Brady’s mom is out visiting this weekend, and we’ve spent the day in just the perfect way. We had a super low key morning, and decided to venture to the city for lunch. We got the kidlets dressed and ready, and drove in to pick up some lunch for us, and for Brady. It took forever!!! Haha! We hit McDonalds, and then got the kids settled with their food in their car seats. Then we drove across the river to the one drive-thru Starbucks location, for me, so I could get an enormous sweet cream cold brew, and then to a Tims for Brady’s double double, and then we drove to his job site. Almost 45 minutes of picking up lunch! Nothing like going through three different drive-thrus directly over the lunch hour!
We stopped and had lunch with Brady in the van for about fifteen minutes before he headed back to work and we drove home. Now, we’re all settled back in. Solly and Ro are sleeping, and Laela and Dekker are up, quietly watching Paw Patrol and playing Lego with grandma. The house is dim, with all of the lights out and the curtains drawn. Its so still and quiet and relaxing in here. Very peaceful. I feel just about perfect in this kind of environment.
While I feel this way, I have SO much going through my head! I have a few bigger things that have been on my heart recently, and they’ve produced some big goals that I would dearly love to reach. Hard to shake off, for sure. Even on busy days, with company and kids and school and life, my head is buzzing with dreams and excitement and the struggle of time management and all of the things and all of the feels! Haha! Who wants a job?? Anyone want to do some brutally mundane computer work for me? Or want to watch my children so I can waste days upon days doing it? Anyone want to support me taking a course or two? I’m not sure why all of these desires are coming up in me now, but they are very real, and I don’t want to ignore them!
Calm your brain, Hailey. Juuust relax, and sit tight for a bit. Things don’t all have to happen at once. Though, if they don’t, please remember to write them down!!!