It felt like a long day getting here but we have arriiiiived!! We are SO happy to be here, and now that we’re all settled in for the night (I know, we’re party animals) I can tell you about the trek.
First, being suckers for punishment, we left WAY too much packing for this morning, so despite our deep hatred for packing like maniacs the day we leave for a trip, that was exactly what we found ourselves doing. The kids ate breakfast and then happily lent a hand anywhere we asked them to. My ridiculous lists paid off, and it seems like we remembered at least all of the important things. Right around noon, the part owner/site supervisor of our home building company came by and did another quick walk through with us. He and some other trades will be through our house while we’re gone to fix a few warranty “issues.” I put it in quotations because none of it was really unexpected. Mostly, we have a lot of screw pops from the house settling, as all new houses do, and a couple of other small fixes. No biggie. We walked through the house with him while the kids waited surprisingly patiently in the pile of furniture pushed into the centre of our living room. It was cute, and the kids loved being perched on the chairs on top of the couches. It was treacherous but they were happy. Finally, around 12:30, we hauled out.
We had planned to eat at home, but it was all just chaotic and we were ready to get on the road, so we stopped for some fast food and coffee before getting on the highway. The kids were happy with their food, and so were Brady and I. It was really good to finally be moving in the right direction. North!
Solly melted down about 1-1.5 hours into the trip. He finally cracked those bottom two molars, making the current total of half-out teeth FOUR! I repeat, he has four molars that are partially out. For those of you who have had the pleasure to be part of the life of a child pushing molars, you know how hard that is. Molars have so many edges, and have to break through the surface of the gums in multiple places. It is, quite literally, a pain. Poor Solly could not get it together. Thankfully, we had planned for a stop in Prince Albert anyway, to buy all the fresh stuff and some dairy products as well. We weren’t exactly stocking up on perishables at home right before leaving. Solly was thankful to get a break from the van, though he preferred to be held over riding in the cart. My blood pressure blows these days, and I’m so easily dizzy, leaving Brady to carry him the whole time. It worked out, though, and we got everything we needed. Even met a couple of nice people who really oo-ed and aw-ed over our kids, which always feels good. I don’t blame them.
After our grocery shop, Solly seemed to have settled (we gave him more meds before we had headed in, so they likely had kicked in by the end) and we got back on the road. From there, it was only one hour to Waskesiu, and there was NOT ONE “are we there yet” from the back seat. Not. One! It was awesome.
We arrived in a total downpour right around 4:30, and the lovely lady who we’ve usually been in contact with came and let us in. The kids were so stoked, and ran back and forth through the place for a solid ten minutes while Brady hauled in our stuff. We were pleasantly surprised to see that this place has been improved and upgraded!!! We loved it before, and we had never had any issues, but it is just that much better 🙂 In the living room, there used to be a futon that didn’t fold up, and usually an armchair as well. It wasn’t perfect, but there was lots of room to stretch out. Now, there is still a futon laid out and dressed up to be used as a bed, and now there is also a leather (ish) couch and two matching (ish) chairs! And a coffee table. And a newer tv, with cable!! It is so so nice! We also have a full kitchen, a full bathroom, and two bedrooms. There is a fan in each bedroom and one in the living room, too. We managed to go from room to room and find six chairs, so there is room for all of us. Seriously guys, if you remember how amped I was about that amazing hotel we found in Calgary, this isn’t too far down the list from there. Its not every day we find a place that houses our crew quite so comfortably, and this is just such a win. It always feels like a gift when its even better than the great place you remembered it to be 🙂
The kids were feeling super wiped from the travel day and the excitement of getting here that they weren’t even very hungry. So they ate a little and headed to bed. Brady and I, on the other hand, ordered take out from the local asian restaurant, and Brady is just to go pick it up now. I’m SO hungry!!!
We are SO happy to have finally made it out here to the lake. Its one of my favorite places, and holds a very special place in my heart. Tomorrow, the real fun begins!! Pray for good weather!!