It’s felt like a very full day already today! Thank goodness Brady is home today!
I took Dekker to school this morning in the frigid windy weather. Luckily, he was happy to break out and wear his new toque to school, so there was no issue there. He was warm and skipping and ready to go. I love that he loves school. His teacher actually showed me some notes she had made about Dekker in the beginning of the year, and her current notes a month into the school year. He is improving SO quickly! She is super happy with how well he’s learning, and so am I.
After I dropped Dekker off, I dropped something off at the post office and headed home. I threw back half of a cup of coffee before loading Laela into the van and heading to preschool. It was my day to help in the class, so I stuck around for the morning. Times moves quickly there, so it wasn’t long before it was time to head back home.
I only lasted at home for twenty minutes or so before I headed to the city for an appointment. In that short window, I managed to eat a small serving of leftover mac and cheese. And then I was off once again.
We grocery shopped as a family the other day, but the poor overtired Solomon we brought was over our shopping trip before it even begun, so we did not hit every place we had hoped to. So I did Costco over lunch. Lo and behold, I ran into my mom there! We did the tail end of our shops together, checked out together, and walked to our vehicles together too. Convenient how we parked in the same row 🙂 It was such a nice visit to break up all the busyness. I love you, mom!!
My last place to hit was my waxing appointment. I haven’t seen my waxing girl in a long time, partially because the last time I went, I waited too long to book and had to see someone else, and partially because I wait WAY too long between waxes, haha! So I hadn’t spoken to her personally since before we lost Jamin. Needless to say, we had a lot to catch up on. It was a really nice visit. Honestly, it felt good to talk about him out loud again. She didn’t get cringy over the details, and I didn’t have to be too careful to say the “wrong” things. It was nice to feel normal. And believe it or not, it was also nice to get my legs and arms waxed, and my brows refreshed. What is it about fresh eyebrows?? Tell me its not just me!
I made it home with about a half hour left of the afternoon before I have to get Dekker, and I’m filling it with blogging. Maybe, when Dekker comes home, we’ll go do homework up in my room, and then I’ll just stay there and sleep. Haha! My day may not sound busy to you but its a lot more running around than I usually prefer, and I am still reeling for this cold. I’m definitely not sleeping as well as I’d like to be. But thats ok. Its only for a time.
I hope you all find some time to sit today <3