Solly fevered a bit last week, but he’s in the clear for the moment. He actually slept almost a FULL 12 hours last night!! He fell asleep between 7:00-7:30pm, and lulled awake at 6:45 this morning. I gave him some milk and he slept until 10:00am. Its amazing how sleeping through the entire night is just SO much more restful! And it bodes well for him health-wise, too. Sleep always wins.
Rowan fevered earlier this week, just for Monday and Tuesday. It never really materialized into anything. Just a fever. Clearly the fight his body was putting up won whatever the battle was. I couldn’t be more thankful for that!
Dekker joined the club yesterday evening. He was pretty chilly throughout the afternoon, but that was it. He had a bath and just couldn’t warm up. So I snuggled him up in bed with me afterwards. I hugged him and he shivered while we watched Clifford on the laptop. He heated up fast, and not the kind of warm that snuggling in bed brings. Like HOT. But he was still shivering, poor dude. He was happy to go to bed. And he’s happy to be hone from school. I’m very thankful I’m able to be home with my kids. VERY. Its an opportunity I know not everyone has.
As a fun surprise, so no one feels left out, Laela is fevered this morning. When I went into her room, she was still cuddled up in her blankets, and right away told me she had a fever. And she was right. Not super hot, but enough to register on our thermometer. She’s such a trooper, though. You guys have seen enough pictures of her when she’s sick, looking completely unscathed. She’s basically a unicorn. Majestic and stuff.
So there’s that. Secretly, I’m pretty ok with sick days like this. Spirits are pretty good, but the general mood is pretty relaxed. Everyone sat at the table and coloured for a little while. While we were there, Laela was talking about her siblings and showing off that she remembered everyones middle names. She couldn’t remember Solly’s though, so Dekker helped her out.
Dekker: Its Solly-man, I mean Solomon Brady. I know another kid named Brady.
Laela: You doooo?
Dekker: Yup.
Me: Do we know another Brady? Maybe another Brady in our family?
Dekker: Nope. We don’t.
Me: We do, actually. Remember, daddy’s name is Brady.
Laela: *exaggerated gasp* It is?
Me: Yup. Daddy is a Brady.
Laela: And YOU are a Hailey!
Me: Thats right.
Laela: I want to be a Hailey, too.
Me: Well that is super sweet, Laela!
Laela: I want to be a Hailey mommy! With babies!
Dekker: I want to be a daddy!
Me: You guys are awesome. It would be so cool if you got to be mommies and daddies when you grow up!
Dekker: Well, maybe not me. Babies pull hair sometimes…
I love these kinds of chats I have with the kids. It just feels like a super chill day. Very low key. No one is hyper or riling anyone else up. No one is up in someone else’s space. Everyone is just talking and resting. I put Solly in his jumper and he’s sweetly mini-jumping, listening to the conversations. Its a good day in spite of the sickness.