I really want to thank everyone for being SO supportive this last little while! We’ve been feeling like we’re going through the mill, and no one has made us feel like we’re just being pansies. You guys have really understood, and I thank you for that! I want to say that, with all of the annoying issues I’ve been having with the blog recently, some days, it WILL NOT allow me to reply to comments!! That being said, I see and read each one, and I want you all to know that I love and appreciate your compassion and offers to help. Jokes on you, I WIL be taking you up on those offers!
This bout of sickness has thrown some unexpected delays into our life, and there are things that just need to get done, plain and simple. And when we’re all completely well again and ready to have people through here, I have been compiling a big ugly list of things to do. There ARE jobs, and we NEED help.
I’m a bit torn up between two different organizational methods that I love. One is making the big beastly list of EVERYTHING that needs to get done, then scratching everything that doesn’t absolutely neeeeed to get done, and just doing all of the priorities. That is a good solid method. However, I also saw something online that isn’t really a method, but something I really really liked. It basically suggested making a list of all of those stupid annoying little jobs that drive you nuts every single time you look at them, and then just DOING THEM. For me, those things are scrubbing down the high chairs and dining chairs that are all super gummed up. Bleaching dish cloths. Stuff like that. I’d LOVE to bring those things to the new house all fresh and clean, and they’re not big jobs, but they’re also not priorities, and things do come before those things.
All of this being said, I have a big list of priorities, with some crazy-makers mixed in. And what I’m trying to say is, I’d love to not have to choose between them, and to get them all done. SO! If you’re offering to come do a job, I will have one for you!! Normally, I would VASTLY prefer to have people in my house to visit, and I still really feel better about that, but I am NOT above asking for help, and this is it! When we are better, I will be needing some help! Brady is on round 2 of sickness, and I really really hope that is where it stops this time around because we NEED to get stuff done! Eek!
Wish us luck! And when we’re all well, start avoiding phone calls and knocks on the door, because it might be me…..