I really enjoyed how many people offered up their guesses on our baby’s gender! It was fun hearing people’s reasoning, whether they had any or not, and just to see people participate in something that is so exciting for Brady and I and our family!! In case you didn’t tally it up yourself, twice as many people were guessing girls than who were guessing boys. Like it was pretty much exactly 2-1. For the first while, it was pretty evenly split down the middle, but it didn’t last long. Thanks for playing, either way.
I drank my water and lemonade all within good time, and I wasn’t miserable or even super uncomfortable while I waited for my name to be called at the clinic. We hauled our little crew back there, and our tech began taking her pictures and measurements and such. I’ll be honest and say that our tech was possibly the most impersonal one we’ve ever had in our journey to have babies, so while she took pictures for 5-10 minutes, she showed us the baby for less than two. It was very very quick, and without any detail whatsoever. I don’t know if baby is measuring to date, or what the heart rate was even. It was strange. She asked us right in the beginning if we’d want to know the gender, and we said if at all possible, yes, we would love to. Our short tour of the baby did not include the goods, however. The moment she had showed us head to feet, she shut everything down. I asked “So was the baby’s gender not visible today?” And she answered back to me,
“The baby is a boy.”

She exited soon after, and our little family celebrated and mulled and talked about it on our own for a minute or two. Dekker’s first question was “Whats his name?” while Laela just impatiently asked “Baby come? Baby come?” Rowan flapped. We are SO thrilled with our news, regardless of how it was delivered. She didn’t have to care, lol! But we sure do!!!
She brought a radiologist back with her, and he wanted to do a quick double check on a few things he hadn’t liked the pictures of so much, but upon his seeing things firsthand, he confirmed that all looked well after all, and I agreed with him that its always smart to double check. I wasn’t panicked. He is fine. HE.
We were sent on our way, and had hoped to do something a little bit celebratory. We’ve recently learned that Fuddruckers is having a “kids eat free” event, so we thought maybe we’d hit that up, but one of the bunch was NOT feeling it, helping the rest of us quickly realize that today was not the day for it. Maybe tomorrow, we decided. Instead, we made a quick stop at Walmart for a thing or two, and we got some yummy sugar cookies that were covered in blue icing and sprinkles for a treat.
Supper was chicken fingers and french fries, though Brady and I switched it up a bit and had poutine. Once the meal was over, we explained our plan to the kids. We said we were going to eat a cookie and watch ONE episode of tv, then come back up, tidy toys and go to bed. All of this needed to be done without complaining. And you know what? They did pretty darn good! They were sad when the episode was over, but they tidied like champs without any whining.
They LOVED their cookies, and I’m fairly certain they are going to love their new brother even more than a delicious sugar cookie. At least I hope so!!!
We cannot wait to get our next little bundle into our home, and into our arms. Well, we can wait for him, but we eagerly anticipate him!!!!
Little boy, your family loves you so much already!