I’d love to recount a few very sweet moments of the day on here 🙂 Its impossible to keep record of everything every day, but I had such a pleasant day with my family today. The kids are just coming into their own these days, and I’m so delighted to take them out and watch them surprise me over and over again. We’ll go in order.
We asked Dekker this morning if he thought he should have a haircut, and he said “yes!” So we called our salon and booked an appointment for noon today. While we all drove into the city, I kind of prepped him. If you remember, his haircuts aren’t always the smoothest of appointments, and we let him get pretty shaggy before we take him again. But he was amped, so we went for it. I figured I’d push my luck and even tell him he had to wear the cape this time. Our running deal is that he gets a smoothie after his haircut, so adding the cape was a gamble, but he accepted. When we arrived at the mall, as we got them out of their carseats, he even commented that maybe she would “put some stuff in it after.” I told him I was sure she would. When we actually got in there, he completely went along with things. He panicked a bit when Carlinna put the cape on but I pep talked him out of it. He then proceeded to have the EASIEST haircut ever! He made faces into the mirror the entire time, and told Carlinna jokes while she cut his hair. She quietly commented to me that he had never actually talked to her before. It was pretty awesome to see him handle it all so well. Towards the end, Carlinna asked him if she could use the trimmer around his ears. He had always screamed about that in the past, to a point where we just haven’t even tried it the last few times. She demonstrated it on her skin, saying “Oh, that doesn’t hurt at all! In fact, it tickles a little!” He gave her permission, and she actually was able to trim around his ears and clean up the back a tiny bit. Lastly, she took his cape off and asked if he liked my hair dryer. He was a bit hesitant, but she said she could blow all of the extra hair off of him so he wouldn’t be itchy, and again, he agreed. He laughed the entire time, with his tongue hanging out. I wonder how much hair he ate today. Either way, it was incredibly successful!! Carlinna had never gotten him to cooperate so well, and we were all pleasantly surprised by how well he did. Win for Dekker!!
Another win for all of the kids was at Dr. Mikes office. We took Rowan in for a follow up after his pretty crazy necessary treatment last week, and everyone did so well! I was just going to bring Rowan in myself, but Dekker had to pee, so we decided to just bring everyone. The kids really like Dr. Mike anyway, so its fun to all go sometimes. Dr. Mike came in pretty quick, and Dekker was full of stories right off the bat. Laela was climbing the chairs like a jungle gym, happily squealing away, not nervous at all. Dekker showed him his toy from his Wendys lunch and everything. All of that being said, Rowan loved his treatment again! He giggled through it, and Dr Mike was SO good to him. And thankfully, Ro is feeling so much better! We’ve seen a significant improvement since his first treatment already, but there was definitely less work to do. At this point now, we just watch, but I’m sure he’ll be more than fine from here on out.
The last sweet story I’ll share with you is from Superstore. The two big kids were in the cart seats, and I had Rowan in his umbrella stroller. While we waited in line, Brady was in front of the cart, and I was hanging out with the three kids. Rowan began reaching out and playing with Dekker and Laela’s shoes, as their feet were hanging right in front of his face. Both of the big kids became enthralled with this, and if Brady pulled them ahead a little bit, they would call me to bring Rowan closer, even if I was less than three seconds behind them. Efficiency at its finest 😉 Anyway, Dekker and Laela were both leaned forward resting their heads on the cart handle, staring at Rowan. Out of nowhere, Laela reached over Dekker and rubbed his back. No one looked up, but I heard Dekker say quietly, “I like that.” My gosh, I melted.
These kids, though. I LOVE these kids. How in the world was I blessed with SUCH amazing kids??!