The time has come, once again! To be honest, I love doing this series, and part of that is not having to be too creative on a Saturday, to have the layout of my post all organized for me in advance, and then I can just babble about my baby to my hearts content 🙂 Its my favorite day to post. So we begin.
Comparison/Size: This is my favourite comparison yet 🙂 The baby is roughly as big as a Lego guy!! I told the kids and they thought it was hilarious. Which I like, because they’re putting things together and actually picturing a baby as tiny as a Lego guy. Dekker made a joke about taking the baby out and playing with it in his Lego… I told him the baby wasn’t ready to come out yet, but that it was nice that he wanted to play with the baby already. Haha! Oy. Kids. Its usually around this time that I can start to feel the bump of my uterus just above my pubic bone, and unfortunately, I still can’t. The only other time I couldn’t feel it at this point was last time, with Theo, when he had already stopped growing a couple weeks before. So this isn’t the most comfortable I’ve ever felt. I admit that I’ve had my moment of “Why did I share this so early? What if this baby dies too? Why would I start a blog series?!” but I have to bring myself back to the actual answers, which are “I want to share this baby’s life! I want as much support and prayer as I can get! And if something happens and this baby dies, I’ll need just as much, if not more, support.” So we’re rolling with it 🙂 But please do pray that my grapefruiterus (see what I did there?) makes an appearance very soon!
How am I feeling mentally: Well I’d be feeling better if I could feel my uterus!! Haha! I’m anxiously awaiting some kind of milestone to pass. Something. Anything! My little uterus bump. Baby movement. (I know thats still a ways off, don’t worry) Hearing its heartbeat on a doppler. ANYTHING would make me feel a bit less anxious, really. But we wait. I can honestly say I’m not wasting hours worrying and worrying that our baby has died, but I am anxiously waiting for some time to pass so I can feel a bit more comfort.
How am I feeling physically: My nausea is ok. Its somewhat under control, as long as I snack a lot, which isn’t especially normal for me. But I can be abnormal 😉 You guys know that. My biggest beef with my physical health is that I’m not sleeping well AT ALL. My nausea medication is really nice and drowsy, so I don’t struggle at all to fall asleep, but I lull constantly and am so disoriented and wakeful in the nights. I can’t imagine what else I can do for my sleep, but its on my list to speak to my doctor about. That, and my boobs STILL hurt!! SO bad!!
Appointments: I have a doctors appointment next week!! I’m actually kind of unsure how to post about it though. Normally, I’d write that days post about it, but do I save it for Saturday so I can add it to the series? I don’t know. Opinions? I also have an ultrasound next week. Yup, I bit the bullet and booked it. Its time to get some reassurance. I’m ready.
Buys/Wish List: I did it. I bought a baby thing. Its a blanket. I am both excited and embarrassed that I ALREADY bought a baby thing, hahaha! I’m still keeping my eye on that pair of maternity jeans at the Gap, but no good sales. Where are those “no exceptions” sales when you need them? The deals never include denim!! Grrrrr.
How are the kids feeling: They’re VERY curious to SEE the baby. Rowan has taken to lifting up the bottom of my shirt and asking to see the baby. If only it were so simple, lol! They’ve noticed the ultrasound pictures on the fridge, and have asked if they’ll get to come to an ultrasound. Honestly, they could. Selfishly, I kind of would prefer them not to, so Brady and I could just focus and see our little baby, but I know it would be so special for them. So we’ll see. Maybe we’ll bite the bullet and do another one of those fun 3D ones down the road that they could come to.
The BEST thing about being pregnant this week: The best thing about being pregnant this week has been hard to nail down. Honestly, my mind has been so preoccupied with other things. When I do end up thinking about being pregnant, and adding another baby, and all of those things, this week I’ve been left feeling more anxious than excited :/ I guess I can say that the best part of being pregnant this week was thinking ahead and realizing HOW MANY PEOPLE are having a baby around the same time as I hope to!! Because I came out with my news so early, its been so different and funny to be seeing more and more pregnancy announcements, but they’re all due before me, haha! Almost everyone I know who is pregnant is due in December, and I’ll be over here, having my baby in January. Soooo if anyone wants to share secret January pregnancy news with me, I’m ready and waiting, hahaha! Its fun to think about all of the people who I’m pregnant with!
Anything else: We still have Theo’s ultrasound picture on the fridge, along with the ultrasound picture of the new little papoose. The question “which one is the dead baby?” is a tough one to swallow, but I know what they kids are trying to say. I’m actually really happy that they haven’t forgotten their other sibling in Heaven. It gets a little confusing to talk to them about our fifth baby, or our sixth baby, because Theo is their sibling, but we can’t go around telling people we’re expecting our sixth, because that gets ultra confusing. While I’m not shy to share with other people, not every stranger wants or needs to know about our recent miscarriage. So the kids know we had Theo, he’s around, but he’s not like with us, here, physically, in our house. So that explanation is fine with them, and its fine with me. He’s a member of our family, but in a different way. We are expecting our fifth baby to hopefully join us here, in our house. Its good enough for them, and for me.
Another “anything else” is that I’m thinking ahead to the rest of the blog series, and I’m SO excited to do some of those old wives tales that hypothetically (but not actually accurately at all) predict the baby’s gender. When is a good time to do that? I feel like its still too early for lots of them, but some of them won’t make ANY sense until basically almost the end of pregnancy, which will be moot, because we really hope to find out the gender at the halfway point. Sooooo any opinions on that? When’s a good time?
Pictures: My bumpity bump…

Still just bloaty, nothing else really. Not too different. But good to keep a record, I suppose.
Thats it, thats all, folks! If you have a thought on when to do the gender predictions, let me know! Otherwise, I’ll just make up a time and go for it, but I don’t know the rules 🙂 I hope you’ve all enjoyed your Saturday! Brady was gone for the morning, but Jerilee came to help me keep the kids alive, so we’ve all had a super lovely day!