What is it about the third trimester that feels like a breath of fresh air? I can’t put my finger on it, but there is something different about it. I know things can still go awry, but I can’t live waiting for the worst to happen, so instead I’ll just keep praying and hoping for the best!
Size Comparison: This weeks baby size comparisons are bizarre. The most “normal” one is a coconut, which, I’m sorry, but I just don’t get. My baby is not a ball. Nor is she a rollerblade. Nor is she some upsetting combination of a porcupine/hedgehog/anteater. Google says she’s an eggplant. Guys, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m pretty sure she resembles a small scale baby…
Appointments: I had an appointment on Friday with my student doctor and family doctor. I had previous weighed myself at my parents and was a bit shocked at how much I’d gained in the last month, but thank goodness it was just a difference of scales! I’m not paying close attention to food or intentionally a certain way. Just going about life as always, eating at normal times, snacking when needed, etc. and I have only gained two pounds in the last month. That brings my weight gain up to 9 lbs thus far, which I’m happy with 🙂 Beyond that, at my appointment I got results from my previous blood work that showed that I do not have gestational diabetes, and that my vitamin D level is actually normal for the first time in the history of as far back as I can remember. However, the finger poke they did there in the office showed me to have low hemoglobin. Since cold hands can cause an incorrect reading, and I had just washed my hands, I was sent back to the blasted blood clinic for more blood work. Merp. Ah well, one must know about their iron levels whilst pregnant. Its important. Did that today. So we shall see if I need an iron boost or not. Whatever Bambina needs!
How am I feeling emotionally: I think I’m levelling off a little bit, in a good way. I’m finding myself in a place that feels reasonable to start really expecting this kid to come. Could I still have the rug pulled out from under me? Absolutely. But again, I can’t live like that. So instead, I’m letting myself get excited and anticipate her birth and bringing her home. My “hopefullys” are turning into “probablys.” It feels good.
How am I feeling physically: My lower back has been positively screaming at me for the last week or so. I thought I had maybe just overdone it last weekend but its not letting up. Last time it hurt this way, it turned out that my pelvis was way out of place. In the last day or two, my pain is escalating and radiating into my legs, so I think its the same story. I’ll be trying to get in to see my chiropractor as soon as humanly possible. My reflux is amping, also, but I’m still below my max dose of Zantac, so thats a positive. I can’t tell I’m reaching that point, though, where I’m going to have to go up in that :/ Merp. But in the big picture, thats a pretty small problem.
Wish Lish/Purchases: This category is fun this week! Just today, Brady and I bought a pile of fake flowers for a specific part of Bambina’s party decor. It felt SO good to actually get our hands on the beginnings of the party supplies! We also made a little Home Depot purchase to hopefully complete a small project before she’s born, and I’m SO stoked about it! I’m not going to talk in detail about it, in case it doesn’t happen, but I really think it will, and you guys will definitely know! Lastly, we were in the mall today and I lamented about the diaper bag I’ve been eyeing for literal years as we walked past it in the store. I learned then that Brady had never actually seen it, so we ducked in. He is in full support of getting it, which is SO exciting! We didn’t buy it today, because its cheaper on Amazon, but I think we’ll finally foot that bill and get a brand new diaper bag!!! Eek!
Pictures: Sooooo I dropped the ball and I don’t have a picture of the bumpity bump! I should’ve taken one yesterday when I was actually put together and felt cute. But I’m currently snuggled up in bed, have no pants on, and am not photo ready. But here is a picture of the pretty flowers we bought today!!

That counts, right?? We need some more yellow and white in there…
How are the kids feeling: Dekker has taken to making cards for her. There are many scattered around the kitchen and my bedroom. I’m trying to save them all for her but its getting tricky.

The kids also talk constantly talk about taking her to the lake. I love the general feeling behind that – that they love the lake and want to share one of their favorite places with their little sister. She will truly be the icing on the cake of summer!
Getting to know the baby: The other day I made a joke at her expense, and she head-butted my cervix. 😔 I learned my lesson. At least she’s been hanging out head down for the most part!
The BEST part of being pregnant: I LOVE that as Bambina grows, she is easier for others to feel. Its not like many people have taken the time to put their hand on her and wait for her to move, but the other day, I jokingly walked up to my mom, who was sitting, and just poked my belly into her head. She lovingly leaned into it and rested her head on my belly while chatting with Bambina, and baby girl responded and wiggled for her. I love that. I LOVE when other people can participate, even in these small ways.
Favourite thing: Stir fry!!! I think we eat stir fry more than we eat anything else these days. And it is SO SO GOOD! I always wanted to be a stir fry person, but we tried out so many different sauces until we settled in on one that we like, and conveniently, it claims to be the BEST! Lol! I’d call it basic, but sure.

I should say, we don’t make it exactly the same. We don’t have sesame seed oil or rice vinegar, and our ginger is powder, but its all good still. Also, we double it up so we can stretch it out over the ridiculous amount of rice we make. Combined with some stir fry beef and a bag of Green Giant frozen veggies, its stinking delicious! Its possible we eat it out of the bowls that are larger than cereal bowls… Like think medium sized mixing bowls.
Overall, this has been a big week. There have been SO many tragedies recently, widespread and also close to home, and I’m just so grateful to have a healthy little baby girl within my body who is as safe as possible. She is good. I can focus on other things. I finally feel like I have the headspace for it, and that has come at exactly the right time! As always, Gods timing makes so much more sense than our own!