The Second Lake Day of 2017 in Photos

Alrighty! Here goes another post of pictures of a day at the lake! 🌊 I don’t think we’ll ever NOT love going to the lake. This season, the kids only love it more and more. Driving home from the lake, they’re already asking to go again tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to our vacay in a few weeks!!! And obviously, so are the kids! I should really make sure we have life jackets for everyone, though, in case they do get brave enough to go further out. I think we have something for most of them, but I think Dekker may have outgrown his. 🤔 I’ll have to do some looking around and planning.

The BEST pictures we got of the kids were right at the beginning of our day, when we had bought some treats from the bakery and went to eat them in a little sheltered cook shack to get away from the wind. Though I feel like I need to preface this by saying that Dekker was SO BUSY on our day away that he was almost impossible to get a picture of! So if there are less photos of him, its not because we love him any less. Its because he would much rather jump around and explore than pose for a picture or even show his face, haha!

With it being windy and iffy out, we didn’t pull out the sand toys after all, and stuck to the playground. Some kids even joined Dekker on the teeter totter! I thought he’d have a conniption with how high up that older girl kept bumping him. SO high up, and with SUCH a hard bounce. But nope, he handled it. Way to go, Dekker!

Solly was also SOOO CUTE!!!

Beyond that, we did some more touring the town and walked over to the pier to see the water.

It was so dark and wavy, but SO gorgeous. I would’ve loved to just jump right in!

They tried a hill along the way, but the little miss got stuck <3

It was a fairly short day at the lake this time around, but again, I’m so glad we went 🙂 It just gets better and better.

I can’t wait to go back!

Made Up My Mind

I’ve had some feedback both ways, and I decided to move my blog series to Monday. I could just roll with the series as is, but honestly, for my memory, I would rather do it on my roll over day. While I love not having to think too much on a Saturday, and just be excited about my pregnancy, but that’ll be almost nicer on a Monday, when reality hits again and its often a very tired day. Monday will be good. So I’m SORRY about the switcheroo, but thinking totally selfishly, I’m changing it to Monday because I want to. Just me 🙂

So since we’re NOT talking details on the baby on today’s post, I was planning to post pictures from our lake day yesterday. However, thanks to our lake day and thanks to the baby, I am completely wiped out, and haven’t loaded up the pictures off of the camera, haha! That might be a post for tomorrow. Don’t judge me. It’ll happen, I promise.

Today has been a pretty busy day, actually! Brady set his alarm for 7:00 to prepare for the day, and once again, I didn’t sleep well and was awake and disoriented long before then. I dragged my sorry behind out of bed not too long after he did, once I caught wind of the fact that he couldn’t locate the permit and information we had about our basement development. By the time I came down to help, though, he had recovered it from who knows where, and the plan was fine and in motion. Shortly after 8:00, his friend from work showed up and they began the tedious process of measuring out the basement, placing the interior walls, and finally, building them.

While that all played out, I was upstairs, feeding the kids and spending the morning with them. They’re all grossly overtired from our day away yesterday, it seems. Laela felt super sick first thing this morning, but perked up a bit. Rowan was super on edge, as was Solly. Dekker seemed to have it together pretty well, which I am thankful for. That makes one of us! But we rocked a very low key morning. I had planned to take the kids out while the work was going on, but the first cut of the saw didn’t seem to bother anyone, and we didn’t manage to get our hands on the ram set we needed to hammer into the concrete, which eliminated the super loud part. Dekker commented, after the saws and compressors had begun making noise “Hmmm, that’s not too bad. I must be a bit older now…” He’s correct, lol! The friend who came to help could only stay until 1:00, so we just rolled with the semi-noisy morning, and everyone lived. No biggie. Thank goodness.

I started to fade hard coming up on noon, so I dragged myself up off my butt and got the kids some lunch. Solly was resisting his food in a pretty big way, and whatever food I could get into his mouth, he’d remove with him fingers, check it out, and put it back in if he desired it. And then his gooey hands would rub aaaaall over his face, into his eyes and brows and nose and all the places. And WOW did that turn my stomach today!!! I could barely handle it! I admit, I put both he and Rowan down for their naps still sticky. I was so very tired, and so grossed out, and so so sick. It was just over for me.

The basement is on pause for the day, and I’m BUSHED. I’m heading to bed to rest. I’m out a bit this evening and at this rate, I will not be fun, so I’ve got to sleep a bit or doze or something. Wish me luck!!

And seriously, hopefully switching up the series doesn’t mess with anyone’s heads too much. I will just be so much easier on my mind this way.

Another Day Trip

We spent another day at Waskesiu. The forecast was for BEAUTIFUL weather and for whatever reason, the actual weather was somewhat disappointing :/ All morning, it was VERY windy, and rained on and off. The water looked amazing, and as a kid, I would have been all over that, but it would have frozen and terrified our kids. So our plans to actually get the kids in the water this time didn’t exactly pan out. Merp.

But it was ok. We rolled with it. While we waited for the rain storm that followed us to town to decide what it wanted to do, we grabbed cinnamon buns and found a cook shack to eat our treat in. Once we figured the rain had moved on for at least a little while, the kids busied themselves with the big playground on the beach. It was more chaotic this time, with obviously many more people around, and all three of the big kids running in opposite directions. But Brady and I just kept counting to three, playing with Solly, and praying for some sun.

The sun did come out after a while, and the kids were positively loving standing up to their knees in the lake and getting splashed around. They probably would have loved to get into swim stuff and get wet, but sadly, at that point, it was getting on in the afternoon and Solly was SHOT and desperately needing a nap. Rowan wasn’t far behind him in that department either. So instead, we said goodbye to the beach and the playground, and went for a walk around town so Solly could rest in the ergo with me, and Ro could ride in the stroller for a bit. (Jami! I stuck my head into your store but you weren’t there!! Booooo!)

We found a little play structure tucked away by the community hall, so the big ones played there while I worked to get Solly to sleep. No dice. That poor kid went from total stillness to crying and twitching back to staring blankly. He just couldn’t get there. He needed a drive.

So once again, instead of going to one of the fun local places for supper, we headed out a couple of hours earlier than anticipated, and drove to PA for supper. All four of the kids slept on the drive there, and were nice and refreshed in time for supper. Win win.

We’re home now, and everyone is tucked in for bed. I admit, my body is CRYING. Its so silly. We walked the loop of the town twice. Thats really all we did for exercise today. Maaaybe a bit more. I did run to and from the beach to the van a couple of times to get things, but it was a pretty low key day. But my legs feel like I’ve been running and running and running. They can barely hold me up anymore. My lower back hurts and my arms just want to hang there. I wasn’t even that active!!! Its pretty brutal, and annoying, honestly. I’m not pregnant enough to feel this wiped out, and I wasn’t busy enough to feel this wiped out, so I guess I’m just a wimp :/ Don’t love that conclusion, but I’m a bit of a loss otherwise.

I’m bushed. I’ll post some pictures soon. Not today. Another day. The kids were far too cute not to post. But it just cannot be today. Tomorrow is busy too. We shall see!

I Saw My Doctor Today

think I’m going to talk about my appointment today, and I’ll leave out a few details and put them in the series post, so there isn’t too much overlap, I promise! I don’t want to get boring and repeat myself too much, but I also don’t want to wait to post about my appointment, because I think I’m going to change my series day to Tuesday. It’ll just be easier to remember my rollover day that way 🙂 Aaaaanyway…

I had a prenatal appointment this morning. My last one was five weeks ago, and it wasn’t with Dr. Guselle, but with a student doctor. Conveniently, we knew her and all was well, but I haven’t seen my doctor since the dreaded week between finding out Theo had died, and actually making the decision to help him come out of my body and officially “losing” him. It wasn’t our best visit, so it was really good to see her today and catch back up.

We brought the whole gang, which we haven’t done in a while. It was a LOUD appointment, haha, but it was really good 🙂 It was the “big” appointment, so it was filling out the long sheet of questions, the family history, the physical, trying to hear the heartbeat on the doppler for the first time, etc. It was a long appointment, but I actually really like the big appointment. It makes me feel organized and a bit more ready, and like its all real. Plus, I have had enough normal paps in the last few years to not need one for a couple now, so I know its too much info, but YAY for not needing a pap today! Win!

While the kids pushed around the rolly chairs and climbed on and off the exam table, we went through all the questions. There was a very interesting moment when we went through basic info/history of our kids, and Brady and I disagreed about when Solly’s birthday was! Hahaha! It was the ultimate parent fail moment, where I thought it was one day and Brady thought it was another, and we both had legit reasons that we knew we were right. I’ll toot my own horn here and say that Dr. Guselle laughed at us, looked it up herself, and I was right. Whew! 😅 But I was really starting to wonder if I had it wrong!!! Panic to the max!

My physical went fine, nothing riveting to report on that. I’ve gained some weight, but I’ve ben eating nonstop to keep my nausea at bay, so I can’t complain or be surprised. My blood pressure was fine, nothing swollen anywhere weird, lymph nodes are all happy, ab muscles are all nicely connected to one another, lungs are clear, etc. She felt for my uterus in my lower abdomen and sure enough, there it was! Not the bump I’ve been anticipating, but she commented right away that it was right there. I felt for it, and it was hard in that spot, just not very raised, but I’m not picky! She grabbed the doppler next and began the hunt for the baby’s tiny little heartbeat. We saw it only yesterday on our ultrasound, but I still really appreciated that she tried for it. It was a longer hunt, and she mentioned that sometimes, baby is still tucked so far down that it might not be possible to find. She asked if I would be nervous or worried if I left todays appointment not hearing it, and I assured her it would be fine. I mean I JUST saw it the day before. But she kept on hunting. We kept having moments where we’d just look at each other, positive we had just heard but it, but just couldn’t pin it down. She kept digging for it, as low as she could possible get her doppler down, and then out of nowhere, she found the baby, waaay high up! Higher up than I thought my uterus even came! We were both happily surprised, and I thanked her for trying so hard to find it for me. It was a strong, fast heartbeat, and we even managed to get it on video! (I wish it was as easy to add a video on here as it is to add a picture, but it has to be through YouTube or something similar, and I just don’t always think it would matter enough to people to put in the extra effort. Merp.) It was a really really uplifting appointment, and I feel more and more like this is all real. IT IS!!

All of the kids were pretty over it by the time we left, but Dr. Guselle walked us out to the desk and made sure everyone got set up with a sticker of their choice first 🙂 Pretty perfect that there were Paw Patrol stickers this time around! We got all that we needed, and I booked an appointment for Solly on the way out, since I keep forgetting he needs his one year vaccines!! Its ok, I’m only maybe 6 weeks behind, I’m not as far behind as I’ve been in the past!!

Todays appointment just felt like a great success 🙂 I feel optimistic about our baby and my pregnancy and what is to come. I feel encouraged and excited and thankful. Its a good way to feel at the end of a morning at the doctors!!!

I Had an Ultrasound Today

I mentioned back on the weekend that I had booked an ultrasound for this week, and that I wasn’t sure when to share about it, whether to wait for the series I post on Saturday, or on the day. I’m not excellent at waiting, and SO much of pregnancy is waiting, so I decided to talk about at least some of it today. Because waiting is the worst. And also because I now have some decisions to make that I wasn’t expecting!

We ran the morning fairly normally. The kids got up, ate breakfast at a snails pace, and got dressed to go. We made decent time, miraculously, and doddled in the van for a few minutes before going in to the ultrasound clinic. The last time we took all of the kids into an ultrasound was when I was at the halfway point with Solly. It was at a different clinic, and the kids had done fine. We hadn’t brought anyone more than Solly since then, and just hoped they’d be low maintenance during the scan. At least we were back at our usual place, where each little exam room has a toy corner! Woot!

The kids waited very patiently in the waiting room, and it wasn’t too long before we were called in. We see the same tech every time we go in, which is good. At first, it was a bit strange, because she was very quiet and nervous, it seemed. She saw us a lot during the time that we suffered our miscarriage. So. Many. Ultrasounds. And all to confirm that the baby was gone, rooting for the baby to be gone. It was such a hard time. I knew she was nervous when she first saw us with this pregnancy. We all so badly wanted it to be a positive experience. The more we’ve seen her, she’s loosened up and gotten to know us a bit better 🙂 We like her a lot.

She was very relaxed, even with the crew of children we brought along with us. She asked if everything was going well so far with the pregnancy, and we got right to the scan. As soon as I lifted my shirt up for her to scan my tummy, she commented on how I had grown a little. I can TOTALLY HONESTLY say it warmed my heart. I laughed and said “I hope its all baby in there!”

And sure enough, there was indeed a baby in there 🙂 I cried. Guys, a WHOLE BABY is in there! Two hands, two arms, two legs, two feet, with a big ole head, a little bum, and a beautiful heart, beating confidently 161 times per minute. The baby was tucked a little funny, and the tech had me go pee, but asked me to leave some in there. Guys. Have you ever tried to do that? Its hard! Haha! But I could, so YAY!, for Hailey’s awesome pelvic floor and bladder control! 🙌 I came back feeling much more comfortable, and she gave us a whole other tour of the baby, picking out which legs bones were which, which hand was where, and BEST of all, we got to watch our baby move around! Baby bounced with their feet, and wiggled their hands around lots! It was amazing, and mesmerizing, and brought my heart so much joy. Of course, she couldn’t tell me anything in great detail, but as far as I could tell, it seemed complication-free.

The one thing I did learn that was actually pretty awesome was that the baby was measuring big! Now back in the day, at my first ultrasound, according to my dates, I should have been 5 weeks 5 days, but baby was only measuring 5 weeks exactly. I was sure my baby had actually stopped growing and we just didn’t know it yet. Then about a week and a half later, at a follow up ultrasound, baby was following those dates, just short one day at 6 weeks 3 days. So we went with that date. Well today, based on those dates, I should be 10 weeks 4 days, but instead, baby measured 11 weeks 1 day!!! Lots of numbers to follow, but basically, I’m back to my original dates! I wasn’t terribly worried about dates at this point, but it makes me heart happy that my initial numbers were right 🙂 Mama knows best!

I’ve been a bit floaty since  Now I’m left with a pretty silly quandary that I hope you guys can help with. What in the world do I do now about my blog series? I was doing it on my rollover days, being Saturday, as that was THE DAY I would turn however many weeks. I did my ten week update on Saturday, and now I’m already past eleven weeks. Sooooo what should I do? Keep Saturday’s but skip a week numberwise? Or talk about how the bulk of my 11th week has looked, even though its not over at that point? Should I move the series to Tuesday, to have it on my rollover day, and just skip the 11 week update? Guys, I don’t know! Any thoughts? I know I’ll make the final decision but I’d love to know what makes the most sense to you guys! Care to share?

What a WEIRD Night!!

Did anyone else have a super strange night last night?? To be fair, there were tornado warnings left and right, and the city just twenty minutes from us was experiencing hail and flooding and all kinds of crazy. Here at home, he got one brief but serious downpour, with lots of lightening long afterwards. The lightening was convenient, because we lost power for a decent chunk of time. So obviously, the sky and weather were off, so I was, too.

Too bad the kids were off too :/ Dekker woke up randomly around 10:00 and was talking super loudly. We went in and he was complaining that his water bottle was empty. He was loud enough that he woke Laela and lulled Rowan, too. Thankfully Solly slept through it. Dekker also mentioned he had gotten up to pee but the light wouldn’t turn on. By that point, I had lit a candle, and set it in the bathroom, so both he and Laela took a bathroom break and went back down to bed. Not before Laela terrorized him for a little while, though, knocking his water bottle over constantly and pestering him. We managed to shut them down and eventually they fell back to sleep.

We played a bit of SkipBo on the floor by candle light, and watched the lightening light the sky up in the open fields just across the street from us. It was relaxing, and beautiful, but it was getting so late.

I usually feel kind of strange going to bed when the power is out. I don’t know why, necessarily. I like to know when it comes back on, which is part of it. I also don’t like waking up to the obnoxious beeping that happens when the appliances all gain power again. I just don’t like not knowing, if I can help it. But unfortunately, we couldn’t help it last night.

I don’t even know when we went to bed, but I took my pill and was out like a light. Until around 1:30, that is, when I lulled awake and noticed a light was on somewhere in the house. I woke Brady (aren’t I nice?) and told him there was a light on somewhere. He rolled out of bed and went to find it and turn it off. It was the main bathroom light, likely from before when Dekker had tried to use the washroom, so we didn’t think to check it before we went to bed. As Brady went to turn the light off, he heard a big thump, which turned out to be Laela falling out of bed! Don’t ask me why, but she bit it right when Brady was walking down towards their rooms. So he went in and helped her back into bed, and told her goodnight again. SO weird.

I woke around 6:30, which is not at all my normal. I heard Solly give a couple of good wails, but stopped pretty quickly on his own. I checked the monitor to confirm that he wasn’t stuck between the bars again, which thank goodness, he wasn’t. And then I lay still and tried desperately to fall back to sleep. No dice. Finally, around 7:30, Brady woke up and offered to make coffee for my poor zombie self. Then, we settled in for some Netflix, and within a half hour ish, I was asleep. I think. I woke up again, this time for good, around 8:30, so my last stretch of sleep was short, and weird, and filled with unsettling, frustrating dreams. You know how sometimes that extra ten minutes actually makes things worse? Yup. Me too.

So obviously, I rocked my morning in a pretty overtired manner. I did my best, but I felt so so sick, and grumpy, and so did the kids, my gosh!! No one had slept well, and it showed.

Our very unexciting plan of the day was that Brady was going to take the van in to have a tire patched, and he had offered to bring the big kids with him and to go during nap time, so I could lay in bed and rest a little bit. However, the little miss was having a terrible time of it over lunch and ended up napping today. She fell asleep before both of the little boys!! She was shot. So Brady and Dekker are having a special date together over a coffee and a smoothie at the tire shop, and I’m having a date with myself over a plastic bucket of chocolate eggs. Don’t judge me, hahaha! Its a great date!

I hope some of you got a tad more rest than I did, but I’m sure a handful of you got even less :/ If you have even a moment of opportunity, put those feet up!! Take care of yourselves!!

The Whole “Brain Fog” Thing

My mind is seemingly lost much further on the days when I haven’t slept well, and unfortunately, that’s been most days. Including today. So I’m pretty used to writing lists to make sure I don’t forget anything. I’m ok with that being my normal. I like lists. I liked them before I had children and lost my mind.

Today, though, my mind is positively buzzing!! Its still wildly disorganized, but its just going a mile a minute! I have constant chills, haha! I have TONS of things to think about! From the notice of our property taxes, to positive things happening in the lives of my extended family, to all of my appointments this week, to planning our basement project, to my anxiety around my pregnancy, to being hungry, to our upcoming lake trip, to not being ready to age at the end of the month, to stories in the news, to plans we still have to make and map out for summer, to our grocery list, to EVERYTHING ELSE. And thanks to my general brain fog, I’ve likely already forgotten half of the things that my mind has been rolling over all morning long. Lots of nerve wracking stuff, but lots of positives too! And it makes no sense to make a list, because none of it really needs recording, and no one thing goes with another, it seems, haha! The only thing on my mind that really requires any action is planning out the rest of our summer, which is hard without knowing much of Brady’s work schedule for August. The rest of it is either waiting, processing, or daydreaming. Haha! Yet even with such low pressure, I still feel crazy in the head. And sick and tired beside.

So today’s post is just rambly, but that’s really all I have to offer at this point! I keep getting goosebumps because I keep having thoughts and ideas that either freak me out or make me excited. Also, Brady is going to be home fairly soon, so I can explode some of my conversations onto him, haha!

Or maybe when he gets home, I’ll sleep. Hmmm. Both options sound so good…

What We’ll Now NEED to Buy For the New Baby

I’ve mentioned once or twice that we really don’t have a long list of things to buy for the next baby. We’ve had a good handful of kids already, so we have the bulk of what we need. However, yesterday, Rowan BROKE his crib.

To be fair, both of our cribs we bought second hand. The one Rowan is in went through three kids before we got it, and then Dekker was in it for a pretty decent stretch of time. I don’t even remember how long. Maybe he was 2.5 ish when we turned it into a day bed? I’m iffy on dates. But he was still using it when Laela came along. They were both in cribs/daybeds when we got pregnant with Rowan, and changed things up with Dekker so Rowan would eventually have a crib. So Laela never used that crib. Long explanation long (haha) Rowan is the fifth kid to actively use this crib.

Yesterday, when I went to get the kids up in the morning, Dekker and Laela told me right away that Rowan mattress was “sticking out” on one side. Sure enough, one corner was drooped down to the floor. I figured the screw had wiggled loose or maybe even broken off, and said that I’d get Brady to fix it once he was home in the afternoon. No big loss.

However, when he did come home and lift the mattress out, the steel bracket holding the board in was broken clean in half. There was no easy repair, beyond contacting the company and seeing if they could offer us a replacement part. For the time being, however, it works to just remove the support board entirely, and Rowan is basically sleeping on a mattress on the floor, but with the crib walls around him, haha! Its a tad cage-ish, but thats not that different than a normal crib 😉 So we’ll keep it this way as long as we need, and when the time comes for Rowan to upgrade his way out of a crib, we’ll likely junk whats left of it and buy a new crib for little papoose!!! We’re in no real rush, because let’s be real. Baby will live in a playpen in our room for quite some time first. Still, though, its in the future.

I’m SO excited to buy a new crib!! New or new-to-us doesn’t matter, but I’m excited to find another one and add to it our furniture 🙂 To get to choose a style or find a deal or whatever other details play into it at the time. I just feel like I haven’t gotten to even consider purchasing much more than baby clothes for a good few years, since we have all of the bigger things we need for a new little one. But this will be SO fun!!

I have a pretty long time to wait and search, but its something fun to look forward to 🙂 Along will all the other AMAZING things I’m looking forward to!

Thanks for breaking your crib, Ro. Seriously. I appreciate it.

Expecting the Best: 10 Weeks

The time has come, once again! To be honest, I love doing this series, and part of that is not having to be too creative on a Saturday, to have the layout of my post all organized for me in advance, and then I can just babble about my baby to my hearts content 🙂 Its my favorite day to post. So we begin.

Comparison/Size: This is my favourite comparison yet 🙂 The baby is roughly as big as a Lego guy!! I told the kids and they thought it was hilarious. Which I like, because they’re putting things together and actually picturing a baby as tiny as a Lego guy. Dekker made a joke about taking the baby out and playing with it in his Lego… I told him the baby wasn’t ready to come out yet, but that it was nice that he wanted to play with the baby already. Haha! Oy. Kids. Its usually around this time that I can start to feel the bump of my uterus just above my pubic bone, and unfortunately, I still can’t. The only other time I couldn’t feel it at this point was last time, with Theo, when he had already stopped growing a couple weeks before. So this isn’t the most comfortable I’ve ever felt. I admit that I’ve had my moment of “Why did I share this so early? What if this baby dies too? Why would I start a blog series?!” but I have to bring myself back to the actual answers, which are “I want to share this baby’s life! I want as much support and prayer as I can get! And if something happens and this baby dies, I’ll need just as much, if not more, support.” So we’re rolling with it 🙂 But please do pray that my grapefruiterus (see what I did there?) makes an appearance very soon!

How am I feeling mentally: Well I’d be feeling better if I could feel my uterus!! Haha! I’m anxiously awaiting some kind of milestone to pass. Something. Anything! My little uterus bump. Baby movement. (I know thats still a ways off, don’t worry) Hearing its heartbeat on a doppler. ANYTHING would make me feel a bit less anxious, really. But we wait. I can honestly say I’m not wasting hours worrying and worrying that our baby has died, but I am anxiously waiting for some time to pass so I can feel a bit more comfort.

How am I feeling physically: My nausea is ok. Its somewhat under control, as long as I snack a lot, which isn’t especially normal for me. But I can be abnormal 😉 You guys know that. My biggest beef with my physical health is that I’m not sleeping well AT ALL. My nausea medication is really nice and drowsy, so I don’t struggle at all to fall asleep, but I lull constantly and am so disoriented and wakeful in the nights. I can’t imagine what else I can do for my sleep, but its on my list to speak to my doctor about. That, and my boobs STILL hurt!! SO bad!!

Appointments: I have a doctors appointment next week!! I’m actually kind of unsure how to post about it though. Normally, I’d write that days post about it, but do I save it for Saturday so I can add it to the series? I don’t know. Opinions? I also have an ultrasound next week. Yup, I bit the bullet and booked it. Its time to get some reassurance. I’m ready.

Buys/Wish List: I did it. I bought a baby thing. Its a blanket. I am both excited and embarrassed that I ALREADY bought a baby thing, hahaha! I’m still keeping my eye on that pair of maternity jeans at the Gap, but no good sales. Where are those “no exceptions” sales when you need them? The deals never include denim!! Grrrrr.

How are the kids feeling: They’re VERY curious to SEE the baby. Rowan has taken to lifting up the bottom of my shirt and asking to see the baby. If only it were so simple, lol! They’ve noticed the ultrasound pictures on the fridge, and have asked if they’ll get to come to an ultrasound. Honestly, they could. Selfishly, I kind of would prefer them not to, so Brady and I could just focus and see our little baby, but I know it would be so special for them. So we’ll see. Maybe we’ll bite the bullet and do another one of those fun 3D ones down the road that they could come to.

The BEST thing about being pregnant this week: The best thing about being pregnant this week has been hard to nail down. Honestly, my mind has been so preoccupied with other things. When I do end up thinking about being pregnant, and adding another baby, and all of those things, this week I’ve been left feeling more anxious than excited :/ I guess I can say that the best part of being pregnant this week was thinking ahead and realizing HOW MANY PEOPLE are having a baby around the same time as I hope to!! Because I came out with my news so early, its been so different and funny to be seeing more and more pregnancy announcements, but they’re all due before me, haha! Almost everyone I know who is pregnant is due in December, and I’ll be over here, having my baby in January. Soooo if anyone wants to share secret January pregnancy news with me, I’m ready and waiting, hahaha! Its fun to think about all of the people who I’m pregnant with!

Anything else: We still have Theo’s ultrasound picture on the fridge, along with the ultrasound picture of the new little papoose. The question “which one is the dead baby?” is a tough one to swallow, but I know what they kids are trying to say. I’m actually really happy that they haven’t forgotten their other sibling in Heaven. It gets a little confusing to talk to them about our fifth baby, or our sixth baby, because Theo is their sibling, but we can’t go around telling people we’re expecting our sixth, because that gets ultra confusing. While I’m not shy to share with other people, not every stranger wants or needs to know about our recent miscarriage. So the kids know we had Theo, he’s around, but he’s not like with us, here, physically, in our house. So that explanation is fine with them, and its fine with me. He’s a member of our family, but in a different way. We are expecting our fifth baby to hopefully join us here, in our house. Its good enough for them, and for me.

Another “anything else” is that I’m thinking ahead to the rest of the blog series, and I’m SO excited to do some of those old wives tales that hypothetically (but not actually accurately at all) predict the baby’s gender. When is a good time to do that? I feel like its still too early for lots of them, but some of them won’t make ANY sense until basically almost the end of pregnancy, which will be moot, because we really hope to find out the gender at the halfway point. Sooooo any opinions on that? When’s a good time?

Pictures: My bumpity bump…

Still just bloaty, nothing else really. Not too different. But good to keep a record, I suppose.

Thats it, thats all, folks! If you have a thought on when to do the gender predictions, let me know! Otherwise, I’ll just make up a time and go for it, but I don’t know the rules 🙂 I hope you’ve all enjoyed your Saturday! Brady was gone for the morning, but Jerilee came to help me keep the kids alive, so we’ve all had a super lovely day!

Is It Just Us?

I wonder this every single time it happens, but I never ask. It can’t just be us!!

Does everyone else’s kids get their legs stuck between their crib bars? Its only just for a short time. They’ve all seemed to learn pretty quickly, after a few tries. But its happened to each kid so far where, they’ve clearly had their leg in the air, slipped it through the bars, and then lowered it all the way down. Then they scream and scream until we come running, and find them this way. We have to twist their body around lift their leg all the way back up to free them from their entrapment.

So obviously I’m bringing this up because once again, this has happened to Solly. Its his second go at it in the last three days. And the little punk lodges his leg between the bars on the side of his crib that is against the wall. So its not as easy as just lifting his leg back up, but I have to try and bend his knee the right way at the same time, and when he’s in so much pain, he’s not the worlds most cooperative, I’m sure you can imagine.

So this morning, I freed him amidst his screaming, and then tried to comfort him through breakfast, which seemed to work. During breakfast, he poured milk all over himself and his sleeper was soaked. So I changed his diaper and got him out of his wet clothes, and he took off, so I let him just hang in his diaper.

Over an hour AFTER THAT, he still has this big ole dent in his chubby little thigh 🙁

I remember, when this happened to Dekker, he would have dents on the inside of his thighs too, and they’d stay all day 🙁 Solly’s wasn’t even swollen at this point, but MAN! These chubby kids and their chubby legs!!

This cannot be just us!! Is it? There’s no real remedy beyond them figuring it out and just not doing it anymore, right? Some people have said in the past to use bumper pads, but Laela still stuck her legs past them. And then some people think bumpers are totally dangerous. So I have no idea what “the right answer” is on this!!

Help me feel normal here, just for a minute. Please!