Thanks to the amazing people who put into our lives and helped with our kids this week, time has flown by yet again! The hard weeks tend to be the slow ones, and we have had a couple of ROUGH weeks i a row, but so many beautiful people have offered to help, without my asking, and it has helped tremendously! So thank you, friends, for all your care and love! Even just looking at the weeks to come, I have lots of help lined up, along with a handful of fun things to look forward to that. I’m hopeful that time will keep moving right along, and that I’ll enjoy the fast-moving days. That way, I can avoid wishing time away, yet it might not feel like
quite the eternity that is has up to this point. I’m so thankful for what and who I have 💕
Size Comparison: As usual, the baby’s size is variable. I just read online that her size is compared to a cantaloupe, but I just can’t picture the baby as a ball. So my app likens baby’s size to that of an eggplant or a GI Joe. Last week said a Barbie, so I guess a GI Joe is a bit bigger than a Barbie?? Beats me! What I can say, though, is that apparently this last week was a big one for Bambina, weight wise. While I haven’t had an ultrasound for 2.5 weeks to confirm, according to my app, baby gained about a quarter of a pound this week!!! She’s theoretically 1.25 – 1.5 lbs now!! CRAZY!
Appointments: I had an appointment with my new student doctor on Friday. I am happy to report that he is really loving his job, specifically the prenatal side of things. Its always good when your student doctor is gung ho to work with you, right? He was thorough in his questions, very positive, and knowledgable when I had questions. He was pretty relaxed with me, almost a bit too much, but I think that was just a personality thing, and I’d rather have him comfortable than uncomfortable and stiff. He was quick to print out my previous ultrasound report for my, too. Towards the end, when he went to bring Dr. Guselle in, he had clearly relayed back to her our entire conversation, and she confirmed everything had been done right and well. Notable things in the appointment were that my blood pressure is still nice and low, my weight is still doing what its supposed to and I’ve gained a little, baby is growing at the “normal” rate and had a good strong heart rate, and I’m coping well with my anxiety and nerves. Everything appears to in order.
How am I feeling emotionally: My general anxiety has been amped these last weeks, but mostly about other things. Still, its not great. Regarding my pregnancy, I don’t anticipate its going to ever just be gone. My fears rise more than I care to admit, but they do. I can’t imagine how I’d keep moving if we lost her now, or ever… But I feel some peace, suddenly, knowing that its completely out of my hands. Everything that can be monitored from here on earth seems to be in order. If she dies, she will. While I HATE that I can’t protect her anymore than I already am, its just simply what we’re dealing with in our life. Its not up to me. That both relaxes and infuriates me. I really, really hope she lives.
How am I feeling physically: I’m feeling ok, actually! According to the apps, I’m actually supposed to be feeling a lot worse than I am! I do have reflux, but its managed. I have a sore lower back, but thats not uncommon, and is also helped along with my soaks and physio. As for my pelvic stuff, as I mentioned a while back, my physio is really paying off and making a significant difference! I have less pain these days than I have in a long time, though the sore days really take their toll on me now that I’m not as used to them! Haha! This morning has been a weird one, where I’m not in very much pain at all, but everything is very loose! Like VERY! Every time I shift, my pelvis cracks and pops, but so far my pubic bone hasn’t separated today, and THAT is the one that REALLY hurts!! Lets hope the day continues this way!
Wish Lish/Purchases: As you know, I have wish lists, and they keep growing!! Jerilee and I finally booked our annual girls trip to Edmonton, so hopefully I’ll get to knock a few things off that list while we’re there! Maaaybe the diaper bag I’ve been wanting for literal years. Maaaybe the few little articles I keep staring at from Old Navy. Maaaybe decorations for the baby party. Maaaybe another pair of Gap maternity jeans. We’ll have to see, haha! I feel like that list just spend all of my fun money…
Pictures: Cher and I got to this month of pictures on Friday, so this is what I’m looking like, give or take a few days 😉 I’m not actually always this strange…

Who am I kidding? Its not that uncommon actually. But here are some normal ones for the normal folks.

And this was the part where I tickled Laela until she peed. My bad.

How are the kids feeling: Dekker’s face is usually stuffed into my belly, talking to the baby. Most of the time, I don’t even hear what he’s saying, but I really love when he does it! The kids biggest concern about her arrival, recently, is where she will sit at the table. Just wait until we have to pick a place for her in the van!! I see that starting a brawl.
Getting to know the baby: I like to think Bambina and I are pretty in sync. As I sit here and think about her, I’m realizing I haven’t felt her move much, or at all, today. As I ponder it, she gives me a swift kick in the belly thats so strong, I see it out of the corner of my eye. But thats it. No more since I kept typing. She stops moving when really anything changes. But she tends to give me a little boot when I’m thinking of her. Like she’s thinking of me, too. Maybe there’s already that mutual love there. I know she has mine!
The BEST part of being pregnant: I think one of the BEST parts of being pregnant is being able to insist on a soak in the tub every night. I can justify it, because my body really does need it. I can feel a huge difference the morning after a night where I skipped the bath. Its very beneficial to me, and in turn, for my family who I need to function for! So I LOVE needing a bath every single night. Sure, throw some bubbles or a bath bomb in there. An exfoliating body scrub? Sure, why not make it a full pampering session! It helps with your bathtub also rocks.
Favourite thing: Since I’ve already listed my bathtub as my favorite thing on here, I’m going with my coffee creamer! This seems like a small thing, but since Bambina has allowed me to have coffee again, I am SUCH a fan of my double double creamer!

I know, its not good for you, but its delicious, and a one stop shop for a yummy creamy, sweet coffee. I don’t promise it makes your coffee taste like a Tim Hortons double double, but its pretty smooth! I highly recommend this stuff! Be warned, though, if Superstore has a sale, this stuff is GONE! And its possible we were the ones to buy it all! Its so yummy! Highly recommend, 10/10.
This week is beautifully filled with activities, including seeing some friends, helping at preschool, having some help in the house, getting my wax, nails, and hair ALL done, and all kinds of other things. I anticipate it moving quickly and being fun! Thats the goal. Now if today’s snow would just quit already, and spring could actually make it through, I’d be aaaaall the way happy! Bike ride requests. All. Day. Long.