After church, we toured everyone through the build again. My parents hadn’t seen it since it was insulated, so it feels like an entirely new place! It was so thrilling to walk through it again, honestly. I never get tired of it. I had someone comment to us the other day that our house was moving so slowly, and I actually laughed out loud, thinking they were being sarcastic. Guys, its been less than two months since ground has been broken. TONS has been done! I suppose anyone can think what they want, but this has been an incredibly fast paced build, especially considering the weather. Thank you Lord for a gentle winter.
We had lunch with my parents before we started the mad pack of the freezer and fridge stuff to take with us, as well as our bedding and a few other miscellaneous things. It took a bit longer than expected, which shouldn’t be unexpected at all at this point, since it seems to always happen, haha! But we did finally manage to get on the road around 4:00pm. The kids had never seen the cabin before today, so we were curious how they would react.
I thank the Lord, because the kids LOVE it here! It is unlike anywhere we’ve ever lived before, and they are ALL over it. They were comfortable immediately. We toured them around, and they were content to play and explore while we got supper ready and the freezer stuff unpacked and organized. They liked having some of their old familiar stuff lying around too. The couch is back, the dining table is back, and best of all, their TOYS are back!!! We have a beautiful loft that is carpeted and short with a big window at the one side. We took all of the toys that they received at Christmas that they haven’t been able to crack into, and put them up in the loft. I predict they will spend hours upon hours playing in that loft, as will I, because it is amazing. We had lots of playtime and some rest as well.
The kids are comfortable, and so are Brady and I.
Bedtime was a little bit hard, but mostly because the kids are excited and riled up, as one would expect for a first night. It wasn’t the smoothest, routined bedtime, of course, and once Dekker and Laela were both in jammies and had prayed, this happened.
They snuggled into Dekker’s bed together, and we heard them each say that they liked the other. It was music to my ears. I’m glad they were cozy. I can’t wait until we can actually leave them in a bed for sleepovers!
Rowan went down right afterwards, and he was also happy and comfy.
He’s still wide awake, lol, but terribly cute, so its allowed.
Now, after a bit of a hectic day, Brady and I going to find supper and settle down for the night. Our first night here. I’m very very hopeful that we will be able to find peace and comfort here for the next two or three months. This is SUCH an answer to prayer for us!!! Thank you all for your positive thoughts and prayers. They have truly been felt.