I feel mildly scandalous posting about my pregnancy on a day when most people would likely be posting about Canada Day (or at least Canadians would be) but I’m just a tad more interested in talking about the little papoose. Hopefully no one objects 😉 I guess, if you do, you don’t have to read! Isn’t that freeing? Haha! Aaaaanyway…
Onto my second entry in the series!
Comparisons/Size: The fun little comparison chart I’m liking this time around compares the baby’s size to that of a pecan! Beyond that, I’m kind of useless to you in this category. I don’t weigh myself on the regular, and I don’t care to measure my stomach, haha! I know my starting weight so I’ll keep you in the loop along the way when I do gain some, but it will not be weekly. Who really cares, though. I’ve gained completely different amounts in each pregnancy, and all the kids are great 😉 so I say again, who cares?
How am I feeling mentally: With my sickness kicking it up a notch (we’ll talk about that in a minute) my nerves have eased a little bit. I would not feel this consistently ill for no reason. I have found some confidence in that, though of course, not 100%. But it helps. Usually my first trimester is filled with nerves and I struggle pretty bad with sleep, but my nausea pills help put me to sleep, which is also helpful towards my mental health. I can tell, I am far less reasonable and far more nervous when I haven’t slept well.
How am I feeling physically: Physically, I have felt better, haha! I’m so thankful for the medication I can take, because it really takes the edge off. I was anticipating updating about this, because earlier this week, I was feeling like my meds had completely taken away my sickness! But I’m pretty sure that was just a good moment 😉 I eat pretty much every couple of hours, sometimes more, and if I don’t, I really feel it. I get SO nauseous and wiped out, and very very shaky. Its hard, honestly :/ It sucks to feel so sick so consistently. I feel unreliable and lazy, but I know its all for a good cause. These days, I know that while I’m sitting still, staring past everyone, completely zoned in my own little world, my body is racing around, working like crazy to build a whole person!! So its allowed to be tired. I can keep all of this at bay with regular eating, thankfully. Doesn’t help with the chills though. Brrrrr!!
Writing it all out is good, actually. My physical struggles are actually helping my mental health! Win!
Appointments: Nope. Still nothing new to report. I said last time that I would be booking another ultrasound soon (I have the requisition on my island and everything) but I’m kind of hanging onto it until I feel I need it more, you know? I’m hoping to book it this week, though.
Buys/Wish List: I’ve resisted up to this point! I’m thinking, though, I want to buy a new, BIG water bottle soon. I have one thats kind of small and I don’t like the spout on it very much. I’d like one with a straw. Maybe even just one of those BIG clear Starbucks cups with a straw. I’ve seen water bottles that have measurements and times on them, so they kind of dictate that you should have drank up to that line by whatever o’clock. I would LOVE one like that but I have no idea where to find such a thing locally, or even for a decent price. But I can safely say I do NOT drink enough water. So I should buy something like that sooner than later.
How are the other kids feeling about the whole things?: Not too much has changed in this area. Everyone is still happy. Dekker brought the baby up this week over breakfast. First, he told me he really wants the baby to be a girl. Then, he suggested the baby name “Beaver.” Laela and Rowan jumped in with their full support on the name he had chosen, and they all tried to convince me it was a beautiful name. I asked if anyone had any other ideas. “Girl Love” was suggested. I thanked them for their input, and told them to keep thinking about names, and that I LOVED that they were excited about the baby. But for the record, we will not be naming our baby either of those names…
The BEST thing about being pregnant this week: I think the best thing about being pregnant this week was the fact that I felt optimistic, and hopeful. To me, that speaks of all of the people who are lifting us up in prayer, and that God is here. I know there is no guarantee ever in pregnancy. EVER. And I know myself, and I should be anxious. But at the moment, I’m not. I’m thankful for my discomfort and symptoms reminding me that the baby is growing and developing, and I can feel less fear and more gratefulness and excitement. The BEST thing about this week is the peace I’ve been feeling.
Anything else? Uuummm…I bought non-alcoholic radler. I haven’t tasted it yet, so I guess this doesn’t count for much, but wish me luck! It would be such a fun surprise if it was delicious! My hopes are definitely higher than my expectations.

Pictures: I had to run upstairs to take one before I started writing today’s post. I even put jeans back on! You’re welcome.

I definitely do not have a baby bump yet, but things are changing, anyway. Its all still soft and bloaty, but it counts. This looks like baby bloat, which I’m thankful for. It does good things for my heart, too, to see that I already have something to show for my pregnancy. I never show so early, except I did with Theo. I was worried that, for some reason, I wouldn’t show early this time, and I would maybe feel like I made my Theo bump up or something. But I didn’t. Its a nice reminder that he was with us, even for that short time 🙂 Very much another little family member. One I still miss dreadfully. I would be about eight months pregnant right now had he lived.
All in all, I liked this week. I’m so happy to be nine whole weeks pregnant! While time is positively inching by, I’m thankful for every day that I’ve been able to be pregnant. Summer has come, and will likely go way sooner than I imagine. And then we’ll be settling into a new routine with Dekker going to school full time, and Laela starting preschool. And as soon as we get all comfortable and settled, it’ll be Christmas. And SO SOON after Christmas, it’ll be our turn. I try so hard not to look too far ahead, but its hard some days. I wish I didn’t have to be so far away, but I can wait. ❤️