I took Rowan and Laela in to a walk-in clinic yesterday afternoon. Rowan’s rash was worsening quickly, and Laela had spat up some blood. They just needed to be seen, and I had some questions about how to do life with the rest of the kids without getting everyone sick.

While we were at the doctor, Brady took Dekker and Solly to Walmart for some medicine, cleaning stuff, and a few other things. It was really good that they weren’t stranded with us at the clinic.

The middles and I waited in the waiting room for two hours. I had left the diaper bag with Brady, so our group at the clinic were ill-prepared. We had no snacks, no toys or books, nothing. And this particular office has no toy area. I can proudly say my kids were absolute rockstars through the wait! They barely complained, minus Laela’s quiet occasional “Go home now?” Instead, they stood in a coat area and ran into chairs. Then back to the closet. Then back to the chairs. Over and over again. They weren’t loud or disruptive at all, so I let it happen, and it passed the time.

They even had another kid join the fun for a while, but she got called in before we did. That being said, we were finally called in shortly after that.
The doctor we saw was wonderful. He even sat on the floor to talk to the kids. I loved that. The one thing, however, that I did not like was his diagnosis. Ok, I actually am somewhat ok with it, but I don’t like it because it is totally different than what I was thinking, and what a lot of other people think, too.
The moment he saw Rowan’s legs, he said it was impetigo. In my research, it seems like impetigo and HFM are mixed up often enough, but impetigo comes from either the staph or strep bacteria. I’m happy about this diagnosis because impetigo can be treated, where HFM can’t be. So Rowan came out of his appointment with prescriptions for both a topical and an oral medication. Laela, on the other hand, was more puzzling. He said he didn’t think she had the bumps I thought I saw, and couldn’t see anything in the back of throat either. Like Rowan, though, she had a very red irritated throat. Because Rowan has impetigo, that could indicate strep, so its possible Laela has strep. So she was the lucky winner of a throat swab, which she didn’t much care for. So we’re waiting on those results. Hopefully we hear soon.
On top of all of this, I really hope the doctor is right and this can all be treated and no big deal, but if not, I don’t much care for medicating my kids for things that aren’t there. I understand why we got the diagnosis we did, but I’m uneasy to write off HFM so quickly, mostly because its really been rampant in my town this year! I wish I could just call my doctor and get her take on it, but I think that wouldn’t be smart until we have test results back. What else could she check? I’m just frustrated as I sit and wait.
As for stats on the kids, Dekker still seems well. He’s moody, but thats it, and thats likely because everyone else is moody and sick. Laela is in good spirits but has a pretty good cough. Rowan is happy, and only a bit on edge. But his rash is absurd. It hasn’t spread a whole lot further, but its blistering now. Its on his faec, shoulders, armpits, elbow bits, hands, tummy, bum, legs, knees, and ankles. Sooooo he’s practically covered. And Solly. Sigh. Poor Solly.

His voice is hoarse and he doesn’t want to drink anything. He feels awful.
So those of you who are praying, please keep on it! And anyone who has any information at all, or experiences to share, I’m ready and waiting to hear them! I welcome any input. We are new at this, and also super unhappy with it. *waves white flag*