Oh Lowes…

I know Lowes isn’t new in the city, but it is compared to our usual Rona, J&H, and Home Depot. When our family first discovered that our build was in fact POSSIBLE this year, we began filling our evenings and weekends with slow walks through these kinds of stores, and that was probably the first time I ever set foot into Lowes. I found that they were comparable in a lot of ways, pretty severely lacking in others, but they had some WONDERFUL products that we couldn’t find anywhere else comparable.

We found a couple of things at Lowes right off the hop that I knew we could not compromise on, because I loved them way too much. We got our kitchen sink from Lowes, if you remember from waaay back in the posts. At least I think I shared it! Its a HUGE white coasted cast iron sink. Its Kohler, and only $300. I didn’t even ask if it put us over our kitchen budget. I didn’t care. It was SUCH a beautiful sink!

We also ordered our countertops from Lowes. It was kind of amazing actually. We went into the countertop place that our builder uses as their standard, and we knew it would cost more than a hardware store countertop, of course, but we figured we’d give it a go and just see how the prices compared. I picked my absolute favorite top off of the wall and the salesman laughed and said that was practically his cheapest top. (This is why we ended up buying from a hardware store. I don’t have expensive tastes for countertops.) When the quote came in, however, it was WAY over our budget! And that was even excluding the island top!!! So we politely said we’d let them know and bought the lovely medium grey standard laminate tops from Lowes. We paid a fraction of the cost that way.

The last thing we chose from Lowes was tub/shower doors. Rather than hanging a shower curtain, Brady expressed that he would really like to have shower doors in the main bathroom instead. Since I feel like almost every little detail has been chosen by me, I was quite determined that Brady should get his shower doors. He also wanted three panels instead of two, for the sake of bathing our kids in the tub and having it more open. I did a lot of looking online and myyy goodness, those doors are EXPENSIVE!! And most of them are only two panels. But I am pleased to have found a three panel shower door with raindrop detail for a VERY reasonable price! What fun surprises all of these purchases were!

I have to say, though, we have gotten the SERIOUS run around actually receiving these products.

The sink is up to the plumber so I’m sure (hoping) he’s on top of that. The shower doors we ordered last week, and we were informed they would be shipped by Same Day Worldwide shipping. Its a deceiving name, really, since they’re not going to be here for at least another week. *eye roll* Ideally Brady would install them before Friday, but I guess another day will have to do. It won’t really affect anyone else, but he’s working on his second stage finishing tomorrow through Friday, and he will be installed all of our bathroom hardware anyway. But oh well. Shower doors will just come later I suppose.

We ordered our countertops a while back already, and they were supposed to arrive on May 10th. It is now the 17th and we have gone through a decent amount of annoyance trying to actually get them into our hands. We FINALLY got the call last night that they were in store, so Brady and I set up the plan for today. He’ll also be finishing up cabinets this week, and doing countertops, so it all needs to be there this week. We decided, since Brady only had Daytona work this afternoon, that after breakfast today, we’d each take a van, drive to Lowes (me with the kids, he in his work van), pick up the tops, drive them out to our house, and haul them in while getting a good look at the house as well and showing my mom around it. She hasn’t even seen it painted in person yet!!

OVER AN HOUR at Lowes!!! Not only did Brady have to explain who he was and what he was picking up again, but they then said they had to go pick the order. When they brought it out to us, it was all damaged and messed up 🙁 The main part of the order was two 10′ chunks of countertop. They had ordered three, and THANK GOODNESS for that, because one was split right down the middle, and one was missing a hunk of the backsplash. We’re actually trimming one down, so the loss of the backsplash corner isn’t a big deal. Thank goodness one was in good shape all around and we could use it. They agreed to take a percentage off of the broken one that we accepted, and on their own, took that same percentage off of the one that was still in good shape, just as a good will gesture, which we appreciated. It was quite a long mess getting everything sorted out, but we did not stick around to stay annoyed. Once Bradys van was loaded, we bailed.

We had a couple of other plans fall by the wayside because of how long Lowes took, which is too bad, but stuff happens. We got our countertops, they will work well, and we got to tour around our house! The carpet guys were working in there, but had no problem with us being around. However, there were open tack strips everywhere, so we carried the kids through to save their toes. Now that the flooring is basically done, our house is officially a “no shoes” house, which we really appreciate! Brady has seen muddy footprints through new builds, caking up the new carpets, and UGH! That would just make me sick to see in my own house. So we carried the kids through, and my mom also came along to see how it all looked. Because we carried everyone, we didn’t take pictures, but I promise, I’ll ask Brady to take some tomorrow. It all looks AMAZING! I was worried that the dark grey tile, grey laminate, and grey carpet would looks suuuper monochromatic, but it really doesn’t. It looks classy and finished and beautiful. Eek! Seriously, I want ALL of you guys reading and caring about our house to come to a house warming party so you can see the place in person!

I digress. I was VERY frustrated at Lowes earlier today, and I still think a lot of that hassle could have been avoided, but I do love what we ended up with, and I’m VERY excited to see it all installed!!! We are so very fortunate to be able to do what we’re doing, and to build our dream home! I truly can’t wait to show it off to each and every one of you who wants to see it!

37 Weeks

I went in for a prenatal today, as I’m doing weekly at this point, and it was strange, once again! This is my first pregnancy with this particular clinic, so some things are done differently. That, and being seen my a student doctor while just overseen by my doctor, things really feel different. I’m getting pretty late in the game here, and I’m finding it hard to come to terms with. Everyone I’ve encountered has been lovely, I have no big issue with anyone, its just been very different. I feel slightly “un-doctored,” if I can be so bold, but I think my doctor has been VERY engaged and hands on in the past, so this is a big change. I’m trying very hard after todays appointment to worry about nothing, to not be anxious, and to roll with it.

What surprised me right off the hop is that my student doctor brought a med student in with her. Now I have zero issue with people learning, and I’m ok to be part of that. Sure, of course she can take my blood pressure, find baby’s heartbeat, measure me, etc. But isn’t my student doctor learning?? I don’t know, it sort of took me aback. Luckily, all of those things turned out just fine. Baby boy has never been especially cooperative for a doppler, but it just took some digging. I knew he was fine the entire time, as he is a big mover. No harm, no foul there.

Now I don’t want to be gross, so sorry if this crosses a line, but this weekend, I’m pretty confident that I lost my mucus plug. I know, it sounds awful. I don’t recommend googling it. Its just a nasty gooby thing that falls out sometimes if your cervix starts to open/ripen/whatever else. With some people, it means labour is RIGHT around the corner. With others, they lose theirs really early, and it kind of fills back in. Lots of people lose and regenerate their mucus plugs multiple times. The difference with me is that I’ve never knowingly lost mine. I always just lose it in delivery. Not everyone noticeably loses theirs, and I am one of those people who never has. So to me, this counted for something. Because I don’t feel labour, it really made me nervous when I first realized it was happening. But my student doctor, like most every other appointment, kind of blew past it and said “So you had a little discharge?” No, dude, this was NOT a little bit of discharge. I know enough to know what that was. She just tends to downplay a lot of things. Everything I’ve been feeling is wrapped up in “Well, it iiiiis your fourth baby…” Yes. I know it is. Things can still happen when its your fourth baby. Experienced mothers still appreciate reassurance.

I digress. It was an ok appointment regardless. We picked an induction date, knowing obviously there would be wiggle room, because people can get bumped multiple times, but we have a kick off point anyway. We know where to start making plans and who to notify about what when. We know which form of induction we’ll be using. We know enough. I feel slightly more “planned” than I did before, I think.

After our appointment, we picked up supper and headed home. Now, I’m sleepy and ready for a soak. Soon and very soon!

House Updates + Pics

I realized the other day that the last time I posted house pictures, it was showing that the stonework was up! This was obviously an exciting thing, but a lot has been done since then! IMG_2112

The doors have been painted, along with the rest of the place.


Closets built and installed!


Railings are stained a really beautiful black color. Don’t worry, we’ll be getting rid of the little light colored nub.


And best of all!!!, Brady has installed all of the cabinets in our kitchen, vanities in the bathrooms, and a couple of extra units in our master suite closet. I’m not sure what I’ve neglected to show the cabinets in their entirety, but I like this picture 🙂 We are clearly feeling a tad protective of them!! If it helps at all, I haven’t even seen them all in person!

Today, we dropped by the house, to check out what was completed last week, and we saw all of the tiling is on and done!

IMG_2196-2 IMG_1155

These aren’t the most updated pictures, as we were a bit absent minded this morning when we went, but you get the gist 🙂 And look at that TUB!!! I’m already SOOOOO excited to soak in there………. sorry, I got lost daydreaming……..

We were also VERY excited to see all of our flooring dropped off and ready to go!


Isn’t is pretty?! I LOVE it!! So that and the carpet will be installed in the first couple of days this week 🙂 I’m SO looking forward to kicking my shoes off to walk through our house, and having it feel like a home rather than a construction zone! Yay!

It was nice to walk through and get a good feel for the house again. Brady will do his second stage of finishing on it this week, rehanging and adjusting doors, putting toe kick on cabinets, baseboards, etc. There is not too much left after this stage, to be honest. Its all a bit surreal that the build is finally coming to a close!!

We left the house and decided on a quick Walmart stop on our way home. We needed some groceries, and we also picked up a couple of nice things for me. The flats I wear pretty much every time I go out have definitely seen better days, so we picked up a new pair of flats with memory foam soles that are suuuper comfy. Also, without giving out too much personal information, I have some pretty leaky situations to deal with postpartum that leave me needing to sleep in some kind of bra for several months, which is NOT my favorite thing at all. So I picked up two nice tank tops that have soft bra cups in them. They’re also super duper tight, so they’ll make me feel better about myself and help me feel all held in. As much as all freshly delivered women looove jelly belly, we don’t actually at all.

So we saw our house in all of its glory, and then went shopping, from which I benefitted greatly. Big win! Now, I am wiped out and ready for bed, hahaha! Funny how fast I drain these days. I know it sounds absurd, but I am fully looking forward to the energy that I will get back when baby #4 comes, hahaha! Little boy, you are sure being anticipated, for so many reasons! I can’t wait to hold you in my arms!

Sliiiiightly More Prepared

A little while ago, I tried to prepare our room a little bit for baby boy. I want to feel like he has a cozy place to sleep when he comes home from the hospital, even though he will inevitably we welcomed with the mess that comes with moving. But I know what you’re all going to say. He won’t care, he won’t even know. He has a playpen, jammies, blankets, diapers, etc. He has everything he needs. But hopefully a handful of you will be able to understand that my mama heart hurts juuust a little bit that I can’t bring him into a soft, serene place, with fresh light colors and his cradle all fresh and ready for him. But this will work too 🙂

While I did set up our room a bit recently, I spent a chunk of this afternoon trying a little bit harder. Its still FAR from perfect. We went from having a nice sized walk in closet to having a smaller-than-average basic closet, so we also have clothing on a tall drying rack, as well as in boxes. Our room would look SO much nicer without those factors, but such is life. Today, I worked with the things I could control, and I tidied up my bedside table, and on top of my little dressers. My bedside table no longer holds clutter, but only Kleenex, some meds, and a cup of water. Some of my meds will switch out post baby. I’ll likely trade out my sleep aid for some Advil, and my reflux meds will swap out for stool softeners. *sigh* If we’re being honest, anyway. Thems the postpartum game! My little dressers used to have lots of papers and bags on them. Also, a good handful of bath products that I won’t get to use until we’re in our new house. So I hauled those downstairs and purged through the clutter, rehoming the stuff that needed keeping. Now, all I have up there is the baby keurig we have in preparation for baby boy to come home and need milk! Well, that, and some makeup I’m making for Laela 🙂


I’ve been meaning to make these for SO long and I’m so glad I finally just laid them out and started. Should only be a couple of days before she can play with them.

I moved a couple other things around in our room and I think it looks quite a bit more “ready.” Baby’s playpen is currently full, haha, but its full of stuff that will be eventually put into the hospital bag. All thats really left to go into there is chargers, ID/important papers, and clothes. Its hard to know what clothing to pack that I won’t touch for the next three-ish weeks, and the rest of the stuff has to wait! But I feel slightly like we’re getting closer?? Hahaha! Not super ready, but ready enough.

While I’ve been getting slightly more ready, Brady began assembling our island top today, as well as hauled away the vast majority of the boxes that came from our IKEA cabinet endeavour. We feel accomplished, if I can be so bold to speak for all of us. I think that means we can get away with doing NOTHING tonight. Win!

Ok, maaaybe we’ll venture out quickly for McFlurries. Don’t judge!

Offers To Help

I really want to thank everyone for being SO supportive this last little while! We’ve been feeling like we’re going through the mill, and no one has made us feel like we’re just being pansies. You guys have really understood, and I thank you for that! I want to say that, with all of the annoying issues I’ve been having with the blog recently, some days, it WILL NOT allow me to reply to comments!! That being said, I see and read each one, and I want you all to know that I love and appreciate your compassion and offers to help. Jokes on you, I WIL be taking you up on those offers!

This bout of sickness has thrown some unexpected delays into our life, and there are things that just need to get done, plain and simple. And when we’re all completely well again and ready to have people through here, I have been compiling a big ugly list of things to do. There ARE jobs, and we NEED help.

I’m a bit torn up between two different organizational methods that I love. One is making the big beastly list of EVERYTHING that needs to get done, then scratching everything that doesn’t absolutely neeeeed to get done, and just doing all of the priorities. That is a good solid method. However, I also saw something online that isn’t really a method, but something I really really liked. It basically suggested making a list of all of those stupid annoying little jobs that drive you nuts every single time you look at them, and then just DOING THEM. For me, those things are scrubbing down the high chairs and dining chairs that are all super gummed up. Bleaching dish cloths. Stuff like that. I’d LOVE to bring those things to the new house all fresh and clean, and they’re not big jobs, but they’re also not priorities, and things do come before those things.

All of this being said, I have a big list of priorities, with some crazy-makers mixed in. And what I’m trying to say is, I’d love to not have to choose between them, and to get them all done. SO! If you’re offering to come do a job, I will have one for you!! Normally, I would VASTLY prefer to have people in my house to visit, and I still really feel better about that, but I am NOT above asking for help, and this is it! When we are better, I will be needing some help! Brady is on round 2 of sickness, and I really really hope that is where it stops this time around because we NEED to get stuff done! Eek!

Wish us luck! And when we’re all well, start avoiding phone calls and knocks on the door, because it might be me…..

Reality JUST on Friday

Brady will head back to work tomorrow after a couple of days off where he’s really dug in with the kids to make it as easy for me as possible. I am SO thankful for my husband and the amount that he’s willing to do around here and at work. There isn’t a shred of “raising the kids is my wifes job” in him. I love co-parenting with him.

However, now that he’s heading back to work, he is sick again. And while I woke up feeling quite a bit better this morning, I was fading FAST by lunch. I tried to eat something energizing and do what I had to do, but I was feeling mightily weighed down. I went to lay down, for the sake of my belly needing to NOT crush my insides for a few minutes, and I fell asleep! For a decently long time! Whoops. What’ll I do without an afternoon nap tomorrow?? I’ve been SO blessed to be able to nap these last few days, because let me tell you, never before have I ever napped in the day! Not when I’ve just had a baby, not in the first trimester fatigue, not when I’m super duper sick, not when I was a teen and would pull all nighters with friends. I. Don’t. Nap. But these days, I can barely make it to noon. And now, my husband who is bypassing his own illness to help me is going back to his job, and here I am, whining about potentially not being able to nap??? Clearly not me being fair. I know this. I’ve just never felt so bent out of shape before! Such a weird time. I hope we all get better, and FAST! Thank goodness, there is only one day to think about and then we have another weekend to hopefully spend recuperating. One day, we’ll be humans again, but please remember to like us at least a little bit in our zombie state!

Outing: Pass or Fail?

I’m not sure I can say todays outing was a pass or fail, but we did make it out to both Walmart and Costco, and we all went in to both places. I know thats only two places, but when the kids are really struggling, one of us waits in the van with them, and today, we didn’t have to. They weren’t the smoothest of shopping trips but we’ve definitely had worse. DEFINITELY!

We did Costco first and got everything we were looking for. The kids were even very polite and got cookies at the bakery. Always a win! The last thing we picked up was a big box of size one diapers for the little mister who is soon on his way <3 That was fun. He got a couple new sleepers as well, and Dekker got a really nice little Quiksilver 3-pack, including a pair of shorts (not swimming shorts), a polo, and a tshirt.

After we paid, we filled up with gas and then headed to Walmart where we had another successful shop. Not as much for groceries, but you could say I am now stocked up with ALL of the padding a new mom could possible as for, lol! I have travel toiletries so I don’t have to pack anything on the fly, we bought baby some socks since the little size obviously got packed in with a larger size of clothing, and we got him some playpen sheets, since his cradle is packed in our storage container, so he’ll spend the first couple of weeks of his life just sleeping in a playpen. (For the record, I am completely aware that there is NOTHING wrong with this! We just LOVE our cradle because its so pretty, and all of our kids have started off in it. But such is life 🙂 Very thankful that we have a beautiful, functional, brand new playpen. Baby officially has everything he needs. He can come anytime now.

We grabbed some fast food and came home. We are all so tired, but it was good to get out. The kids were happy for the change of scenery, but moods were LOW when we got home because they were wiped. Now they’re in bed, and I’m about to head off for a soak because I forgot my pelvic support belt and I am PAYING dearly for it! Off to bed soon for Brady and I too. He’s getting sick again. Pleeeaaase Lord, let round 2 stop with him!!!

God Knows SO MUCH MORE Than I Do

Brady has had these silly lulls in his work that have kind of stressed us out. We’re fine financially, but these last few months would have been the ideal time to make as much extra as possible, and we have not been in a position to do so. I praise the Lord for knowing more than us, because it is always during these lulls that it turns out that I really really need him around. This week is no exception. He has a few days off and it seems like my body is taking that as an invitation to try to kill me, because it knows my kids have someone to care for them.

Today, my sore throat has turned into that deep, gross cough that sounds SO bad and feels worse. Its about hacking up something that you have to work SO hard for, and its just super nasty. Because I’m me, and in the position I’m in, every single hacking fit makes me very very dizzy, and then follows up with a contraction. Every. Single. One. Now if you know much about my birthing history, you know I don’t usually have much pain with my contractions, even well into labour. Only once my water breaks do I feel pain, and then BOOM!, do I ever feel it! But that being said, the contractions I’m having now are also not painful per se, but they are still contractions. My stomach becomes hard as a rock, and because I have quite so much stomach now, it makes it hard to breathe. Struggling to breathe motivates, you guessed it!, a coughing fit. Its been a vicious cycle today. I don’t know what I’d do if Brady was at work these days. I’m full on narcoleptic, it seems. I accidentally nap all over the place. I’m dizzy when I stand. Getting to the bathroom is a lot of effort.

I hate feeling this way. I’m SO excited to have this baby in my arms so my heath can start coming back. I really truly think, as crazy as it sounds, that baby #4 being born will bring some very real normalcy to our life again. I cannot WAIT to see him! He will make all of this worth while, I’m positive <3

36 Weeks. Almost.

Today was very strange. I’m not sure how to even really break it down, as my memory is hazy and unreliable at best. I can assure it was filled with a lot of mommy fails, followed by a LOT of apologies directed at my kids. Lots of me being really mean, and then really nice, and struggling to find that nice safe place in the middle that all of us work so hard to find. To always be sweet, and loving, but firm. I really failed at that today.

Praise the Lord, Brady finished his work for the day in time to come get us all and drive us to my prenatal appointment today. Driving might not have been the best idea for me. I was just SO lethargic. We got to our appointment and I managed to unwrap a few snacks I had brought along so my kids would maaaybe sit quietly, but like I’ve said recently, while they’re definitely on the mend, they are pretty temperamental these days, and outings are HARD, even when nothing is expected of them.

We got in to see our student doctor, and she could tell I was in rough shape. I described to her that we had just finished up a full week of fevers and colds and whatever else with the kids, and now I’m down with it, so I’m in worse shape than usual. She offered if she could possibly dump anything else on me in my pregnancy, and I invited her to just shovel it on, at this point. I can’t imagine what else could possibly join the mix at this point. I feel like she’s going to meet a VERY different person when our baby is earthside and I am no longer struggling quite so hard. There have just been so many extras this time around, that being pregnant has proved to be incredibly difficult. Yes, being pregnant is tiring, and it can be wearing. Totally. Being sick the amount we have been sick since Christmas is also very tiring and will wipe me out. How about moving three times since Christmas, with another one coming? Yup, that is incredibly stressful. Consider now that LOTS of other things go on in our lives that I do NOT make public, many of which are really hard things, that we struggle with. Any one of these things feels like a pretty heavy load. So all of it together is making me start to lose grip, I think. Please pray for us. We just need to get through these next couple of weeks.

Something else that was different about this appointment was that none of my answers to her questions were “good” answers. Hows my body pain? Its worse. MUCH worse. Contractions? MUCH worse, mush more aggressive. Sleep? Sometimes I literally am getting NONE. I mean, true, my feet aren’t swelling (Thank you Lord, for that) and baby is still moving a ton. There are pros. But it was definitely a more “downer” appointment than usual.

I was also the lucky lady who got swabbed for group B strep today. *eye roll* Everyones favorite swab. For those wondering, this swab is totally routine, no big deal. I’ve never tested positive, but previous pregnancies don’t matter in this case, and your result could be different anytime. If I’m GBS positive, they’ll just need to know so they can give me and baby some antibiotics right after delivery. Not a big deal. But we shall see.

Speaking of delivery, I STILL don’t know anything about mine 🙁 It feels SO strange being this far into a pregnancy and having no plans!!! But I guess there are different protocols with different clinics, and at my doctors new clinic, they put in a formal requisition for an induction no sooner than two weeks prior to the date we’re looking for. Since that is still a little ways away, we wait. Again. It just feels so strange. I know a date wouldn’t really help with anything, but it might help me just feel slightly more prepared. Right now I feel 110% scatter brained, but I’m trying! I’m starting to gather things together for the big day, because there are certain things I DO have control over, and I’m hoping that taking that control will help me feel better. I’ll mention it all again at our next appointment next week. I’m officially up to weeklies now!

I felt pretty wiped and frustrated coming out of my appointment, so we stopped at Tims for my yummy tea and a cherry cheese danish. Now, I’m safely tucked away in bed, trying to regroup, and Brady is out with the kids, getting supper on the move and taking over things. I have no idea what I’d do if I didn’t have the help I have <3

Tomorrow will be a better day!

What Mothers Day Looked Like

I woke up LOTS last night, but thankfully, I was able to fall back to sleep each time! What a relief it was to start my day after an actually somewhat restful night!! Brady and I had coffee and pop tarts in bed before the kids got up, and while I definitely still had to take medication to stay alive throughout the day, I was feeling a bit better than the last couple of days. I think Brady going back to work tomorrow will leave me pretty fatigued, but it will be a lot more doable than Friday was.

Our original plan for today had been to go to church and spend Mothers Day with my parents. I believe Brady and my dad had some plans to cook us ladies some yummy food, and celebrate us. However, we had to back out last minute, so there were no “just our family” Mothers Day plans. I honestly wasn’t worried, though. I love being a mom, and I know my family appreciates me, regardless of gifts or surprises. I am WELL taken care of around here.

Rowan was napping in the afternoon, and the rest of us watched Tangled and relaxed. Once that was over, I was feeling pretty rough, and decided to go lay in bed. Brady told me he was going to duck out to Starbucks with the big kids and bring me home a frappuccino. Frappy Hour is on these days, everyone! Don’t forget! So he got the kids dressed and took them out, and I instantly fell asleep. I had planned on watching some YouTube and resting my head, but apparently, my body had other plans. I slept the entire time they were gone, and I woke up to Dekker and Laela climbing onto my bed waving new lipsticks in my face 🙂 They’re terribly sweet, really. Not only had Brady bought me an enormous frapp, but the mission to buy me presents had lead them to the new liquid lipstick line of one of my fave makeup brands! Brady knows I basically want every color, and he knew which ones I had, so he let the kids pick me some colors. It was a VERY nice wakeup call. I love my gifts. Thank you, my dears.

Beyond that, it was a nice quiet day. We didn’t do too much. Folded some laundry, Brady did the dishes, the kids played really nicely, Rowan napped a lot, we all just rested.

With it being Mother’s Day and all, I always find myself thinking about the women in the uncomfortable position of not having a baby to show for their efforts to become a mom. I hope I’m wording this all appropriately. I always carry an ache in my heart, specifically on this day, for women who are unable to conceive, or who have lost their babies. I can’t imagine my life without my kids, and likely, neither can those women. My heart just breaks for you, my friends. Please know, I do NOT take my fertility lightly, or my kids for granted. And especially today, I pray extra for those of you who I know about who are struggling in this particular walk of life. I’d also like to mention the women who desire children, but are yet to be at that place in their life. Those who aren’t in relationships or appropriate life circumstance to have children. Your time will come, my dears. God knows the desires of our hearts. Keep praying, and listening, and don’t give up!!


But if I can be so bold, I do want to be very clear, and say that I absolutely ADORE these little gems that make me a mom, and they make it SO easy to LOVE being a mom! My beautiful Dekker Thomas, Laela Hazel, Rowan Toby, and Baby #4 whose name I am SOOOOO eager to share with you!!! They are exceptional children. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with them. <3