Yes! We are in fact “there!” It took a tad longer than anticipated, but not too bad. It was a bit new, though, with the kids asking more than usual if we were at the hotel yet? Our kids are seasoned road trippers, but apparently they’re out of practice at the moment! BUT, to their credit, with all of the asking, there was almost no whining!! We had a couple of toys between them, and some music going, and they were satisfied. And the bus made it a WAY more comfortable ride.We made a couple of stops along the way, but not too terribly many. We opted to try to stop at Drumheller on the way back, since it was towards the end of today’s travels, and it’ll be near the beginning of the travel day on our way home. Today, we were just ready to get to Calgary!
We stopped for some groceries before we got to the hotel, and grabbed a few items that we didn’t want to bring from home. Milk, bananas, etc. Then we loaded everyone back into the bus and finally made it to the hotel.
The kids did laps for a solid hour after being holed up in the van. We have a beautiful big suite, and they took full advantage of the space to stretch their legs. We don’t have a very big living space area in our suite, but the bedrooms are really nice and big, and they each have a bathroom, which I didn’t expect. A very pleasant surprise! While I do wish the living area was bigger, I’m still going to say this is a FABULOUS deal that we’re getting. We could easily fit more people in here, if need be. Comfortably. The kids are so happy with it 🙂 Gushing about how much they love the hotel. Its so nice to see them so excited.
All of this being said, Brady and I feel like today was a bit of a marathon. This day of the trip usually is. But WOW, the kids are overtired. No one slept at all this afternoon. Not. Ever. The baby. So they’ve reached the glorious point of fatigue where they can’t seem to shut down, but everyone is on the verge of melting down. Our plans for supper were already trashed, macaroni was made for the kids, and Brady is out finding us some McDonalds to eat ourselves to sleep with. I’m laying in our dark hotel room (at 7:30 here…) while I swear, Solly is learning to crawl in his playpen beside our bed. He is more tired than anyone else in the family, but he won’t sleep. However, he’s not talking or fussing either. Just working out, apparently. So he’ll do that, and I eagerly anticipate my McNuggets, my sleep, and the days ahead!
Hopefully we can have some real fun tomorrow with our kids. We have all just been cooped up far too long, and I’m so happy to be able to offer their sweet little souls a special change of scenery. Must. Make. Memories. Someone remind me tomorrow to take my camera along instead of just my phone. I want to document these times properly!
Sleep well!!