Once Again…

The kids are sick!! I know, if you’ve been on my Facebook or my Instagram, you already know this. I bet a lot of you are tired of my lamenting about our sickness, and I’m sorry for that, but I believe most of you are here to read about our day, and that is just what today is like!

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So all of the kids are struggling. Solly’s not too bad. Yet. But he’s teething, which is just mean, but it has to get done! Solly takes after Dekker in SO many ways, I hope he cuts teeth just as easily! He’s not super snotty like his siblings, but I can tell by his poops that he’s feeling sick 🙁 These poor little kids are really feeling it. But we’re doing our best over here!

Something we have going for us is all of the construction next door! I know the noise isn’t ideal, but I’m actually really happy that the house beside the kids bedrooms is getting built so soon. That will be the noisiest time in the next few years of construction ahead of us, and I’m glad it’ll be out of the way so soon. Plus the kids LOVE watching from Laela’s room. They plunk down on her bed and stare out the window while people come and work. Its a great distraction for them.

I was SO pumped the other day to have neighbours, but we’re pretty sure its actually a builder just putting up a spec home that they’ll try to sell. That being said, who wants to live next to us??? We would LOVE neighbours, so if you’re hoping to buy a new home and to have some say in the process, and are hoping for some wicked awesome neighbours yourself, take note!! The foundation is poured, and once the basement walls are formed, we’ll know for sure what style of home it will be 🙂 Either a raised bungalow or some kind of bi-level like ours.

This blog has to end. The noses and dripping and the laundry is flowing. Wish us luck!

The Value of a Good Teacher

I firstly want to thank those of you who got in touch with me one way or another about yesterday’s post. I really appreciate the encouragement, and that so many of you see so much value in what I’ve been doing. Not that everyone finds every day super interesting, necessarily, but that the record is something that perhaps, one day, my kids can enjoy, and potentially even their kids. And thanks, Hailey, for offering to help with proofreading! She has a HUGE job ahead of her, so if anyone else cares to help, that would be fabulous, hahaha!

If you’ve spoken to me at all about Dekker’s school experience, you know I’m very happy with Dekker’s teacher. Today has only amplified that appreciation.

This morning, I passed Kim on her way back from dropping her son off, and she commented quietly to me that the kids had all been shuffled around, and that Dekker wasn’t sitting beside Em today. I appreciated the heads up, since Em is something of a constant for Dekker. He’s a familiar face, and a friend. Yet I knew the shuffle was inevitable, and very important in learning, and making friends with other kids. We definitely can’t always stay in our comfort zones! Once Dekker was in the class, out of his jacket and into his shoes, his teacher came to greet him and we had a little visit. We had recently written her a letter about Dekker, to help her know him a bit better. She had clearly remembered some of the info, and asked him some questions about his siblings, which he answered, albeit quietly and from behind me. She didn’t even flinch, and responded by telling him about her daughter. “You know all about two year olds, don’t you, Dekker?” It was so warm. I love when people go a bit further than they need to, and it really seems like she does. I was sort of dreading taking him to his spot at his table and seeing him get all stressed out and scared about sitting with unfamiliar kids, but before I had to even think too much about it, she said “Well, why I don’t take you to your table, Dekker?” He took her hand, and off they went! She turned around to say goodbye, and I thanked her. She seems to be strangely all-knowing, haha! Its not as though she didn’t know this would be new and a bit scary for him, but it had to be done, and I think she is just graceful enough to make the transition (and likely many many more transitions) as smooth as possible. I have such confidence that this is a very good match!

Now that Dekkers gone to school, and Elvira is in the air, heading home, the boys are napping, and Laela and I are watching some Octonauts. The basement forms are being built for the place going up next door, and I’m expecting a “buy and sell” pick up soon. Once I pick Dekker up, the whole group of us will head to the city for some grocery shopping. Its a strangely relaxed and busy day, all at once. So much going on, and SO much change, but I’m feeling so good about this change! God has certainly been good to us!

Saving the Blog

I’ve been working away at saving my older blog posts. I know, I’ve talked about this before, and I’ve tried to save it at least two different times in two different formats but they just haven’t turned out nicely, and I eventually stop, because I know I wouldn’t be happy with the outcome.

A long time ago, a friend had suggested a website to try out, and I finally got around to checking it out. And it is PERFECT! Its going to be a ton of work, but its going to be pretty decent. However, its going to be HUGE. I have saved July through November of 2012, and its 250 pages. No lie. 8×10″. Sooooo its going to be pretty massive, and likely a large number of books by the end of it, but I’m really hoping it’s worth it to save. Could definitely use some reassurance on that…

Looking back on those older posts, though, has been SO fun! I’m trying to be pretty efficient with the process, but I’m eager to actually go back and read about some of those times again. I’m seeing so many memories and stories and I can’t wait to revisit it all. That being said, I could REALLY use a proof reader or two, as my program doesn’t pick out all of the spelling errors. Help! You guys all have time to sit down and read thousands of pages, right??

Sunday That is Actually More of a Saturday

We all slept in really nicely this morning. When Brady and I went down to retrieve the kids, Rowan was still asleep. He stayed asleep for a good long while still. In the meantime, Elvira arrived, we made waffles, and ate breakfast together. Rowan woke up towards the end of the meal and got in on the goodness. It wasn’t long after we were done eating that we got our notice that Brady’s grandpa was on his way over! We knew we’d see him sometime today, since he’s been out visiting for this weekend, but we weren’t sure when. The timing was great, since everyone was actually going to be awake during his visit, which doesn’t happen too terribly often.

We spent a nice hour or so visiting with the kids’ great grandpa. The kids were pretty shy, specifically Dekker and Laela, but by the end, Dekker was sitting on my lap, listening to his stories. And grandpa was very understanding of the kids being so shy, reassuring us all the way “I’m a complete stranger to them, its just fine.” He blessed us before he left, and told us he prays for our entire family by name, along with the rest of his family, every day. In case you didn’t know, that is a solid hundred people to remember!

Grandpa headed back to the family he was staying with, and Elvira took him, so we’re on our own for the rest of the day. Ro and Solly are down for rests, and the big kids are playing Lego and watching a bit of tv. Should be a pretty relaxed rest of the day. I have a few things I’ll try to complete, but standards are low, haha! I hope you’re all having a “Saturday” like mine!

Princess Laela

Thanks so much to those of you who encouraged me yesterday about the goals and dreams that are budding inside of me these days. I will share more in the near future, when I start making something of them. Or come over for coffee, and we can talk life 🙂 I’m so thankful for the interest!

All I’ll share today is a couple of pictures of little Miss Laela. Elvira found some dress-up Princess dresses for her, and brought them out this weekend. She slipped into them today, and I snagged a couple of pictures.

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She would swoosh the skirts around and dance a little, but stop as soon as she noticed us watching her, all self conscious. My favorite part was probably watching Brady help her into them, though.


Thats a good daddy right there <3

Supper time! Have a great evening, everyone!

What the Afternoon Looks Like

Brady’s mom is out visiting this weekend, and we’ve spent the day in just the perfect way. We had a super low key morning, and decided to venture to the city for lunch. We got the kidlets dressed and ready, and drove in to pick up some lunch for us, and for Brady. It took forever!!! Haha! We hit McDonalds, and then got the kids settled with their food in their car seats. Then we drove across the river to the one drive-thru Starbucks location, for me, so I could get an enormous sweet cream cold brew, and then to a Tims for Brady’s double double, and then we drove to his job site. Almost 45 minutes of picking up lunch! Nothing like going through three different drive-thrus directly over the lunch hour!

We stopped and had lunch with Brady in the van for about fifteen minutes before he headed back to work and we drove home. Now, we’re all settled back in. Solly and Ro are sleeping, and Laela and Dekker are up, quietly watching Paw Patrol and playing Lego with grandma. The house is dim, with all of the lights out and the curtains drawn. Its so still and quiet and relaxing in here. Very peaceful. I feel just about perfect in this kind of environment.

While I feel this way, I have SO much going through my head! I have a few bigger things that have been on my heart recently, and they’ve produced some big goals that I would dearly love to reach. Hard to shake off, for sure. Even on busy days, with company and kids and school and life, my head is buzzing with dreams and excitement and the struggle of time management and all of the things and all of the feels! Haha! Who wants a job?? Anyone want to do some brutally mundane computer work for me? Or want to watch my children so I can waste days upon days doing it? Anyone want to support me taking a course or two? I’m not sure why all of these desires are coming up in me now, but they are very real, and I don’t want to ignore them!

Calm your brain, Hailey. Juuust relax, and sit tight for a bit. Things don’t all have to happen at once. Though, if they don’t, please remember to write them down!!!

Day Two of Kindergarten

I promise, my posts will eventually stray from school updates, but this is just where we are right now.

This morning, my mom came over once again, to watch the littler littles, and I took Dekker to school. The big difference from his first day is that his whole class came today. His first day was just half of his class, to make the transition a bit easier. Today, there were twice as many kids. So immediately upon entering the boot room, Dekker was really put off by the amount of kids in there. He couldn’t find a spot on the floor to sit to take his shoes off. Did not like that. I tried to just remind him to relax, that this wasn’t a problem at all, and that we weren’t in a rush. We made it out of the boot room alive and headed to the classroom.

We walked with a couple of other kids and their moms. I met another mom, who tried to talk to Dekker, and he just looked away and ignored her. She was super understanding of him, and wasn’t at all put off by his standoffishness. I’m realizing more and more that I am not the only parent with a nervous kid. We got into the classroom, made our way to the coat area, and got him all unpacked. We went and found his shoes, and he plunked down to put them on. He was definitely still put off by the amount of kids walking so close to him to get their shoes or to get to the coats. But he handled it. The moment his shoes were on, he was up and searching for my hand to hold. So I held his hand, and he walked me over to the table where he was supposed to sit. He kind of tried to get into his chair without pulling it out. He got super huffy about it, and I whispered “just relax” and I pulled it out for him. And he relaxed. He let go of my hand and stared straight ahead. I asked if he was ok, and he didn’t answer. I told him I loved him, and he didn’t answer. Finally, I kissed his head, and whispered to him to have a good day. And I left!

A friend texted a little while later, and said she had left just a few minutes behind me, and that Dekker had been fine. No tears! So I am calling today a great success!! He was definitely hesitant about all of the people, but he didn’t complain, or cry, or struggle. I think I can explain it by saying that he was still just as uncomfortable as he was yesterday, but he knew what to expect. Dekker is BRAVE. But he is so very cautious. Now that he knows whats coming, he can be courageous, and face it, even if its hard. I am SO proud of that! I wish I was as courageous as he is!

My day was filled with a lovely visit with my friend, Candace, who I know from high school. She took my maternity photos, and some family/baby pictures of Solly, and we just kind of reconnected! She and her little girl came for a few hours, and it was really nice! The kids played beautifully together, and I think our visit was really nice too. I hope we have them over again really soon.

I went to school a little early, and waited outside the kindergarten room for the bell to ring. When it did ring, the kids began to filter out, and I looked for Dekker. He was towards the back of the group, not super eager or concerned. When I did spot him, he lit up and reached for me. Being that kids were all around us, I scooped him up, took a few steps, and crouched down so I could give him a big hug. He hugged me back so tight! I asked how his day was, and got a whole hearted “It was GREAT!” My mama heart was so warm and fuzzy, haha! I asked him what he had done that day, and he just said “I’ll tell you when we get home.” I tried to coax some info out of him on the walk to the van, and on the drive. “I’ll tell you all about it, mommy. At home.” He is such a little punk!

And of course, I still know nothing about today! He’s so funny! I’m sure I’ll know more as the days go by, but I think he’s still processing, so I’m letting it slide. For now 😉 I am just SO happy with his response to today. I hope it keeps getting better and better! Its sure looking like it will.

How Did He Do?

Everyone was so encouraging when I posted about sending Dekker off to school yesterday! Thank you for all of your kind words, from experience, faith, and confidence in my son. It helped me feel more comfortable throughout the day.

I drove to the school and ran into the principal on the way in. Being that her office is right off of the K room, she was familiar with Dekker’s nerves, and she encouraged me that this is just another part of learning to be at school. I agree with her. She also said that Dekker had settled in just fine after a while, which did my heart good to hear. She started to tell me something about his day, but then stopped and assured me “He’ll tell you all about Chester.”

I continued walking the hallway and waited with the other parents for the expected time. The whole group of kindergarteners were waiting just inside the classroom door for the bell to ring. Dekker was right in the middle of the group, looking pretty relaxed, in his fall jacket, hat, and backpack. When they were released from their room, he made his way over to me leisurely. I scooped him up in a big hug, which he accepted, and lay his head tiredly on my shoulder. “Hi, mommy.”

We walked out of the school, hand in hand like always, and I tried to ask him about his day. “It was did. I did good, mommy. We played. I don’t really remember.” Would NOT tell me anything!!! We walked with Kim and her kids, and her oldest wouldn’t slow down with the stories, and Dekker just wouldn’t say a blessed thing!

Once we got to the van, I climbed in to get him all strapped in, and tried again to ask about his day. The best I got was “I’m so tired. Why did you get me up so early?” I had to laugh, as I had a terrible night the night before, and was noticeably dragging. He and I were wiped out together.

I felt like a bad mother, but when we got home, Dekker asked to watch TV, and I let him. After all of the schooling, I plunked him in front of the tv. But that kid needed a break for his brain. After an episode of Paw Patrol, I coaxed him onto my lap, and we all took a break and listened to his stories about his day. I couldn’t get too much out of him, but I did learn that Chester was the school mascot who brought cookies to the classroom. The snuggle was good, and eventually he actually asked me to tease him. So I wrestled him down to the armrest of the chair, lay on his face, and licked him.

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I expected a rockier evening, if I’m being honest. I expected him to be WIPED to a point of struggling with his attitude, and potentially going to bed earlier than usual. I’m sure there will be days like that to come, but for a first day, he did AWESOME. He was fairly quiet, but perked up a decent amount after supper, which was good to see. He got upset when it was time to tidy up and call it a night, but thats not too out of the ordinary. Usually he’s a bit grumpy about it, and yesterday, he had a little cry about it. But that was it! It was SO much smoother than I was bracing myself for!

Now, today, he is home, and talking about school. I asked him if he was excited to go again tomorrow. His first reaction was a hearty “Ya!” followed by an honest, I’m still a little nervous, but I’ll get there.” I love the honesty. I figure, even if he cries again, and has a hard time again, he won’t be caught off guard. He knows whats to come, which will lift at least some of the anxiety. I have high hopes for tomorrow. Well, I might be lying. I am eagerly anticipating tomorrow, haha, and seeing how he does. You guys will be in the know 😉

I hope those of you with kids at home have been adjusting well to the new school year! I think almost everyone is starting this week, so best of luck to all of you!!

Dekker’s First Day of School

It officially happened. Dekker went to his first day of school today. He was itching with excitement to get there all morning! I wanted to ask questions and take pictures, and he would pacify me with a lovely, patronizing smile, and then say “Can we go to school now?”




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If only dropping him off had gone a bit smoother :/ He liked walking around the rooms and seeing all of the toys and stations set up. I could tell he was anticipating the trucks and books and wooden blocks. However, when it was time to sit at his spot at the table, he got really nervous and upset. Dekker is VERY obedient, but when he gets in that fearful place once in a while, he panics, and absolutely will not follow what I say. Will. Not. His teacher came and offered some comfort, but he was very clear that he was “really really nervous” and “too shy.” Finally, his teacher offered him her hand and said it was time for everyone to go have circle time. He reached for me instead, and she intercepted his hand and lead him over. His brow was furrowed, but he didn’t look back at us. is teacher turned around and whispered “I’ll text you.”

And she did. Within the hour, she sent us four pictures of him playing, and said he settled in nice and quickly after we left. That he was talking and singing along to the songs. I am so thrilled, because I KNEW he would love it as soon as he gave it a chance, and I’m glad he did. What a relief!

So. Dekker is five,  and starting school. I don’t have a cool sign, or app to make a picture with, but here are his details!!

September 6th, 2016
45 lbs
41″ tall
Future occupation: digger
Favorite toy: Lego and links
Favorite vehicle: Excavator
Favorite color: Orange
Favorite food: (and I quote) “All of the meals you guys make are my favorites. All the food.”
Favorte show: Paw Patrol & Octonauts
Favorite friend: Rowan (lol!)
Most exciting thing about going to school: The playground

I’m already anticipating asking him these questions at the end of the year 🙂 I expect a lot of growth and change. My little boy is officially growing up!


Dekker Thomas starts Kindergarten tomorrow. I almost can’t believe it. My oldest kid is officially starting school! I’m totally blown away by the whole thing. Its not as though I didn’t know it was coming. We’ve known this day was coming for five years now. But the last few weeks have snuck by, and tomorrow is the day. THE. DAY.

I can honestly say that I’m not worried. I am eagerly anticipating his first day. Not because I want to be without him. Not that AT ALL. But because I am so excited to see how he flourishes and grows! He is an incredible boy, and while he is shy and cautious, I am seeing a little leader bud within him. I can’t wait to see his skills be utilized, and for him to learn and gain confidence.

If you asked Dekker how he was feeling about going to school tomorrow, he’d tell you he’s excited. Maybe a little nervous, but mostly excited. His words. He’s feeling pretty relaxed about the whole thing, which is SO much nicer than him being terrified of the changes ahead. I don’t know how he’ll react, for sure, but while I think he may cry and be nervous, I am no longer worried about a big screaming, fearful meltdown. Not too long ago, I would have expected such. He has grown immensely this summer, both in body and mind.

I sure love you, Dekker boy. And I am so, SO PROUD of you!!! Can’t wait to pick you up tomorrow and hear about your first day! Sleep tight, little love.