Solly and Laela on the Couch

If you’ve been around us in person, or picked up on it from my blog over the years, our kids are not early walkers/movers. Our earliest walker was Laela at 13 months and our latest is now a tie between Dekker and Solly. Solly can absolutely walk a couple of steps from one thing to another, but he reeeally doesn’t care to. So, he crawls, and thats fine for now.

Today, he FINALLY got onto the couch for the first time! He’s only just started trying to recently but he made it his mission this morning, and he finally got it! Yay Solly!!! 🎉🎉🎉

He was met by his biggest supporter. Miss Laela. She was so excited, and then instantly disappointed, as it seemed like he was going to try to climb right back off, but rather he made his way over to her and sat on her lap. Or really, just on her in general.

As you can see, she was THRILLED.

Their cuddle quickly turned into a wrestling match. She just wanted to hug him and hold him, and he was less and less inclined to cooperate. It was so funny to watch, and of course, to photograph.

He’d try to climb over her, but she’d just squeal “Aaaawwww, Solly!!” and grab him.

She finally figured out he wanted a little bit of space, and gave it to him, and everything got a bit more civilized.

One last hug, haha!

After she finally released him, he left the couch, and she went on to the next activity. But Solly went up and down from the couch over and over again. He loves his new found independence. He could get on the kids chairs and the lower stuff, but the big couches are a whole new world!

The two ended up back on the couch together, but you can see Solly is feeling pretty triumphant.

Really, though, everybody won in this case. It was SUCH a cute morning! Solly then fell asleep halfway through lunch and is out cold. He’s still sick, and evenings are LONG, but I’m SO happy he had such an exciting morning.

How Did the Kids Do at Church Today?

Let’s briefly talk about how the kids did before church!

They were SO cute! Hahaha! I was upstairs putting on a bit of makeup when they ALL joined me and hung out while I finished up. I loved it. I love having time to pamper myself, all on my own, but I love when they all join me just as much! Despite Solly working pretty hard to break my glass candle, they were low maintenance, and just chatted with me and with each other, and brushed their faces with fluffy brushes.

Once we got to church, we got everyone out of their coats and to our bench with only two minutes to spare before we were supposed to be up front, leading music with Carrie. 😬 Couldn’t have cut it a whole lot closer than that! But we made it!

The three of us lead a short three-song set, and poor Solly cried the whole entire time. The poor kid has been feeling fevered and cruddy in general for the past two days, and it really showed when he couldn’t be with Brady or I anymore. ❤️ Its a pretty lovely problem to have, really. After a short greeting and a few announcements, we went up and did one more song, and then we were finished for the morning music. We put Solly down in a little playpen in a back room, where he promptly fell asleep, and joined the service. Dekker and Laela went downstairs for childrens church, and it became 4:1, with us and my parents just having Ro on our hands! Last time the big ones went down to childrens church, Ro was SO sad he couldn’t go, too. Unfortunately, he’s not even close to the age that he’d even hypothetically be allowed to sneak down and join in. I was anticipating that this time, as well, but he was so snuggly and beautiful and wonderful. He started with my mom…

ventured over to Brady’s lap, and then made his way over to me after a while. Instead of sitting him on my lap, facing forward, he happily slumped on my shoulder and lay still. I rocked him, and listened to the service. He’d occasionally pop up and face me. He’d show me how he’d turned the little offering enveloped into puppets, and we’d pinch each others noses a couple of times before he’d slump back down and snuggle on me. It. Was. Awesome.

Thank you to everyone who encouraged us and showed us love this morning! Its SO good to be back at church, but its still really hard to get there. Lots of good reasons, all justified, but even so, we’re trying to make church more of a priority, and your love is appreciated and returned.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, friends!!

Brunch and Makeup

We had Brady’s friend from work and his wife over for a waffle brunch this morning. We’ve been meaning to have them over for such a long time, but as many of you can relate to, I’m sure, it was just one of those things that kept not happening! But it finally got done today, and it was a really lovely visit. I’m sad we waited quite so long to have them over, but better late than never! We chatted very comfortably for a few hours, while our kids raced around the house like the crazy sugared up people they were. It was both cute and loud.

They left in the early afternoon, and I headed upstairs to prep for the next part of the day, which was a makeup job! All of my brushes were freshly washed and it was pretty much ready, except for me looking the part, which I did not. So I threw on a quick basic face and put my hair up so I’d at least look like I knew something about makeup. Luckily, I’ve done her makeup before and I never have to be too phony for her 😉

Her makeup turned out pretty beautifully, if I do say so myself. All bronzy and pretty and ready for a night out! When I went to clean up the aftermath, I got a little bit distracted and ended up playing in some makeup myself, haha! I posted a picture on Instagram the other day of my HUGE stack of eye shadows that needed reorganizing, and in there was a palette I had never had the chance to open!! I got it for my birthday, and then five days later, I had gone to the lake, with no time to try it in between. And then very shortly after arriving home from the lake, we found out we had lost Jamin. And in all reality, since losing him, I’ve lost some drive. I don’t feel especially creative, and haven’t put much effort into the fun side of makeup beyond basics. Today reopened that door, and I REALLY enjoyed it! I did a fun, vampy eye look with Urban Decay’s Naked Heat palette, with copper, some rosy tones, and a deep deep purple 😍 It was SO fun, and felt good to be creative again! I hope I get some more chances to play in makeup again soon.

When I came back down from “cleaning up my makeup,” Brady was bathing the kids. Dekker has started to want his own bath, so the other three pile in together. Solly was bawling. He’s not been feeling well today, and was over the bath before it even really started. But when it was all over, there was no reprieve. I went and snagged him out of the bathroom to snuggle him on the recliner, and he cried almost none stop for about an hour. Poor poor dude. He’s doing better now, as the kids are having a super early supper. It was necessary. It will be an early bedtime today!

Our evening plans changed, so we’ve got nothing on the books for tonight! Surprise! But that’ll be great. We woke up super early this morning, and I think we’ll be early to bed tonight. And early up tomorrow, to get to worship practice at church. But I’m looking forward to that. It’ll be good to get there again, and I know the big kids are looking forward to it, too. Assuming Solly is feeling better in the morning 😳 Pleeeaaase!

Sleep well, friends!

Breakdowns Amidst Progress

Yesterday, Brady and I spent a good chunk of time out in the garage. There was purging, rearranging, organizing, box flattening, and and donating involved. We didn’t in any way go through every box, but we were able to make the space WAY more useable! Spoiler alert, at the end of the day, the van drives into the garage better than it did last winter! Its still tight, but its better than ever, and I’m SO grateful for all the work put in to make it possible. Taking all of the kids to school in the morning will be so much easier without having to haul them through the snow and wind and ice in their jammies and jackets.

We found out that Jamin had passed away two full months ago now. As you can probably understand and relate to in some way, at least, time changes things. I can confidently tell you that while our losses aren’t “easier,” they’re more normal. Those boys are part of our family, and have changed my life in so many ways. Thats a post all on its own. But as I’m sure you can also imagine, there are things that trigger my pain just out of nowhere and can send me into a tailspin.

I had a pretty good cry in our garage yesterday.

We had our usually contained heap of storage stuff spread all over the garage, and were trying to put things where they fit a little bit better. Stacking boxes with boxes, and sticking the things that didn’t fit anywhere very well (ie: tonka trucks, a lap pool, hoses, chairs that don’t stack, etc) either into little spaces or all into one big pile. The big pile was growing quickly, and moving towards the garage door. It seemed fitting, since the stuff by the door would likely take the biggest hit weather-wise and dust-wise, and it was mostly outdoor stuff. It was fine, until I realized our baby cradle was in that pile.

To be fair, nothing dirty or gross was in it or anything. But it was RIGHT up against the garage door. I’m positive I’d seen it there before, unconsciously, but let me tell you. A switch flipped.

I’ll pat myself on the back here, because I didn’t completely lose it. I went over to Brady and asked if the cradle could be moved. I pointed out how it would likely get worn and dirty where it was. He agreed right away, and said he’d find a different place for it, no problem.

I should’ve just left it there, but the tears just started flowing, completely out of my control. I blubbered something about how that cradle should never have to be in the garage in the first place. It should be up in our room, beside the bed, and it should have a baby in it. Brady came over and held me while I shook and sputtered and back pedalled. He asked me if I wanted it inside somewhere, like maybe even in Solly’s room, as it has SO much empty space. But I didn’t think I could bear to see it so often. On one hand, it would be a good hopeful reminder, and on another, it would just hurt.

Brady promised to deal with it all, and he delivered. It is still in the garage, but stored totally safely, in a place where it won’t take a beating, and is easily accessible for when we finally need it again.

Crisis averted, for the moment, anyway. It’s always the little things that catch me off guard and send me reeling. I know I’m not the only one.

Yikes, little boys, how I ache for you 💙💙

Productive in a Different Way

Our plans changed last night in regards to today, so instead of framing the end of the basement, Brady was itching for a way to be productive around here. Thanks to all of his efforts with Reid yesterday morning, there were things that he could do today that wouldn’t be loud while the kids napped! Nap time makes construction in the basement so tricky to get to, but we were so thankful when we put the days plans together and found some helpful jobs we could do during the afternoon.

With the tub downstairs, there is more room in the garage, making us closer and closer to getting the van parked inside! This is one of the bigger goals we have. We did add the big freezer to the freezer, but while that does take up a bit of space in there, it is now out of the furnace room!! That means we can finally fit some of our storage from the garage into the furnace room where it belongs!! As I write this, Brady is hauling all of the tubs of kids clothing into the basement to store them under the stairs. The reality is, they probably won’t live under the stairs for long. I’d like them on shelves, and they aren’t built yet. But I know they will live in the furnace room, so I don’t really care about having them in their exact location right this moment. And with the clothing tubs out of the garage, Brady should be able to reorganize our garage well enough that the bus will fit inside comfortably! I’m so happy thats coming 🙂

We spent a chunk of time this morning learning a new song for Sunday morning offertory. The reorganize will probably take a while this afternoon, and from there, we’ll pick up Dekker after school and run to the city for a quick grocery shop! I don’t know about you guys, but we ran out of milk and bananas in the same day, and that is pretty serious business around here. Hopefully we’ll take care of everything we need in just a short trip, and then I’m heading out for the evening to a meeting with a bunch of girls from town.

So its turned into a pretty busy day, but it feels good to know we’re getting a bunch of jobs done in place of the one big job we were expecting to do.

However, before anything else, lunch is next on the list! Work will commence once again once boys are in bed for naps 😴😴

Heavy Things and Big Muscles

I couldn’t be more grateful!! This morning, a friend of ours messaged me and offered to help move our tub from the garage into the basement! If you read a few days back, I was lamenting about how many things there were to do that were dependant on either other people or other jobs taking priority. But this morning, a couple of BIG things were taken care of!!

Reid came off a night shift, after working outside in the crazy wind, and drove out of town to our house to help. It was both unexpected and totally appreciated! Brady, he, and I visited for a while before they actually decided to start moving the tub. The kids were eager to witness the process, though Solly was less than enthused.

Regardless of his joy or lack there of, the three of us headed into the garage and got set up. Reid was far more prepared than we were, and brought out gloves and even a hard hat, just to keep it corny 😜👷 We can always count on you! The started to work right away, and what should have only been a ten minute job became a task that hijacked over an hour of time!

The tub needed to come in the front door rather than through the man door from the garage, so the guys carried it through the crazy wind into the entrance. Who knew that would be the easy part?

They tried everything! The tub went up and down the up side of our stairs, back out the door, and turned around 180. We took off the front door altogether. We pulled chunks of the lumber off of the bathtub that were making it more sturdy to haul but took up space. They. Did. Everything. And it was sooooo close. WAY too close to not go forward with it.

So, we bit the bullet and took the hit. Hits, I should say. And they were pretty sizeable.

Oy. Right? But really, it was too stinking close, the tub was perfect, and these gashes are nothing we can’t putty and repaint fairly easily. It looks a mess now, but I am SO relieved to have that tub downstairs!! Not only that, but we abused our guest just a liiiiittle bit more and he and Brady hauled that big chest freezer out of the basement into the garage!!

Both of those jobs were HUGE, literally and metaphorically, and I am SO thankful to have them DONE! Brady will spend tomorrow working on the framing in our basement, which was also once again made easier by someone lending him a framing nailer that fit the nails Brady had from a previous time he had borrowed a nailer from someone else. So we literally have all of the materials and hardware we need at no extra cost! At least for today, haha! You never know what will come up tomorrow! But for today, I am SO thrilled for the amazing amount of help that Reid willingly offered us, and the amount of work they got done. Brady and I couldn’t have done those jobs without help, and now they are DONE! Hopefully we never ever have to move that tub out of the basement ever again. 😳 And by “we,” I mean “them.”

Seeing My Mom

I am extra fortunate to get to spend time with my mom more often than many. I know this. Yet sometimes I just ache to sit and spend time chatting with my mom. I miss her, even though I see her often. Just making up for lost time when we lived in Radisson 😉

She offered to come over this morning so I could take Dekker to school and then Laela to school without having to bring everyone with me. We visited and caught up during the hours of preschool, and then she hung out with the little boys again while I picked Laela up. It’s always so nice to have some help, though I can swing it all if need be, but the treat was just to have my mom around <3

During our chat, we covered kids, Christmas, plans for the week, etc. Its not as easy to talk when there are two needy little dudes roaming around, though, haha! Rowan wanted Grandma to read him every book we own (exaggeration, but still) and Solly was working on a poop that he just couldn’t get and therefore went back and forth from crying to snuggling and back to crying. The snuggles couldn’t be beat. Its like he knows I need to be cuddling a baby, so he’s staying a baby for a bit longer. Which I appreciate. Thank you, son.

I’m so happy we’ll get to spend yet another day together this week!! The kids and I are going to her house on Thursday and Brady is going to spend that day at our house, working on the basement framing! I’m SO excited that we’ll get a bit more done on the house, and I know Brady feels the same. The only flaw in the plan was that we need the tub down there!! We’re having friends over for brunch and Saturday and had hoped to rope one of them in to helping Brady get it down the stairs, but ideally it would already be in the basement before Thursday. Sooooo if anyone with BIG muscles wants to come carry a bathtub downstairs with my husband tonight or tomorrow, please let me know, haha! It needs two big muscly guys, or three pretty muscly guys. Brady is pretty dang muscly but cannot lift a tub/shower combo on his own. At least he’s a start!

I’m so excited for any and all of the work to begin!! I had so hoped to have our basement done before the end of the year, but I’m letting that dream go for now. It will get done as soon as it can.

Until then, I’ll continue puttering away at the small things I can control, and organizing the more reasonable areas of the house. Our kids toothbrush drawer won’t even know what hit it! Boom!

Settling Back In

Its so nice to be back home with our beautiful children, in our house, with our own beds, etc, food, etc. Yet today feels so scattered and off kilter!

Brady is at work, feeling fairly low, and I’m feeling quite heavy hearted as well. We’re both making a point to stay busy, he with his job and me with lots of messaging with friends, researching a few things, and playing with Laela while everyone else naps. Its a strange day, where it feels like its going fast and slow all at once. My mind is positively racing.

I think, no matter how hard I try, today’s post isn’t going to make sense. I don’t know if we feel so off because we had such a quiet, slow paced break and came home to the busyness of family. Is that a thing? It was only one night, but Brady and I are both reeling today.

It is only 1:00 and I am SO ready for bed! Oy!


Our Staycation

Brady and I are officially home again! We celebrated his birthday well, and are now completely tuckered out.

My parents came over Saturday afternoon and Brady and I left for the city. We checked in to our hotel (eek!) and spent a good chunk of the afternoon and evening Christmas shopping. Yes, I know, its October. But we are ahead of the game and very happy about it. We got lots done, ate some quick supper, and eventually made it back to our hotel.

I should just tell you guys, we took advantage of a deal I’ve been anticipating for months! I booked us the couples staycation package. It scored us the executive king room, which overlooked the river, the bridge, etc., and the fall colours in all their glory. With that, we also got two movie passes along with popcorn and a drink, and a nice late checkout at 2:00pm the next day. It. Was. Perfect.

Now, if you’ve been trying to go to a movie recently and you’re anything like us, nothing looks interesting. I’ve looked a couple of other times in the last couple of months and I just don’t like anything. However, lucky for us, the movie “Stronger” was playing. It was based on the Boston marathon bombing, and I liked the actors in it. The showtimes looked reasonable, until the Friday before we left. When the showtimes rolled over, there was only a single time for this movie, and it was at 10:30. We are old and crotchety by that time of night, but we decided to go for it. And it was worth it! The movie wasn’t the best I’ve seen, and there was a scene or two that were pretty unnecessarily indecent, if you ask me, but all things considered, it was a good choice. It wasn’t as gruesome and gory as I expected it would be, which was a relief.

It was so fun to be out, intentionally dating, holding hands and making memories, but we were solidly tired when we got back to our hotel. We cuddled up in bed and watched Big Bang Theory. It was pretty perfect.

We slept in this morning, and killed some more time watching our show and eating treats. Eventually, we wandered out for our free breakfast in the restaurant. Brady had a meat lovers skillet and I had eggs benny. We grossly over ate and went back to our room to lay in food comas in our bed. Eventually, we surfaced and decided to hit the pool. We had time, and it was deserted, so we went and enjoyed a quiet swim and chat. It was good to actually talk without wrestling a child or having to shout “what?” over the din of them playing or fighting or just generally living. After our swim, we packed, grabbed a coffee, and came home to party at my parents place with them and my brother’s family. It was busy and happy and celebratory. We have good people here.

I LOVE our life with kids, but I also love Brady, and our marriage. This weekend was so great, and I think Brady would agree. Everyone needs a weekend like this.

Brady and Hailey Turn 29!

Technically, my birthday was in July. But I choose not to make decisions based on a technicality. So Brady and I both age on his birthday 😂 Its ok, he accepts my terms.

That being said, today is the day to celebrate BRADY!

Brady is the ultimate husband. I want to say he is the BEST husband, because he loves his family unabashedly, he puts us first in every way he possibly can, and he works HARD. He is the best dad, husband, and friend. He is 100% involved in our life, meaning he cooks, cleans, does homework with Dekker, reads stories, plays on the floor, disciplines, challenges, and celebrates the little things alongside us. Nothing is just “a woman’s job.” He is in. And we appreciate him SO MUCH.

Since losing our baby boys, my love and appreciation for Brady has only gotten stronger. It may sound small to some, but Brady is 100% emotional available and emotionally involved in our family. That means the WORLD to me. I can cry, and he can cry, and we have each other. The safety and comfort in that cannot be beat.

On one hand, I say that Brady is the BEST husband. And on another hand, he really shouldn’t be. He is the example of how a husband should be. It shouldn’t be unheard of that a man participates in his family in these ways, and I am SO thankful my husband is one of the ones who does! I couldn’t ask for anything more.

Brady, I love you all the way. I hope you feel it. Through thick and thin, hubs. We’ve got this. ❤️