So I’ll start this off by saying that this is another guest post. Hailey does not love winter. In fact, she despises it. That fact that she still lives in Canada is a little surprising considering how much she dreads the first snow, and how permanently cold she is all through winter. But I love her despite the fact that she loathes winter. And she loves me despite the fact that I LOVE it!
I (this is Brady by the way) realized a long time ago that I just got happier every year when it would get down below zero for good and we got our first snow that didn’t melt away the next day. I know, I’m a weirdo. And it’s not like I enjoy being cold, I’m just not bothered by it. So before I start explaining things that I really want to write about separately, here we go.
4 Reasons that I LOVE winter!
1 – Crisp Air – You know when you walk out your front door and take a your first real breath outside and you gasp and lose your breath because it’s just so gosh darn cold? I love that. I try to recreate it a second and third time when it happens to me. It’s so refreshing, like a cold glass of water for my lungs. And the way it nips at your face? Ah. perfect. It’s made it extra fun since I grew a big beard because now i can watch out of the corner of my eye as my face slowly turns white with frost.
2 – Driving – I know most people hate driving in the winter but I find it so enjoyable. I took every chance I got to stunt and do donuts whilst winter driving in my teens and early twenties. Surprising right? Haha Nope! Not surprising. I had a Camaro from the 80s. I was THAT young punk! So I got nice and comfortable driving a vehicle when conditions are less than optimal. And I enjoy the challenge, that it makes me pay attention, that blizzards add and element of not knowing what to expect as I drive to work. It makes driving more fun for me.
3 – Solitude – A small part of the reason I enjoy going to work so blindingly early everyday is because I know I’ll be the only one there for at least an hour, maybe longer. I get that same feeling during the winter. People are less likely to be our and around when it’s -30. Everyone stays inside where it’s cozy and warm. Understandably. I like being out doing things, by myself. I’m an introvert and while I’ve learned how to be a decent conversationalist and somewhat outgoing with people I know, I much prefer to be alone or just with my lovelies. When I was growing up on a farm as a preteen, I lived for when I got home from school and could drop my backpack in the back door and take my sled or crazy carpet and go wander the hills and pastures behind my house looking for a new hill to fly down.
4 – Coming Inside – Don’t you just love coming back inside after being in the cold for a while? After shovelling the driveway? Or spending the morning snowboarding because skiing is for suckers? Or going for walk while pulling the kids on a sled? To peel off all the layers of winter gear you had on, straighten out your wrinkled sweats and go find a place to thaw the chubby red ice cubes you used to call toes. It’s just perfect. Maybe grab an extra cup of coffee or hot chocolate to warm your tum? I’m gettin all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it.
I think I’m gonna wrap it up there with four. The kids are in bed and I’m gonna enjoy a bit of supper before I head outside in the currently -22 degree weather to work on my van. And enjoy all these things I just told you about. 🙂
Stay warm everyone.