The Fever Brigade

Solly fevered a bit last week, but he’s in the clear for the moment. He actually slept almost a FULL 12 hours last night!! He fell asleep between 7:00-7:30pm, and lulled awake at 6:45 this morning. I gave him some milk and he slept until 10:00am. Its amazing how sleeping through the entire night is just SO much more restful! And it bodes well for him health-wise, too. Sleep always wins.

Rowan fevered earlier this week, just for Monday and Tuesday. It never really materialized into anything. Just a fever. Clearly the fight his body was putting up won whatever the battle was. I couldn’t be more thankful for that!

Dekker joined the club yesterday evening. He was pretty chilly throughout the afternoon, but that was it. He had a bath and just couldn’t warm up. So I snuggled him up in bed with me afterwards. I hugged him and he shivered while we watched Clifford on the laptop. He heated up fast, and not the kind of warm that snuggling in bed brings. Like HOT. But he was still shivering, poor dude. He was happy to go to bed. And he’s happy to be hone from school. I’m very thankful I’m able to be home with my kids. VERY. Its an opportunity I know not everyone has.

As a fun surprise, so no one feels left out, Laela is fevered this morning. When I went into her room, she was still cuddled up in her blankets, and right away told me she had a fever. And she was right. Not super hot, but enough to register on our thermometer. She’s such a trooper, though. You guys have seen enough pictures of her when she’s sick, looking completely unscathed. She’s basically a unicorn. Majestic and stuff.

So there’s that. Secretly, I’m pretty ok with sick days like this. Spirits are pretty good, but the general mood is pretty relaxed. Everyone sat at the table and coloured for a little while. While we were there, Laela was talking about her siblings and showing off that she remembered everyones middle names. She couldn’t remember Solly’s though, so Dekker helped her out.

Dekker: Its Solly-man, I mean Solomon Brady. I know another kid named Brady.
Laela: You doooo?
Dekker: Yup.
Me: Do we know another Brady? Maybe another Brady in our family?
Dekker: Nope. We don’t.
Me: We do, actually. Remember, daddy’s name is Brady.
Laela: *exaggerated gasp* It is?
Me: Yup. Daddy is a Brady.
Laela: And YOU are a Hailey!
Me: Thats right.
Laela: I want to be a Hailey, too.
Me: Well that is super sweet, Laela!
Laela: I want to be a Hailey mommy! With babies!
Dekker: I want to be a daddy!
Me: You guys are awesome. It would be so cool if you got to be mommies and daddies when you grow up!
Dekker: Well, maybe not me. Babies pull hair sometimes…

I love these kinds of chats I have with the kids. It just feels like a super chill day. Very low key. No one is hyper or riling anyone else up. No one is up in someone else’s space. Everyone is just talking and resting. I put Solly in his jumper and he’s sweetly mini-jumping, listening to the conversations. Its a good day in spite of the sickness.

What I Count on Every Morning

I have such anticipation for the warmer seasons ahead. For the sun. For the deck. For shorts. For meals outside. For another healthy pregnancy, I hope. There is a lot to anticipate. But these silly snowy days are back, and my morning feels like a winter morning. As I’m thinking about it, my mornings recently look very similar to each other. It changes a little with Dekker going to school every other day, but save for that, here are FIVE constants in my mornings.

First, the basics.

My coffee. Every morning, I have coffee. Lattes are few and far between now :/ They just take too long. Every morning, Brady leaves me coffee in the pot. He makes enough for himself for work, and leaves enough for a nice big mug for me. I zap it in one of my three favorite mugs – the pineapple one, the owl one, and the new pink one from Edmonton. I never thought I’d be someone who microwaves their coffee, but its happened slowly, and its still yummy. Once its all warmed up, I add my double double creamer and my Bebefibre, because thats a thing, just blow past it. I LOVE this system that we’ve set up, and I truly don’t mind the warmed up coffee. Thanks, Brady, for making me coffee every morning <3

I can count on always wearing grey clothing. Hahaha! I don’t know what it is about grey but its just so much softer than any other color. Its not intentional, but come to think of it, I wear at least one grey thing every day. I’m currently wearing grey sweats, and a grey sweatshirt, with grey slippers. I was cold this morning. I’ll likely lose the slippers and switch into a tshirt later today. The one I wore super briefly yesterday I’ll probably wear again. You guessed it. Its grey. I know, I know. I look great.

There are some variations of my third constant. So perhaps its not a constant… You know what I mean.

Every morning, I end up doing some kind of research. I can’t call it “work” but its like focused researching time. Today, I’m continuing to get organized for a music set Brady and I are doing with a friend in a month or so. Beyond that, I’m doing some online price comparisons for a few things. Lots of tabs open on my laptop. Every single day, I think “Is it too early to start making lists for our summer vacation to the lake?” But the answer is still “yes,” so I’m holding off on that. So I plan other things, which works too.

Don’t worry, I’m not neglecting my kids. In fact, thats another one of my constants!

Solly is still sleeping, but sometimes he’s awake and playing in the living room. However, the other three are exactly where they always are at this point in the morning. Dekker and Laela are sitting at the island. Its loaded down with their toys, which isn’t allowed if there’s any food on the island. But this is their time to play up there. While they’re up on their stools, Rowan is currently being mischievous and playing in the pantry. I never really know what he does in there. I know he has Hot Wheels cars, and I can hear him clinking around int he crock pots and the rice cooker, but if I ever go stick my head in there, he says “Bye, mommy.” If I turn the light on, he asks “Off please.” Sooooo there’s that. But at least I know where they all are, right? We usually listen to music around now, too.

Its around this time that my fifth constant pops up. I only mention it on the blog or on Facebook once in a while, but pretty much everyday, someone brings up baby Theo. Questions range from asking why he died, when will we see him, does he miss us too, can we have another baby, etc. Today specifically, it was because of his ultrasound photo on the fridge. While the kids were sitting at the island, Laela commented on how much she loved the baby on the fridge. I looked over and asked if she meant the picture of our friends baby we have up there, but she said “No, the baby that was in your tummy.” Right. I told her I really loved him, too. We all agreed that we missed him very much. Both big kids said they wanted Theo to be here with us, and I reminded them where baby Theo actually is. I hope one day to have such a content peace about that like they do. I suppose I do have that peace, but I hope it won’t sting quite so sharply forever. Who am I kidding? It totally will, but I think thats ok.

So there you have it. A sneak peek into my mornings, and what I can always count on. Anyone is welcome to join in anytime 🙂 I may even brew fresh coffee.

A Better Start

Its not a secret that yesterday was a rough one for me. I had the wonderful opportunity to go out in the evening and play with makeup on a bunch of lovely ladies. It was both a great opportunity for me, and a great distraction after my heavy-hearted day. It was relaxed and fun and full of good food and good company. I am SO thankful I was invited to join in!

When I got home, Brady and I wasted a couple of hours chatting into the late late hours of the night. I really missed him over the weekend, so there was some catching up to do. We also shared a broken mama and papa cry over our little Theo. We haven’t had one of those in a long time. It felt good, and cleansing, somehow. We were up fairly late and I honestly don’t even remember falling asleep.

Solly’s sleep training is paying off more and more every night, and he didn’t lull until after 5:00am this morning. Brady changed his diaper and lay him back down, and he slept until around 7:30. So he had some milk while Dekker had his breakfast and then he fell back to sleep for about an hour or so. All of this said, it was a pretty restful night considering the late bedtime.

Now that the house is awake and the sun is shining in the windows, I’m feeling fresh and new. Not 100%, if we’re being completely honest, but significantly better. Today will be better than yesterday.


My first day back home with my beautiful kidlets hasn’t been as I anticipated or hoped it would be. I was awake around 4:30 until 7:30-ish when I dozed back off for another hour or so. I knew my body needed that extra chunk of sleep, but as often happens, it was filled with dreams. I wouldn’t call them bad dreams, or even especially unsettling, but I woke up grieving hard for the young life I lost in January. Like, hard. I had a cry on my own before going and getting my kids up for the day.

I have missed my little munchkins, and I love them desperately. I have struggled with them today, though. It appears they have turned their ears off to their mama since she left on Friday, and my sad, heavy heart is just not handling it well. I’m not losing it or anything, I promise, but I am feeling so sad. Just plain sad. Its hard to keep rolling when you’re sad.

I should be entering my third trimester of pregnancy right about now. But I’m not. I don’t get that baby. I won’t even have a baby this year. This is all just particularly hard to swallow today.

But. There is always a “but.” This one is important! I promise, I haven’t ever forgotten it, either. I am still that little boy’s mom. Along with being his mom, I am also a mom to the four little loves I have here at home. They are mine. Even above that, they all belong to God, which is even better than belonging to me. I am vastly imperfect, and I’m particularly lower on the perfection scale today, for lots of reasons, but God is perfect and we are ALL His. And in that, there is freedom.

I’m so thankful for all I have and everyone I have. For my husband who listened to me sob all of my hormones out on the phone. For my kids, who are so soft and sweet to each other 99% of the time, and who try so so hard. For my mom, who is heading over to be with me and provide some hugs and a soft place to fall. For my God, who is caring for Theo, and who understands my imperfections and grief without thinking I’m a crazy person. I have a pretty incredible bunch on my support team, and I know there are more members who I’m not mentioning this time around.

I have everything I need.

My first day back home with my beautiful kidlets hasn’t been as I anticipated or hoped it would be. I was awake around 4:30 until 7:30-ish when I dozed back off for another hour or so. I knew my body needed that extra chunk of sleep, but as often happens, it was filled with dreams. I wouldn’t call them bad dreams, or even especially unsettling, but I woke up grieving hard for the young life I lost in January. Like, hard. I had a cry on my own before going and getting my kids up for the day.

I have missed my little munchkins, and I love them desperately. I have struggled with them today, though. It appears they have turned their ears off to their mama since she left on Friday, and my sad, heavy heart is just not handling it well. I’m not losing it or anything, I promise, but I am feeling so sad. Just plain sad. Its hard to keep rolling when you’re sad.

I should be entering my third trimester of pregnancy right about now. But I’m not. I don’t get that baby. I won’t even have a baby this year. This is all just particularly hard to swallow today.

But. There is always a “but.” This one is important! I promise, I haven’t ever forgotten it, either. I am still that little boy’s mom. Along with being his mom, I am also a mom to the four little loves I have here at home. They are mine. Even above that, they all belong to God, which is even better than belonging to me. I am vastly imperfect, and I’m particularly lower on the perfection scale today, for lots of reasons, but God is perfect and we are ALL His. And in that, there is freedom.

I’m so thankful for all I have and everyone I have. For my husband who listened to me sob all of my hormones out on the phone. For my kids, who are so soft and sweet to each other 99% of the time, and who try so so hard. For my mom, who is heading over to be with me and provide some hugs and a soft place to fall. For my God, who is caring for Theo, and who understands my imperfections and grief without thinking I’m a crazy person. I have a pretty incredible bunch on my support team, and I know there are more members who I’m not mentioning this time around.

I have everything I need.

And We’re Back :)

Jerilee and I have arrived safely back at our humble homes this evening! While we had a FABULOUS girls weekend away, I think we are both very happy to be home. I have missed my family so very much this weekend, and it was wonderful to see them all this evening before the kids before bed. They were full of hugs and kisses and soft snuggles. They were a deliciously warm welcome.

The snow, though. Guys. I knew snow was in the forecast for this weekend, but in my earlier research, it was supposed to snow on Saturday. Which it did. We were out in it, and were very much aware of it. But apparently it kept coming down, and by the morning, the vehicles were covered with a thick layer of wet, heavy snow. Being unprepared as we were, I wandered around until I found someone heading back to the hotel after starting his truck, and petitioned him to share his snow brush, which he agreed to. Once that crisis was averted, we headed to Ikea.

First thing was first. I had some parts to return from a dresser we bought back in Calgary. Brady had called ahead and Ikea has agreed to swap things out, free of charge. So we left the parts at the returns desk and wandered through the store. It went quicker than usual, which was strange, but also not. Jerilee and I were both super tired, haha! And besides that, we weren’t in the market for a bunch of super expensive furniture. We knew which areas we wanted to look over and specifically shop in. So we did that, and picked up a few things in the warehouse before checking out. We didn’t do too much damage in there at all, which I was impressed with. Then, we ducked back to returned, grabbed the new pieces, and headed to the car.

We were both chilled and tired, so we drove to the nearby Olive Garden right during the lunch rush, and were magically seated immediately in a booth. We ate our fill of that delicious chicken gnocchi soup and breadsticks. Seriously, I know Olive Garden is normal everywhere, but we don’t have one in Saskatoon, and that soup is ridiculous. And in SO good!! Potato balls are the way to be. But once lunch was done, we paid our super tiny bills and were on our way home.

It was a good drive. Fairly quiet. We were so tired. And the weather really could have been better, if we’re being honest, but we made it safely home. Anytime the snow wants to end, that would be great. While I’ve been busy and shopping all weekend, the impending deck plan is still utmost in my mind! We CANNOT build a deck in the snow!!

All in all, I had such a special, enjoyable girls trip away this weekend. I got to spend some quality catch-up time with Jerilee. I got to shop for myself and my family. I did a peel-off charcoal mask. I bought some new makeup. I drank my favorite sangria. I hot tubbed. I rested. I ate tropical chicken pizza, satisfying a craving I have had since I got pregnant with Theo those months ago. I was welcomed home by my favorite little folks, and my favoritest big folk. Brady worked all weekend to make me a present. My mom even sent me some cinnamon rolls to eat for a late supper. I am SO grateful for all that I have and who I have. What a wonderful weekend, and a wonderful reception.

Now, I’m going to have a soak. Its good to be home.

Vacay Day Two

We slept in until around 8:00ish this morning and took our time getting up and awake. We wandered out in search of our continental breakfast around 9:00 and were met with a room bursting with people. There is a cheerleading competition nearby this weekend and it seems we have EVERYONE involved in it staying at the same hotel, haha! So it’s FULL and BUSY. We opted to get our food and drinks, and go have breakfast back in our room. Everything worked out pretty well, except I have to say that the coffee was peculiar. It was super weak, but like, weak like I have never experienced. I’m not one who requires my coffee to taste light jet fuel or anything crazy like that, but it tasted like milk and water with a teeny bit of dirt mixed in. Like it taked like nothing. It wasn’t even especially bad or offensive, but it definitely wasn’t good. It was just odd… 

Our first shop stop was Indigo, though, so we grabbed some Starbucks there. A HUGE loving shoutout goes to my husband who has diligently kept my Starbucks app filled to the brim so Jerilee and I can drink all the coffee we desire. ❤️ Much appreciated. We did a bit of wandering there, but soon ventured into the belly of south common.

I won’t bore you with a specific play by play, but it was a successful shop!! My BEST win was at Spring, so if you need Spring, do it NOW!! We wandered in and out of a handful of places, but as we went from store to store, it got colder and wetter and finally it got quite snowy. It is so strange to be out in snow at this point in the season, though I’m really not surprised. I decided to be thankful rather that it wasn’t blowing and awful and cold. It felt to me like, once the snow started, the cold and wind kind of gave up, and we just walked in the big slow-falling flakes. I don’t care for winter in April (or ever) but it wasn’t altogether miserable. Perhaps even minimally enjoyable. Like I didn’t hate it, ok? Ok, moving on.

We ate lunch a little late, shopping a bit more, and headed back to the hotel early. With the cheer competition going on, the whole pool and hot tub area was SLAMMED full all evening yesterday, and we didn’t get to soak our sore shopping feet like we had hoped to. But in the late afternoon, early evening, we could! We figured the competition would potentially still be ongoing, or that maybe normal people (unlike ourselves) would be eating supper. We were right!! It did fill up after a while, but we had a good solid hour of being fairly antisocial and splash-free. Can’t complain about that! 

Now, we rest. Because we’re old. We’ll venture out for a supper of appies soon!! But it might be a while. We’ve got time. No agenda when its just a girls weekend!

Road Trip Day 1

Bestie Edmonton road trip 2017 has begun!!! Jerilee was at my door shortly after 7:00am with coffee. I kissed my husband and off we went. It was a grey day of travel, and also great. We chatted and caught up like it had been years, but to be fair its been two whole weeks! Haha! That’s a long time for us 🙂 I’d say the first leg of the trip was the longest, and it was probably due to the fact that we were driving to Radisson! It felt so strange to be driving in that direction after so long. We reminisced about how often she would make the trek out to our place for a day of visiting or an evening of supper and the Bachelor. I always appreciated that she was willing to drive out, but I do NOT miss that setting at all. We joked about driving into town and creepily driving past our old house, and then we promptly kept driving. 

After a quick stop in Lloydminster, we were in Alberta and well on our way! We made it to the mall right around lunch, but not before we missed a turn and ended up a weird industrial area of Edmonton. Actually, come to think of it, we ended up in Strathcona. It was entertaining at least. But we were both SO hungry! Subway satisfied our hunger, and we were good to go!

Five. Hours. Of shopping. Solid. Jerilee and I usually mosey through the mall, but today, we were weirdly motivated and focused. We didn’t stop for Starbucks once, we didn’t get a soft pretzel, nothing. We just booked it and SHOPPED. It was pretty great, actually. Jerilee and I did really well! We didn’t get too terribly much, but we are both totally happy with all of our purchases. And guys, I got some REALLY fun makeup! I’ll show you more about it when I’m home 😉 Very exciting! 

We hit the Spaghetti Factory for supper, and honestly, we had easily the crappiest experience either of us have ever had there :/ We tried to speak to our server about it and she was completely defensive and wouldn’t give an inch. It was weird and off-putting. There have been talks of calling a manager, but at this point, what would they do? We don’t haver a Spaghetti Factory, so some future coupon/discount wouldn’t benefit it. And we knew our server was new. But there were some silly issues that would have been easily cleared up. Not good, guys. Not good. So I’ll admit, Jerilee and I were grumpy. Our food wasn’t even yummy.

We hit one or two more places in the mall and then drove to our hotel. At least that was the goal. Don’t you love when you haul everything into the lobby  of the hotel that isn’t the one you made a reservation at? Lol! That was TOTALLY my fault, but we had a laugh and backtracked to our actual hotel. Felt pretty silly 😉 But we did make it! We’re here now. The beds are comfy, the room is close to the pool/hot tub, and there is the promise of continental breakfast tomorrow. Things are looking good!!

Outlets tomorrow!!! Have a great weekend, friends! <3 

When and When Not

I hope I’m not the only parent that has trouble deciding when and when not to intervene when my children disagree. By disagree, I mean argue, fight, scream, stomp, etc. Every level of “disagreement.” To be honest, I very likely intervene more than most. Sometimes too much. I don’t want to get in the middle of every argument, but I do want to pump into my kids the proper way to deal with other people, in good and bad.

This morning, the kids went downstairs to play. Our basement isn’t finished, so they have a lot of room to rip around with their ride-on toys, make a lot of noise, etc. I was upstairs doing some dishes and I heard the arguing begin downstairs. This time, I decided to let them figure it out among themselves, at least as long as it seemed like a good idea 😉 You know what I mean. So I worked on dishes, but my ears were open.

When the fighting became screaming, I dried my hands and started towards the stairs, but I heard stomping. I waited, and Laela made her way upstairs. She was pissed. I asked what happened and she said she had wanted one of the toys that Dekker and Rowan had. This is a daily struggle. Everyone wants what they don’t have. Its natural. So I pep talked her a bit, but instead of sending her downstairs again on her own, I went down with her. It kind of went against what I was hoping to do, but I figured I could do it well, and without pinpointing anyone or anything specific.

So Laela and I walked down the stairs, and she apologized to the boys for screaming at them. Then, we all chatted a bit about how the big toys were super fun, and everyone wants turns. A brief overview of how we politely ask for our turn, and how we patiently wait for the person to finish their turn before expecting our turn to start. Simple enough, but definitely not always simple for kids. As I was talking, Rowan began unloading his toys from the shopping cart he had been racing around with. With his arms filled with those toys, he nudged the cart and said “Here go, Laela.” She thanked him, and everything seemed to have diffused. I high fived Rowan for his mad sharing skills, and started heading back up the stairs. As I walked away, I heard Rowan say “I walk wiff you, Laela.” She said “Aw, thats nice, Rowan,” and that was just it. Crisis averted, everyone is happy.

After a handful of tricky moody days for myself, I felt really good to be able to go into a simple situation with a level head, and speak intentionally. No “Who has had their toy the longest? Share it.” Nothing like that. Just a reminder of how we like to handle situations and how we like to show love. And it worked!!

I’m not dumb. I don’t expect this will be the time that it all sinks in, and no one will ever fight over a toy again. But it felt good, and successful, and like it sunk in for now. So I’m calling it a success 🙂

Wish me luck for the rest of the day! Tomorrow the REAL fun begins!!! ROAD TRIP!!!!

Just, Oy

Its been one of those days around here, and it’s still the early afternoon! It definitely feels like a day that we either NEED to get out and do something just to change our scenery, or we need to stay in with the curtains closed and just wait for it to be over. Since we were out and about yesterday, I think we’ll need to just hide. I’m SO thankful for my 100% supportive husband who is working hard to keep a positive attitude while the kids and I are crusty.

I should say, though, that I felt pretty fabulous upon waking up. Never before has my bed headed, first thing in the morning hair looked so fun! Haha! Its nice to magically feel put together straight out of the gate! So thats a small bonus, haha! Plus Brady gave me a break to go do my makeup free of children and scrapping, which was SUCH a gift.

And I’m going out tonight! I never really go to parties that people throw to promote certain brands and such, but I was invited to one where I know I actually want a couple of things from, so I guess I’m going! It’ll be good to go be social after everyone is in bed.

This is such a bad, weird post. I’m sorry, guys. Its just not our day around here. Yesterday was awesome, though, so its all balancing out 😉 They can’t ALL be perfect days, right?