I thought it might be fun to just set the scene that I’m currently in, as a funny memory for me to look back on 🙂 Its totally normal, but I’m catching all of the cute things today, and I ALWAYS want to focus on the positive parts of the day!
I took everyone along to pick Dekker up from school, and we’re now all back home. Dekker unpacked his backpack (or packpack, if you’re one of my kids) and now, everyone is having a brain break, watching some tv. Please hold your judgement. I know it seems bad to plunk him in front of the tv upon arriving home, but he needs to just rest and come off the day. He is currently sharing a loveseat with Rowan, holding his newest toy car that he got from finishing a reading chart. He’s always very proud when he reaches that goal, and treasures the prize he gets. Rowan is beside him, cuddling his two stuffed foxies. Ro chose the show, so they’re watching Clifford. In the episode, Clifford is looking into other backyards around him, noticing the other dogs have stuffed toys, and that he doesn’t. Rowan mourned along with him, “He’s got no one to love…” It was pretty adorable. Clifford licked the window to get the attention of his owner, to which Dekker chastised “You’re not supposed to lick windows. That’s gonna be a problem.” Story of his life, apparently.
Laela is sitting in the one spot on the big couch that the tv can still be viewed from. Our Christmas tree has monopolized the rest of the space. What are you gonna do? She’s snuggled in a blanket, giggling quietly through the show. She napped after lunch, but you wouldn’t know based on how snuggled in she is right now.
Solly is walking around the living room, wearing only his diaper. I haven’t talked about it on here before, I don’t think, but Solly isn’t a great pooper :/ Poor kid will LOVE to read back on this one day. But he just isn’t. We’re always working on it, but its hard to force him to drink, because that he’s still pretty young and doesn’t exactly obey everything you say to him, at 18 months old. I can’t make him drink. So we’re constantly working on his diet and doing all of the things. But when he wears clothes, he struggles even harder to poop. Its just easier when its just a loose diaper. So every time I notice him starting to poop (for instance, the moment we got home from school) I strip him down. I fear I’m creating a naked pooper, but I suppose there could be worse things. So for now, he’s just walking laps around the living room, occasionally making a stop at one of the kids-sized recliners, where he sits and watches a minute or two of tv, before sauntering on again.
They’re all nice and occupied, and I’m SO tired, so I’m doing this. Blogging, playing some free cell, and drinking water. Do you remember a while ago, a friend of mine took some pictures of me? She came by again just a week or so ago, and some of the pictures she took are posted on her website, so that was a fun thing to wake up to, and to be looking through again now. I’m very much hoping there will be more to come along the way. 💜
So we’re relaxing. And I like it. Brady is working a full, long day today, and the five of us here at home are feeling sluggish. Hopefully that means we’ll be low key when he arrives home and not suuuuuper grouchy, haha! But until then, I’m enjoying the afternoon with my littles. With their inquisitive little eyes, soft little cheeks, and hilarious antics that I hope never ever stop. They’re SO good to be around. I’m so very blessed, and today its shining nice and bright and evident. Some days are so much harder, but this little soft setting right now is so sweet.