Wendy’s or McDonalds – esque. So we ate my favorite kind of meal! We ordered deep fried pickles and KAPOW (lol!) shrimp from Montana’s. Then we stopped at a 7eleven and grabbed slurpees, corn dogs, and potato wedges. As I type this out, it sounds pretty gross, haha! It wasn’t, I promise. We were going to go park by the river and eat overlooking the water (yes, still in the van) but it was getting a bit later and we figured we shouldn’t doddle too much longer than necessary. Embarrassingly enough, we ended up at Costco. We parked until a tree in the parking lot and cracked all of the food open on the dashboard. We sat and talked with the music playing quietly in the back, keeping the baby asleep. It was SUCH a nice visit. Usually, when we hang out, we’re wrangling six kids between us, and its hard to actually converse! But this was such a good uninterrupted heart to heart. I loved it. Things are so funny. I think I can speak for both of us and say that it feels like we’ve known each other for years. And years.

I eventually drove her home and headed home myself. I was greeted by a loving husband and a hot bath that this blog is keeping me from!!! So off I go! But it was truly a lovely day in every way. Its just convenient that it rhymes. It doesn’t make it any less true.

Shoot. No cute selfie to insert here. Next time.

Breakfast and Costco

This morning, I got the kids up, dressed them, and took them out to the van. Dekker doddled a bit by the table and asked why we weren’t having breakfast. I told him we were going to have it at grandmas instead, and those kids beat me to the entrance.

A cute thing that usually happens with my kids is Dekker picking out Laela’s shoes. I usually have an idea of which shoes I’ll be putting her in that day, and based on her outfit, Dekker can usually figure it out, and he passes her the shoes he picks. If she grabs a different pair first, he’ll gently encourage her to the pair of his choice. Its hilarious, really. This morning, however, he was obviously in too much of a rush. By the time I got to the entrance, he was struggling to put his own shoes on (he even got them on the right feet!) and Laela was sitting on the bench with some pretty little white sandals in her hands, looking from them to her socks, over and over. I offered her some runners instead, which she accepted.

We got to my moms shortly after 9:00 and had breakfast and coffee. The kids played for a bit before we had to get on with the day. My mom had an afternoon of errands, and I just needed Costco really, but I needed the extra hands now that Rowan isn’t in a bucket, but also isn’t sitting up in a cart, or anywhere for that matter. So I asked the kids to tidy up the toys they had taken out. This is never their favorite task, especially when it means leaving grandmas, but the incentive of Costco prevailed, and they tidied nice and fast! We had to take separate vehicles to the city, but they knew we’d all be together while we shopped.

My mom pushed Rowan in the little stroller, and I pushed the cart, and we had a really nice shop together. The kids did awesome, which is always a treat, and we got everything we needed. It all was pretty seamless, except for the fumble with the flat of eggs, which crushed three or four, and cracked five others. But it could have been worse, thats for sure.

I gave the kids each a banana on the drive home, which made for a nice quiet drive with happy kids. Upon arriving home, I found my daughter was out like a light, still holding a chunk of a mushed up mostly eaten banana. I unloaded the whole van before finally plucking her from it. There is no sleepy transition for Laela. As soon as she lulled as I pulled her arms out from her straps, she started swinging her legs and chatting. Its this immediate thing that happens. I’m happy she has such quality sleep that just a little nap rests her up so well.

Thanks to my egg fumble, we had breakfast for supper tonight. Jerilee came for the evening and enjoyed bacon, eggs, and toast with us. We had a really really nice visit for a few hours before the kids went down, and we got settled in with some dessert and coffee. Its always lovely to have Jerilee over, and I’ve so enjoyed keeping up with our trashy tv shows together, but we haven’t had a good down to earth visit in a while. So this was fabulous 🙂 The perfect kind of Friday night.

But as you can see, I’m writing this post after midnight, which means we had a really nice evening together, and time got away on us. We’re all old now, haha, and we can’t stay out very late anymore. We’re all sleepy. But today was great, and tomorrow will be great too!!!

One on One, Plus Three

I FINALLY got to visit with my mom today. We talk on the phone a decent amount, and really, we see each other a lot compared to many of my friends whose moms live in different locations throughout the world, or in heaven, and I’m very grateful for what I have. Lately, though, my mom and have seen each other through gatherings with others, in busy situations, or for very short periods of time. I can’t remember the last time she came out for the day to play with my kids and visit with me. Today, we finally got to have that day!

Mom came in the morning, right after the kids were done their breakfast. They were clearly suffering from Grandma withdrawal, and latched onto her like tiny little love magnets. So began a few solid hours of tickling, kissing toes, showing off toys, story telling, eating, and honestly, screeching. The kids were SO HAPPY to be reunited with my mom!

Of course, she and I did get our visiting in amongst all of the loud talking. Dekker was particularly polite and when I’d ask him to wait a minute until we were done talking, he would just say “Ok” and sit quietly until there was a milliseconds pause, when he’d chime in. It was adorable.

Mom stuck around until the mid afternoon, and then I loaded her up with all of the random dishes I’ve acquired from her in the last month or two, and she was off. It was sad. But the kids were feeling low key at that point, so I left them downstairs with The Magic School Bus on, and I got some supper together. I defrosted the fish, made a pasta salad, made dressing and chopped broccoli for another salad, and even fried up some bacon so we could have fresh bacon bits in the salad. Brady fried up the fish once we got home and honestly, supper was delicious! Dekker fussed through parts of it, which we expect, knowing its not his favorite meal, but Laela ate her entire serving without whining at all!!! That always feels like a win.

Now that the kids are down, i’m feeling really dizzy, and there is still stuff to do around here before the evening is over and I can sink into a bath. Hopefully that time will come sooner than later!!

Playdate Gone RIGHT

I am thrilled to report that we FINALLY had a rockin’ playdate out here with Kim and her kids!! We always enjoy their company, of course, but Dekker is fairly reserved, and doesn’t participate too much. I was a bit nervous for today, since the kids are still pretty exhausted from our weekend away, but they seemed to be anticipating the company.

Dekker: Is Kim comin’?
Me: Yup, they’re driving right now.
Dekker: She’s on the highway?
Me: Yup.
Dekker: Why she’s not in the driveway?

When they did arrive, the kids did their usual. Laela squealed in delight all over the place, pointing at our guests, and Dekker cowered in the corner, asking me to hold his hand. I helped the two older boys get in and kick their shoes off, and they blasted downstairs right away. Kim made her way inside with some treats, her diaper bag, and the baby. We grabbed some coffee and slowly made our way downstairs to see how the kids were playing. It was the usual scene – toys spread everywhere, Laela playing with Kims boys, and Dekker sitting on a chair, watching it all happen.

We did that for a while, but it was soon lunch time, and Kim and I went upstairs to get some chicken strips and veggies. WE laid out a blanket, put their plates on it, and turned on Cars. From there, the fun began!!! Dekker FINALLY started visiting with the boys. He actually initiated a few conversations, which is a big deal for him. From lunch, they began playing, and sharing with each other! At one point, the loudest game in the world broke out, and we thankfully got it on video. Its won’t be on here, as I don’t have the time or desire to load it onto YouTube, but they all just talked and yelled gibberish words at each other. It doesn’t sound like a lot of fun, but they were howling with laughter!!! It was so lovely to watch. There was no fighting, very few misunderstandings, and just lots and lots of play.

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I delighted my heart to see Dekker so in there, being so friendly and fitting in so well. I knew he could do it!!!

I love our kids. My kids, her kids, all the kids. It was a great day.