Over the last week or so, I’ve been overwhelmed with our house getting a bit too messy and out of control. Its not actually super bad, but was growing more and more cluttered. Wavy sleeps in her cradle in our walk-in closet, so we’re quicker to leave clothes lying around rather than putting them where they belong, since Wavy still sleeps so much. So our room and en suite is a MESS. That, plus the boi water advisory last week set us back in doing dishes, and its just taking a while to catch up from that, so the kitchen is a mess. Aaaaand with Dekker being back in school, his leaves ALL of his little papers on the island, so that’s a mess too!! Gah!!! It was TIME to fix this place up!
So today has turned into a bit of a work day! Laundry is going, and there is a LOT to do! We have a load of Dekker and Rowan’s clothes, one for Solly and the girls, one for all of Wavy’s receiving blankets, one for Brady’s and my jeans and hoodies, one for our tshirts and lighter stuff, and we have four kids worth of bedding to wash, too. So like I said, there’s a lot. So thats currently whirring away. Brady cleaned off the island and is working to get all the kids important papers and stuff from over the summer filed away, and making a space for Waverly in there, too. I unpacked the dishwasher and did a lot that was legit only travel mugs, bottles, and ziploc containers. Does anyone else always leave tupperware and stuff like that for “the next load” and then it just lives on the counter for days and days? Thats what I do! But they’re all washed up now! I still hope to clean out the dishwasher and do one more load of dishes today to get the remaining pots off my counter, plus the dishes we’ve dirtied up today. Some days I wish we could just use disposable dishes and call it good.
My dryer just sang its little ditty, FINALLY, so I’m going to go switch it out!
Boom. Switched. Plenty more to go!
What do you guys think? One big laundry day every week, or a little bit of laundry every day?