Parent Teacher Meetings

Brady and I were broken into school fully today, as we attended our first parent/teacher meeting! And I say “meeting” in the loosest sense of the word, but “interview” and “conference” weren’t right either. It wasn’t a stiff, sit-down, setting. Instead, there were a few stations set up throughout the two rooms, and we were given loose directions at each one that would help us witness what our kids have been doing so far this year. Since Dekker tells us virtually nothing about school, I’ve been really anticipating today’s meeting.

My mom came to the house to play with Rowan and Laela (Solly napped the entire time) and Brady came along with Dekker and I! We arrived on time and were sort of pointed in a handful of directions, told to mosey and enjoy. So we did!

We started at the “motor skills” table, where Dekker cut out a picture of a teddy bear, wrote his name on it, and glued it to a sheet of paper. Dekker has pretty much refused to use scissors when school started, but we hear that now he’s a very focused, determined scissor-user 🙂

We made our way to the “math” station, which was all about shapes, sorting, and patterns. I was actually really surprised at how well Dekker did! Not that basic patterns are hard to figure out, but we handed him a box of shapes and he just went for it, and made patterns! I feel like I would find that more intimidating than he did. He was able to see patterns that Brady and I made, and complete them himself. Win!

Station three was about reading, and he kind of clammed up on us there. They’ve only really cracked down on learning a small handful of letters, but he didn’t want to share about them. He wouldn’t recite any of their usual poems, and wouldn’t identify any letters. I found myself getting a bit frustrated, but I knew that he had excelled at the other stations, and this one just wasn’t his strongest point yet. He still liked being in the reading area, but I could tell he felt pressured. It was good to learn what we should be focusing more on.

The last station was actually sitting down with his teacher and discussing how he’s been doing, and what we’ve witnessed about him. For example, does he like to come to school? Who are his friends? How does he do once he’s home from school? Things like that. She and I have spoken about these things previously, so she knows that Dekker likes coming to school. I said to her that he wouldn’t tell us anything about their poems or letters, and she teased him and started saying a poem, which he giggled through with her, knowing all of the words. I mentioned to her that he has really big feelings, and that while his sad is VERY sad, his happy is also VERY happy. She was able to look me in the eye and say that the vast majority of the time, he is VERY happy. I was so thrilled to hear that. She said he is incredibly polite, and that he is very aware of right and wrong, and likes to follow directions and rules. I truly couldn’t be happier with her “review” of his personality, because I love how much she seems to love him. She asked him who his friends are, and then told him that other kids had been saying that he was one of their favorite people to play with, too. My mama heart weeps, in the best way.

Dekker was disappointed to leave. Not in a big, sad, making a scene kind of way. In the way that his face fell, and said “but there’s lots more to see!” It was adorable, and I just told him I was so happy he likes school so much.

Best Dekker update ever!!!

Physio: Round Five

almost named this post “Physio: Final Round,” but I figured I wouldn’t count my chickens, since a person can never know when they’ll need treatment and/or help along the way. And I would be happy to see my physiotherapist again, because she is lovely, and wildly knowledgable in her field. Whether I find myself in “trouble” down the road or not, I’m sure I’ll stick my nose in there another time or two, just to maintain what I’ve already got going on.

The reason I almost called this round “final” is that I have officially graduated out of the program, so to speak. I’ve done all that I’ve been asked to do, I understand everything I’ve been told, and I accept what I’m supposed to continue to do. Things are strong and always improving, and best of all, my physiotherapist is very optimistic in whats to come for me, healing and health-wise. Win!

I suppose I don’t have too terribly much more to say on the subject, but I’m feeling positive, optimistic, hopeful, and ready to accept the challenge that is continuing to improve my health, even without a looming appointment date where I know I’ll have to answer to someone on the subject. I will answer to ME, which I think is actually more important.

So I’m happy. I hope you’re happy too.


I don’t go to the mall very often, but I was there this afternoon. After my waxing appointment, I headed there to meet my hair girl so she could practice a new skill on me 🙂


I love having a little piece of art on my body, and I’m excited to go back in two or three weeks to get another! I have all the right people in all the right fields.

But before I even got to the salon, I walked through the mall. I always park on the opposite side of the mall that I need to be at, just to make some extra exercise for myself. Folks, I regret to inform you it is officially that time of year.

** If you are someone who doesn’t want to hear about Christmas until December, that is fine by me, but realize that I’m pro-Christmas this early in the year, so no hating. **

My least favorite thing about this seasons is the kiosks. Or honestly, its actually the people who work at the kiosks that make me crazy. I’ve become a pro at avoiding them and their products, but today, I was completely caught off guard! Someone passed me a sample packet of something, and foolishly, I accepted it, and kept walking. He called after me and asked what I use for skin care. “I don’t,” I responded. He asked me to pause just for a second, and I called behind me “I’m sorry, I’m in a time crunch, heading to a hair appointment.” I was a good ways off already, and I finally just turned my ears off and kept moving, because he did. Not. Quit.

I find this extra off-putting, not only because I just want to be able to go to where I’m going without interruption, but because I hate ignoring a person, and writing them and what they’re selling off. But I know how it works! The longer I let that guy talk to me, and the longer I stood in front of him, all apologetic, I was a “sales opportunity.” So I had to leave. Otherwise, I’d still be there. So I left. But I felt crappy about it.

If anyone can relate to me, and wants to avoid the whole ordeal without confrontation, now you know they’re out! Use my trick! Take a fake phone call. I usually have my phone pulled out, and I talk mindlessly on it while I walk down the aisle. “Great to hear from you, I’m just pretending to talk on the phone to avoid all of these pushy salespeople…..”

The Difference a Year Makes

Thanks to Facebook Memories, I was shown a very adorable picture of my children from last year, and I was completely blown away by the change that one year makes!


THEY LOOK SO DIFFERENT! Dekker is far more babyfaced in this photo. Laela isn’t making a funny face, and she has far less hair. And Rowan is a baby!!! We thought Ro had tons of hair then, and NOW look at him!!


Not to mention the obvious fact that we added a family member, hahaha!


My goodness, I am SO smitten with my kids today! They’re looking so cute and bright and friendly <3

I hope this shorty post finds you happy and feeling blessed, because I am sure both of those things. And clearly, I was both of those things exactly one year ago too 🙂

Thanksgiving 2016

With today being Thanksgiving Sunday, I would normally list off as many beautiful anecdotes about my family and friends, and share everything I’m thankful for. Instead, I’m going to keep this short so I can spend a bit more time with my family before the littles go to bed.

If you’d like to know what I am most thankful for, just scroll back up to the header image. Those little ones bring me an immense amount of joy, and I am SO thankful that I can have them in my life. In that, I include my husband. I love to do life with him. We’ve had some interesting roadblocks along the way, but with God, we can weather these ridiculous storms. I am incredibly thankful for family.

If you want to know what else I’m thankful for, come over and see. 🙂  I’m thankful to live in the house I live in, in the town I live in, surrounded by exactly who I am surrounded by. This is our home, finally. I am so very thankful to have settled here.

So this year, we’re back to basics. Family and home are what I am most thankful for. I don’t think I could be happier than I am. And if I could be, don’t tell me. I don’t want to desire more, because it would make me thoroughly selfish. I already have way more than I need. <3 Thank you, Lord.

Laela’s Birthday: Round Two

We had waffle brunch this morning in honour of Laela’s birthday last weekend! My parents came, as well as Simon and Grace, and their family. Instead of just syrup and butter, we had whipped cream and strawberries this time as well. We actually managed to get everyone eating at the table together for a while, and the food and conversation were great. The kids all finished up first and went to play while the rest of us visited for a nice long while. Eventually, Solly woke up, and Laela opened presents. She was very happy with the outcome there as well. Who doesn’t love birthday presents?? When everyone was ready to head out, we sang a big, loud, group “happy birthday” to Laela. As soon as it was over, she chirped “Sanks!” It was really really sweet. She loved being celebrated this morning.

Once everyone left, we took a breather. The kids had a snack and Dekker and Laela played Lego while Rowan and Solly napped. Once everyone got up in the mid-afternoon, we got them dressed and headed to the city for some grocery shopping. I truly enjoyed that part of the day. I wore Solly through Costco and then again through Superstore, and we just had such nice snuggles. I found that, even with him secure and stable in his carrier, I wanted to just put my arms around him and hug him tight. Best of all, when I did, he’d giggle. It was awesome.

After a very full day, we got home just a little late, and I managed to talk the kids into being a bit softer and slower moving during bedtime, which was SO nice. They were all more relaxed, the volume level was low, and everyone was very sweet, giving nice hugs and kisses before bed.


I feel SO thankful for these little loves, and the man behind the camera <3

Why we SHOULD Proofread

I asked a while ago if you guys thought I should proofread my blog posts before I save them and have them printed. Almost every single one of you said not to, for lots and lots of good reasons. I am SO relieved that I didn’t fuss with that, because I am finding my groove in saving hundreds and hundreds of posts in a row, and I’m positive that proofreading them one by one would be discouraging and exhausting and I would have quit a lot time ago already. I’m ok with finding mistakes here and there. I don’t nitpick, and that will show years from now when (and if) anyone reads them.

However, saving these posts is bringing me back to these times of my life, and I catch myself doddling through the saving process, revisiting occasions and reminiscing stages of life. If I happen to find an error that I feel so inclined to fix, I fix it. Because I’m there, so why not?

Today, I found a post talking about being six weeks postpartum after delivering Rowan. In the first paragraph, I read a sentence saying I had reached the highly anticipated “sex week mark.” 😳 I BURST out laughing, terrifying my kids, and then annoying them by not really being able to explain to them what I had laughed at. “Mommy just made a mistake” finally sufficed, and I chuckled while I finished saving the post. “Good thing I caught that one!” I laughed to myself.

Aaaaand I forgot to fix it. And I’m not going back for it! For one, I don’t want to go back. I want to keep moving forward. And for another, I think it’ll be a great laugh later on in life, and for whoever else ends up reading it. Like its not untrue, hahaha! Just not especially socially acceptable to talk about. Oy.

I hope you guys appreciate this as much as I did. I think I’m funny, anyway…

Dry Lips

Sigh. I know. It seems like a silly thing to post about. Dry lips. It is getting colder, therefore drier, and my lips are always the first to go. But the house’s humidity is where it should be. And this didn’t just start.

Its probably been two weeks now. My top lip, right in the centre, the cupids bow, is SO DRY! I’ve worn makeup maybe twice since it started, so I can’t blame the overuse of dry, matte lipsticks. I have been diligently lathering them in chapsticks, night repairs, oils, etc. I feel like I’ve tried everything! I’m starting to look like the little kids who lick their lips until they get red chappy moustaches. And I’m NOT doing that! (Please tell me its not just my kids!) I’ve done an exfoliating lip mask or two, and I’ve even gone as far as rubbing my facial moisturizer on my lips. You can imagine how good that tastes. Not very. And still, I have these silly dry lips. No. Lip. Dry lip. Singular.

I went out for supper last night and I really wanted to do my makeup. It feels like its been so long since I’ve been able to wear a full face of makeup. So I did, with lipstick. And the skin just beyond my top lip was literally flaking off around my lipstick. So that looks great, obviously. And felt worse, even more obviously.

WHAT IS A GIRL TO DO??? Any and all tips are greatly appreciated!

The Snow Started Yesterday

The snow started yesterday. I wasn’t ready. I mean, I’m “ready.” We all have winter gear that fits. We have our van in a garage for the first winter ever. Our new house is incredibly well insulated, and we are warm. In all of the non-emotional ways, I am totally ready for winter.

Of course, I’m not exactly thrilled that its happening. If snow had started falling yesterday, all soft and whimsical, I could have accepted that a little bit easier. Maybe. It would still create slush and ice, but it wouldn’t be so off putting. The current situation is blowing, swirling, yucky snow. Its COLD out. I feel like we kind of skipped fall altogether. I’m hopeful that it’ll come back, though. Its too soon to lose it. Far too soon.

We had the power go out this morning. Its not like its the first time its ever happened to us, but its obviously not our favorite thing. Today, though, it was more evident than usual just how much I count on electricity. I couldn’t use the microwave. I was scared to open the fridge. I couldn’t flush the toilet (more than once.) I couldn’t use wifi. I couldn’t turn on the tv. The list goes on. I was not a fan of all of this.

Just shy of three hours later, our power came back on. It tried a small handful of times over the last hour or so to come back on, so I knew someone was working on it. When it flickered and actually stayed on, the kids squealed big YAAAAAYs. It was starting to get chilly, and everyone was feeling a bit twitchy and on edge.

I am SO thankful for electricity! Especially on cold days.

Kindergarten Twenty-Something Years Later

It snowed today, in case anyone around here missed it. “What do you expect, living in Saskatchewan??” I know where I live, and I know it gets cold early and stay cold late, but we don’t often have snow before Thanksgiving. The morning was cold, but beyond the usual “crisp” cold that we’re all adjusting to. It was swirling and wet and really, really windy.

On days like today, I bundle Dekker up really really warm, and then they stay inside for recess anyway, because its that brutal wet cold that gets to your skin and freezes you out for the rest of the day.

Before I had a kid in kindergarten, I never considered what a lovely break recess is for the teaching staff. I never liked recess in even cool weather. I had in the bathroom. And when I couldn’t do that, I hid in corners and complained. I hated the cold weather, plain and simple. But now, I get it. Especially with kindergarteners.

Its not like they’ll just sit at their tables and quietly look at books while their teacher breathes for five minutes. Nope. Little kids need to be entertained!

When I picked Dekker up, I overheard his teacher speaking to some other parents about recess. “We kept them inside, obviously,” she said. “I pulled out the parachute again.”

The short semi-break the teacher MAY get during recess (but there is never a guarantee) was instantly gone, and organized games and activities were required!

I apologize to my teachers. Whether you taught me in elementary school, high school, or college. I apologize for not giving you the breaks you deserved and likely needed very much on many days. I’m sorry for my cabin fever, and neediness. The moods on days like today are not historically always the most fun to be around. I know this now. More than ever before, I appreciate what you do.

To Dekker’s lovely teacher who doesn’t know this blog exists, thank you for doing all that you do, and sending my son home SUPER HAPPY, regardless of the lack of playground time today. You are an exceptional woman!