Second trimester, baby!! We have arriiiiived! Haha! I am SO ready for that promised burst of energy, the disappearing nausea, the better sleep, etc. Not that I’m not optimistic 😉 But I’m not holding my breath that any of that is directly around the corner. Even in my past pregnancies, where I’ve had FAR less sickness, I’m still sick for another couple of weeks at least. Such is life. Such is having babies. I’m willing to take that hit!
Comparison/Size: Apparently, the baby is roughly the size of a Hot Wheels car this week! When I told the kids, Dekker just burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing he’d heard all day. I love the thought of it, though. Thats a decent size! I’m pumped. Also, I hear my uterus has grown from the size of a grapefruit to the size of a softball. Are those even that different? Lol! I’m not good at sports…..
How am I feeling mentally: I’m feeling fairly at peace about my pregnancy. Not all the way, but pretty good. There was so much relief with my recent appointments, and there was a definite shift that came with that. I feel better overall. Yet I feel like the chase for the next milestone will never end until this pregnancy does. Or at least until I can feel movement. That is SUCH a wonderful reassurance to have every day once it starts. I’m anticipating it very much. I still feel a bit nervous, as my body hasn’t grown the same way it has in the past. I can finally feel my uterus, but its not the good sizeable bump I can cup in my palm when I’m laying down. I used to be able to feel that exact thing right around 10-11 weeks every other pregnancy. But I have no real reason to think things aren’t going smoothly. Besides these things, we are swiftly approaching the due date I was so anticipating in my previous pregnancy with Theo. So that is definitely heavy on my heart, but it feels a little bit different. Separate, almost? I’m not sure.
How am I feeling physically: Things are still trucking along. My meds have kept me alive and well, as well as kept my nausea under control. However, I did dry heave my face off yesterday to the smell of coffee brewing, so I’m clearly not out of the woods yet. On a separate note of physical feelings, let’s talk about boobs for a minute. You can take it, don’t worry. They have been hurting like there’s no tomorrow for a solid 7 weeks now, and they have FINALLY grown a bit! Any chance they won’t keep hurting? Like its not looking good, they still hurt 24/7, but maybe the end is near since they finally did their thing. Maybe? I can dream.
Appointments: Nothing new here. I’ll see my doctor mid-August.
Buys/Wish List: Ok! I bought something, finally!! Remember a while back, I mentioned that I ordered some jean shorts from the Gap and was eagerly awaiting their arrival, since my current shorts were getting SO tight and pinchy and cutting in? It seemed like they took forever to come, and when they finally did, they didn’t fit. Now I KNOW some people will hate me for this, but I’m allowed to be annoyed, so don’t hate on me. They were the smallest size that exists. Size 0. For the record, I am NOT a size 0. Ever. But Gap clothes fit on the larger side, and I am actually quite annoyed that their smallest size is too big on me. I KNOW there are LOTS of pregnant women who are smaller than me. What a pain. So I need to send those back, but in the meantime, I went to Thyme Maternity yesterday and bought two pairs of shorts to last me through until the end of summer. They were already all on sale, and then as an added surprise, they were an additional 50% off, so I got two pairs of shorts I really like, that fit really well, for less than I expected to pay for one pair. Win for me!! I prefer the style of the Gap shorts better, but they looked boxy and wide on me, and my butt crack would never be concealed. I’m really thankful to have found what I found. They are much nicer and more comfortable than I was expecting. Thank you, tiny Thyme location, for not being sold out of my size!
How are the kids feeling: The kids are less interested at this point, haha! To their credit, they mention the baby every single day, and they LOVE calling him/her “little papoose.” Its really caught on, which I love. But I don’t think they’ll really show much new interest until they can know the gender. Thats the big question. Is it a boy or a girl. Over and over and over again. I hope we can actually find out!! There has been ONE time only that we weren’t able to find out at our anatomy scan, and we went for a 3D ultrasound about eight weeks later. If, for whatever reason, we can’t find out at our anatomy scan, I doubt we’ll be waiting eight weeks! We’re all so eager this time around, haha!
The BEST thing about being pregnant this week: I think I could say the best part of being pregnant this week was going to a baby shower. Not mine, but my cousins. She is pregnant, I am pregnant, and another guest at the shower was pregnant. It was so much fun to be part of the excitement for her, and to be part of the group of pregnant ladies. It was a safe space to talk babies and pregnancy and all the ins and out, with views from a handful of seasoned moms. Its SO fun for me to be able to talk about my love for my children and child bearing, unabashedly, shamelessly, joyfully. I really enjoyed that. It brought up more excitement in my heart, and an even stronger anticipation for my little papoose. I am SO excited!!!
Anything else: I’m into the fun realm of terrifying pregnancy dreams. Sigh. I’m still quite fatigued, even though I’m technically in my second trimester, and the bizarre dreams are not helping me feel more rested!! Also, I’ve been eating a TON of cinnamon toast crunch, and I’m so hungry for pastry, haha! Turnovers, danishes, the fruit sticks with the big hunks of sugar on top, things like that. SO hungry for that! I may have to buy a bit of it for our upcoming lake trip. Or just buy them from the bakery there, when everyone else is getting sticky buns. Mmmmm…
Pictures: Behold, as per usual, the bumpity bump. Forgive my messy, fluffiness.

I’m really just thickening, haha! I can see the bump, but I’m definitely still at that point where I just look like I just ate recently. I’m ok with that, either way. I know what’s going on.
And these are my shorts!

I admit, the first pair are more comfy because the panel is soft and comfy, but I don’t love the embroidery. The second pair are lighter and more simple, which I like, but the panel isn’t my fave. So they definitely have their trade offs. But both fit really well and I’m SO thankful to have found them for less than $20 each!!
That’s it, that’s all! Its been a nice week. I still feel sick and tired, but I feel happy and excited. Summer is moving quicker than I thought it would, but I’m eagerly anticipating whats all to come. Dekker and I had a great chat this morning over breakfast about whats to come. My birthday is in a few days, and then his is three weeks later. Soon after that, we’ll have a special weekend away, and then school will start. Grade one for Dekker also means preschool for Laela, and a month or so into that, Laela will turn 4! The next thing is thanksgiving, and then halloween. Christmas will creep up fast after that, and only a few weeks after Christmas, we’ll get our brand new baby. There is SO much to look forward to, and while I’m not wishing time to pass, I’m so happy about all that’s to come! I’m so ready for it all.