I go all different ways on this subject. I don’t see any shame in having a preference. I’ve had one from time to time, even. But other times, I truly haven’t cared. Its gone something like this.
Our first time around, I wasn’t concerned AT ALL about the gender, but I thought we were having a girl. And then we found out he was a boy! And we were elated! Because FIRST BABY!!!
Second time around, I really hoped for a girl. And I got her!
Third time around, I super didn’t care at all, and we had a boy!
Fourth time around, I guess maybe I would have preferred a girl (??) but I knew right off the hop that we were having a boy, so I never entertained the mindset of “evening the score.”
Our next pregnancy, I knew in my gut we were having a boy again, right off the hop. That pregnancy ended too early to have the gender confirmed, but if you’ve been around for a while, you know I confidently say “he” about him.
My following pregnancy also ended in loss, and again, as you know, we had another boy! But I swore he was a girl the entire time!
This last pregnancy, I was sure we were carrying a boy, and it was very likely because we had FOUR in a row there!! I was positive our fifth baby was destined to be a boy, and I was totally happy with that! I was joyfully expecting a boy, and was blown away to find it was actually a girl! A very happy surprise!
So like I’ve said, sometimes I cared and preferred, and sometimes I didn’t. And like EVERY mother will say to ANYONE on the subject, it was so unimportant because I would LOVE whoever came out of me to the ends of the earth, regardless of their gender.
When we told the world Solly’s gender, we had a few people apologize. Literally. “Oh sorry, guys! You were probably hoping for another girl.” And in the moment, I found that SUPER off putting. Don’t apologize for my son!!! I was incredibly clear around that time that I was so grateful to be able to experience having both a daughter and a son, and that if I never ever had another girl, and I went on to have ten more boys, I was thrilled with my little girl! She was all the little girl I would ever need!
Something about that made me almost forget that I could have another girl. I never really pictured what two girlies would look like in our family. But I am LOVING every minute of it!
I know we’re sort of on the “big family” track, yet I know its possible that my children may make different choices than I have. And thats FINE! But Laela insists she wants to have babies, and hopes so much to have a big family 🙂 She’s going to ace it, when the times comes.
I know there will be days that they’ll fight and I’ll tear my hair out over my girlies, but I feel SO fortunate to have my two girlies. And my three little boys, for that matter! And for whoever else is still to come 🙂