So Much Vomit

Since I know it pleases everyone greatly to know our barfing history, I’m here to share it with you. But it just never ends. 

First though, a high point!! We sold our minivan last night!! I’m both so happy that we managed to sell it and no longer be attached to that loan, but we are also really happy to see friends of ours have a need met and have a new vehicle for their family! Win win, for sure. While we made that deal, all of the kids were in bed, except Solly. He wouldn’t drink anything, and he had such a long nap in the afternoon that we decided to just let him be up with us, and then we’d feed him and put him to bed. 

Once everything was done and done, Solly still didn’t want to drink his milk. He had eaten a decent amount of applesauce for supper, though, so we let it go and put him down for the night. I was really really nauseous and sick yesterday, so i popped a gravol and fell asleep quickly. We all slept completely soundly until Solly woke around 4:00. Now that is a really really good stretch for him, so we were pretty thrilled. Brady got him and brought him to bed while he headed to make a bottle. I rubbed Solly belly and noticed right away how soaked he was. Same with his blanket. And when I touched his face, it was crusted over. Now I could’ve been more diligent, but I was SO zoned out and sick. When Brady came back up, I mentioned that I thought maybe Solly had thrown up. Sure enough, when Brady turned the lamp up, Solly was covered in vomit. So I rallied and got up. I snuck into Laela’s room and grabbed a handful of receiving blankets and a handful of fresh sleepers for Solly. I went back up and handed Brady one of each while I changed Solly. I headed over to Solly’s playpen, and the sheet was GROSS and brown and gnarly with barf. So we cleaned that up too. It was a long, drawn out feeding, that’s for sure! But he drank a pretty good bottle, which we fed him very cautiously, and then he easily the went back down for sleep. 

And so did we. For sure me! Brady lovingly let me sleep in as long as I needed. I only learned this, of course, when I woke up. AT 11:00!!! My gosh, what an amazing sleep! I’m feeling much better since then. What a wonderful gift. 

Upon getting up and going to be with my family, I got the scoop. Rowan had barfed in the night, so his bedding and jammies were in the laundry and he was in fresh clothes. We had a monitor on him, and didn’t hear from him at all in the night, but it was all crusted and old :/ Can’t win them all. Also, Laela had pooped. Everywhere. Her entire bed was patchy with poop. So not only was her bedding also in the laundry, but she had been bathed and was also in fresh comfy clothes. Once Brady knew I was up, he took Laela’s blanket that cannot go through the washing machine, and soaked it in our bathtub. Couldn’t be the kids bathtub because Rowan and Solly still need baths, thanks to the amount of crusted vomit in their hair. 

What a day. What a time! We’ve been sick for only a few days but MY GOODNESS they have been big days! Yet, its seeming like everyone is only sick for a couple of days at the most, so let’s hope everyone is better by the end of the day, so I don’t have to do too much crazy on my own this week! Though if Brady can do what he all did this morning, I know I can too! Sure would love to not though…

Make it Snappy

I’m going to rush this point. I am the one on the proverbial chopping block today, waking up incredibly nauseated and dizzy and hot and gross. I am waiting but for the life of me, my body refuses to remove the sickness from itself. While I don’t exactly love diarrhea or vomit, I would give a lot for SOME progress right now!

I have been in bed all day. All. Day While I welcome the rest, honestly, I feel guilty that the rest of my family isn’t 100% and I’m all tucked into bed. Brady is still quite achy from his crazy bouts of sickness the other night, but insists that he is more than happy to care for the kids while I wait for the bomb to drop. I miss him. I also miss my kids. Every once in a while, they stick their beautiful faces into my room, whether to show me a trick, or give me a hug, or bring me a soft thing. Its SO sweet and SO endearing, but every time I turn my head, I have a hot flash. The. Worst.

So this post is already over, because I can’t sit up very well, and I forgot my glasses in the bathroom the last time I thought I was going to throw up but didn’t. Please wish me luck! This is SO different than how we planned to spend our long weekend, but I guess it did time out fairly well rather than halfway through a busy week! I only have Brady home for one more day, though, so I HAVE to be done with my turn of this sickness ASAP. Please offer up a prayer, if you think of us!!

Aaaaand back to lying down…


As luck would have it, Brady started barfing at work yesterday. He made it home and proceeded to throw up a number of times in the afternoon and evening. We bit the bullet and cancelled our house plans for today. Our basement framing will have to wait for another weekend. I won’t lie and say I’m not disappointed, but I am also a picture of compassion for my poor family.

Laela woke up covered in vomit once again. She seemed to be in worse shape than when she woke up barfy yesterday. Still very pleasant, but COVERED. Not just wet, but dirty and gross. There were pieces of things all down her jammies and all over her bed. As soon as she sat up, she started heaving. Brady held her pail for her while I stripped her bed and got her some fresh jammies. We went and lay her on the couch with a fresh blanket, and within a few minutes, she was insisting on breakfast. I asked her to wait a few minutes for her tummy to settle, but she was persistent. So I agreed, and gave in to her request of Cheerios and milk. Now I KNOW that milk is frowned upon when kids are sick, because sometimes dairy upsets an already angry tummy, but in chats with my doctor previously, she fully supports my giving them milk when they ask for it. I just don’t have juice kids. They aren’t into it! Neither warm beverages, like tea or honey water. No dice. So milk is that extra oomph that water can’t give them. And if they barf it up, at least they likely absorbed something extra. Though when she asked for yogurt, I sold her on apple sauce instead. I figured that would be less vile if it decided to come back up. So far, though, we’re in the clear!!

Brady feels considerably better today, after sleeping almost 12 hours last night! He is still very achy from all of the dry heaving he did yesterday :/ Whatever they have is pretty crappy, and is clearly irritating their stomaches, empty or not. So much heaving! Ack! But so far today, Brady’s tummy is cooperating. A HUGE thank you to my mom for bringing fresh muffins over last night. They have made a delicious brunch and a gentle transition back to food for the hubs. Plus I think muffins and cheese are on the menu for supper for the littles! Win win!

I’m pretty bummed that we aren’t getting our basement started today, but it would have been challenging for Brady while he’s feeling so wiped and sore, and also for me with a sick kid or two. I’m happy that the basement is TOTALLY ready for the job, and we’ll keep it that way until next weekend or the weekend after or whenever it can happen. We’re as ready as we can be! Just keep hoping that we’ll be healthy enough for it soon!

The Fun Never Stops!

The “fun” is also never particularly well timed.

Dekker endured a pretty wild barfing episode the other day. I don’t want to be too gross, but it was unlike anything I’ve ever cleaned up. It. Was. Everywhere. He began at the couch, and bolted to the bathroom, throwing up on the living room carpet, on the bathroom floor, and then on/in the toilet. Barf was everywhere. Once he was done, though, he was back to 100%. It was weird. I have to say on his behalf, though, that he was AWESOME while he was getting sick!! Standing over the toilet, “I think (heave) I think (heave) I’m a bit (heave) sick.” Once he had finally stopped, I just stood and stared, completely unsure of where to even start. So I stripped him down and plunked him in the empty bathtub. I gave him a towel to wrap around himself in case he got cold, and I threw a bunch more old towels at the floor to soak up the majority of the mess. While I cleaned, Dekker played and chatted and closed the shower doors and peeked out of them and just joked around. It was a HUGE relief that he was feeling so much better so quickly! After probably a solid hour of wiping, spraying, cleaning, scrubbing (my poor living room rug!) and throwing in a load of laundry, all was behind us.

Now, this morning, I went to get Laela and she right away told me she had barfed on his bed. Sure enough, every item on her bed was wet, herself included. Sheets, pillowcase, blanket cover, four stuffies, and two cuddle blankets. My. Gosh. But she was chipper and happy! I changed her jammies and brought her into the boys room to change diapers and start the day. As I was changing Rowan, Laela commented that I’d need to find her a bin to barf into. I agreed that we’d find her one. A few seconds later, she said “Mommy, you might need to find a bin really fast!” I grabbed the garbage can from beside Dekker’s bed and juuust  got it under her chin in time. Just like her brother, she goes “I’m not (heave) feeling (heave) very well (heave) today.” I sat beside her and rubbed her back while she threw up. Now, again, I don’t want to be gross, but Dekker’s barf had been legit barf. When you picture barf, that was his. Laela barfed foam. It was really strange. Just bubbles. Froth. I don’t know. Once she slowed down, I tied her hair back in a ponytail to keep it out of her face, and she thanked me, saying I was really helpful 🙂 Three bouts of barfing later, she’s assuring me she feels “supa healfy.” So I guess we’ll go with that…

Sick days like this always make me feel like I can’t do ANYTHING else. And I think thats ok. I want to be as available as possible. So all I’ve accomplished today is the laundry that obviously needs doing, so Laela can sleep in a fresh bed tonight. But there is SO MUCH MORE to do, and I desired very much to be productive today. However, plans change. With the work starting on our basement tomorrow, I’m SO thankful that friends have offered to come work with us, and I’m confident they won’t judge if things aren’t 100% ready or tidy. SO that’s a relief.

Now we just keep praying that this doesn’t spread to anyone else!!!

Once Again

I am once again enjoying a completely quiet afternoon. The little boys are napping, and thats to an enormous screaming breakdown from Laela that wiped her right out, she is also tucked away to bed. That is a definite pro to the stage she’s going through, of testing her boundaries and testing her mom and seeing how things are going to look. While I’m not loving this part of her being three, the rest of it is quite enjoyable. I don’t really like the stereotype about how bad three year olds are. Mine is seriously a peach 90% of the time. Probably even more than that. But when she’s acting out, its BIG.

I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t handle todays challenge well. Because of that, I am down, and tired. So we’re all taking our rests in our respective places, and I’m positive that we’ll reconvene soon enough with no love lost. But I am currently very thankful for the break from each other. There has been SO MUCH CRYING this morning, and I’m loving the quiet.

On that note, though, I’m going to revel in the quiet a little longer before it’s all over. We’re waiting on the delivery of some building materials that were supposed to come mid-morning. Now, they’re thinking it’ll be closer to 1:30, which is RIGHT in the middle of nap time. So my lovely quiet break will be over even sooner than necessary. Sad. But I’m thankful for it just the same. Any nap is better than none, for everyone!

Four Nappers

I had a couple of things that didn’t really go together that I wanted to talk about today. Then, my kids seemed to implode and there was a LOT of screaming in our late morning. It put me in a bad mood, and I figured it would be hard to gear up to write a nice post. But then I put them all down for a nap. And they fell asleep. Right away. 😮 So that helped! All four children are silent, and I’m stretched out in the recliner, sipping a passion tea lemonade. Its a very nice way to wrap up my morning!

I saw something advertised on Facebook, and followed the link to the Gap website. I saw that my cart had something saved in it, so I clicked on the icon to see what I had apparently previous considered buying. It was a sweet little shorts onesie made of grey sweatpants material. I remembered it. I had hoped to get something like this for our new little summer baby. It would be nice and warm but not too stuffy. Perfect for winter. As per usual, this stirred up all kind of emotions in me. I had a little cry while I did some dishes, and Dekker asked why I was crying. I told him I was sad that our baby had passed away. Laela piped up with “No mommy, the baby died.” I explained to her that “passed away” was another way of saying that he had died. She proceeded to ask me why he died. It brought up a whole conversation about how everyone died at some point, and he just died when he was really really little. We talked about how exciting it was that he was with Jesus, and that since asking Jesus to be in their lives, they’ll get to meet Jesus one day too, and by default, meet the baby. Dekker and Laela fully accepted this answer as truth, and Laela followed up the conversation with “Wow! So essiting! I really like Jesus!” It was a sad but very innocent conversation. If its so easy for them to accept that the baby is with Jesus, it should be easy for me too. I mean, it isn’t easy, but there is hope there, for sure.

One a completely separate note, we have a lot of positives to look forward to! We have four different exciting things coming in the mail in the next little while! We booked a summer holiday! And we’re actually getting a start on our basement this weekend!!! While I wish we’d have gotten started sooner, it just wasn’t possible, and the delay has given us a chance to save up some money, which is good too. But in preparation for this work to be done, we’re trying to get super organized and move as much stuff out of the basement as possible. Guys, we have SO MUCH STUFF!! I WISH it was garage sale season, but frankly, our garage sale day is too far away, and I don’t care to save all of this stuff just in case maybe someone will buy it mid-May. I also don’t care to post a hundred items on a bunch of different buy and sell pages on Facebook or elsewhere online. So I think we’re going to simple donate a big van load of things somewhere. Lots of house things, some baby things we don’t use, lots of vases and jars, wall hangings and decor, etc. I would love to offer it all up to friends and family first but I just don’t know how to do it efficiently, so I guess a mass donation will have to do. That will clear a bunch of stuff out of the basement. Then just to repack the things in the tubs that didn’t survive all of the moves, and we should be at least well organized enough to get a good start on things. Wish us luck, guys!

So the morning was filled with talk about our little baby, and the afternoon has been very quiet and low key so far, but the later afternoon will be full of accomplishing things!! The evening will be filled with the Bachelor, regardless of our upcoming weekend, hahaha! We have to make exceptions for important things 😜 But hopefully we can still make it happen in time! Saturday, frost walls go up, and things are finally rolling! I can’t wait to have a guest bedroom, and a rec room!!!


I am one lucky lady to be loved by my husband and children every single day. I do not have to celebrate Valentine’s Day because I feel that affection always. Do I think its fun anyway? Yes, I do. I was pushing for Valentine’s Day date this year, since we haven’t been able to celebrate too much in the last few years, but our anniversary date hit it out of the park, and I couldn’t imagine trying to get ANOTHER date so soon after that one! As I’ve said, I do really hope to go on more dates with my husband this year, but it doesn’t exactly have to be weekly 😉 So today, we have nothing planned. We’ll probably do a bunch of work in the basement this evening, in preparation for the weekend ahead.

Since I don’t have any grand romantic plans to share with you, I’ll just tell you about the people I love the most! Oldest to youngest 😉

Brady Born. That handsome man is MINE. I’ve loved him for quite some time now, but it really doesn’t get old. I’m not even sure which angle of my love to talk about here. He works so very hard for us, and still comes home happy and loving and soft and willing to jump right in and be an involved father and husband. I fear he’s going to burn out on us. He hasn’t yet, but thats Brady. He’s going to keep on keeping on until he finally does burn out before he believes it will ever happen to him 😉 Right, Brady? Burnt out or not, your wife adores you, and appreciated every moment with you!!! You are an incredible man, seeming to only get better and better!! I love you!

Dekker Thomas. My oldest child, and it shows. You are SO responsible, and SO serious, but SOOO loving and sensitive. Dekker asked Brady for help buying me flowers yesterday. They picked me out a bouquet of light pink and white roses. This morning, before school, Dekker was feeling a bit down. I reminded him of the beautiful flowers he had bought me, and he lit right up, asking me if I really liked them, and which color I liked best. He figured the pink. He was right. He has grown so much recently, and I’m loving who and what I’m seeing!! So very proud. Love you, Dekker!

Laela Hazel. The girly. While she is very much a daddy’s girl, she has been SO silly and playful with me in the last few days! I have enjoyed her affection and games immensely. The hugs are longer and the laughs louder. Yesterday, we were running errands in the city. Brady was in the drivers seat, and I had climbed into the passengers seat. Laela quietly said “Mommy…” I looked back at her, and she has this silly grin on. “Want to tickle me?” You’d better believe it! I clicked my seatbelt back off before she could change her mind and I attacked her in her car seat. It was hilarious, and she squealed with joy! I tickled her until she was out of breath, and then hopped back into my spot. She giggled and gasped for a bit, and finally gained her composure before suggesting “Do that again?” I sure love her and her happy heart! Love you, sweet cheeks!

Rowan Toby. He has been so cuddly the last few days. I feel so much love for him, and from him. In the last little while, he has made it a mission to touch faces. As in with our faces. He will come over to me, and point to his face, saying “cheeks.” I then bend down and he’ll squish his face against mine, and just wait. Not for anything. Just for his cheek time to be over. When he’s done, he says “Thanks you!” and beetles off. Its the same with “mouf” and hair, which I’m pretty sure is really just heads. Just wants to lean something against me. He is constantly requesting hugs and kisses, all of which I am happy to provide. Just today, I was sitting beside his high chair while he was eating, and he reached over and just rubbed my shoulder. “There!” he goes. “Nice!” You are SO nice, Ro! I love you!

Solomon Brady. This little boy has been working on so many things recently. Teeth, food, tummy stuff, etc. He’s done his fair share of crying, and has not done his fair share of sleeping. But in between these things, he has the most BEAUTIFUL smile, and the EASIEST laugh to get!! He is an incredibly lovely person, I can already see it all forming. He loves his siblings so much, which warms my mama heart. They really love him too. He fits in SO well. I love you, Solly Wolly!

Theo. I think he gets to be my official valentine this year. While I love all of my kids equally, I miss him more than the others. After yesterday, I know he is officially gone. There is no longer any sign of him within my body. No blood, no hormones, no damage. No physical sign at all. But I know he was there, and he was dearly loved. He still is. Reminiscing about my love for his brothers and sister make me hurt worse for him, because I just know how amazingly well he would have fit into our bunch. Baby boy, you were SO anticipated, and SO loved. I probably would have been able to feel you move by now. But instead, I’ll celebrate my love for you from afar. One day we’ll get a GOOD snuggle in, but probably not for a while. Nothing is certain, thats for sure, but I am CERTAIN that you are precious. And loved. I love you.

Aaaaand this is the part of my day where I go hug my kids and cry. I’m so so fortunate. Spread some of that love around on those around you <3

Blood Work and Basements

I went and got my blood taken this morning. This will hopefully be the last time I’ll have to fuss over the physical, medical parts of losing our baby. No more scans, and no more blood work. I’m hoping, anyway. I don’t know for sure what the results will be yet. Until my HCG levels are at zero, I’ll need to keep going back. This is all reopening those feelings I’ve had about anticipating it all being over. They feel crappy, and as I’ve said a number of times, I DO NOT DESIRE for him to be gone. I would give just about anything to keep him safe and alive in my body. I do not like “wanting” him out. But I do understand it, and I don’t think anyone who knows me at all thinks I didn’t want him, and am happy he’s gone. Quite the contrary.

The blood clinic was packed in a way I have never witnessed. There were 20 names on the board, and people were consistently at the desk, checking themselves in and being added to the waiting list. Thankfully, I had asked Brady to check me in online first. Because of that, I waited less than five minutes before going back and getting my blood drawn.

The last few times I’ve gone in, I’ve had the same nurse. She is very efficient, but thats basically all I can say. She doesn’t look a person in the eye, or give ANYTHING extra. I know she’s not required to, but being someone who is not fond of blood work, I appreciate someone who can offer me a bit of banter and distraction. I was really happy to see someone entirely different this time! She was upbeat and chatty, but also very efficient, which was really good, considering the standing room only waiting area. The tension in that clinic today was high. MUCH higher than usual. People were noticeably unhappy, and overwhelmed with the amount of people. When someone would get called back, everyone stared at the open chair. Just in the few minutes I was there, anyway, each time a chair opened, a man immediately took it. While I am completely able bodied and fine to stand, I could see women roll their eyes every time. I’m not saying right or wrong, but just that the tension was palpable. I was pretty relieved when my name was called. I liked my nurse a lot, because she was making a clear effort to be positive and bubbly. It was quite relaxing, even though I was having blood drawn.

From there, I headed back home and fed the kids lunch. The little boys are napping and the big kids are watching some tv and playing Lego. Brady is at work, probably for a longer day than usual, and as for me, I’m trying to plan my week! We found out today that we can get a real start on our basement THIS WEEKEND! Which is both awesome and a bit ominous, as thats coming up fast and we want to be nice and prepared, and its going to take some work. Luckily, we’re having some friends help us, and they’ll likely be more relaxed if we’re not perfectly ready right off the hop, like if things need to be moved around while they work. I’m SO excited that things are going to start!!! I’m more than ready to get things moving on that.

In today’s case, probably a later post would have been smarter, because maybe I would have results from my blood work. But I much prefer to blog in the day, and I can just tell you guys results tomorrow, or whenever I get them.

I’ll leave you with some cute pictures of the kids from yesterday, because I can’t resist.

GAH! Aren’t they adorable?! I accidentally colour themed them, so we couldn’t not take a picture. Or twenty five pictures…

Have a great Monday!

Singing at Church Once Again

It’s been sooooo long since we helped lead worship at church, but this morning, we were back at it! Our friend Carrie was on the list, and asked us to team up with her. Honestly, it was so nice to be back at church in general, and bringing the music was so fun!

We led a couple of short worship sets, and then sang and played through a time of communion. We closed out the music with a really upbeat song that we really enjoyed singing. I can’t really explain it all, but it was a really really fun andmeaningful time of worship for me.

Durning the time of sharing and prayer, I stood up and told the church about the loss of our baby, and how we’ve been kind of feeling hit after hit. However, last night, Dekker and Laela both said they wanted to invite Jesus to live in their hearts. It was a great encouragement to us, and obviously a very positive and exciting moment for our family! Somehow, in amongst all of our sickness and struggle, our kids haven’t lost sight of God and what’s truly important. I can’t wit to watch them understand God more and more as they grow. I was thrilled to tell the church about these things, and it was all so well received. They prayed for us in the moment, and a handful of people came to speak to us after the service. Once again, so many people could relate to our loss, and encouraged us with gentle words and hugs. It was really lovely. Some people even came to talk to the kids excitedly about their acceptance of Jesus! It was a really nice time being around loving people. We felt so cared for, but like we also played a role in putting into people through leading music. A two way street is the best kind, when you can swing it. It’s not the only kind, but it’s a good kind.

Throughout the whole morning, I was just so pleased with my kids. Dekker went down to children’s church with the other kids his age and up, and Solly slept in the nursery. Laela and Rowan stayed with us in the service, and save for one biff off the bench resulting in a good head bonk, they were nice and quiet and well behaved. We brought pencils and paper, and they flipped through the hymn books on and off, but that was all they needed to be entertained for almost two hours! Thanks for your amazing patience skills, kids!

We had waffle lunch with my parents, and now the afternoon of napping has begun. Should be a pretty relaxed evening around here. I hope you all enjoy your Sunday!

Teetees, Huge Mouths, and Figuring Stuff Out

I hope I can talk about this in at least a somewhat judgement-free zone. I know I’m speaking publicly, and of course, that occasionally burns me. I know its a risk, just please be respectful, even if you disagree with me.


We’ve all noticed along the way that Rowan has a huge mouth. I LOVE it, honestly. It produces the biggest smiles, loudest laughs, and its fun to smooch. The other day I was personally attacking Rowan while I had him captive on the floor, anticipating a diaper change. I was teasing him, tickling his face with my hair, blowing raspberries on his tummy, and making funny faces. I clenched my teeth and growled at him through a smile. He giggled and did the same back to me. Except his teeth didn’t close. Like not at all.

I kept playing, occasionally asking him to put his teeth together, and they really never got closer together. They just don’t meet.

I didn’t at all go into panic mode, but it did get me thinking a little. I went online and did a little bit of research, and this is what I’ve come up with.

Ro has an “open bite.” Not specifically over or under, but his front teeth are just open in the front. This can very well change with time, as his jaw and face continue to grow. No dentist would ever do anything serious about it until he was around or over the age of 10. I learned that some kids are just shaped that way, but some kids jaws/face/teeth/whatever else start to change shape and develop this type of bite. Sure enough, looking back in pictures, Rowan’s mouth has shifted and become more “open” in the last 6-12 months.

Some people said their kids slept with the big sippy cups in their mouths, and six weeks after switching them over to straw cups, they noticed a difference. Some people swore it was soothers. Or sucking their hands. Now I am NOT saying kids shouldn’t have soothers or sippies or suck their thumbs. I have NO proof that any of that has any effect on anything. Ok? Me NOT bashing those things. And either way, it left me stumped still because Rowan doesn’t use/do those things. Until I remembered his teetee.


He chews on a receiving blanket when he falls asleep. I’ve never taken issue with it, because its been a fabulous way that he handles teething. He chews on the flannel blanket, because its soft but it doesn’t have too much give, that I think it satisfies him. But as I’m sure you’ve seen in pictures, anytime he has his blanket/tee-tee, he shoves as much of it as is humanly possible into his mouth, and just props it open that way. I understand why he started doing it, for teething, but now its a habit, and I think it might be contributing to his mouth shape changing!

I’ve watched it for just a couple of days now, and I can tell I’m not making the open bite thing up. He doesn’t bite anything with his front teeth, because he can’t. I’ll give him a slice of an apple, and he chomps it with his molars. No wonder he always dismantles sandwiches so badly while he eats them! He’s doing fine, as in he eats lots (finally he eats again!) and doesn’t complain. But my current concern is his speech.

Rowan is SO chatty and verbal all of a sudden, but he is my only kid who has the “th” sound down! I’m not worried about his speech at all, but I also see how he forms sounds and at this point, I won’t be surprised at all if he ends up with a bit of a lisp. Can he be an exceptional boy AND have a lisp?? Yes, of course he can! I’m not worried, but it is on my mind.

So with all of this in mind, we’re thinking we have to kick the blanket chewing habit. The afternoon has been the first time we’ve put him down for his nap without his precious tee-tee, and let me tell you. He was PISSED!!! He didn’t just cry. He didn’t want to lay down, and he screamed and screamed. He was SO mad. But we felt very strongly that we needed to stand firm. (This is the part where no one judges us for letting our boy cry. We can do hard things!) Brady went back into his room after a few minutes and tried to comfort him but he just wasn’t having it, so Brady left once again. We had a chat in the living room and came up with a way to potentially soften the blow.

I went downstairs and dug into a big bag of stuffed toys that have been packed up since we left Radisson, and found him his first stuffed foxy. I brought it up and went into his room. He was laying down under his bigger blanket (no, we didn’t take his main blanket, just the little one he chews) shrucking away. Between breaths, he asked me for his teetee. I told him that I was sorry, but he couldn’t have it. He started his act of thrashing and screaming again, and I showed him the stuffed toy. He freaked. I lay it beside him and he threw it around, screaming all the while. I took it out and took a step back. He quieted a tiny bit, and I said that he didn’t have to have it, and that I was sorry that he was so sad. I set it on his dresser nearby, told him I loved him, and kissed him goodnight. As I started to leave, he burst out crying again, and I heard him say “please.” Well, “fease” if you’re Rowan. I turned around, and he was pointing at the fox. I offered it to him, and he grabbed it into a big hug, snorting into its neck. I asked if he was ok, and he said he was. So I left.

He cried much quieter for a couple more minutes, and then he was out. So I guess we’ll see how it goes! It breaks my heart hearing my little guy cry SO HARD for his comfort item, but if there is a chance its hurting him and going to mess with his speech, we’ll power through a hard thing to see if we can get a positive result!

ALL of this being said, he’s coming up on two, and he’s due for a doctors appointment right away here. I’m looking forward to running all of this by Dr. Guselle. Because, I want to be SO clear, so there is no room for people to misunderstand me or think I’m being mean. I do NOT expect my almost two year old to have perfect speech at all. I don’t have an unreasonable expectation. I really don’t! I just want to set him up as best as possible, and if this habit is physically affecting something quite so important, we’re going to try our best to correct it. But we’ll see what the doctor says! I’m confident it’ll be something along the lines of “He’ll keep growing and changing. Just keep watching. As long as he’s eating, he’s fine.” Stuff like that. It just always feels better to hear it from her, somehow.

I’m SO smitten with my Rowan Toby, and I LOVE that big delicious mouth. You should all really come over here and have a visit with my kids. They’re amazing to play with and talk to. My heart is full. <3